Chapter 11: Back from life. (End of part one)

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He slowly stepped out of the...whatever it was.

Portal? House? Porta Potty?

He was in uniform, blue pants with armored top. His belt was still with him, chain mail hugging him tightly. He ran his fingers over his chest, make sure he was breathing and alive.

The last thing he remembered was talking to Mason, stepping down the hall and then a awful pain in his chest, a darkness, then he's here.

Dear God, please don't let it be magic.

That last thought sounded suspiciously like Tonys'.

He looked around, relizing he was in the middle of a small town. There was a salvation army clothes bin up the street next to a dark brick buiding.

A thought occuered to him and he relized pretty quick that he should attempt to hide his outfit, seeing how the big white star and stripes would be a dead give away. He didn't exactly know how these people would react to a "National Terrorist."

He was named after this country, you fuckers.

Now that definitely sounded like Bucky.

"Just because you can't see that Captain America wants freedom for all, and is not a terriosit, doesn't give you right to arrest the man."

He was sure that, at that particular point, Tony was about to suit up and blow off Bucky's metalic arm.

Sun came through the trees, wind picking up. He could smell the smoke of cars drifting pass him.

As quietly and quickly as he could, he sprinted down the street to the box.

First off the bat he found a ratty shirt with holes, a greed plaid jacket next, both big enough that he could hide his chain mail.After putting them on he tried to find pants and found a pair of jeans a size to big but it was fine. He looked around, not really wanting to part with his pants in public and so he slipped on the jeans over them. it made them a little bunchy but he could live.

He looked down and saw that his boots were a little to red to be homeless, and so he went over to the woods and kicked dort around until there were layers of grim on them.

Now all he needed was a phone and so he could call Mason, find out what's going on.

But first he needed to get out of this town, needed to go incase someone knew he was here.

With one last look around, he started walking down the road.


Mason Stark

"I know that this is probably hopless, a stupid thought, but I couldn't just do this without giving you any sign that I thought this threw."

He ran his hand over his face, greasy hair going up in a non-attractive why. It's scary to see Tony Stark, a man who's died, who saved worlds, his company, and watched countless of people he cares about die, broken.

"You might not even get this, but I had to try." He looked back up at the screen. "First off, I wanted to say that I'm sorry. It's just that...that no one understood why I had to do this. America was falling to shreds, still is, and I figured if we could all trust each other, get the civilians to trust us, prove that the Avengers could unite with normal folk, that maybe it would get better." He scratched his head. "But I was wrong. And for that I'm sorry."

He gave a wry smile, hoping that someone would that little joke.

It faded. "Mason, I need you to know something. The reason why your alive, that your able to watch this, is because I tried something out that's probably useless."

He sighed and satback. "In order for me to explain this, I have to bring up the past"

"When you came back to life, the first time anyways, the Teserac never actually left. There are pigments in your RNA and DNA, mixing in with the alleles and so, in result, you still in your blood stream. So you've always had that extra bump in your system.

Have you ever noticed how you healed faster then the normal person, how instead of 6 weeks of sitting out with a broken arm you sat out for 3? So ever since you were 17 you've been having a little outer-space in you. And so, I figured if Terserac could bring you back to life I figured a little could to. But it needs a little more spunk.

And so, I put Extremis into you."



I have extremis in me.

I closed the video, not wanting to hear anymore.

"Bring up Extemis."

Files popped up, research of years of having the virus in Dad's body.

Armor inside of him, armor hiding inside of muscle.

I have the internet in my head, the workd inside of me.

"Jarvis, can I...can I get my suit out now?"

A moment of silence, then a yes.

"You need to concentrate tho, concentrate on the power. Your reactor is built inside your chest, underneath you. You need to focus and being it out, like at Chicago."

"Chicago?" I looked up. "But I had a suit with me."

"But the suit you defeated Wolvorine with was the one installed into your body."

I sat down, heart beating fast in my chest. My blood pounded in my ears, bumbumbum.

"Jarvis, I need you to explain everything about the extremist.


End of Part one.

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