Chapter 4: Carry on, my way word son.

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Chapter 5:

Carry on, my wayword son.



A thousand times shit.

That was shorter time then I thought they would find out.

"My name is Ollie. Ollie Abrams."

Director Fury looked at me, taking in my red hair. It's always the red hair, I don't know why.

"Abrams, how long have you known about Mason Stark and her...whatever it is?" He played with a gun, a silent threat.

I shrugged nervously. "About 6 months after she died."

"And why Abrams, why did you not tell me?"

My looked down and grabbed my bag, pulling out the files I had on her. "Here."

He glanced at it, opening it up. Notes fell out, pictures and findings. "What's this?"

"Its all the work I've done on her in the past 8 months."

He nodded, flipping through it. His face didn't change as he saw her, from the second she died to now, a year and 2 months.

"Well." he said. he closed the book. "You've done good research. Hasn't missed anything from the looks of it. And if you manged to keep it a secret for this long, you can keep at it." He gave me the file.

"I want copies and have them sent to me. You are not to discuss any of this unless its to me or Phil Coulson. No one else."

I did a double take. "Excuse me?"

He nodded. "You can carry on with your work."

I smiked. "Thank you, thank you so much!"

"Your on probation tho." he looked at me seriously. "I think you may have a chance at some big league work."


Daily Bugle.

The Avengers are settling outside of Stark Tower to pay tribute of the lost Starks.

Peter Parker, Sipderman, has stood up to say a word about Mason Stark, seeing how today is her 2nd anniversary of her death, and it being Tony Starks 1st.

What has happened to the Stark Clan?

I'm James Jona Jamerson, Daily Bugle.



"I loved Mason." I said out loud.

"And I always will." It was the truth.

"I loved both the Starks, in fact."

I looked over to Aunt May. She knew it was true.

Tony absoutly adored Aunt May. She was like a new bear.

Okay a old, new bear. You get the point.

"And today we pay tribute to possibly the best generation of Starks the Earth has ever seen." I paused.

"The last wave we will ever see."

A pain shot through my chest. I always though that the next generation would have my eyes and Masons hair, my nose and her ears.

Then I looked up and saw Gwen, encouraging me. Wheezy sat between her and Aunt May watching me sleepidly.


"That was beautiful."

I looked up, Gwen walking towards me. She had on jeans and a blue shirt, blonde hair pulled up. "Thanks."

She sat next to me. "Do you still love her?"

I nodded. "I do."

I felt her grip my shoulder. "What would you do if she came back?" She

I kissed her cheek. "Well, of course I would tell her I loved her. I would hug her, yell at her not to die again, then I would show her to you."I smiled. "To prove I did exactly what she said to and moved on."

Gwen smiled. "I used to look up to Mason. She was the daughter of this badass hero, a celebraty that grew up in the eye of the public. Yet she still kicked ass and didn't even acknowledge when there were rumors about her." She sighed.

Wheezy walked over and flopped her head on to my lap, begging me to pet her. I smiled.

"She was like that." I sighed. "I miss her."

Gwen nugded me. "Are you sure you've really moved on, because as much as I care about you, I don't want to be the other women."

I nodded and smiled. "I've moved on."

I did move on. I'm always going to love Mason, but I love Gwen too. And Gwen isn't a hopless cause to keep loving.


Ollie Abrams:

She was...breathing.

Her heart was beating, pulse running. The red glow was slowly disappearing, the heat coming off her body was slowly lowering. 

She tried to mumble something, but her voice wasn't quite right. Her fingers twitch rapidly, like little jerks.

Her skin, although pale from 2 years out of the sun,  had a life to it. Her face wasn't sunken in, back to the roundness it had.

The I.V. I was able to hook up a few weeks ago was going crazy. Her body was just eating up the nutrients, taking all the water it could take and hold.

Her arms and legs were soft, muscle just learning to come back.

I was doing exercises for her, moving her legs. When she wakes up she's going to be in a lot of pain, but she should be able to walk.

Actually, her entire body was soft.

Mason wasn't ever a stick, she's always had some baby fat she never got off butt it worked for her.

Her tummy was always a little round, thighs touching when she sat or stood, arms having some weight. it just worked for her.

Her leg jerked, then all of a sudden her breathing deepend.

It was getting faster. Her heart beat was going off the charts, going faster and faster. The heat suddenly surged up.

I backed away, heat scorching my face. She was glowing brighter and brighter then-

It stopped.

It went down almost as fast as it came.

Then she woke up.

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