Picture This (Niall Horan Tri...

By thesamemistakes

14.3M 95K 21.8K

[ (BK 1) -COMPLETED -BK 3 IN PROGRESS- (CURRENTLY EDITING) ] Ashley Dawson has spent her life living in the s... More

-Sun, sea & interuptions [Chapter 1]
-Niall's a babe? [Chapter 2]
-Stay with me [Chapter 3]
-Dreaming about her already? [Chapter 4]
-We know you like her... [Chapter 5]
-What happens when you wake up next to a stranger? [Chapter 6]
-Let the fun begin? [Chapter 7]
-Murder under moonlight [Chapter 8]
-Waking up to reality [Chapter 9]
-Mixing blood and tears [Chapter 10]
-Happiness is the best revenge [Chapter 11]
-He would never like me [Chapter 12]
-I'm not into him, I'm into you... [Chapter 13]
-Teaching lessons to the un-wanted [Chapter 15]
-I'd rather stay in with you [Chapter 16]
-I could out-bitch you any day [Chapter 17]
-You've been where?! [Chapter 18]
-She better be an angel... [Chapter 19]
-Doubting the truth [Chapter 20]
-You'll be perfect, you are perfect [Chapter 21]
-NYC, these streets will make you feel brand new [Chapter 22]
-Rainy friday nights with hot chocolate and you [Chapter 23]
-Lying's the easy way out [Chapter 24]
-I want to be happy with what I see, genuinely happy [Chapter 25]
-You're right, I don't understand [Chapter 26]
-The pretty ones are always the best [Chapter 27]
-Whatever that thing is, I'll make it happen [Chapter 28]
-Caught in the act [Chapter 29]
-She won't be able to handle it [Chapter 30]
-He has a motive, a big one [Chapter 31]
-Old movies,Nandos&the sunset [Chapter 33]
-Let's play truth [Chapter 34]
-You were jealous [Chapter 35]
-I'm your's and only your's [Chapter 36]
-How to brave the water [Chapter 37]
-Nothing's going on, I promise [Chatper 38]
-He never shuts up about you [Chapter 39]
-I'm just really happy that I have you [Chapter 40]
-I'm not 'normal'... [Chapter 41]
-Kiss me like you mean it [Chapter 42]
-Trouble, rivers&rain [Chapter 43]
-I won't see you until forever...[Chapter 44]
-You seem like a rich girl [Chapter 45]
-When everything just disappears [Chapter 46]
-Wake up and realise reality [Chapter 47]
-Accuse me, fight me and leave me [Chapter 48]
-Come on an adventure with me [Chapter 49]
-Polaroid pictures, prom night and parties [Chapter 50]
-Just be happy [Chapter 51]
-Come to Paris and tell me you love me [Chapter 52]
-Visits from the forgotten [Chapter 53]
-It's my life now [Chapter 54]
-Colour my heart [Chapter 55]
-Un willingly visit the past [Chapter 56]
-Let's hit a home run [Chapter 57]
-Burning the past [Chapter 58]
-Force yourself at the fun fair [Chapter 59]
-Slipping back into old habits [Chapter 60]
-Tell me goodbye and that you love me [Chapter 61]
-Out playing Mr Spectacular [Chapter 62]
-I miss you [Chapter 63]
-Rules, regulations&interviews [Chapter 64]
-It's called Rebellion, my dear Dawson [Chapter 65]
-Insercurities & Fears Confirmed [Chapter 66 pt1]
-Anonymous Revenge [Chapter 66 pt2]
-Surprise visits and plans [Chapter 67]
-Interference central [Chapter 68]
-Stolen Relationships [Chapter 69]
-Fake dates, NYC&Parties [Chapter 70]
-Stress is a burden, you're not [Chapter 71]
-Remarking the truth about forever [Chapter 72]
-Intaking Realization [Chapter 73]
-Cry me a river, maybe you can drown your broken heart [Chapter 74]
-Broken promises [Chapter 75]
-Pack your life away but leave your heart behind [Chapter 76]
-Dream me up a fantasy [Chapter 77]
-Falling out of love isn't easy [Chapter 78]
-Un-productive preperation and greetings [Chapter 79]
-Words linger, but memories stay forever [Chapter 80]
-We died a paper death, not an emotional one [Chapter 81]
-Sabotage and bitches with relations [Chapter 82]
-Conclusions aren't always fairytales [Chapter 83]
-Sequel Information.

