The Eldars

Autorstwa ShelbyWinds

8.1K 1.4K 209

Katiri comes home to find her family dead. More than dead actually. In grief and pain she starts out on a tra... Więcej



137 19 5
Autorstwa ShelbyWinds

Montani stops short as she comes into the entry hall. "Teondae, I didn't expect to see you here this morning. I apologize for my rudeness last night. I was terribly rude after the generous hospitality you offered, not to mention the gifts you gave."

Teondae smiles bitterly, "There is no need for either apology or thanks. The gifts gave themselves and the house allowed you to find them. She likes you, I think.

"But I will be going with you, that is if you don't object," for the first time Teondae wonders if maybe his presence will be unwanted.

"I don't object, I just don't want you uncomfortable," Montani says softly gathering her things.

As she does so Leean comes down the stairs. "I'll be coming as well, unless you would rather I stay behind. I owe you an apology, Montani. I should know better and I didn't, forgive me?" Leean looks at the human female and wishes for her to forgive him.

Montani gives him a small smile, "There is nothing to forgive, Leean, but the part of me that terrifies you? You will be seeing that part a lot more often in the coming days. I will not cause anyone unnecessary pain or fear." As for the evil ones there is no pain or fear strong enough as far she is concerned.

Leean gives a sigh and puts his things next to the couple. "I know and yes, I have to admit seeing you like that terrifies me. Yet to be truthful, I'm glad of it."

Montani is confused and allows it to show, "You are? Why?"

"If we are to survive this war we will need someone to rally around, someone that gives us hope. Someone that scares the monsters so to speak. And Montani, if they knew who you are they would be scared." Leean says and although his words could be taken as an insult Montani takes them as the compliment that they were meant to be.

"Thank you. You are welcome to come, if that is what you still wish." Montani stops and seems to be listening to something before turning her attention back to Leean. "You were given a gift as well," Montani smiles warmly at the elf. 

Mant isn't too happy with how warmly Montani is smiling at Leean. He really needs to control his jealousy in regards to her. He knows that she loves him and wouldn't betray him. "The sun has come up sufficiently for us to see easily now, we should go if we want to hit the lands of the eagles before nightfall."

Montani looks at Mant surprised at his sharp tone, but nods her acceptance. "You're right of course." They all pick up their things and silently leave the house.

"Teondae, how do you do that disappearing and appearing trick?" Montani questions once they make camp for the night. They decided to wait until the morning to try to contact the eagles.

"It requires the use of the lands music. As far as I know the vacar are the only ones able to use this trick. But since you were able to see and hear perhaps you will be able to learn as well." Teondae shrugs as they sit around the camp fire. Teondae is listening to the music of the land to let him know if an enemy approaches.

"I'd like that," Montani says, but doesn't expect that she'll be able to do much. The land had told her that Mant would be able to though. She turns to her husband and asks him if he would like to learn as well.

"I don't know. I didn't really hear what you did Montani, I don't think that I will be able to do the Vacar magic." Mant says uneasily.

"There are two types of magic we use: the music of the land and magic of our own. The greatest creations were made when we combined our two magics together and the Eldar joined us with their magic. Montani has the ability to learn the land magic and it will come naturally to her, but I am not sure that she will be able to learn the Vacar magic itself. However, you might be able to, Mant. Many of the vacar could in the ancient days. Of course the bloodlines also mixed a great deal as well making it even more likely." Teondae says, not really encouraging, but not discouraging either.

Mant looks over to Montani who gives him an encouraging nod, "Okay, I'd like to at least try. It would be nice to be able to do something better than Montani for a change." Mant jokes a bit and Montani sticks her tongue out at him in a childish gesture that makes them all laugh.

"Good, concentrate Montani," Teondae says with far more patience than Montani would have if their roles were reversed.

Montani is finally able to access the music of the land at will, but is too worn out to try for the other magic. "Mant, I think you have found something else that you are able to do that I can't. Or at least not without a lot of pain and stress, like the mind speak you and the other Eldar can do." Montani says smiling happily for Mant. He's never been one to be jealous of her and her abilities, but she's happy that he's found something that will make him feel more her equal.

Mant snorts, "Yeah, I bet. Montani, I think that if you tried you'd be able to do this as well." Mant says disappearing from her sight. Then she feels his arms around her and leans back into his hold.

"Not this time, Mant. Somethings are natural to certain people, like the mind speak for the Eldar. You have an affinity for Vacar magic." Montani smiles up at him as she leans her head back. "I'm glad. I don't know how the separation between the two races happened, but you learning this could help heal the rift. I have too much to deal with and am more than happy that you are able to take on this burden." Montani smiles more mischievously. "Wouldn't it be something to be able to have the power in creating that they had in ancient days and be able to force the Eldar to recognize the history they refuse to acknowledge?" That is most definitely something that Montani is going to deal with when they return to Malinor after visiting the dwarves.

"You really think that it will be necessary to do that? Or even be possible?" Mant asks dubiously. He doesn't find it hard to work the Vacar magic, and even the land music he's able to find and use now, but he's still not sure that he'll have any success for creating anything.

"I think the lost secrets of the Eldar is more the loss of the Vacar magic in their lives. I think you will be hailed a hero for finding the lost arts, if we can force them to accept the history they refuse to see." Montani is sure of it. She just doesn't see how the arts could be forgotten or lost otherwise.

Mant is doubtful but keeps his negative thoughts to himself and goes back to learning after giving Montani a kiss.

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