Stronger(Fifth Harmony/You)

By Maclue

85.7K 2.4K 736

You trusted them with your fragile heart which has been broken before.They mend it but they just broke it mor... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Important A/N
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Another Important A/N
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Please Read!
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
About the Departure of Camila
Merry Christmas 🎄
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Another Important A/N
Chapter 33
Something important
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
New book!
Last Important A/N
Chapter 38
Chapter 40 - Final Chapter
My Birthday
I'm back

Chapter 39

871 27 22
By Maclue

A/N: Now my beautiful readers I know how much you want an action pack chapter so I am giving you one. This chapter is filled with blood and action so if you're sensitive to that don't read. And another thing I am so proud of Lauren's song with Halsey it is a beautiful song then there's Ally's song with Lost the Kings which is lit as fuck then Camila's solos which is just Awesome.


Betrayal. No matter how many times people do this to me I will never get used to the feeling of hopelessness and the bitter taste that left its mark on my heart especially when people I loved do it to me.

I could feel the water entering my mouth as I sunk deeper in the deepest part of the pool. I didn't made any move to escape my oncoming drowning instead I embrace it with open arms or in my case a open mouth.

I could feel my vision blurring into a daze as more and more water enter my system. I could feel a burning sensation but it isn't pain but instead it felt like...peace. A peace where I stop worrying about anything and everything.


I heard a distant splash but I didn't pay any heed of it as I wait for my death. I could feel death coming to me like a bee to its sweet honey.


I feel two pairs of hands wrapped themselves around my waist as the person drag me back to hell. I tried to struggle free but it was difficult since my consciousness is wearing thin.

My eyes are close as the person rolled me back to dry land. Two hands push my chest back and forth desperately. My chest heave back and forth while the person kept doing CPR.

"Damn it! Wake up! " That voice belong to a person who wouldn't even think twice before putting a bullet between my head. "I am so gonna regret this. "

Wet cold but soft lips encase between mine as air came from the unfamiliar mouth.

"Breathe Damn it! " The voice shouted desperately. As the hard thumps on my chest and the air coming from the mouth force the water from my lungs to wet the grass beside me. I spat the water as I breathe in and out deeply.

"Thank God you're all right. " My savior whispered.

Violet eyes is the first thing I see as I open my brown ones. My mind is still out of it as Violet help me into a sitting position.

"Haha! Good thing you wore that bulletproof jacket or you would have died. " Chrissy grinned as she approach me with a predatory gaze. "I wouldn't want that to happened to my boyfriend now, do we? "

"Why? " I felt myself ask the question but my voice didn't seem like mine.

"Hmm, why? " Chrissy tap her chin in fake thought. "I would tell you darling but it's not my place to. "

I stood up directly and push away Violet's helping hand as I approach Chrissy. "I FUCKING DESERVE A DAMN EXPLANATION CHRISSY!!! "

Chrissy laugh. "You deserve an explanation? Ha! That's the most funniest thing I have ever heard. "

I could feel my whole body twitch in anger as my fist clench so tight until I felt blood drip from my palm.

"I deserve an explanation. " I said as my voice went deeper and deeper into the unknown. I stood face to face with Chrissy. "Now! "

Chrissy shook her head. "You have bigger problems. " Chrissy pointed to her far right and this time I saw everybody in their knees with men and women behind their backs rifles aim in their heads. Violet hid behind my back her hand shaking.

"Let them go! " I growled.

"Hmm let me think about it..." She look up at the dark sky before looking back at me. "Nope, not happening baby. "

In a quick motion I had my left hand pointed the blade at Chrissy's throat.

"Let them go. " I whisper in her ear as I press the blade closer to her throat.

"I have another surprise babe. " With a flick of her finger two of her people brought more like drag a person who has a black sack over their head. "Take the sack off now boys. "

Her people rip off the sack and what laid underneath it is a bloodied and beaten Lauren.

"Surprise! " Chrissy said in pure glee. "She and the rest of your cheating ex's are alive but...unfortunately due to..." she pause. "reasons she was the only one who could stand and in the right mind to talk. "

Kill them. All of them.

I don't know why but my wrist started to twitch and itch. I could feel the familiar pump of adrenaline in my body as my mind started to fog.

"Uh-huh hurt me and they all die. " Chrissy gave my cheek a kiss as she skip over to Lauren who is slump over a broken down wall. "Wake up Bitch. " Chrissy slap Lauren's cheek hard.

