Mending Eachother ✔

By mash_kookie

139K 8.7K 3.3K

~☆ a story that revolves around an anonymous gangster and an abandoned innocent soul. the broken souls needs... More

Welcome 🎈
1|Shut the fu** up.
2|My first loss.
4|Familiar pair of eyes.
5|Totally despondent
6|Why again?
7|In shock
8|Endorsing silently
9|Laila! listen to me.
11|Blew off
12|In shock?
13|That I didn't expect.
14|Malignant Bastard.
15|Totally confused.
16|Entering the hell.
17|How come it's possible?
18|Her bad luck.
19|Startled by the scenario.
20|What's going on?
21|What I'm gonna do now?
22| Time for some fun.
23|How could he?
24|Ohh shoot! Feelings, they're coming back.
25|What's more to come now?
26|What's gonna happen next?
A Message
27|I hate you!
28|Crossing the boundaries.
29|Silence before the storm.
Sorry|Not an update.
Wait is over.
30|Was Harris changing?
31|Not without any purpose.
32|That's life.
33|Bad luck
Sorry|Not an update.
34|A bigger thriller
What's your favourite word?
35|It's coming.
Happy New year.
36|Disclosing the secrets.
37|The Past.
Author's Note.
38| The Past (2)
Author's note: Army spotted.
39|Open to truths of life.
Author's note: so it's all out.
40|She is back!
41|And the tables turned.
42|I found my happiness
BONUS: Don't miss

3|Oh No, Not again!

3.3K 238 86
By mash_kookie

Like a butterfly she opened her wings to fly.
Like a rainbow she sparkled after the rain.
He adored her beauty letting his heart fall more for her charm.
He felt her warmth around him.


Happy reading. 🎈


Harris POV:

Rubbing my temples in circular motion I cascaded down the stairs and walked to the breakfast table where everyone was gathered, what, haven't dad and bhai (big brother) gone to office yet?

"Morning", I mumbled when I sat on one of the chair.

"You're up already?" There was sarcasm in Adam, my brother's tone but like always I handled it with just a fake smile.

"Harris you have to join the office this week and it's my order", I didn't even put the bread piece in my mouth and dad came up with those nightmare talks.

I just threw the bread piece on the table and closed my eyes to suppressed my anger. I have already told him that I don't wanna do that but he never understands, I have told him that I haven't got cent percent interest in these shitty business things but he wanted me like big brother and apart from that I have a lot to deal in my underworld business. Damn!

"Stop showing your anger", dad raised his voice and I rose from my chair kicking it back, it fell with a loud thud. I saw their eyes darting to me and glaring at me. Mom let out a gasp but I was in no mood to see anyone. I grabbed by car keys and walked out, they didn't even call me becuase they knew I won't listen. I kicked bhai's car, he's the reason dad keeps pressurising me for those sh*t work.

Reason, reason, Ahh that pathetic girl from the last night crossed my mind uplifting my anger more and more.

I shrugged my shoulders and slipped into my car driving to Zaid's, atleast he's a welcoming man.

"What can I do, they fu****g don't understand", I was laying upside down on his couch when his maids came with breakfast. My stomach growled on witnessing food.

"Thanks man, you're awesome", I just smiled unknowingly which I don't do often. He smiled back and we savoured into the heavenly food.

Laila POV:

My hand was still aching due to his vulnerable grip from last night, I couldn't even clean the table properly and I got scolded twice for not focusing on my work. Who was that beastly cloying man? Harris, I loathed his existence. He added more miseries to my already miserable life. Ohh ALLAH, I wish I never encounter that man again in my whole life, Ameen. I let out a silent prayer but he was not leaving my mind. Ughhh!


The class bell rung indicating the end of the period and I gathered my stuffs to leave for my library job, it takes me 25 mins to reach the public library from my university.

"Hey Laila?" Sajid, my classmate came up to me, he was the bad boy of our institute and I knew he only talks to other person when he's in need while others had some great thoughts about him in their minds.

"Yes?" I kept my gaze glued on my bag where I was stuffing my stuffs.

