A Dragon's Mate.

Par LeahBates2

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Harry thought that he the perfect life. Friends who cared for him, mother and father-like figures and people... Plus

Chapter 1 - Harry Learns the Truth.
Chapter 2 - Family Time.
Chapter 3 - Talks of Betrayal and the Inner Circle.
Chapter 4 - Meeting some Unexpected Friends.
Chapter 5 - Inheritance.
Chapter 6 - Meeting of Mates.
Chapter 7 - Charlie Learns the Truth.
Chapter 8 - Bulgaria.
Chapter 9 - End of Summer.
Chapter 10 - The Proposal.
Chapter 11 - Marriage and Bonding.
Chapter 12 - The Honeymoon.
Chapter 13 - Durmstrang Attacked.
Chapter 14 - Daily Prophet and Arriving at Hogwarts.
Chapter 15 - Time at Hogwarts.
Chapter 16 - Returning Home.
Chapter 17 - Kidnapped.
Chapter 18 - The Birth.
Chapter 19 - Introduction.
Chapter 20 - Vacation in England.
Chapter 21 - An Article and Preparing for a Raid.
Chapter 23 - Final Plan's and Spy.
Chapter 24 - Morning Talks and Storming Hogwart's.
Chapter 25 - The Battle Begins.
Chapter 26 - Truths (Part One.)
Chapter 27 - Truth's (Part Two.)
Chapter 28 - Time in the Dungeons.
Chapter 29 - Trials.
Chapter 30 - Punishments.

Chapter 22 - The Raid.

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Par LeahBates2

Today was the day, the Raid was going to take place.

Charlie and Raphael were lying in their bed, neither of them had been able to get much sleep the night before as they were too excited to be going on their first Raid.

"Are you awake love?" Raphael asked quietly, he didn't want to wake his mate if Charlie was asleep.

"Yes I am, guess I was a little too excited to sleep very much last night." Charlie said with a smirk.

"Same here, we will be able to show the light how powerful we are and that they should be fearing us, while at the same time keeping our true identities secret." Raphael replied.

"We get to wear our cloaks and mask's too, I have been waiting to do that since we got them." Charlie said with a smile.

They kissed one another before getting out of the bed and making their way to the washroom, they were not going to be attacking until it had gotten dark so they were going to spend the day going over the plan's for the attack.

They left their rooms and made their way to the meeting room, they were glad that school was finished for now as that would have been too much to juggle at one time.

Turn's out Charlie and Raphael were last people to make it into the room as everyone else was already there and talking to one another.

"So what's the plan?" Raphael asked, Charlie sat on the chair and Raphael sat on his lap.

"Well as you know we can't take the twin's with us, so a couple of the Death Eater's are going to remain behind to watch them, we need the light to see the Circlet of the Founder's together to know how powerful you are." Tom explained.

"That makes sense we work better as a group and we make a much more intimidating sight when we are all together." George said with a smirk, they were a force to be reckoned with when they were separate from the group, but when they were together it was another matter all together.

"The Death Eater's will go in first as the light will expect them, you will then come in anyway you wish to." Severus said, he knew how much his son and his group liked their grand entrance's.

"Anyway we like?" Raphael asked with a smirk, one that widened when his mother and father nodded.

Raphael and the Circlet would discuss that when they were alone, this way they could surprise the dark as well as the light.

"Do not attack anyone until the Circlet arrives on the scene! When the Circlet arrives then it is a free for all, try not to hurt innocent's unless it is necessary. You can hurt member's of the Order but try to take captive's and not kill then, we still want people to fight when the final battle come's." Lucius said his part.

Everyone nodded and went over the smaller detail's before the meeting was concluded. The Circlet went away to discuss their own little flares while the Death Eater's went to prepare for the Raid.

The day passed quickly and before anyone knew what was happening it was time for them to get ready for the Raid.

"Wow, you look gorgeous." Charlie said as he looked to his mate, who was wearing a black cloak outlined in red with his mask, a hood covered his hair since it was an obvious feature of his.

"I can say the same about you love." Raphael said with a smirk, Charlie was wearing a black cloak outlined in blue with his mask, a hood also covered his bright red hair.

They kissed one another before walking out of their room and meeting everyone in the living area of the manor.

"Tonight is the first time the Circlet will be on one of our Raid's but it won't be their last! I know they can protect themselves but I want Death Eater's to stay near the group member's just in case something goes wrong, I don't want anyone injured or killed during this Raid on our side." Tom said gently, he was a good public speaker. Raphael could see why so many people joined Voldemort.