-Making and breaking each other's heart's [Chapter 14]

198K 1.5K 445
By thesamemistakes

Ashley's POV:

Niall squeezed my hand as we entered the living room where everyone was sat on the floor and sofa’s watching TV and talking and laughing just a typical evening in this household. I couldn’t help but notice how everyone was sat in the living room fairly settled so it seemed pretty impossible that one of them wasn’t eavesdropping on us just now but I could have sworn I heard something. I brushed it off as I took in the looks and slight smirks of everyone as they took in the information that me and Niall were probably together now making his previous statement this morning now in-correct.

Since last night at the point I made a few decisions in my life one of them being the ‘fuck it I’m young, let’s go and fall in love with Niall Horan’ one. But a few others that may or may not affect mine and Niall’s relationship, I need to stop worrying so much ever since I could count to three I’d been organised collected and loved to over-think things, I often made things seem harder and made them more complicated than necessary causing rise in stress levels as I hit my teenage years. On several occasions my brain would over-power my heart causing myself to hurt over things that didn’t really need to be hurting over but that was just me and now I’m sick of it, sick of worrying about the tiniest of things, sick of living my life walking on egg-shells I’m young and foolish but who ever said I can’t enjoy it? Me. Until now, now I’m going to squeeze what’s best out of my life and fucking well enjoy it before it’s too late.

Harry took in our linked hands and gave Niall a knowing look at which Niall blushed slightly as Harry whispered something to Faye making her smile. We sat on the floor leaning against the sofa near Zayn and Ellie, they’d become closer lately not in that way but they got on well it was nice to see Ellie settling in not that she wasn’t more settled then me at first but still. Niall put his arm around me pulling me into his chest, I felt safe in his arms, un-touchable almost he made me feel safe and happy and although I fall in love hard and quickly Niall gave me a feeling I’d never experienced before however hard I convinced myself that I was in love with the person I was with it never felt the same as this.

We talked and laughed for a while longer but then Liam, Harry, Faye and Louis left to go to the supermarket or something me and Niall got bored by Ellie and Zayn so left to go upstairs.

He collapsed onto his bed pressing his back against the wall as he chucked a cushion across the room that was ‘in his way’ he pulled me onto his lap as I looked around his room.

“Soon, I’m going to go and tidy your room properly, I don’t see how you can live like this”

I complained and he narrowed his eyes at me.

“There’s nothing wrong with it, I know where everything is like this”

“Niall, you can’t see the floor”

“But you can see everything else though; I can see where everything is now”

“What so you enjoy picking your outfit from the bedroom floor?“

He thought for a moment.

“I’ll tidy it up next week when you’re at college now just shut up and kiss me”

Simple, yet effective. Before I could argue he pressed his lips against mine kissing them softly, I kissed him back running my hands through his hair but this conversation wasn’t over. My don’t forget anything attitude towards life means that I most likely will have this conversation finished as a success by the end of the week.

I shifted slightly so I was sat facing him as he placed his hands on the small of my back as I continued running mine through his adorable blonde hair. We were both tired so we didn’t go too far and soon enough we broke the kiss and I led back down on his bed with him next to me.

“Oh my god I have college next week”

I said running my hands through my hair as Niall watched me.

“I know, I’m going to miss you, you know”

I sat up sighing.

“Niall, I don’t wanna go, run away with me?”

He laughed pulling me into a hug.

“As great as that sounds I think we’d get into a spot of trouble”

I smiled, that did sound like a really great idea, running away with Niall making our own adventure but I knew that was a just stupid idea that’d never actually happen we both had too many commitments and I couldn’t bear to drag Niall away from his band, I was never really going to do it anyway, life isn’t that simple anymore however hard you try to make it so.

“What are you doing tomorrow?”

Niall asked me playing with the ring on my finger; my jewellery had always been much to his entertainment.


I sighed, seriously not wanting to go back.

“Not tomorrow, pleeeease”

He begged me his eyes pleading as they stared into mine. I laughed slightly.

“Why not tomorrow?”

“Because you’re coming on a date with me, obv”

I raised an eye-brow at him getting ready to say I couldn’t because of all the coursework I was behind on then I remembered that I needed to loosen up a bit and enjoy life while I could.

“Please, it’ll be like your final day of freedom”


I said finally giving in, I didn’t really show it but I was excited because I think I really like Niall.


He said hugging me tightly, it was getting late now and I was basically falling asleep on him.

“I’m going to bed now, you know since I’m gonna be up the next few nights doing coursework since apparently I have a date with some idiot tomorrow”

He smiled at me.

“Pretty hot idiot though”

“If you say so”

“You’re sleeping with me”

“Yes because that’s gonna go down well with everyone else”

He shrugged.

“I don’t really care, Faye sleeps with Harry I don’t see how we’re any different”

“Ugh, they’re the same age”

“It’s not like a year is a big deal now off you go, I’ll be here”

I gave up secretly happy that Niall had asked me to sleep with him, not that I didn’t like sleeping in my amazing room but in his arms was so much better. I went to the bathroom washing off my make-up and cleaning my teeth I put my hair into a loose bun and gripped the loose bits back even though I knew it’d be loose by the morning. I slipped on my pyjama shorts and t-shirt and set an alarm on my phone knowing that I’d probably need to get up at silly o’clock for a date with Niall.

I slipped underneath the covers next to Niall as he pulled me closer to him I snuggled into his chest as he whispered to me “You’re just as beautiful without make-up” I was too tired to argue so I just shook my head as he pulled me closer and I fell almost instantly asleep.


I woke up to the soft ring of my alarm and Niall groaned slightly at the sound his arms still around me pretty much in the same position as before.

“Morning Beautiful”

He opened his eyes kissing the tip of my nose as I shut my eyes tightly as he did so.

“You can’t leave me yet”

He said pulling me to his bare chest.

“Too bad I have too if you want a half decent looking girlfriend to go on a date with”

“You look beautiful now though”

We listened carefully it wasn’t a morning like the last few ones; there were no shafts of sunlight greeting us nope, rain. I listened to the rain every single drop pattering against the window. Me and Niall looked at each other and I pulled the covers back walking to the window and pulling back the curtain I pressed my nose against the cool glass watching the droplets of rain bounce off and run down the glass.


Niall asked, I nodded slipping back underneath the covers. He sighed.

“It doesn’t matter; we can still have a good time”

I said lightly as I rolled over to my back holing my phone above my head as I opened the new messages.

From: Faye Edmunds

So I get back from grocery shopping and I remember I have to tell Ashley something so I go looking for you and I find you all snuggled up with Nialler fast asleep Awh, you two are cute. Anyway back to the serious shiz here, Harry said he felt ill and left shopping earlier , didn’t want me to go with him said he’d meet us back at the house but when I got back he wasn’t there and still isn’t now. Ask Niall if he knows anything pleeease. He’s not answering his phone either, something’s up and I’m worried, I just didn’t wanna disturb you and Nialler but I’m worried Ash.

My eyes widened at the text and I instantly felt guilty that she felt she couldn’t come and wake us up if she was worried. I got lost in my thoughts and possible scenarios about what was up with Harry I lost concentration and my phone slipped through my fingers falling straight on my face as I screwed up my face at the pain. Niall laughed at me as I removed my phone from my face. I turned over to face him just carrying on as if it was normal.

“Where’s Harry?”

I asked seriously.

“I dunno, in bed with Faye probably”

He said wiggling his eye-brows, even though he really couldn’t talk as he was the one who persuaded me to spend the night in his room last night.


I said popping the p sounding a lot less concerned than I actually was for both Faye and Harry. He looked at me confused.

I read out the text to him, the second bit not the bit about how me and Niall ‘looked so cute’.

His eyes widened he bit his lip thinking for a while.

“I’ll check my phone”

He leaned over the side of the bed collecting his phone from the floor underneath the pile of jumpers. I had to stop myself from dropping in another comment about how un-tidy his room is.

He held his phone up in front of his face for a while.

“Well what are you waiting for?”


Then I heard the shutter sound and a bright light flashed in my face.


I complained trying desperately to get his phone which he held out of reach.


He shook his head smiling at me then at the screen of his phone.

“At least show me”

He turned his phone slowly revealing the picture. It wasn’t the nicest of photos at all but I suppose I’ve had worse. My hair was still pretty much in place with a few loose strands here and there the flash highlighting the blondeness of my hair and the bright blue colour that was my eyes. My face was expressionless but there was worry in my eyes, my lips were set in a straight line yet perfectly shaped and pink.

“Delete it”

I demanded.

“No, I like it”

He said giggling like a seven year old.