"Wanna go for coffee this evening?" He actually asked me out and my hands stopped in mid tracks. My sister, Sanah turned around and gave us a glance, more like a glare. She was madly in love with this bad boy, I have severally warned her to steer clear from him but like every one at home I was the first one in her ignorance list.

"What do you want?" I didn't pay much heed to his words and mumbled my question, now everyone in class was eyeing us intently, especially the girls.

"Come on, don't question back", he leaned back to the desk and folded his hands over his chest.

"No, I'm busy", there was an eerie silence when I denied his offer, OMG, I fu****g denied the college most handsome hunk and bad body's offer. Shoot and stop Laila no cursing.

"You said NO to me?" He seemed hurt but I passed him a small smile.

"Yes", I patted his shoulders and walked out.

"You're selfish", he shouted from the back of the class, I just stood in my tracks for few seconds glancing him through my shoulders before walking out, I was running short of time and I had no time for that sh*t. Okay sorry again for swearing.


Harris POV:

I was laying on the couch in the lounge when dad and Adam bhai walked inside the house talking something business I guess. I just kept my gaze on my phone.

"So from tomorrow", dad smiled to Adam bhai when I scrunched my eyebrows, what's tomorrow?

"Hope the students treat you well", dad patted his shoulder and walked back to study, bhai nodded and took strides to the stairs but my voice halted him in his tracks.

"Bhai?" I called him out and he turned around keeping his angry young man look on his sharp face, he was indeed handsome.

"Where are you going tomorrow?" I asked him when he stuffed his hands in his pants pockets and leaned against the banister.

"Why?" He asked the most irritating question, I rolled my eyes still chewing my gum with loud noises.

"Come on", I provoked him by smirking, he had warned me thousandth time not to smirk in front of him, he simply hated that.

"University", he mumbled while turning around.

"Again?" I laughed but his scowl killed my laughter though I was still smirking.

"For teaching", he said with so much pride in his tone, why he always opt such hectic and useless jobs.

"Will there be girls?" I asked him while getting up from the couch and pushed my feet in my slippers.

"Since when you get interested in girls?" He asked this time smirking himself.

"New interest", I kept the smug look on my face.

"I won't take you there", he read my thoughts, ughh, damn.

"Please bhai, just one time, I'm so bored at home", I walked to him and stood really close with an innocent look.





"Fine", he gave up as always and I smiled in victory.

"Stubborn boy", he mumbled and walked back to his room, no matter how much in bad terms we're, we did share some special siblings bond, weird right. Okay whatever!

Laila POV:

Today dadi (grandmother) came to our house for dinner along with aunts and uncles and their dozens of kids.

I just returned from my work and my cruel of a family was in no mood to sympathise me. Well luckily today that cafe where I work at night was closed due to some reason so I thought that tonight I would rest but I would be the most unlucky in this aspect. Sh*t.

"Do all the dishes and enrich the table with the food", mom instructed me as if I was her maid and left me in kitchen with other maids in whose eyes I always find pity for me. Even they have heart and not my family, to hell with this family.

"Ohh bad omen come here", my cousin brother shouted when I was placing the bowl on the table, I just rolled my eyes and ignored him.

"What happened to the bad luck?" Their sarcastic laughs mingled in the air joined by the elders, shameless people they were. I disdained their taunts and walked back to the kitchen wiping off some tears trailing down my cheeks.

Their chattering were echoing, I was never the part of their gathering and today that grandmother of them gave them a privilege to taunt me till I die. That woman hated me from the core of her heart. I had no idea why maybe due to their ill-literate thoughts that I was the reason behind all the mishaps on the day I born. Uggh!

I ate the food in the kitchen and slowly walked out to my room hiding myself from their eyes in best way possible until I grabbed my stuffs and put them in my knapsack. I dropped the bag on my shoulders and walked out of the house from backdoor, I was in no mood to face that cruel family of mine again.


Laila POV:

I sat on my usual spot hoping that today the player would come, I rested my head on the wall for a while trying to calmed down my unsteady breaths when the notes came out of the window mingling with air. My eyes shot open. Today he's so early, it's not even 1 yet. Ohh GOD but still yay, I felt a sudden exhilaration. I took out my sketching book and a pencil, humming along with the notes I drew a scenery of a family becuase I was deprived of having one despite having one, strangest thing it was. Poor me I guess.

