Comfortable Silence || Luke H...

By Kissmebiteme

17.4K 462 454

They meet at a Laundromat, at first Luke's an ass, and Yenessa the 'hot topic of the popular dicks' according... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three

Chapter Two

737 20 9
By Kissmebiteme

Chapter Two

'Tonight we'll dance, I'll be yours and you'll be mine.'

I pull my iPhone out of the back pockets of my jeans, I press the big green button and press it to my ear. I shove one of my hands into the front pockets of my jeans as I wonder around my back yard, occasionally looking up at the nice morning sun.

"Hey, Shane." I say, smiling.

Shane has been my boyfriend for the past three months we haven't had much history together, but I feel like I'm slowly falling for him. He is one of the sweetest guys I've met, but I have this feeling he's hiding something about him from me, and that's one of the things that hasn't made me fall for him already, I want to make sure I know him inside and out before I start pulling out the 'I love you' card.

"Hey, babe. Look, I'll cut to the chase. Do you want to come over tomorrow? My parents are out of town, so we'll have the house to ourselves." Shane says, I can imagine him smiling. I'll like to add that no, Shane is not a popular 'dick', in fact he is actually a bit of geek, he hangs out in the library to study all the time, he hates sports, but I think he's perfect.

I look over in my schedule I have planned out in my mind, I may only be in Year Eleven, but man I have a busy schedule, this weekend I seem to be free, accept I have to go take a trip down to the good ol laundromat. I prefer going at night since not a lot of people go at night, it's usually just that guy and I, and some mexican looking guy we both don't know.

Speaking of which, it's been a week and half since I've been going down there, that guy is still a bit of prick, but he can be quite kind sometimes, when he's in a good mood. I seem to feel that he has problems maybe at home or something, I don't want to be mean to him for being mean to me, then find out he has home problems, I will never forgive myself.

I still haven't figured out his name, he marks his name off when he gets to class, he asks Miss. Jensen to tick it off, so that's why I know everyone in my English classes names besides his, cause he gets his name 'privately' marked off. That boy is an odd egg out of the bundle, but I like odd.

"Yeah, I seem to be free, but I can't stay the night. I've to do a few house chores, Mum's working this weekend." I say, Shane groans over the phone.

"But I'll make it up to you. Mum isn't working next week, you can come over, Lavigne will be at my Nan's so we'll have the top floor to ourselves." I say, he chuckles. Shane and I met in our Art class, I was never good at painting but he showed me how to get the perfect strokes with the brush and stuff, and now I'm actually quite good at Art, we got to know each other and became great friends before I started developing a crush on him, turned out he had developed one for me too then he asked me out, and now we've been together for three months.

"Okay, great. I'll pick you up at twelve. Bye, babe." He says, shuffling going on in the background I don't get to say good bye because he had already hung up before I got the chance too.

I sprawl myself out on the bright green grass, closing my eyes to prevent getting them burnt by this typical Australian sun, here in Sydney it doesn't rain a lot but in Melbourne one day it's rainy and the next it's nearly forty degrees, during the summer time.

I feel relaxed lying down underneath the bright warm sun. One day I want to get a hammock so I can sit underneath the sun swinging on it and maybe even take a nice comfortable nap until the beautiful night sky comes through. I usually nap on the grass and my back kills when I wake up seeing as the dirt underneath me isn't exactly soft, I usually wake up at six or seven at night after napping on the grass, so from around one to six at night, nearly six hours. Of course my back is going to hurt.

My eyes begin to close as I fall into a slumber filled with warmth covering my body from the summer sun.

"Yenessa." Says Mum, shaking me back and forth. I sit up from my sleeping position on the grass, seeing the sun is still up and as bright as it was before I fell asleep meaning I haven't slept for very long.

"Yes?" I say, rubbing my eyes, I squint them a bit not used to the light.

"I need to go to work there's some clothes that need to be washed. Also, there's twenty dollars on the bench, you can order take away, but I need to go" She presses her lips to my forehead, holding the back of my head. "I see you later sweetie, I'll be back home at six am."

With that she brushes the grass off of her knee caps, and stands herself up, she slips on her heels that she must have taken off, and walks back to the back door, her long dark hair tied neatly in a ponytail swinging with her movements.

Great. I have to go visit that guy I seem to not know the name of. Yeah, he can be quite nice but he is really stubborn, and has really weird mood swings, but I'm not going to judge him because it looks as if he has a not so simple life, and I don't want to judge him over something he may not have control over. That's just not me, my Mother has raised me better than Judge.

