Let's Say || TaeKook

By jeontaelove

184K 6.1K 2K

My first ever Taekook fanfic Date ended: 07/07/17 More

Lets Start
First (1.2)
First (1.3)
First (1.4)
Second (2.2)
Second (2.3)
Blood, Sweat and Tears
Fifth (5.2)
Fifth (5.3)
Seventh (7.2)
Eight (8.2)
Twelve (12.2)
Fourteenth (14.2)
Fourteenth (14.3)
Sixteenth (16.2)
Seventeenth (17.2)
Twenty One
Twenty Three
A/N 2.0
Twenty Four

Twenty Two

2.2K 76 18
By jeontaelove

Jungkook's POV

I'm being upset to what Jimin is doing. He's being unfair with Yugyeom. The latter didn't do anything wrong with him. He must not treat him like he doesn't belong. I know it's not cool to be treated like that. I know that he's also partly the reason why Taehyung and I broke up. He's not the whole reason.

" Jungkook, lets go there. I think they have the latest game console. " Yugyeom said as he points at the store that sells gaming devices.

He knows that I love playing computer games. Once we played computer at pur condo. And Jimin being Jimin, he didn't make Yugyeom's life comfortable the whole time the latter was there.

We're here at the mall, strolling. Just killing some time before the event at the campus will be held.Jimin is the one to propose that we'll go here. At first, he didn't want to take Yugyeom with us. I lectured him about his attitude, in the end he agreed.

I smiled at Yugyeom, " Lets go then. "

I heard Jimin groaned. I look at him ad shook my head.

" What? " He asked. " I'm not doing anything. " He said innocently.

" Yeah, you're not. " I rolled my eyes. " Lets go Yugyeom. Don't mind him. I think he's on his period. "

I pulled Yugyeom with me, not minding the grumpy Jimin behind. I really don't get him sometimes.

" I think I shouldn't come with you. " Yugyeom said, which made me look at him. " I mean, Jimin doesn't like me. "

" Don't get affected by him. He's just being like that cause he's on his period. Just forget that he's around. Okay? " I smiled at him.

Yugyeom nodded but I could see that he's still hesitant. I can't blame him though. 

I really need to talk to Jimin about this thing.

After we felt feed up of all those new gaming set that we see, we decided to go back to campus. Jimin said that we need to be early so that we can get to pick a seat closer to the stage. I can see how excited he is. A fanboy indeed. Its not like his first time to see them. 

" There. We could sit there. " Jimin pointed at the center part near the stage, its just the only seat that no one is sitting. 

" You're joking right? " I look at Jimin.

" What? " He asked.

" Are you kidding me? Can't you see that there's only two available seats? " I raised my brow.

" It's not my problem. " Jimin replied. 

" Its okay Jungkook. I can sit somewhere else. " Yugyeom said, which made me turn to face him.

" No. You're coming with us. Right Jimin? " I look at Jimin and give him a knowing look.

" Whatever. " He said, rolling his eyes.

He's getting in my nerves. Remind me again why is he my bestfriend. 

I look around to see if there are still available seats. 

" We can sit there. " I said while pointing at the seat near the entrance. It's kinda far from the stage, but at least we can still watch them.

" Fine. Just wait here. " Jimin said as he stomp his foot while walking towards the seat he pointed earlier.

" Its really fine if I sit somewhere else. I don't want Jimin to hate me more. " Yugyeom said.

I look at Jimin who is talking to a random girl. Maybe telling her to move. I can tell on how he's being sassy.

" I told you not to mind him. " I smiled at him. " You'll be fine. "

I hold Yugyeom's hand and walk towards Jimin.

" We can sit here. " Jimin said as we're in front of him. He look at my hands that is holding Yugyeom's. He instantly snatched my hands off of Yugyeom's.

" What? " I asked.

" You sit at my right and you. " He points at Yugyeom. " You're going to sit at my left. "

" Why - "

" No questions, no buts. " Jimin said as he took the seat in the middle.

I look at Yugyeom and mouthed ' sorry '. He just nods at me. 

I sit down and look at Jimin, who is looking at the stage. His full attention is in there. Like the most interesting thing is in there. 

I poked him. " Chim. " He didn't move. His attention is still at the stage.

"Talk to me Chim. Are you mad at me? " I asked.

" No. " He plainly said.

" Yes you are. " I said, looking at him.

He sighed. " Then why ask me? " He asked.

" I just don't know why you're mad at me. " I said as I lower my gaze.

" Seriously? " He exclaimed. I could see Yugyeom look at us.

" I mean, why? " I asked, meeting his gaze, this time he's looking at me.

" You know the reason why. So don't ask me Kookie. " He replied as he avert his attention back to the stage.

" Can't you be friends with him? " I asked.

He's not like this. He's friendly and all. I know he wanted to be friends with Yugyeom too.

" I can't. And I won't. " He replied.

" Hey. Please? Yugyeom is not that bad. " I defended him.

" Whatever. " That's all he said.

I'm thinking of a way that Jimin will treat Yugyeom nicely. I really feel bad for the latter. Yugyeom is nice. He really is. It's not his fault that Taehyung-hyung and I broke up. Maybe its just a sign that we rushed things. We just know each other for a short period of time. 


An update as I promised. 

Next chapter will be a blast, so wait for it.

I'm really sorry for not updating, it felt like years.


~ dee

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