My fist clench harder.

Lauren only moan in pain as a response.

"I said wake up! " This time Chrissy punch Lauren hard.

I clench my fist tight as I approach them in quick steps with Violet trailing behind me. Two huge guards at least 6'9 block my way.

Another hard hook from Chrissy woke Lauren up.

"Finally! " Chrissy exclaim. "Y/N was getting reckless waiting for you. "

At the mention of my name Lauren perk up as she look for me. Her dull tired eyes met mine and I am positive it sparkle as they met mine.

"Y/N..." Lauren croak out. She tried to stand but she fall face first to the ground.

I push both guards but not a second later they push me harder sending my ass to the hard ground. Violet help me back up as I watch Chrissy mock Lauren.

"Not so strong now Jauregui. " Chrissy mock as Lauren try to crawl towards me. "Awe look at you! So pathetic. " Chrissy shook her head as she stood over Lauren.

Chrissy look at me before giving me a wink. She raise her leg and stomp Lauren's left leg making her scream bloody murder.

My breathing turn erratic as my wrist itch intensified. I didn't know why but the blood leaking from my cut palm made me smile.

Kill them.

I could not remember anything after that thought but the screams of mercy that echoed in the silent night.

Third Person (P.O.V)

Y/N walk over to the guards with a menacing smile.

"Let me pass. " Y/N said with his hands behind his back his lips curving into a smile.

The guards look at each other before laughing out loud.

"Get out of here kid! " The guard's voice boom.

"Suit yourself. " Y/N crooked smile was the last thing the guards saw.

"That was fun. " Y/N looked at the blood seeping through the granite floor. He wants to kill more and more. He wants to make them all bleed.

From afar Skylar and her friends look at Y/N in pure shock as Y/N stab those guards straight in their neck with perfect precision. Violet tried to fight the guards but more and more kept coming until they finally restrain her next to her family.

"Kill him if you can. " Chrissy ordered. She could feel her heart beating faster but it was not out of fear but instead in joy.

The plan is going perfectly. She thought in her head as she left the mansion with Skylar and her friends.

"What did you do to him?! " Skylar spat as the rest of her group are push into the van.

Chrissy smirk. "His demons took over. "

Screams of horror echoed around the mansion as Y/N kills everyone of the thugs who was ordered to kill him. Stab after stab of the blade in his wrist the demon inside him grew stronger and stronger.

"Please no more! " The man beg as he crawl backward his eyes look at the man in front of him in horror.

Y/N stood from head to toe covered in blood. His eyes shining in pure gold as he look over at the man. Y/N felt no pity or remorse for the man in front of him.

"Why should I show you any mercy? When nobody ever gave me any." Y/N gave the man a wicked smile.

The man didn't even get to reply before Y/N stick the blade in his stomach. The man's scream echoed throughout the silent night. Y/N licks his lip in pure ecstasy.

This is to good

Y/N close his eyes as he push the knife deeper and deeper in the man's stomach. The man's blood soaked Y/N's hand as Y/N pull back his hand. The blood drip down to the blood soak floor.

"Please s-stop. " A tear slipped out of the man's dull eyes.

Y/N smiled at the weak man in front of him.  "Your pathetic. "

Again and again Y/N stab the man relentlessly. The man's scream finally died out as Y/N finally end his suffering by a slit on the throat.

"Y/N..." A weak voice said from behind.

Y/N heard the voice but his eyes is focused on the small blade he held. Red blood drip down from top to bottom.

"Y/N. " This time the voice sounded closer.

Y/N smiled as a drop of blood touch his finger.

Their screams are my drug of ecstasy

"Y/N please. " The voice pleaded.

Y/N couldn't stop looking at his masterpiece or what people may say dead bodies. Their pleas are what made him laugh, their screams made his body and mind go high in pure pleasure, then his favorite part is when their final glance at life it just made his heart dance in pure joy knowing he is the last person they will ever see.

"Y/N STOP! " This time the voice grab Y/N and turn him around. Dark green eyes met his gold eyes.

Lauren stifle a gasp at his eyes and the blood that filled his whole body.

"Y/N..." Lauren didn't know what to say or do.

Y/N look at Lauren with a predatory gaze that made Lauren took a step back as she balance on her good leg that is not broken.

