Extra Ordinary

By oeurwari

349K 19.3K 6.1K

The story of an ordinary girl's encounter with an extraordinary hero and what trials and tribulations come af... More

Chapter One - 'Groceries At 8 & Getting Kidnapped- Same Thing'
Chapter Two - 'You're Bloody And Wounded, You're Fine'
Chapter Three - 'Ghoulish'
Chapter Four - 'This Is A Good Milkshake'
Chapter Five - 'Like From Pokemon?'
Chapter Six - 'Which Sweetheart?'
Chapter Seven - 'Walking, Teleporting- Same Thing.'
Chapter Eight - 'I Picture A Dude In Spandex'
Chapter Nine - 'That Doesn't Sound Right...'
Chapter Ten - 'Can't Mind My Own Business, Clearly'
Chapter Eleven - 'Emergency'
Chapter Twelve - 'Thanks For Asking'
Chapter Thirteen - 'Silent Showdown'
Chapter Fourteen - 'My Bad'
Chapter Fifteen - 'Did I Become Prettier?'
Chapter Sixteen - 'Thugs' Doing'
Chapter Seventeen - 'That's Not Vague At All'
Chapter Eighteen - 'Scars Don't Go Away'
Chapter Nineteen - 'I Sound Like George'
Chapter Twenty - 'I'd Prefer It If You Were A Dog Person'
Chapter Twenty-One - 'We've Bonded Over Pain'
Chapter Twenty-Two - 'You Could Give The Devil Chills'
Chapter Twenty-Three - 'Weaselled Her Way In'
Chapter Twenty-Four - 'A Big Heart'
Chapter Twenty-Five - 'The Liv Limit'
Chapter Twenty-Six - 'Weird Trash Talker'
Chapter Twenty-Seven - 'Everything Sucks'
Chapter Twenty-Eight - 'Death By Brownie'
Chapter Twenty-Nine - 'You Shed Like Crazy.'
Chapter Thirty - 'Delivery Girl- Psych's Sidekick!'
Chapter Thirty-One - 'The Sweetest Bloody Angel They've Ever Met'
Chapter Thirty-Two - 'A Hellbent Demon'
Chapter Thirty-Three - 'A Certain Kind Of Dumb Luck'
Chapter Thirty-Four - 'Do I Have To Beat Someone Up?'
Chapter Thirty-Five - 'I'll Kick You In The Shin'
Chapter Thirty-Six - 'The Peculiar Case Of Three Heroes'
Chapter Thirty-Seven - 'Is That Blood?'
Chapter Thirty-Nine - 'A Cat's Choice'
Chapter Forty - 'Your Number Two Hero'
Q&A +

Chapter Thirty-Eight - 'I've Seen Her Without Bangs'

7.8K 461 360
By oeurwari

[ A/N: Fun fact: I'm actually a monster who feeds on your turmoil and feelings ;]


When Reece and I descended the stairs, I first noticed how all the lights were downstairs were off, then I noticed how quiet it was. I turned to look at Reece questionably in the dimness, but he just squeezes my hand as we reach the last step.

What the hell happened? "Did our friends get kidnapped?" I voiced aloud, genuinely concerned about what on earth has happened- how long we're Reece and I gone for?

Reece laughed softly beside me as he leaned down and placed a gentle kiss against head, "Happy birthday, Olivia." he murmured, and at this, the lights suddenly flickered on and our supposedly kidnapped friends jumped out from the once dark corners of the lounge yelling overwhelming phrases that I gathered to all have the same premise- happy birthday.

Ah, that.

I'd been so hyped up for the release of the documentary today that the mere date on the poster only registered as opening day when it was also the date of my nineteenth birthday, how on earth did I manage to forget the one thing I'd always been looking forward to since the start of every year? Time has been so fleeting...