I place my palms on the ground and lift myself up onto my feet; I run my hand through my tangled blonde hair, pulling out pieces of grass and a few burrs. I shove my hand into one of my pockets, as I open up the back door to the laundry. I grab the hamper, shoving all the dark clothing into a basket, and swing it onto my hip.

My phone vibrates in my back pocket, I'm assuming it's either Megan or Mum, most likely to be Mum. I whip my phone out of my pocket as I walk over to my room to sleep on some thongs. I read the text on the screen and I was correct, yes it was my darling mother.

'Can you drop Lavigne off at Tabitha's house before you go do the laundry I forgot she's staying there for two nights.'

I reply with a 'Sure' seeing as I have nothing better to do and Mum can't exactly do it. I call out to my darling little sister only to see her blonde hair whip in front of me, I watch as she runs down the hall singing the Dora theme song.

"Lavigne. I need to drop you off at Tabitha's. Have you packed?" I ask, as I walk into the kitchen placing the basket on the bench. She nods her head, and points to her bag.

"I can't wait to go to her house. She said she has marshmallows!" She says jumping up and down her piggy tails bouncy cutely with her. I take her hand in mine, and grab my Mum's car keys.

I don't usually drive, I do have my license, but I prefer walking. But I wasn't walking twenty minutes to Tabitha's with a little screaming girl, and walking about twenty five minutes back down to the Laundromat.

I place the washing basket in the back. I then sit Lavigne in her car seat, and strap her in shutting the door afterwards before swirling the keys around my fingers as I walk around to the driver's seat. I shut door after sitting in, and buckle up before starting up the car.

"Love you, Nessy." Lavigne says. I back out of the drive way before replying back to Lavigne with 'I love you too.' I focus my eyes on the road ahead of me as I make my way down to Tabitha's house.

"Bye, Ness." Lavigne says as I exit the York's home. Tabitha is five years old the same age as Lavigne, they been friends since birth, Mum and Tabitha's Mother, Clare York met at a Jewellery party at some friends house seven years ago and became good friends. Lavigne can't live without Tabitha.

I walk down back to Mum's little Blue Suzuki. Since there is only three of us in the family, Mum bought a small car, she doesn't plan on having more kids, and she doesn't want any more either. She wanted a station wagon, but there was no point, plus she loves her small cars, not 'big assed' ones as she says.

I swirl the car keys around my finger, tucking a loose strand of hair as I walk down the lopsided drive way. Clare lives on a big block of land, her house is on a small hill, so the drive way is a hill, a lopsided hill.

I swing open the car door, buckling myself in and start it up. I drive down the road for not even three seconds until I see a familiar flop of blonde hair, carrying a blue washing basket. I stop the car next to the foot path he's walking on, and wined down the window.

"Hey, um. Want a lift to the Laundromat?" I ask, I know, yes we don't get along but it's nearly night time, and the clouds are grey, I'd even pick up my worst enemy if they were walking in the 'about to come' rain. Because- according to my Mum- I'm a nice person, and I do things like that. But keep your friends close and your enemy's closer right? But this guy isn't my enemy, yeah he is an arse, but I won't make him walk in the rain.

His head is facing the ground, and his shoulders are hunched a little, he looks over at me and nods his head. I unlock the car and he opens up the door, and sits himself in holding the basket on his lap.

"Thanks." He says, giving me a lopsided smile. I return the smile, except mine isn't exactly lopsided like his. I step on the pedal and begin driving down to the Laundromat.

From the corner of my eye, I saw him look over at me. I focus my eyes on the road, and decide to at least make small conversation. The car is silent, none of us speaking but it wasn't awkward it was a...comfortable silence.

"How have you been?" I ask, making small talk. Things aren't awkward at this moment but it's silent, I don't like silent. I like a little bit of noise, so I know there is a mind under that boys thick blonde haired head.

He shrugs his shoulders, and runs his hands through his blonde hair pushing it back while doing so.

"Will I ever get too at least know your name?" I ask, taking my eyes off the road for a brief second to look at him. I want to at least know his name, it's frustrating me because I know everyone's name, Megan told me a lot of them in my English class, but I don't know his, and frustrates me not makes me curious.

