The Iron Savior...Senior (bas...

By Superherogeek_1

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The Iron Savior...Senior
Chapter 1: The End
Chapter 2: Death of me
Chapter 3: Fools Way
Chapter 4: Carry on, my way word son.
Chapter 5: Waking
Chapter 6: Breaking
Chapter 7: Make new friends, don't talk to the old
Chapter 8: Concidence?
Chapter 9: I think not.
Because winter is cold
Chapter 11: Back from life. (End of part one)
Extremis: For those who don't know what it Is
Chapter 12 : Alison

Chapter 10: Honestly just a filler chapter

155 13 1
By Superherogeek_1


How is it?

Chapter 10: No title

It's dark, grim, cold. Nothing is moving and nothing is making any noise.

The walls are grey, the temp. freezing. You could probably see my breath of I could.

I tried to sit up, by the walls were confining me. I pounded them, feeling them give in to my strength. But I wasn't getting anywhere.

I kicked my feet out, and I saw a little string of light.

The door slowly budged.


Mason Stark:

"Just one more day?"

"Yes. Then you can go back to Miami."

"By myself?"


I leaned back into the chair, hair loose any floppy. "Alright, fine. But can you go for now? I want to see what's going on."

Fury limped around the desk. "You will notice that nothing is. According to the world, your still dead."

"But what about the Chicago incident?"

I tapped my leg, energy buzzing. I have no idea where it all came from, but just being in a building with technology buzzing, I feel like I'm connected to the flow of watts shifting through the air.

"We've been able to convince the general public that you were just Mystic. Logan has been informed to not tell anyone it was really you."

I looked up at him. Fury has grown old, skin filled with wrinkles.

Before the Civil War (the more modern one) Dad was Director of Sheild. Well, him and Steve. When Steve and I were killed (I find it disturbing that I can officially say I've been murdered), Dad went off the crazy end I guess. Fury had to step back in.

I swear, this man will live longer then Thor.

"What about the Sheild Agents and the Avengers? Are you trying to convince them that it was Mystic?"

He sighed, boots sloping the ground as he left me in his office. "Let me worry about that, okay? You just try and get back to normal."

The door shut silently.

Air left my lungs, fingers pausing. I twisted around the chair, looking out in to the city.

New York was running as smooth as it should. Cars beeping, the foot steps of millions of people walking on the side walks.

But that buzzing noise, one that I have never heard with any city, was still with me.

What is it?

I turned back around, going into the systeam and bring up Ollie Abram's file. Of course, there was a fire wall but that was easily bypassed.

I found the one about me, a project that wasn't even labeled. The first thing I saw was me, dead.

It was right at the scene.

Steve was on his back, blood all along his chest and upper arms. His eyes were closed, blood dripping out of his mouth.

There was a hand print next to him, mine. I don't remember who's blood I made it with tho.

I was next to him, and I can say tht if I never see this image again it would be to soon. My arc reactor was in shards all over the place. In my skin, my hair, the floor.  It was just a bloody mess. Our hand cuffed hands were in the middle.

The next file was just me in the Refrigerator (for the dead). But I wasn't exactly...dead.

I was glowing, a bright as red. Now, I've seen a few dead bodies in my life and I'm pretty sure they don't glow.

I kept flipping through, etching myself come back. There were little changes in each one, but the red glowed...brighter with the farther it went.

what is that?

The buzzing grew louder.

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