"I suspected you knew since the beginning but then again, you're an idiot." Tyler said, appearing from the kitchen with a large chocolate cake presented on a platter. Upon processing that this was meant as a surprise, I suddenly realised the state of the house that looked more homey than ever before, the lounge had a mass of steamers strewn across every surface and plates of my favoured foods lined up along the coffee table. Kimmy, Ash and Chrissy still looked like they'd just been caught in the act of decorating, they still had bundles of streamers clutched in their hands and Kimmy was struggling to put on a party hat with one hand. I beamed at the sight, overwhelmed with joy.

"Where'd you get all this stuff from?" I laughed, running up to Tyler who was making his way towards us and peering at the chocolate cake which had my name written with icing in wonky cursive.

Tyler put the cake down onto the coffee table and waited for everyone to gather around me. "I know it's not the prettiest cake ever..." Tyler trailed off sheepishly. Wait, Tyler made this cake? He was just as bad a cook as me!

"It's beautiful. And if it tastes horrible I'll still tell you it's amazing." I grinned, giving his cheek a light pinch. The thought and effort warmed my heart, the cake didn't look very appealing, but in an odd way it looked like it tasted amazing.

"You better, it took me three tries to get it right." He said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Wait, so, was Reece supposed to be my distraction?" I asked everyone, turning around to single Reece out in particular who merely shrugged in response, placing a party hat over Ash's head.

Kimmy threw her arms over my shoulders tightly into a hug, "That was the one thing we forgot to plan, but it worked out! Why would he cut himself on purpose, silly?" She laughed.

Reece and I proceeded to have a silent conversation with expressions as our friends laughed at my apparent naivety, I practically told him he was crazy with my eyebrows and he told me he knew with his charming half smile. I don't know if I want to kiss him or smack him for his incredulous stunt, I settle with controlling myself as Ash whipped out a lighter from his back pocket and began lighting up the ever so beautiful cake my best friend has made.

"Make a wish." Chrissy said after they graciously sang me the happy birthday anthem in varied pitches. The amusing moment was something I wished I could tape and keep to play back forever. In the span of thirty seconds, Ash and Kimmy had egged a not so keen Reece to join in the song as it begun, pulling on his cheeks and attempting to tickle the not ticklish guy before he relented and sang my name in a very endearingly monotoned voice whilst Chrissy and Tyler howled in laughter, unable to contain their amusement about the whole situation.

Tyler held up the cake in front of me as they all awaited for me to make my wish and blow out the candles. I wished a million things, so why was it suddenly so hard to narrow down what I wanted most? Everything suddenly seemed minuscule or impossible in this moment, so I went with impossible and blew out the randomly placed candles as my friends cheered around me.

"Wow, this cake is actually good." Ash said, digging into his own slice of the cake. Ash was right, it was so good I wanted to cry, I shoved a forkful of the cake into my mouth just to occupy my face in case I truly would.

"Present time!" Kimmy cried, pulling out a small wrapped box from under the coffee table that I hadn't spotted earlier. The others followed, pulling out gifts and holding it out to me. Tyler had earlier claimed that their planned consisted of keeping everything in the car before slowly bringing it all in to set up the celebration, how had I not noticed?

"Ash and I got you this together!" Kimmy said as I took hers first, I unwrapped the small present to find myself staring down at small red jewelled earrings. "Ash suggested getting it red, he said it'd match your necklace!" She continued.

I laughed, carefully taking them out of the box and putting them on. I couldn't exactly see myself, but I felt pretty and my friends seemed to react in a way that said so too. I got up and pulled Ash and Kimmy into big hugs, which they happily returned. "Really pretty." Ash said, flashing a boyish smile. "I'm glad I remembered that your necklace was red, we almost got blue ones." he continued, relieved.

"I'd be totally happy with blue ones too, thanks you two." I said. Feeling Tyler place his hand on my shoulder, I turned to find him holding out a very badly wrapped present and I took it, a good understanding it of it may be. "Did you pay a child to wrap that?" Chrissy commented jokingly.

"Totally." Tyler retorted, pulling lightly on one of her curls and watching it bounce back. I watched their exchange in amusement, all of us knowing full well that Tyler had just committed a crime in Chrissy's book.