"Right now, no. But one day, you probably will find out. But it won't be from me telling you." He says, pressing his back against the seat. I park the car right in front of the Laundromat store. I pull out the keys, and before I even take my seat belt off, that guy was already inside the Laundromat. I unbuckle myself and shove the keys into my pocket while using my other hand to open the door.

I grab the basket, slamming the door shut. I rip the keys out of my pocket, quickly locking the vehicle before shoving them back in. I walk inside the Laundromat to see that guy already waiting for the two peoples washing to finish.

Most people at the Laundromat, put their washing in, pay for it and go out and do something, as for me and that guy we just wait for our turn to come, then we wait for our washing to finish before leaving, we don't go out while it's in the machine, most of the time we either argue to each other or sometimes have an actual nice conversation, but that's only happened twice since I've met him, other than that he's been a complete arse.

I sit myself down next to him, placing the washing basket in front of my feet. I fold one leg over the other. I pull my phone out, but then decide to not use it, and shove it back into my pocket. I'm not really a phone freak or anything, I use it for music, Twitter, Vine and Flappy Bird and that's it. Most people use it for Facebook, while I hate it, I do have an account but I got cyber bullied on it and decided on not using it again, not much of a Facebooker anymore.

I bite my lip as I try to think of something to talk about to this guy. You know calling him 'this guy' and 'that guy' is really frustrating me, maybe I'll call him...Bob. Na, erm. I'll call him Bob. Wow, I am ill.

"So, Bob. How are you?" I giggle a bit afterwards at my own inside joke, well not much of one. He turns his head over to face me, and narrows his eyes at me.

"Funny. But I'm not Bob. Also, it's none of your business how I am." He says, his eyes widen at some point then he coughs.

"You like Nirvana?" He asks, looking down at my t-shirt before look back up at my face. I hold onto the hem of my black shirt, and look down at the yellow writing saying 'Nirvana'. I got this shirt two years ago because it reminded me of my Dad, who I don't see much anymore. Dad use to belt out the Nirvana songs, and practically forced me to like them, but I do anyway.

"Yeah. My Dad got me into them." I say, letting go of my shirt, and running my hands through my long wavy blonde hair, I'm kinda brushing it without a hairbrush, with my fingers instead.

"You've gained a small seed of my respect." He says, holding his thumb and pointing finger to show an inch. I chuckle, he looks like the type to be into that type of music, I'm not that surprised.

"You a big fan?" I asked, turning my body around in my seat to face him, he scrunches his face up as if he is thinking before he runs a hand through his hair, and turning is own body to face me.

"Sorta. Like you, my Dad got me into them as well. I like the shirts though." He says. See what I mean how he switches moods? He was being a little nasty before, and now he is being quite friendly, I like the friendly side of Bob. I chuckle at my own thought.

"What are you chuckling at?" He says raising his eyebrows. I chuckle again at my previous thought. Even though he most likely doesn't want to be called Bob, I will call him that. He does things to irritate me all the time, so time for me to pay him back.

"Oh, Bob." I say chuckling again. He furrows his eyebrows and turns around in his seat. He looks at me like I'm crazy, while I laugh my arse off at something that's not even that funny.

"I'm not Bob!" He says, folding his arms over his chest. The arse doesn't have anything arse-y to say? That is the first time, but I know it won't be the last.

"Well, until I find out your real name, Bob. I shall call you Bob." I say, I turn my body around so I'm no longer facing him, I'm being a tad nasty aren't I? I don't like to but sometimes it just happens I guess. Not everyone is 100% kind all the time, not even a little girl.

"Well, I guess you'll be calling me that for a while then, so I better get used to it." He says, we both go back into one of our 'comfortable silence' moments, our eyes both plastered on the two washing machines in front of us, spinning around not too fast and not too slow.

"Bobby." Bob says flipping his head over to look at me. I give him a 'what are you talking about?' look, and then he smiles. "Since you get to call me Bob, I'm calling you Bobby."

"I'm only calling you Bob because I don't know your name, you know my name and I'm sick of calling you 'that guy'." I say. I don't know why I just told him I call him 'that guy' but honestly I don't care.

"That guy? I'd prefer that over Bob. Sounds like an old man's name." Bob says, I roll my eyes at his comment before replying.

"And...Bobby is a guy's name." I say, Bob says something the minute I finished my sentence, I fiddle with my fingers while he speaks.

