Chapter 7: Make new friends, don't talk to the old

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how is it?

Chapter 7:

Make new friends and don't talk to the old.

Mason Stark:

The first time I experienced a death,I was 4 and my mom just died.

This was before I called Tony Daddy,  before everything. I asked him when momma was coming back.

He sat me down, sitting a few feet away from me. "Mason...have you heard of a place called Heaven?"

I shook my head. "Like, when Lana makes her empa...empananas?"

"No, that's a diffrent kind of heaven."

"Then what Heaven are we talk'n 'bout?"

He was clearly struggling. "The heaven your Momma went too. The special heaven."

I climbed closer to him, careful of the my apple juice. "What's 'pecial about it?"

Tony rose his arm and out it along side the couch. "Do you know why you came here? To stay with me?"

I nodded. "Gran-mama said it's cause its for my own good."

" is." he brought it arm down,shifting to look at me. "Your a surprise, remember that? So far, a fantasic one."

Tony was a good surprise so. We built toys and towns and he even sleeps in the room next to mine, so if I had a nightmare he would come and make them go away.

Momma never did that.

"But what does this have to do with Momma?"

"Momma went to that heaven, the special one."

I tilted my head, processing it. Then I looked up. "Are you going too?"

He shook his head. "No, I'm staying down here with you."

I held out my pinkie. "Promise?"

He wrapped his around mine. "Promise."


Ollie Abrams told me to open my mouth, giving me some ugly medicine.

He said that it would help my throat, cool down the pain that's going on in it.

I sighed. "Thanks."

My voice sounded almost normal. It was still a little scratchy and it broke on some words, but other then that I'm talking like I never died.

Ollie Abrams smiled. "No problem."

He turned, carrying the liter of blood (hasn't he tested enough on me and my blood yet?) and walked over to some machine.

Grant was watching me. "Your voice sounds normal."

I nodded. "Thanks."

He sat down across from me. "How you hanging?"

"Just dandy." If Steve was here, he probably would have whacked the side of my head for using what I call my old slangs.

He pulled his chair over to next to me, pointing to Glitter. "What's that?"

I held it up. "Its Glitter. I never really decided what sex it was, just made it what ever I wanted it to be." I looked at him. "She was my first friend, dog, and it's been with me since I was born." I looked down.

Don't think about it Mason. You can't yet, this is the most important time to be whole.

I felt him studying me, then he was pulling out a pen and grabbed a notebook from Ollie Abrams desk.

The Iron Savior...Senior (based on comic storylines)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin