The Feeling's Mutual ~ Sirius...

By MeganLuvsU

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Leah-Rose Pattenfield spent most of her Hogwarts career being bullied by the notorious Marauders for a reason... More

The Feeling's Mutual ~ Sirius Black
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 5

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By MeganLuvsU

Chapter 5

It only took me a few days to go ask McGonagall if there was anyway that I could switch partners. 

At first, Potter had thought that I would be doing all the work. After assuring him that we were in this together, he thought that somehow we'd be able to work on it without him saying anything to me. He's so frustrating. 

McGonagall had informed me that, in fact, there was one other pair that was highly unsatisfied with what they were accomplishing and that I could switch just this once. Yet, she wouldn't tell me who they were, which got me a bit suspicious.  And I swore that I saw her smirking as I turned to leave. 


"You've seriously never been to a quidditch match before?" Marlene asked astonished. 

"Never," I assured her. 

"How?!" she nearly yelled. 

"I never found any interest in quidditch. And I never really had anyone to go with," I explained to her. 

"You haven't lived life until you've been to a match!"

Lily leaned toward me, "They really aren't all that interesting. They're just fun."

And so the whole way to my very first match, Marlene babbled on about just how great quidditch is. 

Once we reached the stands I turned to her and asked, "If you're so into quidditch then why don't you play?" 

"I do- oh shit." And with that Marlene was gone. 

The game was Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff. It took a while to get interesting, but after a good fifteen to twenty minutes, nearly everyone in the stands were really into the tight game. 

Towards the end of the game one of the Hufflepuff chasers came to a stop in front of us, and smiled and waved at me. Or at least I think it was at me. If it wasn't aimed towards me, I probably looked like an idiot. 

Lily nudged my shoulder, "Ooo, who was that?" 

"Honestly, I have no clue. But he was attractive." 

After the game, the same guy came up to me. 

I told Lily, Mary, and Alice to go on without me. 

"Hey," he said. "I'm Carson Pratt."

"Uh, hi," I spoke awkwardly. I'm not very good at talking to guys, especially attractive ones. "I'm Leah Pattenfield." I'm too awkward to live. 

He told me how he saw me in the stands and thought that I was really beautiful. All of the normal stuff that guys say when they're trying to get a girl. 

I just stood there blushing. Again, awkward. 

"Wanna go for a walk?" he asked me. 

Now, I know you shouldn't just go for a walk with some random stranger, but I mean, I know his name. Doesn't that count for something? And he's attractive so I'm pretty sure it's okay. 

I accepted and we just walked around for who knows how long, just talking. And the more and more we talked, the less and less awkward I got. 

It actually seemed like I've known Carson for a lot longer than just a few hours. 

"I really should be getting back to the Gryffindor common room," I told him after realizing that it had already been dark for quite some time. 

He pouted playfully, "Fine. I'll bring you up to your common room."

"You don't have do that. The hufflepuff common room is all the way down on the first and mine is on the seventh," I told him. 

"Oh, but I do have to though. It's a part of the 'Guy Rule Book'."

I laughed and nodded, "Well I guess if you have to then, okay." 

He smiled at me and grabbed my hand, bringing me inside the castle. 

Once we reached the entrance to the Gryffindor common room Carson said to me, "I really had fun getting to know you tonight. We should do it again, would you want to go to Hogsmeade with me this weekend?" he asked. 

"Okay," I told him blushing slightly. I said the password to the common room and the door opened. "I'll see you this weekend then," I said smiling. And leaned over and kissed him lightly on the cheek before turning around and going into the common room. 

I was in a great mood for the rest of the night. 

"So, what happened between you and Mr Attractive?" Lily asked me as I entered my dorm. All the other girls were alseep. She had a bedside lamp on, and was surrounded by books-- like normal. 

I sat down on my bed, and took my shoes off. "Nothing really. We just talked." 

Lily shut her book and set it down beside her. "Nothing isn't being gone for two and a half hours. Give me details girl!" 

I rolled my eyes. "Seriously Lily, nothing really happened." I took my scarf and robe off. "We walked around the castle and talked for most of the time." 

"Most of the time? What about the other part of the time?" 

I took the bobby pins out of my hair, "Oh my Merlin Lily. Nothing really exciting happened." I changed into a grey sweatshirt and short pink shorts. "He just walked me up to the common room, and asked if I'd go to Hogsmeade with him this weekend." 