I unwrapped the present amidst their lighthearted bickering, "Oh my god." I gasped, pulling out varying socks with cat faces on them. "They're so cute!" I squealed, turning to grin up at my best friend, only to have him clip something into my hair before he just as quickly ruffled my hair, "You're welcome." he said in a surprisingly softer voice. I almost missed the slight hitch in his voice that could render me heartbroken if I delved too deep reading into it, he sounded sad.

I reached up and took out the pin he'd inserted into my hair to see what it looked like, bringing it down to see that it's a simple jewel encrusted hair clip. I inhaled sharply, realising why he'd gotten me this. "I figured it couldn't hurt to get you what he would." he said, smiling boyishly, "Do you think he'd mind if I joined in your traditions?"

I placed the hair clip back into my hair, "Traditions are made to be joined, aren't they? If it were you, I think Cade would be especially happy. We're better as three, after all." I said, holding up three fingers.

Tyler laughed, and it's infectious, "Happy birthday, Liv."

"We have no idea what's going on, but that was super cute." Kimmy giggled, nudging her best friend Ash. "Good thing we went first."

"Well, mine isn't anything shiny but..." Chrissy trailed off, handing me a neatly wrapped box with a fancy big bow on top. I took the present and unwrapped it, finding two custom mugs with my name written on them and a bunch of cute doodles around it. "This is... so awesome." I said in awe, admiring the designs, "Did you draw these?" I asked, noticing the familiar doodles and unique penmanship was in fact hers.

Chrissy nodded and I pulled her into a hug and placed a big kiss on her cheek, "Thank you!" I grinned.

"No fair." Kimmy commented, laughing.

"You have a girlfriend, idiot." Ash chuckled, I watch him for a moment- and he seems like the happiest version of himself in this moment, my relief and joy for his smile is indescribable.

"Where'd Reece go?" I said, suddenly realising he was no longer behind me.

Everyone else seemed just as confused as me, and I felt my heart drop into my stomach for a second before Reece enters from the front door holding something familiar I'd forgotten all about until now. "Sorry." he said, approaching me. Reece placed the toy Cyber in my arms and gives me a half smile, stealing my breath in return, "I didn't know it was your birthday until it was a little too late."

"Yeah that's entirely on me, I forgot to tell him." Ash said sheepishly.

I shook my head, clutching the toy to my chest and beaming up at an unreadable Reece, I get up onto my toes and place a quick kiss on the edge of his lips, momentarily forgetting we had people around. I reddened at the sight of my amused and bewildered friends.

"I totally got the best reaction." Chrissy said, being the ice breaker.

I smiled up at my friends, my heart full. "I love you guys."

I wake up to the sound of distant laughing and incoherent conversation before realising my current whereabouts. I had fallen asleep on the couch. I'm about to open my eyes until someone speaks, I think I'm leaning against someone's shoulder, Reece?

"I can't believe that was her favourite movie." Reece said to someone, oh right, I'd fallen asleep watching the said favourite movie of mine with everyone.

"Yeah, I've been forced to watch it a hundred times- feel my pain bro." Tyler chuckled, his voice just as close. Was I sandwiched between them? Where was everyone else? "The plot feels weaker every time I watch it, I swear she just likes it for the actors." he continued, "Anyway, you're probably going to have to sit through it a million times from now on." Tyler said, "You guys are a thing now, aren't you?"

"How'd you figure that?" Reece drawled lightly.

"The girls were cackling in the corner the whole time you guys were upstairs. We'd be idiots not to realise something's been going on- besides, I'm her best friend, I've known her, and everything about her since forever." Tyler replied, his voice reminiscent, "But what is she to you?" I heard Tyler continue to ask, his voice hesitant yet demanding. I held my breath.

"Olivia? I'm quite fond of her." came Reece's casual reply. It's really hard pretending to be asleep at this point.

Tyler laughed, "So am I, but that's not what I'm asking."

"Enlighten me first, what are you asking as?"