That melodious movement of keys didn't halt in 20 minutes instead it kept continue, my ecstasy amplified. I passed silent prayers to the player as I was in need of more warmth and he gave me some extra as bonus.

A last dot on the page and the sound died simultaneously. Great, what a timing. I smiled and wrapped up my stuffs until I heard some juggling of keys. Ohh no, what if he came out and saw me. I ran to one of the tree and hide myself behind it. A guy in black hood came out, it was so dark to even see his face properly, he moved his head sideways as if looking for someone and then ducked his head down and jogged to his car.

Phewww! I let out a long sigh and straightened my hair before walking along the pavement back to my room sweet room.


Writer POV:

He slipped off the car with Adam and rolled his eyes when Adam put a bundle of papers in his hands.

"Hold this Mr. Assistant", Adam smirked and Harris scowled at him.

He was trailing behind his big brother whistling the tune he played last night. She was dumping those thick books in her locker when someone passed behind her whistling that tune which seemed so familiar. She turned her head and eyed the back of two tall, well builded guys in formals who were walking away from her with all the eyes in the hallways on them. Who were they she wondered.

"Welcome class", Adam entered the class where he was greeted by bunch of grown up kids.

The jaws of all the girls technically hit the ground below on coming across such fine creation of GOD. He leaned against the table and passed them a contagious smile making all the girls flattered by his looks.

She lifted her eyes from the book and something clicked her mind, he looked so much familiar, like whom she couldn't conclude but she was also flattered by such good looking man and blushed halting her eyes on her book.

"Well I'm your new economics teacher, hope to have a great response from you guys", he said with a warm smile followed by the loud yes and aww by the girls, boys however kept quiet eyeing that handsome man with narrowed eyes, probably getting jealous.

Even his voice seemed so familiar, she was trying to calculate in her mind where she had seen that man.

"Let me introduce you all to my assistant, Mr. Harris who will deal with any of your problems in my absence", he announced and her pencil dropped off her hand, that name, something's fishy.

She lifted her eyes and they almost plopped out of her sockets upon coming across the man she least expected to encounter. His eyes were roaming the class when she ducked down in order to pick her pencil and dodge his eyes.

"What is he doing here?" She mumbled to herself feeling her palms sweaty.

"Mr. Harris take your seat", Adam said with so much respect making Harris to crocked his eyebrows with a smirk, he felt the lingering gaze of those pretty girls on him, he was honestly enjoying their stares.

"That miss who's crouching on the floor, we will start introduction with you" Adam pointed Laila and her heart picked a beat. Oh no.

"Come on, let's start", Adam seemed joyous but Laila couldn't stand however she had to.

She slowly stood up and Harris eyes were narrowed on her figure but before he could see her face his phone buzzed off, he excused himself and left. She let out a loud sigh and stood straight introducing herself. 

She kept praying the whole time for him not to return and kept wondering what game the fate was playing that they met again.

The bell rung off and the class dismissed, each girl in the class gave a final glance to that new majestically suave man before stepping out of the room.

"Sir?" She called him out.

"Yes?" He turned to face her with a smile, her hazel eyes caught his attention, they were beautiful.

"I have a question", she said and he nodded trying best to avert his gaze off her eyes.

After a little talk she thanked him and turned around but eventually bumped into the man she least expected to face now.

His eyes lingered on her face with anger raising while hers got wider with ultimate fear reflecting from her hazel orbs.

Oh no, not again!


Ouch! Who's that she bumped into? Any idea?

Well Adam, he seemed quite calm and good. Okay let's wait for another chapter.

Fine first tell how's this chapter.

And I want to thank you all for your great responses, I'm so glad and happy. Yayyyyy 💃💃💃

I want to dance. 🙈😆😆

Your support made my book to reach #343 in Spiritual. It's like and achievement and I'm so honoured. Yippee. 🎈

People I'll be glad if you all will recommend my books to your friends and I hope like your infinite support you all will help me in it.
I'll be more than grateful.

Thanks alot.

Loads of love for you all.

Keep smiling.

The writer.

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