The 15th Member

By smurfyphantom06

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This is a Hobbit Fanfic. When Princess Maecel is told of a journey she will travel on, she doesn't even have... More

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By smurfyphantom06

After the Dwarves ate they cleared away the table in a funny sort of way, this angered the hobbit named Bilbo even further, he stormed into a room, Gandalf right behind.

I stood up to stretch my legs, not wanting to interrupt Bilbo and Gandalf's private conversation I waited by myself in the hall, when they exited the room the hobbit still seemed a little on edge but the sound of a knock on the door silenced everyone.

Nobody moved so I took it upon myself to open the door.

I had to hold on to the round door for balance as I looked into the stern face of an obvious Dwarf, he had a large nose, thick dark hair and beard to match perfectly. But it was something about the way he carried himself that gave off the aura of leadership like he requires respect, and I found myself just staring at him.

He looked at me and then to Gandalf before looking at me once more, he snorted and then let himself in as he spoke about getting turned around.

Then gave me his full attention, "hobbit wife, make yourself useful, run into the kitchen and fetch me something to eat." He said as he entered the impromptu dining room and took a seat, a hot bowl of soup was placed in front of him.

I scoffed. I didn't care how good looking a man was, nobody talks to me like that.

"I am NOT Bilbo's wife!" I shouted "nor is my place in the kitchen serving swine like you."

The room grew even more silent at my raised voice.

"Then why would a female be here amongst men?" He asked as he turned in his seat to face me. "A-are you..."

His look went from determination to that of anger and confusion.

"A Hobbit." He shouted as he looked at Gandalf, "and an Elf" he nearly spit as his eyes met mine once more.

I felt hollow, nobody had ever made me feel so low, so worthless. I wanted to cry but I wouldn't give him the satisfaction.

"You need a burglar Thorin!" Gandalf said, "I have found you the fourteenth member for the quest, as well as a fifteenth."

"No, she would be a burden who will more likely than not parish in the wild, she has no place amongst us." Thorin said flatly to Gandalf as if I wasn't even in the room.

Gandalf began to explain how Bilbo and I could help them if they allowed us to join. Then the older dwarf named Balin began telling us about the contract.

I reached out for the quill and instantly signed my name before he could even finish.

"I have already agreed to come so if I must sign a contract then so be it." I said.

-Maecel Fairchild, Daughter of Rivendell-

I didn't fail to notice the two other signatures on the contract. One was Balin the other was Thorin Oakenshield, I looked up but didn't catch his eye, I couldn't believe I was sitting at the same table as the once Prince of Erebor.

Balin nodded at my signature then looked to Bilbo, but Bilbo had begun reading out the contract thus bringing up the conversation of the Dragon Smaug.

I had heard every story there was to hear about the Dwarves, the Lonely Mountain, and even Thranduil, King of the Woodland Realm.

Once again the flustered Bilbo needed a minute alone, I took a seat near Fíli and Kíli and no one really talked, I took one of my throwing knives from my boot and began twirling it but stopped as Thorin (the dwarf king/egotistical brute) began singing.

As much as I had quickly grown to dislike him, I stopped twirling my knife, putting it back in my boot so that I could listen to the haunting song.

"We will sleep here tonight." Gandalf said as the song finished, "we will leave first thing in the morning."

"Maecel you may take my bedroom." Bilbo said with a stiff smile.

I smiled back at him and thanked him gently.

. . . . .

As I got onto the pony given to me the debate over wether Bilbo Baggins would join or not arose.

"How about you Maecel?" Oin asked, "do you think the hobbit will come with us or not?"

"I think he will, he's scared because he's set in his ways, but when he wakes up and sees that it wasn't a dream he will

Come to his senses and join us."

"Wanna wager on it?" Kíli asked.

"Sure," I said as I reached down and pulled my coin purse from my belt. "20 says Bilbo will join us."

"You'll double if you're right." A dwarf I now knew as Nori announced.

We began to ride off, I looked back once, Hobbiton was the first place I had ever been outside of Rivendell.

We didn't get too far when the sight of a panting hobbit barreled towards us. I smiled a wide grin and from where I was sitting I could see Thorin glaring, it had to really irk him to have to depend on others, especially people like Bilbo and myself.

Kíli and Fíli picked Bilbo up as he protested about riding a pony, and easily placed him atop the horse.

We rode on and suddenly pouches began to fly, one flew in my direction and a hand grabbed it before it could hit my face then the hand held the small coin purse out to me.

I looked up to see a smiling Fíli, "your winnings, you bet 20 so here's your 40."

I now laughed as I put the coins with the rest and tied it back to my belt.

We rode for what felt like forever as we began our quest, and we finally stopped on a low Moutain as night was beginning to ascend.

A fire was built and someone cooked a stew, I ate the bowl that was served to me and then found a spot on the ground as I readied for the night.

Knowing that at any moment we could very well have to run I slept in the same clothes with my shoes on. I laid my head on my satchel, my bow and quiver next to me, I pulled my thick cloak around me tightly for warmth.

"You should lay closer to the fire."

I turned and saw it was Thorin who spoke to me.

In an attempt to give me some "privacy" the others had arranged their sleeping spots away from mine.

"I will be fine." I said softly, I didn't want to offend him, but I also didn't want to appear weak.

He grunted and began moving around. I looked up at the night sky as I tried not to pay much attention to him, but soon a distinct crackling sounded and a warmth touched my skin.

Still laying down I got on my side and looked up at him, he was crouching near a fire he had just made.

"You should get some sleep, i'll take first watch." He said in a somewhat soft tone, but not once looking at me.

"Thank you."

He nodded and stood up straight, turning his back to me. I closed my eyes and fell asleep almost instantly.

"Orcs!" Bilbo said frantically, "What are orcs?!"

I eyes flew open and I was frozen with fear, then my heart slowed as I realized that Orcs weren't actually here, Fíli and Kíli teased Bilbo then Thorin scolded them.

"You know nothing of the world." He finished.

I closed my eyes as he came to stand near me once more.

Balin then began to inform the brothers of Thorin's past with Orcs and why he was so angry. I laid there and listened intently to the sad yet heroic story.

When the tale was over I was glad that I had signed on to be the fifteenth member of King Thorin's quest to take back their home and hopefully get revenge for his family.

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