With that said the Death Eater's apparated out to Diagon Alley where the attack would take place, Tom would go a little while after while the Circlet went after Tom. Tom smiled at his son before closing his eyes, when he opened them again he looked more like the Voldemort he thought of, more snake-like then Tom he had come to love.

This was all part of the plan, the light would not know Voldemort when he looked like Tom Riddle, so he had to become the snake-like Voldemort when he went on attacks. Voldemort then smiled at his son and the Circlet before apparating himself to the fighting zone.

Dumbledore and the Order had been shocked when the Death Eater's had been reported in Diagon Alley, they were not causing anyone harm just the buildings.

The light had been even more shocked when they saw Voldemort himself apparated into the fight, the light had not seen Voldemort since he was said to have risen again.

"It's been a long time Tom." Dumbledore said with a twinkle in his eye.

"Not long enough, and don't call me Tom." Voldemort said with a sneer, it was not hard to stay in his Voldemort character with Dumbledore or the Order as he hated all of them.

"What was the point in this attack Voldemort, there is nothing you can accomplish from it?" Dumbledore asked.

"Some people wanted to come on their first Raid." Tom said, he smirked when he saw the look of shock on Dumbledore's face.

"And where are they?" Dumbledore asked, by the sound of it these people were children, if he could see them he could convince them to join his side.

"Your tricks won't work on them Dumbledore, they have been trained by me and the Death Eater's. There is no questioning their loyalty." Tom said sneering, this old man was thinking he could take his son once more, but this time that was not going to happen.

"I wasn't going to do anything." Dumbledore said, even though he had a smirk on his face.

Suddenly there was a loud roar, screech and growl, everyone turned to the sky. There was people riding into the area riding Dragon's, Thestral's and Hippogriff's. They jumped of their transport and landed on their feet beside the Dark Lord.

"May I present to you the Circlet of Founder's." Tom said, he then gave the code name of each member of the Circlet.

When they all looked to the light they didn't see any recognition in their faces, their identities were safe. "Nice to meet all of you, we have heard some horrible thing's about you." Raphael said, his voice was deeper so he couldn't be identified that way.

"All lies I can assure you." Dumbledore said, he could sense the power coming of those in this group, he needed them to join him.

"Oh I think we know lies when we see them, and they are coming from you old man." Charlie said, their hood's and mask's allowed people to see their mouths.

"I assure you we are the good side in this war, why don't you come with us?" Dumbledore asked in soothing and Grandfatherly voice.

"We all fell for that once old man..." George said trailing of.

"...And we are not going to fall for it again." Fred finished, even with them speaking like this the light still did not know who they were speaking to.

"They obviously have you under some spell." Ron said with a sneer as he looked upon the powerful teens.

"Dumbledore can remove those spell's and you will feel better." Hermione continued.

"No thanks, you see we can all throw of the Unforgivable Curse's and no potion's work on us, sorry to say we can't be controlled or ordered. What we do, we do of our own choice." Bill said with a smirk when he saw the shock in their eyes.

"That's impossible! No one would willingly join Voldemort!" Molly yelled as she came up behind her son.

"But he has the better ideal's as well as the better way to make our world whole once more, all you lot care about is money and fame, not the safety of this world." Raphael said, his tone of voice making them all shiver with fear.

"He kill's people for no reason, and we do not only care for money and fame. We want this world to reach it's full potential but that can't be done while Voldemort lives." Ron said with a smirk.

"Yes you do, if I remember correctly some of you were paid to be friends with Harry Potter, most of you were taking fund's from his vault without him knowing about it. To me that sound's like you want the fame and money." Raphael said, he smirked when he saw the shock on their faces.

"How did you know about all of that?" Ginny asked as she came to stand beside her mother.

"We get the paper's too you know, and we can also read. It was interesting that the people who look up to light never knew anything about this, even we never knew about it." Severus said with a smirk.

"It's all wrong, they were made up lies by jealous idiot's we once called family." Ron said with a sneer, his brother's had cost them a lot of money and fame by sending of that information, now a lot of the light hated them and their Order.

"Oh all of the proof is enough for people to believe what they are being told, if there was proof I bet you would have gotten away with it by your followers but there is proof, ones that is impossible to fake." Voldemort said with a smirk.

When most of the building's had been knocked down they all apparated away from the scene since they had sent their animals back home.

They went straight to bed that night from the long day of planning and the night of fighting, they promised to talk thing's out the next morning when they had all slept in for a while. Melody and Jaden were going to be staying with those Death Eater's until the next day, this would allow Charlie and Raphael to get some much needed sleep without being woken up.

They kissed each other goodnight before snuggling down into the cover's of the bed, after telling each other how much they love one another they quickly fell asleep. Everyone was asleep in the manor within an hour of returning from the Raid.

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