
By Haddassa

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What would you do if the family you were adopted by was actually a family of werewolves, creatures you had be... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chaper 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69

Chapter 42

1.1K 41 8
By Haddassa

I had just changed what happen in this chapter and the next one. Hope you all enjoy!

Chapter 42

The next week passed by quickly. Jace would pick me up after school, and we would go to random places. He would take me to parks, movies, and restaurants. All theses places had one thing in common. They were all quiet, secluded, and out of reach for both Jace's and my family's packs. That meant we were mostly in the suburbs. Sometimes, if we had homework we would go to Starbucks in those areas.

Finals were coming up, so we became too busy studying to hang out. Since Jace was a grade above me, we only had history together, so we made plans to study for history over the weekend. Other then that we had over a week of not seeing each other, except for the sideway glances in the school hallways. I hated being apart. All my wandering thoughts drifting to him, and my bodies constant begging for a simple touch from him, wasn't helping things either. I knew it was nothing compared to what Jace was probably going through. His wolf was bound to just want to be near me. Probably occupying his every thought with me. That's what I had been told mates would be like when they are apart for even a short amount of time. But we had both decided this was what was best.

I already studied for english with John. It didn't go too well, because neither of us cared enough about the subject to want to study. So we mostly talked with breaks of learning. With the way we studied, it took us three hours to finish the double sided sheet that summarized and explained the meaning of one of the two books we read that semester. I only had to do the one book, because I came after they finished the first book. It was kind of pathetic how long it took. But towards the end, I satisfied my needs and asked how Jace had been doing. John said he was distracted all the time.

Daniel and I were studying for some of the classes we both took. We would meet up after school at the school's library. Sadly, I couldn't get away with studying like I had with John, because Daniel actually cared about his grades. He was also convinced he could make the subjects interesting to me. So far he had not accomplished that.

Then the rest of my subjects, which were only two, I planned to study by myself at the Starbucks I took Cole to.

I pulled the books I needed out of my locker, as other students swarmed past to leave school. I heaved the bag onto my shoulder, and slammed the locker shut with as much strength as I could muster. It wasn't much, because for the past few days I hadn't been feeling too well. I felt lightheaded, I looked paler than normal, my appetite shrunk, and my body would just feel too weak to support itself. Emily also realized this, and decided I was probably just starting to become sick from all the stress of coming back to the orphanage and finals. I couldn't disagree with her. Emily would force me to get more sleep, and eat even when I didn't want to. This morning she offered to let me stay home, but I knew I was able to survive a day in school. If I had any hope of passing any of the finals, then I definitely had to be in school the entire week before.

I was rammed in the shoulder by a passing student, and nearly fell over in my weakened state. I steadied myself against the lockers, regaining my balance. Then I headed off to meet Daniel in the school's library, before I could be rammed in by a student again.

I heard the familiar ding of my phone in my bag, but just ignored it. I had just gotten it the week before. All the girls over the age of 13 had the same phone in the orphanage. It was a cheap phone that I could text and call on, but didn't have any data. It served it's purpose though.

I walked into the library, and headed towards the studying tables we had been using for the past few days. When I got there, I discovered that all the tables were occupied. I let out a sigh, and turned off towards the non- fiction section. I started my search for the science section, since we were studying for chemistry today.

Once I found the section I dropped my bag on the ground, and plopped down. I leaned against the bookshelf, happy I could let my tired body relax. I pulled out my phone. I ignored my missed message, and sent a quick text about the location change to Daniel. I crossed my legs, and waited impatiently for Daniel.

After ten minutes of no response, I started to look for the missed message. It was a message from Cole. Free later. Want me 2 pick u up after studying? I quickly texted back that Daniel would drive me back, and then stuffed it into my pocket.

I felt bad. Cole and I hadn't hung out much recently. I had been preoccupied with Jace and finals. The few times I did have time, he was busy dealing with his own 'business'. I wasn't stupid, but I didn't want to know any more details. Ever since that argument we had in the basement, he had been trying not to talk too much about the gang.

I started to worry about him too. His 'business' was dangerous. I know he had a point when he said he was too deep in that world to get out. I worried about him though. It was my job as his twin to always worry about his well being. A lot of times after those calls I would get anxious. I wouldn't be able to sit down or be alone for long, before I started to let my thoughts drift off to all the dangerous things that could be happening to him at that moment. Before I would just go on a walk to help clear my thoughts, but since I was sick I wasn't allowed to go out on a walk.

"Hey, sorry I'm late," Daniel said, distracting me from my thoughts. I turned to watch him slide down beside me. He offered me an apologetic smile.

"That's ok. I'm not really excited to learn anyways."

"Sure looks like it. You don't look like you're getting any better though," he said, concerned.

"Nah, it's nothing. I'm just feeling a bit sick," I explained.

"A bit sick was a few days ago. Now you look like you're going to faint any second."

"I'm offended you think I'm that weak," I said, faking hurt.

That got him to chuckle a bit.

"So what were you thinking about before I came?" He asked.

"Oh you know. The usual daydream of a unicorn beating a purple hippos ass in street fighting."

"Really? I would have thought the purple hippo would beat the unicorn. It could just stomp on the unicorn, and then it would become a pancake."

