Jiley & Trittany One shots

By tnsjiley758

40.8K 919 307

Hey guys, I hope you enjoy reading my first Jiley and Trittany one shots 💓 feel free to leave tips and ideas... More

Messed up bad
Read all about it
Coming home
Brittany's Prank
All i wanna do (solo pt 2)
Without you
Dont go
Going All The Way
Scared to be lonely
Getting back on track
Marry me?
Bus ride home
I love you James
A rough childhood
Be with him
Wave of reality
Nightmare •halloween special•
Dream come true •Trittany•
Wave of reality
We meet again
We meet again •part 2•
We meet again •part 3•
We meet again •part 4•
Off camera •Trittany•
Never have i ever •Trittany•
Truth or dare

The birth (part 2)

1.2K 40 12
By tnsjiley758

{couldn't think of a name..lmao. Anyways, I'm working on another book atm which I'm struggling starting off ugh so yeah bye, enjoy😂}

After Riley finally arrived home after missing her stop first time, she went straight to the bathroom. She twisted the taps and watched the bath fill up with steamy water, whilst mixing in her favourite bubble bath. She lit a candle before exchanging her wet clothes for some comfy sleepwear, and placed them on the side in a neat pile. After a bit of a struggle she finally managed to pull off all her cold wet clothes and hopped into the warm bubbly water. She closed her eyes and sighed in relief as the water soaked her skin and immediately warmed her up. She ran her hands over her non-existing bump just thinking about how she's going to give birth and raise a baby without him...
The next few months flew by and before Riley knew it, she heard her baby girls cries for the first time. She was exhausted, physically unable to do anything but let a mix of happy and sad tears run over her cheeks as her baby was placed on her chest. Her mother and older sister Emily were sat in chairs either side admiring the newborn. Thankfully her family didn't leave her to do this on her own, but every day she thought how different her life could have been if James had stayed. The first couple of weeks she tried contacting him, but it left her in even more heartbreak each time as it went straight to voicemail. He didn't care about Riley or his daughter, and finally after many restless, painful months, she somewhat got over him. With a bit of convincing from her friends and sister she had tried looking for someone new, but understandably nobody wanted to be with a pregnant 17 year old. And she didn't care, after what James did to her she had convinced herself never to fall for anyone again. Boys were idiots and she had her baby girl instead.

A couple of hours after giving birth, her close family and friends had all met her baby who she decided to call Jasmine. They all cooed over the baby as Riley closed her eyes to get some rest. It was almost impossible with the surrounding noice, but she managed to fall asleep. Only to be pulled into a heartbreaking dream.

*Rileys POV- the dream*
I smiled as I was handed my baby girl for the first time. She was adorable and her eyes and nose looked identical to mine. A few happy tears streamed down my face as I cradled her in my arms whilst she wailed. Slowly she quietened down, until everything fell silent. I tore my gaze away from Jasmine to look around- my mum and Emily who helped me through the birth were gone. Where and why were they gone? But then I noticed a recognisable face.
"J-James.." I whispered nervously. It had been 9 months since I last saw or even heard from him and now he decided to show up!?

Pregnancy's hell for all to-be mothers, but having to deal with the cramps, back pain and morning sickness alone is unbearable. Especially when you had to do everything for yourself, whilst still trying to earn a stable income. It was hard as hell, as all the stress from the breakup didn't help. It really effected my unborn baby, to the point where i nearly miscarried.

And that wasn't all he missed, he missed the first kicks. I still remember that night clearly, It was 2 am and I couldn't sleep. Tears were streaming down my cheeks thinking about how much I had lost recently, until I felt the abnormal sensation. After a minute I smiled and wiped my tears, experiencing her first kicks. It was amazing, but he missed it...

"Hello Riley" he said stepping closer to the bedside. I frowned and scoffed.
"So you finally decided to show up" I mumbled not able to look at him.
"I miss you...and I still love you,'I never stopped" he said as he touched his daughters cheek. I pulled her closer into my chest, wrapping my arms around her tightly. That was something James used to do to me...

Oh stop it Riley, your over him now yell at him to get out. Tell him you don't want to see or hear from him ever again. Put him through the pain like he did to you. Tell him he's not good enough to be Jasmine's daughter.

But I had to go and do the exact opposite didn't I? I sighed in my mind yet my heart was still pounding.

"I love you too James.." I whispered looking him in the eye. Gosh I had missed him..I didn't notice when I glanced at his lips but they just looked so perfect. I missed the feel of them against mine- and I think he missed it too because we kissed.

I mean he kissed me, no I kissed him..oh I don't know! But here we are, after 9 months of pain and heartbreak kissing as our daughter was held in between our chests...
The dream felt so real for Riley, that she suddenly woke up. She looked around as tears flooded her eyes- he wasn't there... in fact nobody was. It was dark. She reached for her phone on her bedside table but knocked over a glass of water.
"Shit" she cursed, scrambling out of bed. Suddenly she winced from the pain between her legs- oh yeah she had just gave birth a few hours ago.

She continued trying to get out of bed despite the soreness, but was interrupted by a soft crying.
"Shhh" she heard. Wait...someone was there. After her eyes adjusted to the darkness, she could see the dark figure sat in the chair cradling her baby.
"..m-mum?" She called out. The figure looked up.
"I-it's not your mum...it's James."
Part 2 done, yey😂💓...

Just kidding, I was gonna leave it at that but I figured someone would want a part 3 so I'll just carry on until it's a happy ending lol x
"J-James?" Riley stuttered. All these emotions of the dream came rushing back...She was so nervous as he turned on the bedside lamp- this was the first time in 9 months she saw his sparkling eyes, ruffled hair, pink lips..Stop looking at his lips Riley!

He was so perfect, just like she remembered...and when her eyes glanced down to his lips for the second time that told him right there that she loves and missed him. He took the chance and leaned closer, so that she could feel his warm breath down her neck.

"I love you both Riley...so much, I never stopped and I'm so sorry for walking out."  He whispered, each word being the honest truth. She smiled a little, she felt complete. That's all she needed to hear before connecting their lips and knowing that from now on, everything would be just fine...

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