"Pretty girl.  " Y/N smiled. "Pretty victim. "

Y/N advance closer as his eyes shone brighter at his next victim. Lauren took multiple steps backward until she slip on her broken leg. She yelped in pain just as Y/N straddle her the blade dangerously close to her face.

"Such a pretty face I'm gonna carve up. " Y/N whisper as he use the blade to caress Lauren's pale cheek.

Lauren shakes in fear as the cool bloodied blade touch her cheek. "Please Y/ t-this is n-not y-you. "

Y/N laugh out loud the blade shaking and almost cutting Lauren's cheek. "This is the real me pretty girl. "

Y/N raise the blade high in the sky preparing to murder his ex lover. Lauren close her eyes in defeat. If she would die by someone's hand then in some twisted way she is happy it's by her true love.

"I love you Y/N. " Lauren whisper as a single tear escape her closed eyelids.

Y/N smiled wickedly but upon hearing those words everything stop for him. His body couldn't move but he can hear himself screaming in pain. He could feel soft hands cradling his head but all he could see is the memories flashing before his eyes. Every memories he has flash in his mind. He didn't know why but all he knows it hurts like hell.

"Shh, I'm here Y/N. " Lauren lay Y/N's head softly on her lap as his screams filled the bloody backyard. Lauren hugged Y/N body tighter her heart filled with pain at his screams.

The pounding in Y/N's head continued for another minute before it went away. Lauren held her breath as Y/N's eyelids fluttered open.

Brown eyes

"Thank God. " Lauren breathed out. She hug Y/N tighter making him chuckle.

"What happened? " He ask after Lauren broke the hug.

"uhh... " Lauren pause before her eyes roam around all the dead bodies with dread. "It doesn't matter now. What matters is we have to go and find help. "

Y/N open his mouth to protest but the sight in front of him made his knees weak. "W-what ha-happened? "

Lauren shook her head and pulled Y/N to his knees. "We have to go now before others will come. "

Y/N walk a few steps with Lauren by his side but his eyes drifted to his clothes which stuck to his body with a disgusting smell that made him want to puke. His eyes drifted down to his hands which felt gooey to the touch.

"N-no.." His knees buckle while he held his hands high to the light of the moon. "I-I C-can't ha-have-" He couldn't even finish his sentence as tears of frustration and guilt erupted around his eyes.

Lauren quickly kneel down and brought him into a hug. She knows it doesn't take a genius to find what happened here but she was hoping she could have brought Y/N somewhere else and tell him when the time is right.

"Look darling. "Lauren started as she held Y/N's face with her hands staring straight at his tear eyed face. "They were gonna kill us Y/N. You were just protecting us. You did nothing wrong, OK? "

Y/N nodded as he process the words in his head. "but why can't I remember anything? "

Lauren sucked in a deep breath.

Now is not the time to tell him about... his inner craziness

"A guy struck you with a bat at your head knocking you out and I guess... giving you short term memory loss. " Lauren lied. There are so many flaws to her lie but to her surprise Y/N nodded his head.

"OK. I believe you. " Y/N gave Lauren a small smile before standing back up.

"Really? " Lauren ask as Y/N help her up. Their hands touched which sent a spark throughout Lauren's body.

It will always be him

"Yeah. I trust you Lauren. " Y/N smiled which made Lauren look at the ground in guilt.

Now is not the time

"Let's go. " Lauren said.

Together they ran away from the once beloved home of Skylar with each other by their side.

"Wait, wait. " Y/N said once he remembered where they are. "We can't walk back to town. It's to far away. "

Lauren didn't even question him since she trust him with every inch of her heart. "Then what do you suggest then? "

Y/N look around the front lot then a beautiful SRT Dodger Challenger catches his eye. "Let's take that car. "

Lauren nodded her head and with some courage she took Y/N soft hand in her own.

"Wait! " Lauren tense when she heard Y/N yell. But her heart return beating when she saw Y/N took of his bloodied hoodie then some gauntlets.

"Let's go. " Y/N smiled and took Lauren's soft hands in his own. Lauren could feel herself blush but she thank God that it was to dark for Y/N to see it.

Skylar's (P.O.V)

I am stupid

I would have slapped my forehead in frustration if it wasn't for the rope that is bind to my wrist like glue.

"Don't bother escaping. That rope is as strong as metal. " Chrissy said as she lean back at the soft drivers seat.

My eyes scan the back of the van and found my family tied and helpless like me.

