Chapter 5: Waking

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Told you. 

Chapter 5:



I sucked in a deep breath, heart beat going off like a rocket.

Steve...shit where is he?

I looked around, trying to find him. I tried to twist around (with my luck Sharon would be there with a gun).

Instead I saw a kid, with bright red hair.

Jesus Christ, how red can hair get? It's so red the Weasleys would be jealous.

Not the point Mason.

Right. Steve. Shot.


I was shot!

I looked down, trying to see the bullets. But what should have been red and gross and weird was just a white shirt.

My arm was hooked up to a I.V., and I yanked it out. Something was hooked to my chest. I ripped that off to.


Arc Reactor!

I yanked my shirt out to look at me chest wasn't there.

It was only scars. Huge, ugly, badass scars.

I ran my hand over them. They were shiny and soft, like a baby.

Babies are soft? I've never touched one.

I'm 24, and I have never touched a baby.


Shit right.

I heard a...buzzing noise. Like a lot of people were quiet, but I heard it in the back of my head. I swore I felt it too.

Red head looked at me. "Mason?" he said quietly.

Bad sign.

I raised my legs and panted my feet on the floor (cold floor), immediately regretting.

I crouched, gripping the bed. It hurt, oh god it hurt.

My legs kept me up tho, so that's a plus.

"Mason, be careful." Redhead said. "My name is Ollie, Ollie Abrams."

That sounded familiar in some part of me, but I coukdnt place my finger on it.

Danger came to my mind tho. I had to find Steve, had to warn Dad that Sharon went off the handle.

Maybe she's just having a bad period.

So bad...she had to shot us.

Jesus Christ, Mason. Focus at the point at hand.

Really, who is that? It sure as hell isn't my voice.

Sleeping of that, why couldn't I talk?

I tried to ask where I am but I really could not talk for the life of me.  My throat felt like I haven't drank anything in years.

So I just backed away, leaning on the bed to give relief to my legs.

Ollie Abrams held up his hands. "Look, your fine."

He reached inside his coat (a lab coat? Really?) and threw a gun and a taser on the table.

Like I was going to fall for that. How old does he think I am-12?

I lunged for the taser and stuck it in his neck.

Well, his shoulder. Oddly I missed.

He buzzed and fell to thw ground, convulsions running through his body. I checked him, finding keys and a card and shoved them in my pocket and ran to the other side.

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