Just Had To Be You

By ThatChickUKnow

337K 7.7K 412

All that Collin Ace ever wanted was... well, nothing. He already had it all. The money, the power, the girls... More

Just Had To Be You
Rejection Hurts
Love Always Wins...❤
First Date... ❤
Moving In
❤ Marked By You❤
Uh Oh....
House Hunting...
Finishing Touches...
Home Sweet Home....
This Means WAR....
New Arrivals....
Introducing Hadleigh Carson....
Are You Cheating on Me??
Dress Shopping...
The Night Before My Wedding and You Take Me To A Slumber Party??
This Is It.... :'}

The Alpha Female....

17K 428 6
By ThatChickUKnow


I slowly opened my eyes to the warm Saturday morning sun. I rubbed the sleep away from my eyes and tried to get out of the bed, only to be held in place by something. More like someone. I turned my head to the side and saw that it was Collin's arm that held me in place.

My back was pressed up against his chest and his face was buried in the crook of my neck. I smiled to myself and my wolf practically purred at having spent the night with her mate. I turned over in his arms and kissed him lightly. His eyes fluttered open and he smiled at me. "Morning," he said and I smiled back at him.

"Good morning," I said and he kissed me again. After a few minutes, I pulled back from him and sat up. I crawled out of his bed and walked over to to his dresser and started fishing through his drawers. "I'm going to take a shower and I am going to steal your clothes until I get some of me own." He laughed at me and nodded.

I got into the shower and washed my hair and body. When I finished, I got out and pulled on the track pants and t-shirt that I had stolen from Collin. I walked out of the bathroom and was pulled into Collin's warm embrace. He kissed my hair and looked down at me. "Come on, lets go get you some clothes."

We walked down the stairs and out into the garage and got into his car and drove down the street to my house. OK, I know you have got to be wondering why me and my family don't stay at the pack house with everyone else and that is completely my moms fault.

 So, like I said before, my mom is human and my dad is a werewolf. And oddly enough, they are mates. It is very uncommon for were's to have humans for mates, but my dad did. So, being human, my mom thought it strange to live in a house with so many other people. So, naturally, my dad obliged and bought us a house to live on our own near the pack house. When Isaac turned eighteen and found his mate, he moved into the pack house to be closer to her, but I haven't gotten around to moving into the pack house although Collin has been bugging me about moving in ever since our first week together. I remember the first time he brought it up and I almost freaking died...


 It had been three days since me and Collin found out that we were mates. It was our recess time and me, Harley, Macie, and Collin - Chris and Lacie left early for "quality time". I was sitting on top one of the many pick-nick tables, in between Collins legs. Collin was leisurely running his fingers through my hair and occasionally playing with the soft curls. 

Harley was talking about how good it was to live in the pack house and be so close to Macie. That was the moment I almost croaked. "Yeah. Hey, babe, when do you think your going to move in," Collin asked.

I had just decided to take a drink of my water when he decided to ask. Me being me, I tried to swallow the water, but got a bunch of air, then a little water. I started chocking, but eventually calmed myself. "Are you alright?" Collin asked, somewhat panicked. I nodded. "Oh. Good. So, what do you think?"

 "I don't know Collin. That is a big step and we haven't even been together a week."

He dropped his head and nodded, "Yeah, I guess you're right, but I want you to move in eventually," he said kissing the top of my head.


We pulled into my driveway and Collin parked the car. We got out of the car and walked into the house. My parents, who were sitting on the couch watching some show on Discovery Health - the nerds - turned to look up at us. "Hey, Pumpkin," my dad said and smiled. My mom looked over at me with an icy look in her eyes.

 "Hi, Dad," I said and smiled back. I then looked over at my mom and gave her an emotionless nod. Collin shot me a confused look and I just shook my head. He knew that my mom and I didn't get on that well, but he didn't know the extremity of it. "I'm just grabbing some clothes. I'm going to be staying with Collin for a while."

"Alright, honey," my dad said and I grabbed Collin's hand and started pulling him up the stairs into my bedroom. Only then did I see that Collin is grinning like the Cheshire cat with a slight glow to his eyes.

"What has you all happy," I asked him and he turned to look at me.

"Where you're sleeping while you're at the pack house," he said, pulling me to his chest.

I laughed and rolled my eyes. We continued up the stairs and into my bedroom. I pulled my duffel bag out from under my bed and packed it for the rest of the weekend and the up coming week. When I was finished, we walked down the stairs into the living room. "Bye, Dad," I said and smiled at him. I nodded curtly to my mother.

We walked out the door and got into the car. We drove down the highway, and finally after about fifteen minutes, we pulled into the pack house driveway. He took the keys out of the ignition and he looked over at me. "What is up with you and your mom? I mean I know that you two don't get along, but damn, it looked like you two would rip each other to shreds if it wasn't for yours truly and your father." I took a deep breath and thought about how the hell I was going to explain it all. I chose the simple way.

"Well.." I started, but paused, worried about what he would think. "Everything was fine, I guess up until I shifted. You know that she's human, obviously, and I guess she wanted the gene to skip over me," I said shrugging.

"What the fuck is wrong with her? You're her daughter for fucks sake," he yelled.

I knew he would react this way. "I know. I can't understand it myself. No one can understand her."

"Doesn't your dad notice? I mean how could he not? You can cut the damn tension with a knife," he said.

I could tell that his wolf was rising to the surface and I needed to calm him down...and fast. "Collin," I said, putting my hands on his face and making him look into my eyes, "My dad sees it all through rose colored glasses. Would you want to think I didn't love our daughter?" He was quiet, and that was answer enough. "That's what I thought. What she does doesn't bother me anymore, so it shouldn't bother you," I said and he nodded.

"You're right. It just hurts me for you," he said sweetly. "And I know that we would both love our daughter...When she gets here one day." He kissed me lightly and I smiled.

For the rest of the day, we watched movies, then went to sleep, tangled in each others arms.

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