"W-what are we gonna do? " Violet ask in a shaky voice.

"We are gonna do what we always do, survive. " Drake said in a strong voice full of confidence.

"Hahaha! None of you are gonna stupid! " Chrissy's laugh echoed around the van.

"Bitch. " Jinx muttered under her breath her strong British accent filled the back of the van.

"You know I can hear youuuu. " Chrissy sang as she stops at what I think is a red light.

"Like I care bitch! " Jinx spat her veins bulging in the neck.

Chrissy only laugh at Jinx response making my British friend growl in anger.

"Now's not the time Jinx. " My baby warned her while Jake and Eden kept an eye on Jinx knowing how unstable she can become.

The silence return to the van after a muttered curse from Jinx and a laugh from Chrissy. I lean back at the hard wall of the van as the others are spread out with me in the uncomfortable back of the van. I close my eyes hoping to get some sleep but my mind has other ideas.

"You know that was not him right. " The sound of my girlfriend's voice brought me out of my thoughts.

"I don't even know what I saw. " I try to block out the memory but it invaded my mind instead. Those eyes that are painted with gold and filled with madness while his body moves faster then any other human being could.

Despite having ropes bind our wrist Lily snuggle closer in my neck trying to comfort me. I sigh but gave Lily a kiss on her forehead but my eyes traveled back to the driver's seat. I want to scream at her for answers. I want to shoot her over and over again for almost killing my brother.

"Baby breathe. " I could hear the concern voice of my girlfriend but I can't stop thinking of the unnatural change of my brother's behavior.

He isn't a killer

I made sure to keep him out of this dangerous life I have. I made sure my enemies never knows about him. I made sure to keep track of his life and everything he does.

I rack my brain for possibilities that could have change my brother but I always come up empty handed.

I release an frustrated sigh but my eyes widened when I remembered Chrissy's words.

"The demons took over"

"It c-cant b-be. "

Y/N (P. O. V)

I park the car outside of a three story apartment then I killed the engine.

"We're here. " I said turning my attention to the green eyed beauty beside me.

Lauren nodded but her cute eyebrows are furrowed in confusion. "Where are we exactly? "

I only smile in response. "Four of the best people you could meet. "

With that said I exit the car and ran to Lauren's door helping her up and out of the car.

"I can walk on my own. " Lauren said stubbornly as she push my hands away.

I eyed her leg. "Yeah cause it doesn't look broken at all. "

Lauren glared at me in response to which I rolled my eyes.

Fine let's do this the hard way

I pick her up bridal style making her yelp in surprise. She clutch my shirt tightly scared that I will let her go.

"Please don't let me go. " I look down at Lauren's eyes and instantly we know those words has more meaning then intended do.

Lauren eyes widened in surprise at her own words but before she could open her mouth I spoke the words I wanted to say.

"I never even plan to. "

I didn't wait for a reply as I start to walk to the front door of the apartment in front of us. Each step I took I could feel the pair of green eyes burning my face.

Just as I was about to ring the doorbell attach to the wall next to the door a soft hand touch my cheek making me stop in my tracks.

"Thank you Y/N for everything you have done for me and the girls. "

I smiled seeing the way her eyes shine under the moonlight.

So beautiful but dangerous

"Anytime Laur. " I said loving the way she smiles at me in response.
I rang the doorbell and waited. After minutes of waiting my arms started to ache not because Lauren is heavy but because I am weak as heck.

Damn, I need to join Camila more in the gym

Just as that thought enters my mind the door open and blue eyes met my brown ones.

"Y/N.. W-what are you doing here at the middle of the night? " The voice pause once it sees the blood on Lauren's clothes. "What-"

"We need help Perri. " I interrupted her.

Perri purse her lips before nodding and opening the door wider for us to enter. "Of course Y/N. "

She led me and Lauren to the living room.

"You guys can rest here while I gather the rest of the girls. " I nodded and Perri gave me a smile before leaving.

I lay Lauren gently on the couch as she muttered another thank you to me.

"I need to see your leg Laur. " I said but she immediately shook her head.

"I am fine. "

I kept in a frustrated sigh. "Please Laur. "

Again she shook her head. "No. "

I felt my eye twitch but a plan formed in my head that made me smile.

I crouch next to Lauren's resting body coming to eye to eye with her. Her breathing hitch once she notice the closeness of our faces.