Silence ensued for an odd moment, and when I start to think they've realised I'm not sleeping, Tyler suddenly speaks again. "I've seen her fall on her ass, laugh off a broken bone with blood gushing from her wounds, throw up in a bed of flowers and I've seen her without bangs. You tell me what I'm asking as." Tyler said, laughing slightly. I allow myself to cringe a little at the all true things he's listed- he really doesn't forget anything.

Reece laughed- I could practically imagine the type of smile he had right now, "Such charming qualities, I don't know what you're insinuating."

Tyler guffawed, "Yeah, charming."

"You talk about her like you're mourning." Reece suddenly said after a moment as if it were the most casual thing ever. "You're leaving her, right?"

I bite my tongue, almost reacting.

"I'm guessing she told you." Tyler merely responded, calm and collected. "Well, I'm glad she has someone to talk to."

"She should be talking to you about it." Reece said coolly.

Tyler proceeded to just laugh as if Reece had told a joke, "You think I'm selfish, don't you?" Tyler accused in a casual manner, but he doesn't give Reece the time to answer, "I'm not leaving her, I'm leaving here."

Reece scoffed, "You can keep saying that to make yourself feel better but when you do leave, it'll be the same to her and you've left." he said.

My best friend sighed, "There's a lot of reasons to stay, and she's a big part of it. But there's a lot more to go. It feels suffocating here, don't you ever feel that way?" Tyler asked. I held my breath, recalling SP say something along the same lines too. Was it that common of a term here in San Fransisco? That common to feel suffocated here?

"Never enough to leave." Reece said.

Tyler laughed sadly, I think he's just as taken back as I am right now. "When did it start?" Reece asked, and I'm not even sure what he means, but Tyler seems to know. I hear Tyler's breath hitch as he hesitates to answer, "When I lost my family. Felt like I should've lost too." he trailed off, "Liv is all I have left, but I feel like I can't move forward unless I actually move. I need something to live for."

"That was quite the monologue." Reece laughed softly, "But I hope you find it."

"Me too." Tyler murmured, a smile in his voice. I feel him brush against my foot on my other side, getting up and cracking his joints loudly, I can't keep myself from literally cringing.

"Leaving?" Reece asked him.

"Yeah, it's pretty late, I should probably get everyone home..." Tyler said, "I heard you lost your contacts or something, will you be okay driving back at this time?"

Reece chuckled slightly and I feel the vibrations, "I'll manage." Reece replied vaguely.

Tyler sighed heavily, "Do everyone a favour and be careful..." he murmured, "I'm trusting you to stay by her side...now that I can't."

"Your trust is a burden." Reece said wryly, "I don't need it."

My best friend laughed, "Then just believe that if you hurt her I'll come back to kick your ass."

"If that's what it takes for you to come back, what will it take for me to make you stay for her?" Reece retorted.

"You're a weird guy, Reece." Tyler said instead, "I didn't peg you as the selfless type."

"Neither did I."

There's a long stretch of silence between them, and it feels like understanding.

"Drive safely, hero." Reece said.

Tyler laughed, "Hero?"

"I see why Olivia must like the movie."

"Am I really like the protagonist?"

"Uncanny." Reece said.

"I'm not particularly a fan of heroes..." Tyler admitted lightly, "But I guess if I'm like hers, I'm okay with it."

Silence ensues once again and I can't hear any movement coming from the two of them anymore, only the incoherent conversation coming from the kitchen that must've been the rest of my friends- it must've also explained the smell of cheese and chocolate in the air.

Suddenly, I feel a hand brush up against my cheek and someone place a soft kiss at my forehead. "Happy birthday, Liv. Learn to play dead a little better." Tyler whispered, chuckling.

I'm so embarrassed that I continue to play being asleep, even when my friends all leave. I can't believe he knew I was awake. I want the couch to swallow me up whole. I sit up as soon as I hear the sound of the door shut and turned to an amused looking Reece. "Good dream?" He asked sarcastically.

Heat rushed to my ears, "You knew too?"

"People don't generally react in their sleep."

I groaned, burying my head in my hands, "When?"

"Since the beginning. Your breathing changed." he answered, taking a sip of his soda.

"What did your answer mean? When Ty asked if you ever felt suffocated here?" I asked after I finally recollected myself.

He half smiled, tipping his head back."You overestimate me, Olivia." was his vague answer, and in a strange way it feels like he's reassuring me, so I don't really feel as though I should push it.

I sighed deeply and leaned back onto him, Reece pulls me closer so that I can practically feel his heartbeats against his chest and maybe if I concentrated hard enough, hear them. I found it funny considering that Kimmy's running joke was that Reece was made mostly of bone, because despite this, I felt like I could melt in his arms and go back to sleep in an instant.

"What's the story with the flower garden?" he suddenly asked, looking down at me curiously.

I groaned, burying my face into his chest, "You're not letting me live any of those down are you? To be fair they've all happened a long time ago." I said, my voice muffled, "Well...Ty and I were at an end of year party in high school and there were jelly cups on the table."

When I looked back up at him, I could see the gears turning in his head, he was already starting to stifle his laughter. I rolled my eyes, smiling nonetheless, more at Reece than the horrible story I was explaining, "I took a bunch of them. Actually, all of them. It doesn't help that I'm an idiot, but no one ever told me there was alcohol in them and so I was wasted and very underage. My dad had promised to pick me up at the call but he'd cancelled on us and we had to walk home. We were almost there when I puked into someone's house flowers." I continued, "Now you have to tell me something you've done, preferably in high school because that's when everyone is the most traumatised."

He raised an eyebrow, amused, "Is that how it works?"


"I was helping my friends cheat on a test." He began slowly, "When all was done, I realised I'd given them the wrong order on the multiple choice section, the teacher figured out the correlation in their wrong answers. There were consequences."

I laughed, not expecting that at all, then again, Reece always managed to exceed all my expectations. "How did the teachers find out you were involved? Did you turn yourself in?" I asked, surprised.

Reece smirked, "No, I just landed myself in detention another way." he said, "Can't have my academic reputation tarnished, could I?"

I grinned, "The bigger question is what you did to get detention."

"If I told you I'd have to kill you." he joked with a wink.

I feigned a gag, "Literal chills. You sound like the dark prince of my twelve year old dreams."

"Prince, huh?"

"Yep, and speaking of, and not that I'm asking for it, but why did you stop calling using that nickname you gave me when we first met?" I asked curiously.

"I just didn't care enough back then to bother with your name to be honest."

"I've thought about this a lot, but you're so weird."

He pulled at my cheeks, "Coming from the girl who avoided me for such an irrational reason, I won't take it to heart." he half smiled, evidently still a little peeved about my ridiculous stunt.

I sighed dramatically, "What do I have to do to make it up to you, my prince?"

He rolled his eyes, humour glinting in them nonetheless. "Close your eyes." he requested.

I hesitated, but obliged and waited for him to tell me otherwise.

I suddenly felt his warm touch against my face, cupping my cheeks for a moment before slowly making his way up and pushing up my bangs. I began laughing, not expecting him to do what he just did. "You wanted to see me without bangs?" I guessed, opening my eyes.

Reece just stared at me, dumbfounded at my newfound face. I've been told I look like an entirely different person without them, I once clipped them back and made my dad do a double take- then again, that doesn't really say much considering our relationship.

I reached up to my exposed forehead, my thumb brushed against his as I blindly tried to pinpoint a mark, "I have a small birthmark in the shape of a crescent moon here." I told him, "Looks like you're in on the secret now."

Reece ran traced finger over the mark gently, his gaze soft- seemingly deep in thought. "What are you thinking?" I asked him, amused.

Slowly, his lips curled into a smile, "Secret." Was all he said.

I rolled my eyes, grabbing his hand, "Can you put my bangs down now, my forehead is getting cold." I joked.

He chuckled, leaning in to place a quick kiss at my forehead before obliging to my request. I gaped at Reece, processing his gesture before probably turning profusely red.

Before I can say anything, I hear the front door open and we turn to find Elizabeth and my dad come through the door. Elizabeth immediately narrows her eyes at the sight of the decorated lounge whereas my dad is more so taken aback at how close I am with Reece. Reece exchanges a curt nod with my dad before casually taking a sip of his soda, not moving away from me despite how uncomfortable my dad looks about it.

His gaze slowly softens, "I take it that you had fun today?" Dad asked, rather awkwardly as he took off his shoes and put them on the rack.

"It was great, Ty even baked me a cake himself. He wanted you guys to have some too, the rest of it is in the fridge." I told him.

"Will you be staying over tonight?" Elizabeth asked Reece, raising a surprisingly un-hostile eyebrow.

Heat rushed to my ears and I abruptly got up, holding out my hand for him to take, "He's- uh..."

Reece seemed thoroughly amused by my reaction, taking my hand and getting up too, "Not tonight. It's pretty late, I should get going." He said politely, his first sly comment un-missed, earning a subtle elbow to the chest.

"I'll walk you out." I said, proceeding to do just that. As we stepped out, I breathed in the cool night air and turned to look at Reece, who was already looking at me. "Don't die." I said.

He flashed his endearing half smile,"Why would I do such a thing when I just got the girl?" Reece joked.

When I head back into the house, I'm surprised that it still feels like the home my friends had made it to be. I find Elizabeth is sitting on the couch, reading the DVD casing of my favourite movie. "It's good." I said, hesitantly taking a seat beside her.

Elizabeth looks up at the sound of my voice and puts it down like she's been caught red handed, "I've never seen it." She said tersely, shifting her weight and pulling down at the hem of her dress.

"You should." I followed up awkwardly. Carrying a civil conversation with her was weird. "Did you guys have fun at the restaurant?" I asked after a moment.

"We booked for three tonight." She replied instead. I blinked slowly, processing her words. "Seems like we can't even do a celebration for you right." She sighed, pushing at her cuticles.

I shrugged, managing a smile. "I'm happy." I said, "I thought you'd both forgotten."

She laughed sharply, "We would've, if you hadn't told me a week earlier."

"The thought still counts, so thanks."

She smiled a little before turning away, shooing me with her hand. "Go talk to your father, brat. He's been sulking."

I got up and headed toward the kitchen, unnerved at the thought of my dad sulking over me. Upon entering, I see him cutting himself a slice of Tyler's cake. I grab another plate and approach him from behind, "Could you get me a piece too, dad?" I asked, scaring him.

He nodded, recollecting himself and taking my plate to carry out my request. "It looks... interesting." He said, eyeing his own slice as he sat down at the dining room, I followed after him and sat down beside him.

I watched my dad take his first bite, his stern expression slowly morphing into a eerily delighted one. "It's...good." He said, surprised by the dessert.

I nodded, shovelling cake into my own mouth. We proceeded to eat in silence, the sounds of our cutlery against the ceramic plates speaking for us. "Nineteen now, huh?" He murmured suddenly.

"Yeah." I said, unsure what else to say.

"You've grown."

"Isn't that what you say when you haven't seen someone in a while?" I asked absently, laughing quietly to myself.

"Well, I guess I feel like I haven't properly seen you in a long time." He said, looking at me.

My eyes began stinging and I fought the sudden urge to cry. "Yeah."

"I'm sorry." He said.

"For keeping things from me? For never having my back? Forgetting I exist on a day to day basis?" I listed off, unable to stop myself as soon as I got the ball rolling, "For which one?" I'd initially said it all in a wry manner, but the when the final words left my mouth I realised how void of humour it all was. And god, the realisation hurt- so much so that I couldn't deny that a big part of me hoped it'd hurt him too.

Dad grimaced, "Everything." he said, "Can you forgive me?"

"No." I said without hesitation, making him wince, "Not right now. Probably not in a while..." I admitted, "but thanks for apologising I guess."

"It's scary." he suddenly said, "How much you resemble Jenny...your mother."

I couldn't help but scoff harshly, "Yeah, imagine how scary it must be for me to learn that I resemble both you and Elizabeth's loved ones." I snickered, dad made an unsettled sound as he frowned, the lines in his face getting deeper.