"Then that makes us even, Bobby. You call me Bob, which sounds like an old man's name, and I call you Bobby which to you is a guy's name, when I know a girl named Bobby." He says, making that probably the longest sentence or sentences he's ever said to me. He doesn't talk a lot to me, but honestly I don't care if he doesn't talk to me a lot or not, I'm completely fine with it.

"Whatever." I say, leaning my head on my hand. I roll my eyes at Bob's current sentence. He always has an answer for everything doesn't he?

"Aw. Is little Bobby mad?" He teases, pulling a smirk on his face while making his voice in one of those annoying teasing voices, that I'm sure everyone dislikes unless it's not them using it. I move my head off my hand, and fold my arms across my chest, sliding down in my seat.

"I'm not Bobby!" I say throwing my hands up in the air while turning to face him, most likely my face is probably red, I'm not mad, but I'm not Bobby! He is deliberately provoking me and people who provoke end up getting sent to the hospital because someone had broken one of their limbs.

"Then I'm not Bob!" He says throwing his own hands up in the air.

"Well, if you tell me your name I won't have any need to call you Bob." I say, arguing back to him. I slouch back down in my seat and groan, why can't he be nice all the time, how hard is it to tell someone your name, especially when they will eventually find out anyway?

"You don't need to know my name. But don't call me Bob, I'd rather be called Fuck face, then the name of an old man, Bobby." He says, smirking afterwards, I swear I am so close to slapping him. I hate provokers! I really dislike them, they make me want to hit them so bad but I resist it. I don't want to hit people, even if I say I'm about too.

"My name isn't Bobby!" I yell. "My name's Yenessa and you know it!"

"Bobby, calm down. You'll make the owner kick us out." Bob says, smirking once again. He thinks he is so clever doesn't he? Provoking me like that? He thinks he is the cherry on the sundae, yeah? Well, he can go fuck himself, I'm sick of his fucking provocativeness. I hate it. But I started this by deciding on calling him Bob, but this could have been over if he just shut that fucking mouth of his!

I groan. I stand up pushing back the seat, I drag myself over to a bare wall, and press my back against it, dragging myself down to the ground. I need to cool off before I do or say something I will regret, yeah I don't know him very well, and blah, blah, blah. But I will say something mean, and I don't want to say it to him, in my head it's fine but saying it to him, I will hate myself, I don't like to hurt others feelings because I called them nasty names, and told them nasty things about them. But everyone does it at some point.

Plus I'm glad I was the bigger person and walked away from it. Usually I will keep reacting, and the argument would go on for weeks. But I walked away from it, because I swear I felt steam going through my ears. Not legit.

I press my legs up to my chest, and groan leaning my head on my knees. I wrap my arms around my legs to hold them like that while I cool off. I guess I won't call him anything when speaking to him, but in my head I will call him Bob, until I find out what kind of stupid name belongs to him. That was mean, I'm sorry. I'm just...the kettles boiling. Get my metaphor? I'm pissed, in other words.

To make matter's worse, I need to spend another hour or two stuck in this small store with him. Arguing. Ugh.

I keep my head on my knee's, but raise my head when I hear footsteps. I see Bob walking over to me, his hands shoved in his pocket. He sits down next me, and runs his hands through his hair. I bite my lip. He pulls his lip piercing into his lip before opening his mouth to speak.

"I'm sorry. I was just messing around with you. But I should have seen you were getting mad, and stopped. I'm sorry, Yenessa." He says, he wraps an arm around me pulling me into his chest but I shake his arm off. I must add though, it was really nice of him to apologize to me goes to show he isn't as big of an arse as I make him out to be.

I could see he was being sincere, and I like to forgive and forget. So I look down before opening my own mouth to speak.

"It's okay. I'm sorry, B-...erm, mat-" He cut me off before I could even finish calling him 'mate'.

"My names Luke. Call me Luke." He says, I widen my eyes. I thought he said he wasn't going to tell me his name. I thought he said it would take me while to find out his name, but instead he just tells me anyway, well I aint complaining.

"I'm sorry for calling you Bob, Luke. Why didn't you want me to know your name?" I ask. I'm going to eat up my words, he actually has a name it isn't stupid at all, if anything my name is stupider then his.

"It's cool. And honestly I don't know why, I guess I wanted you to figure it out on your own." He said, standing himself up holding a hand to help me out. I slid my small hand into his tanned large one, and pull myself up with some of his help. I let go of his hand, and we both walk back over to the seats.

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