"Please let me see Laur. " I softly glided by hand over her leg stopping gently at the spot Chrissy stomp.

Like in a trance she nodded a blush rising to her cheeks. I smiled brightly at her and my hands slowly folded her jeans showing off her flawless skin.


I swear I heard her gulp but my attention was on her bruise skin but to my surprise it isn't broken.

"It's not broken you big baby. " I tease.

She release a sigh in relief and I heard her mumble under her breath. "As long I'm your big baby I'm not complaining. "

I smirk and whisper in her ear closely. "So you want to be my baby? "

Immediately her cheeks burn bright red but to her luck loud footsteps interrupted our interesting conversation.

I stood up and greet the rest of little mix who are only dressed in pajamas.

"It's n-" Jade raised a hand silencing me from greeting them.
"Explain. " Jade pointed at Lauren's clothes which is smudge with blood all over.

I sigh knowing I have a lot to explain.

Skylar's (P. O. V)

I could feel my heart drumming in my chest as we all got push in some dark warehouse.

"Keep moving lovelies. " Chrissy sang as she beckon us to go forward with her shotgun.

With no choice we move forward towards the dim hallway with barely any light leading us. I could see some holes around the graffiti filled walls that made me wonder where the fuck are we but I know better to keep my mouth shut. We keep moving forward our footsteps the only sound emitting around the dark and gloomy hallway.

I could feel the and see the fear coming from Lily but all I could do is give her a reassuring smile hoping to at least put her at ease.

"Were close and surprisingly we're not late. " Chrissy announce as I skip over a black pudgy puddle.

"Close where and late for what? " Jake ask as he walk beside Eden.

Chrissy smirk under the darkness. "Oh it's a surprise for Skylar. "

I don't like the sound of that

We kept walking until we reach two large metal sliding doors that is surprisingly clean considering what I've seen so far in this warehouse.

"Soo... now what fear less leader? " Jinx ask sarcastically.

Chrissy ignore Jinx remarks and wave to a camera at the far side of the door. The metal doors open soundlessly but the scene in front of us made my stomach tighten. Men and women more than I can see filled the room shouting, cheering and waving their guns in the air with no care whatsoever.

"Move NOW. " Chrissy demanded as her lips curl into a cruel smile as aim her shotgun at us.

Violet hid behind me as her body shook upon seeing the countless people inside. Lily stood beside me her eyes as hard as steel but I knew better. Eden, Jake, and Drake stood beside forming a circle once they caught a glimpse at our countless enemies.

Chrissy laugh. "Smart but pointless. " She beckon us to go forward again but this time her eyes showed no more playfulness.

I calm my nerves and the urge to run as I followed Chrissy inside the shouts only getting rowdier upon seeing my group. To my surprise they moved away from us as if we we're fire and they are wood but the shouts only got louder. I tried to understood what they we're shouting but it was impossible since they all chant different things.

"Fuckers!!" My eyes widened when Drake shouted. My neck turn so quick I thought it would break. Two guys held Drake as one skinny ass punch him. My group immediately turn to fight mode. I jump forward with my hands outstretched forward. I react quickly when a woman comes running and waving a bloody machete. The woman let out a loud scream as she thrust the machete straight at my stomach. I slip past it and her weak defence as I drive both my elbows straight through her head knocking her out. The screams and chants only got louder as I pick up the machete and cut free my bound wrists.

"Skylar help me! " My eyes immediately found Violet as two tall and buff guys surround her with chainsaws. 

I ran to the first guy who has his back turn to me. Without hesitation I jump high enough then thrust the machete straight at his neck. Blood splash my face but I only drive it further hearing the man gurgle and choke on blood as his tall body falls to the floor with the chainsaw following.

I quickly remove the machete and turn my attention to the other chainsaw wielder just in time to see him charging at me full speed. I roll out of the way just as the chainsaw hits the floor. I thrust my blade forward to which he blocks with his chainsaw.

I could hear the people scream louder and louder as the fight got bloodier and bloodier.

"Fuck. " I could feel the blood dripping from my left arm when I barely Dodge the chainsaw.

Lucky it only cut a small part of my skin

Sweat drip down my forehead as my banks stick to my forehead. I took a risk and thrust forward as hard as I can. Maybe I am desperate but this fight can't last forever. Just as I expected the guy prepares to block it raising his chainsaw above. I use the momentum I have to slide under him and aim the machete upward cutting of his balls. I stood up as the guy drop the chainsaw and scream bloody murder as he holds his bleeding crouch. I stood behind him and swing the blade cutting off his head with one swing. In this business you don't want loose ends.