"But the unicorn has a nasty horn, He could stab him with," I said as if it was obvious.

"Since when are unicorns male?" he asked.

"Since always! That's what makes them so fricken awesome!"

Daniel didn't seem very convinced.

"Come on! You never heard of Charlie the Magical Unicorn?"

"Should I?" he asked.

I looked at him in shock.

"Seriously? 'Charlie come with us to candy mountain.'" I imitated in the same voice the annoying unicorn would use, from Charlie the Magical Unicorn.

"Never heard of it, and I don't think I want to."

"Fine, but I rest my case. That's why unicorns are dudes," I said, crossing my arms.

He started laughing at how serious I was acting. I couldn't help it, but laugh along. His laughter was the type that just made everyone else laugh.

"Shut up!" Someone from behind some of the bookshelves yelled.

We both stopped laughing so loudly. A round of Sh's started up from the tables, silencing the person who yelled at us.

I started to laugh even harder, but it was cut short by complaints from my weak body. I stopped laughing giving in to my body. I started to wheeze from laughing too hard. I curled over, leaning my head against my raised knees, and focused on trying to get in deep breaths. Daniel abruptly stopped laughing realizing I wasn't breathing properly, and rested a hand on my back.

"Are you ok?" Daniel asked, worried.

I nodded my head, and forced oxygen into my lungs. After a moment I could breathe normally.

"I'm fine," I muttered. I leaned back against the shelf, feeling exhausted.

"Are you sure you're fine? You really scared me there for a moment," he said, searching me up and down for anything else that might be wrong with me.

"Looks like I found a new way to scare you." I offered a weak smile.

He focused hard on my face, deciding if I really was ok. After a moment his face lit up.

"Hold on a moment," He muttered.

He stood up, and started walking over to one of the computers a few shelves away. I watched him confused, as he typed something into the computer. After a moment of watching him over at the computer, he came back over. He searched up at the books directly across from me in silence. I just continued to watch him as he searched for a book of some sort.

If he would have turned around, he would probably see the most ridiculously confused look on my face. Daniel pulled a stool over, and reached up for a book that had been out of his reach. When he turned back around he had a look of satisfaction on his face. Daniel sat down next to me with the book held tightly in his hand.

"What is it?" I asked.

"A book."

"Obviously," I muttered rolling my eyes.

"What's it about?" I rephrased.

He didn't answer. I leaned close, trying to read something on the page he had it open to. He glanced at me, and I quickly returned to my previous position, pretending as if I wasn't doing anything. A smile cracked the serious look that had previously been on his face.

"What are your symptoms?" he asked.

"Huh?" I asked, confused.

"Let me play doctor. What are some of your symptoms?"

I chuckle at him, but decided to give in. It didn't hurt anything, If anything it kept him distracted from the fact we still had to study for chemistry.

"Um.... Light headedness, I feel weak-"

"Didn't you just say you weren't weak?" Daniel teased.

I stuck my tongue out, but continued on.

"My body always feels tired and too weak to do much. Uh... Loss of appetite. I don't know what else," I finished frustrated.

"Ok, well you look really pale. You have dark circles under your eyes. You just don't look very well," he said, adding in his own bit.

"Thanks, I feel flattered," I muttered flatly.

He ignored my remark, and just started flipping through the pages in the book. I had no idea how he was going to find anything with just by symptoms, but I let him continue to procrastinate from learning. After a moment he stopped on a page. He started to skim over it. I tried to see what it said, but he tilted the book the other way. I rolled my eyes at his action, and then glowered when I saw a smirk appear on his face.

"Do you get headaches?" He asked.

"Yeah. Did you find out what I have?" I asked.

"Well, I don't really know how to say this..." He said looking concerned.

I couldn't have anything that bad, could I? I didn't feel like I was dying, so it couldn't be too bad.

"What is it?" I asked, but it came out as more of a command.

"I... I don't think..." He drifted off, struggling for words.

"Oh come on! Just spit it out already!"

"I don't think I can be a doctor," he said, pouting.

"Ugh! So you don't know what I have?" I asked.

"Nah. This damn book is too hard to figure out," he answered.

I shoved him over playfully. He stayed in the same spot though. Stupid weak body. So much for mate strength when I needed it.

"Ugh, Daniel!" I muttered, frustrated.

Daniel got up to put the book away. He stood up on the stool, and placed the book away. Suddenly his phone rang. He got back down from the stool, and answered it. After a moment of talking, he hung up.

"I have to go home right now," he said.

"Why?" I asked.

"My grandparents just came in for a surprise visit."


He chuckled at the confusion on my face.

"They are the type of grandparents that expect to get what they want. Me being home right now is what they want," He explained.

I nodded my head as he picked up his bag. I was too tired to get up at this moment.

"Sorry we didn't get to study," He apologized.

"Nah, it's ok. I hate chemistry anyways," I explained.

"See ya later. Hope you feel better," He said.

"See ya," I muttered.

Daniel left the library. It wasn't until the door closed behind him, that I realized he was supposed to be my ride back.

"Great," I muttered sarcastically to myself.

So what did you all think? Please let me know what you guys thing!

Thanks everyone for reading, following, voting, and commenting!!! I wouldn't have continued this if it wasn't for all of you guys!

Please Vote and Comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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