"That's not a funny joke, Olivia." he said, smiling sadly.

I shrugged, "Being a horrible dad isn't a funny joke either, we're hardly even."

He looked seriously pained at my response, and I wish I felt bad about causing it, but I didn't. "I'm sorry." he said again, "I- it's not that I'm putting Elizabeth before you-"

"We both know that's not when it started." I said coolly, "We lost mum, and then it suddenly felt like I lost you too. It really didn't help that you weren't there for Tyler and I when Cade and-"

"I didn't mean to... I just..." he trailed off, clearing his throat, "Cade and Tyler... I loved them as my own kids, too." he said firmly, evidently distressed by the path of this conversation.

I smiled, "The difference is that I still love them."

I fall back onto my bed with a sigh, not the kind I'm rather familiar with, but the happy display of relief that came through exhaling deeply. Today had been so full of ridiculous events that I hadn't had the time to feel overwhelmed at any point- so I let it all sink in as my bed engulfs me.

It's been a hectic year... but I'd never think twice about redoing anything. I begin recollecting everything that has happened this year- both fond and otherwise. I'd encountered my all time favourite hero, had ramen with him and became his friend, met a lovely woman called Jackie, befriended Ash and Kimmy and Reece, had Grandma visit, learnt Tyler was planning on leaving, reconnected with Chrissy, found out Elizabeth was pregnant, went on a date, got thrown a surprise party and just had a needed conversations with Elizabeth and my dad...

I found myself wandering back to the thought of SP and his whereabouts, suddenly not feeling as elevated as I had a moment ago. What are you up to, you silly Super? I absently reach up to touch my forehead, the sacred place for all forehead kisses hidden behind a curtain of hair.

Suddenly, I sat upright, almost giving myself whiplash.


I think...

I know...

I was delirious, it would make sense- the night had gone so well that everything was beginning to feel surreal. The chances were so laughably thin... but it was a laughably thin chance I was willing to take. I'd never thought twice about it before- maybe it was pure denial; and rightfully so- it shouldn't be...

The mere thought was crazy enough to question my sanity.

I traced the scar at my palm with a heavy thumb as I glared at the large picture frame hanging on the wall.

My breath caught at my throat as I secured a clammy hand around my phone, I don't give myself the time to question or doubt the conclusions I'd come to. The conclusion I didn't know I'd been building up until it finally came together.

I should wait.

I should sleep on it.

I should...

I don't.

I just text help and hit send.

In a matter of time that could've been seconds or minutes, I feel a cold waft of air behind me and I jump up, turning around to face the silhouette of the city's beloved Super Psych. "You can't just text something like that without any context, Liv..." he said, noticeably relieved at the sight of me, I see it in his posture, "Are you okay? What hap-"

"You came." I breathed, stepping towards him, he steps back.

"Of course I did." He said, his voice breaking slightly. "Wait, did you just text help to lure me out-"

"I know who you are." I said, my nails digging into my skin palms, creating crescent marks.

"Believe me, you don't." He said, his voice drastically lower.


"There's a lot of people in this city, Liv." He said quietly.

I nodded, fixing my posture, hoping I looked more confident than I felt. "You-"

"Did you ever consider that maybe you've just never met me?" He cut me off sharply. I hear him sigh, "There's a lot of people in this city." He repeated, but he sounded so vulnerable.

"Believe me, I never thought twice. But I know. I know." I croaked, my erratic heartbeats thrumming in my ears.

"I'm nobody." He said, but his voice wavers ever so slightly. He kept stepping back as I approached him. But I quickly cornered him against my wall, his breathing is harsh, and within the dimness of my room I can see his chest rise and fall.

"But here you are, breathing, moving, talking, alive." I murmured, reaching up to his hidden face and tucking my hand behind his ear, feeling the security of his mask. I unlatch it, click. I close my eyes and let it fall, thump. "If you're a nobody, why're you here?"

I hear his breath hitch, a soft sound that takes up the tense silence.

"You're supposed to be dead, Cade."

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