I breathe heavily as my group stands beside me bloody from head to toe. We form a circle and glare at anyone who tries to attack.

"That was entertaining to watch! " A voice shouted that made everyone go silent.

Claps and a smirk was followed as Y/B/N stood there as people give way for her as if she was a queen.

"Fun to watch right? " Chrissy asks as she stood beside Y/B/N.

"Very. " Y/B/N smirk as she stare straight at my eyes. "But I want some of the action. "

Without waiting I ran full speed as blind rage took over my body. Chrissy back away from Y/B/N who stood there smiling. I thrust the machete forward but it only met air.

"Angry baby? " A voice purred from behind.

I swung the machete backwards but it only met air again.

"You hurt my family bitch. I am gonna make you pay. " I spat.

Her eyes darken. "You don't know what pain is. "

Before I could react she appeared in front of me. She gave me an uppercut that sent me tumbling to the floor. I shook my head as the pain and dizziness filled it.

"Haha! You've gotten weak. " I heard her say but my eyes only see stars.

I let out a silent scream as a hard kick hit my stomach that sent me rolling to the floor. I could hear shouting from my friends and girlfriend but I know they can't do anything.

I let out a pain breath as I stood back up. I threw a punch at Y/B/N but she only block it as a chuckle leaves her lips.

"Weak. " Before I could do anything she did a high kick at my head. I could feel pain exploding in my head as I fall to the floor. My vision blurring as my consciousness is fading out.

With one last piece of consciousness I ask the question that is hunting me the most.

"W-why.. give Y/N t-the serum? " Just as I met her eyes I am not surprise that it is golden with madness.

Her gold yellow eyes gleam as a craze smile curl her red lips. "To make him feel the pain you gave me. "

Y/N (P. O. V)

I told them everything as fast as I can and considering it only took fifteen minutes I think I did a good job at it.

They sat there silent as they took in the situation.

"How are you holding up? " Lauren whisper as she grab a hold of my hand.

I gave her a small smile. "As best as anyone can handle this. "

I can't help but remember Chrissy and her betrayal. The way she smile and smirk just like Y/B/N.

"I'll be back. " Before I could ask where Perri was going Leigh - Ann stop me.

"What's your plan Y/N? "

That's the million dollar question. And the truth I have none but one.

"I am going there and face Y/B/N one last time. "

Lauren practically choke on air as she heard my answer. "Are you crazy?!"

I smile warily at Lauren. "Yes I am considering I still love you girls after what you did to me. "

Lauren open her mouth to speak but it close back as she could only stare at me with her piercing green eyes.

"You do know we can't let you do that Y/N. " Jesy said as she crossed her arms.

I felt my eyebrows furrowed. "And why not? "

"Cause we are your friends and we don't want you to die. " Jade argued.

"And what makes you think I'm gonna die? " I ask as I cross my arms.

"She has a army while you don't. " Jesy pointed out.

"Rambo did it so why can't I? " I argue back a good theory.

All of them rolled their eyes but before anybody could argue back Perri came back into the room with a huge smile.

"I have friends who's gonna help you Y/N. " She said as she entered.

I groan in frustration. "I don't want anybody else getting hurt Edwards. "

She shook her head as she place her hands at her hips. "You need help and you know it. "

I open my mouth to argue but found it useless as they block the entrance to the main door.

I sank back to the couch with Lauren who smiled at my defeated form.

"Who's this friends of yours anyway? " I ask.

Perri only smirk as she and the rest of Little Mix sat at the other couch in front of us. "It's a secret. "

*10 minutes later*

I am pacing in front of everyone as they talk among themselves.

"Stop pacing Y/N. Your giving me a headache. " Leigh-Ann said.

I glare at her. "My family is probably being tortured or dead. How the fuck can I calm down and relax?! "

Lauren took hold of my hand and rub it in calming circles. "Y/B/N won't kill them Y/N. "

"How do you know? " I ask warily.

"She kept them alive this long so she must be waiting for you. "

Before I ask her anything else the sound of different cars filled the room.

"They are here. " Perri announce.

We heard knocks coming from the main door. Perri exited the living room and not a moment too soon came back with people I thought I will never see again.

You've got to be kidding me

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