“Why do you like it?”

I asked confused.

“Because it looks like you, that’s what you look like”

“I’ll find a way”

“Nah, not with my ninja skills”

“Oh we’ll see”

“We will”

He said pecking my lips softly. We’d forgotten all about Harry until about 10 minutes later when we were done fighting each other for possession of Niall’s phone in-between kisses and me awkwardly landing on top of him multiple times, he loved it really, he seemed to enjoy my awkwardness and embarrassment .

“Shit, Harry?”

I reminded him un-tangling myself from him.


He said scrolling through his contacts and rang Harry. It rang for what seemed like forever then went to answer phone, Niall left a message.

“Harry? Where the fuck are you? Cus your girlfriends worried sick and you haven’t been back since you left to go shopping. We’re coming to look for you if you don’t get back soon”

His tone was serious and not at all sympathetic.


“Well if he doesn’t tell us and just decides to bugger off and make everyone worry then he’s going to get the harsh tone”

I smiled at Niall’s serious tone about when he dishes out the ‘harsh tone’ he uses it a lot when it comes to Harry stealing his chips because it’s clearly one of the more serious topics.

I looked at my phone realising we’d been awake for an hour giving me even less time to get ready, but now I didn’t know what I was getting ready for since me and Niall probably wouldn’t go on our date if Harry wasn’t back soon which was understandable although I’d be a bit disappointed, our date could wait Harry couldn’t as he obviously still isn’t old enough to take care of himself or answer calls.

“I need to go shower if we’re gonna have to go and find Harry”


He whined pulling me closer to him and wrapping his arms around me so I couldn’t leave.


I mocked him, he pouted at me brushing hair from my face.

“Be quick”

“When aren’t I?”

He raised an eye-brow.




He said popping the p.

“Tell you what If you’re out the shower within 10 minutes then you win the bet”

“The bet of what?”

“I haven’t decided yet”

“You make me breakfast and don’t eat any of it?”

He bit his lip.

“Okay, I’ll make you a special breakfast love”

He said quietly as his lips lingered over mine finally pecking them as I released myself from him, he watched me as I left to go to my room.

I showered in the record amount of time and wrapped a towel around me as I shouted down the stairs to Niall that I was out, although I heard no reply or anything at all. I shrugged it off and went to my room to get ready.

I tidied up the few items of clothing and jewellery that were around my room when my phone buzzed with a text.

From: Faye Edmunds

Get yo ass down here now, Harry’s back :S and Nialler wants to talk to you.

Something didn’t feel right then, things had seemed strange when it was so quiet this morning I gripped the tie of my shirt tightly as I walked down the stairs slowly listening for any signs of life, nothing.

Zayn, Liam and Niall were in the kitchen talking quietly while Harry was sat on the edge of the sofa staring straight ahead with an angry look on his face, he didn’t look like Harry his eyes were dark and tired with bags around them and his skin seemed somewhat duller and he was completely ignoring Faye who was just sat there awkwardly saying nothing it was one of the most un-comfortable and strange atmospheres I’d ever experienced.

I looked at Harry as I entered the room waiting for him to notice but he never did I don’t think he acknowledged that anyone was there or let alone where he even was. I walked to the kitchen hoping to get someone to explain.

Niall turned to look at me worry in his eyes, Liam and Zayn’s faces were also worried and not sure what to do Niall walked away from them taking me to the other side of the kitchen.

“What’s going on?”

I whispered as he pulled me into his chest.

“We don’t even know, he won’t talk to us, he arrived 10 minutes ago completely oblivious to us and stuff, he hasn’t said a word”

I wasn’t sure what to say to this, I opened my mouth to speak but there were no words to say, this was out of character for Harry and in a way it was kind of scary.

“We can still go out later if you like though”

He said quietly, by now Liam and Zayn had gone to join Faye, Louis and Harry in the living room leaving us alone in the kitchen.

“Only if things are back to normal, it wouldn’t feel right”

He agreed.

“Okay, well I guess we better try talking to him again then”

I nodded he smiled sadly at me kissing the tip of my nose and we walked into the living room hand in hand.


Louis asked. Nothing.

“Where were you last night, we were worried you know”

Harry shifted in his seat slightly but still didn’t respond Louis kept on talking to him.

“You better not of got completely hammered without me”

He shook his head but still didn’t speak at least this showed he was listening.  Louis ran out of things to say then a whole different look came across his face as he opened his mouth to speak glancing at Faye sadly before speaking.