"Oh-em-gee!" she squeeled. Mary rolled over and muttered something unrecognizable, and went back to sleep. Quieter, Lily continued, "That's not nothing! You're said you'd go with him right? I can't wait to get you all pretty and dressed up for you're date!"

"Wait," I inturrupted, "You're saying I'm not pretty now?"

But she didn't really listen to me. "Ah, you two are going to be such a cute couple!" 

"A couple? Merlin Lily, I just met the boy today."

"Oh, but one date will lead to another, which will lead to another, which will lead to dating!" 

"Lily, you should know, it's not that simple." 

She crumpled up her face at me. "Stop ruining the moment. I'm so happy for you! A guy likes you!" she sang. 

"You're so obnoxious," I told her as I went into the bathroom to wash the little makeup I wear off of my face. 

When I came back she was still going on to herself about what I had just told her. 

I crawled into my slightly cool bed, and quickly fell asleep. 


Transfiguration came quickly once again. But the thing is, I was slightly excited for this class, because today I would be assigned a new partner for this stupid project. One that will hopefully help me with the whole "work" part and actually speak to me. 

The Marauders are so obnoxious. 

McGonagall told us that today would be one of the only days that we would have class time to work on our projects, just to get them started and to go over the packet and make sure that we didn't have any questions. 

But before she let us go off to work, she said, "I'm going to make a few minor adjustments in some of the groups. Mr Potter, Miss Pattenfield, you two will no longer be partners. Mr Potter, you will now be with Miss Evans--" 

Potter interrupted her with a loud, "YES!" and I heared Lily say something that sounded like "toerag" under her breath. 

Maybe this will be good for the two of them. The two of them as in Potter. Maybe he'll finally get it in his head that Lily doesn't like him. 

McGonagall continued, "--and Miss Pattenfield, you will now be paired with Mr Black. Now you all may get to work." 

"I asked for someone better, not someone worse!" I exclaimed to the professor. 

She approached us, "I've seen the way you two act around one another, and I figured that this way would give the two of you a chance to possibly work out your differences." 

We both made faces at her when she turned away from us. 

"I hate her," we both muttered. 

I guess this is just going to be one of those projects where I'm going to have to be doing all of the work. 

But I didn't seem to be the only one in this situation. The only thing that Potter was doing was basically harrasing Lily. 

I turned to Black, "When are we going to start working on this outside of class?" I asked him. 

"I have quidditch tonight, and on Tuesday I usually work on--" 

"Okay, Tuesday's good," I interrupted. "In the Common Room at eight."

He glared at me. 


Tuesday came too quickly. I've been dreading working with Black ever since we were assigned to be partners a few days ago. 

But eight rolled around and I sat in the common room waiting for Black to show up. At eight forty-seven he came in. 

"Forget about something?" I asked him. 

He acted as if he were going through his thoughts, trying to remember something. "Nope," he said, popping the 'p'. 

I really hate this kid. 

"So lets get start--" 

He yawned over dramatically. "Nah, lets work on it tomorrow. I'm going to bed."

"Okay, I guess," I said, giving up. "At eight!" I yelled to him. "Come on time!"

The same thing happened the next day, and the next, and the next. 

On Friday night when he would do his fake yawn and tell me that we'd work on it the next day, I replied differently. 

"Can't, I'm busy." 

"Busy?" he asked. "With what? Eating? Sorry to burst your bubble but you know you can do that at any time of the day, right?"

"Ha ha," I told him. "Very funny. But I really am busy."

"With what then?" he asked. 

"Fine, if you really want to know then. I have a date tomorrow." 

"Ha! A date? You? Very funny Pattenfield. There's no way someone would want to take your fugly ass out on a date," Black went on rudely.

Glaring at him, I said, "I'm serious Black. Now if you don't mind, I'm going to bed."

But as I was going to pass by him, he put his arm out to stop me. "What now?" I asked unimpressed with him. 

"Who's the idiot?" 

"Carson Pratt. Now can I go to bed?" 

Black's eyes seemed to get wide and he suddenly just spun around and quickly went off into his dorm. 

What the hell was that about? 

A/n Two uploads in one day? Yep:) I was actually really into writing this chapter. I wrote it in like a half hour. 

So what do you guys think is between Sirius and Carson? 

Yeah, I'm going to bed. Night ;***

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