“Were you with Caroline?”

This struck a nerve, a big one and Harry shifted un-comfortably in his seat then with one small sad glance at Faye left with the slight mummer of “I’m going to my room”.

Niall pulled me onto his lap as everyone stared blankly at the space Harry was originally sat in.

“Well this is awkward”

He whispered in my ear.

“I’m going”

Faye said biting her lip as she picked up her clutch and walked off.

“Are you sure love? I’m sure he didn’t mean to hurt you, he needs time, let him explain himself”

Louis said looking at her with a worried expression, Faye shook her head.

“I don’t like playing games; I thought he would have known that by now”

Louis nodded slightly.

“I’m sorry, for bringing it up in front of you like that”

“It’s not your fault”

“I’ll text you Ash”

She said and with that she left, I didn’t try to stop her, Faye is a level headed girl she knows what she wants and nobody can tell her different, like Harry, she needs time.

By lunchtime things hadn’t changed Harry was still in his room refusing to speak he just led on his bed fully clothed doing nothing; Louis came down from talking to him for the 5th time shaking his head.

“He’s not going to turn anytime soon, there’s nothing you can do, you two might as well go, I’ll call you if anything changes I guess”

Me and Niall looked at each other and after a bit of debating Liam was finally able to shove ‘us kids’ out the door. By now the rain had cleared up and it was a sunny day again not quite as warm and slightly damp in places but otherwise it was fine.


“After you”

Niall said holding the gate to these beautiful gardens open for me.

“Thank you.”

I said smiling at him, gentleman you see.

We had the cutest picnic ever with little nicely cut sandwiches and lemonade, freshly made salad and things like that.

“I’m so lucky you know.”

He said wrapping his arms around me from behind and placing me in-between his legs as he talked to me quietly.

“Are you really?”

I said.


He smiled at me and I turned around so I could face him and we ended up lying down next to each other on the blanket.

“So do you reckon Harry was with Caroline last night?”

I asked carefully.

“Dunno but judging from the way he re-acted when Lou brought it up, probably.”

I sat up; confused at why he would want to be with her when he had Faye and they were supposedly over now.

“Why though?”

“Well, I remember him saying something the other day about how they needed to sort something out so he would have to see her soon even though he didn’t seem too keen about it at all, I don’t see why he would have been there the whole night though”

This opened so many new doors.

“And you didn’t think to volunteer this information earlier?!”

I said, sounding more annoyed with him than I was.

He shrugged.

“Sorry, I only just remembered, he’ll come around by the end of the day.”

“But Faye won’t.”

“Well, if he cheated on her, which I really hope he didn’t, then if she doesn’t come around then that’s his fault”

Niall’s point was harsh on Harry but also true. I ran my hands through his hair twisting it around my fingers and messing it up even more.

“What are you doing?”

He said sitting up and flattening out his hair as he smiled sheepishly at me.

“Giving you a new style.”

“If I did that to you, you’d kill me.”

He laughed slightly.

“No, I wouldn’t”

He raised an eye-brow.




A wicked smile played across his lips as he flattened out his own hair and then shifted to behind me messing up mine. He sat back looking at his masterpiece as he laughed and pulled out his phone and snapped a photo as I smiled stupidly.

“That’s going on twitter”

“No it’s not!”


Niall said popping the p as he continued smiling I gave up trying to steal his phone and waited for the buzz to come that I had a mention.

I pulled out my phone and took in the photo it wasn’t that bad. Just me with crazy curls, the light from the sun over-exposing the majority of my face and my black eye-liner framing my blue eyes nicely, I decided not to kick up a fuss.

“You’re such an idiot.”

“And you love it.”

He said pulling me onto his lap and pressing his lips against my cheek as I rested my head on his chest listening to his steady heartbeat. My phone exploded with hate due to the picture, but I ignored it placing it on the grass face down as I resumed the previous position and continued listening to his heartbeat through the fabric of his polo top.



Yo Harry the dirty cheater, Faye don't like to play games bro. SMH. Jsyk I have nothing agaisnt Caroline it's purely fiction(:

BUT. Aren't they just too cute?:') More drama next time(y)

fml my braces hurt:( this is not cool I can't even eat. LOL.

Right, tomorrow then? See you all then bitches.


^double 'y'; bad ass:o

laters, bro.

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