My Roommate, The Fukboi (Boyx...

By CelineZella

1.7M 57.8K 25.6K

Petite Theo Walcott struggles with rent and is forced to search for a roommate. But what poor little Theo did... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60- All The Things I've Missed
Authors Note
Bonus Chapter! Part1!
Bonus Chapter! Part2!
Bonus (Smut) Chapter!

Chapter 51

13.9K 506 182
By CelineZella

* Calum's POV *

"You look so handsome." I mumble in his ear, tightening my arms around his waist. He wiggled teasingly on my lap and he kisses my cheek.

"Thank you baby." He whispers back, smiling. The heat from the bonfire was making me sweat slightly but he was cold so I moved closer. He was still a little cold so I just picked him up and put him on my lap.

He was shy and trying to get off but I tightened my grip on him and he complied. Now he was a happy mess and he was laughing at every little thing and he had a smile plastered on his face. It made me happy to have him back on me like this. And no, not in a sexual way but to just be able to hold him again.

I nibbled on his ear and he giggles. All his shyness and nervousness is now completely gone and he's all smiles. He takes his glasses off for a minute and he puts them inside the hoodie pocket. He leans into my chest and he snuggles up on my lap. "You're so warm." He smiles again, his breath tickling my neck.

"Well thanks. You're cold." I lean my head against his and watch the wood burn. Mia, Gen, and Sammy were all in their own conversation. Lou and Kate are running around, playing with each other.

"You can say that again." He stuffs his hands into his hoodie pockets and he sighs. Actually, my hoodie pockets. He left the hoodie in the car and he ran back to get it before we went outside. He seems to enjoy wearing my hoodie.

I close my eyes for a minute, feeling the warmth of him and the fire. "I talked to my dad today." I blurt out, barely above a whisper. I didn't think he heard me but he tensed slightly.

"What happened?" He asked, leaning up to look at me.

"I went to the house to check on him and I ended up staying for awhile." I shrug, closing my eyes again.

"Was it....bad?" He asks hesitantly, trying to find the right words.

"Nah. I mean, he's gotten better." I told him about all the things that happened and he lays there silently, listening.

"Oh. Are you okay?" He asks, his finger trailing down my nose and to my lips.

"Yeah. I mean, I'm not sad or mad. But I'm not ready to really 'be a family' again. He tried to pressure me at first but I kinda freaked out." I can tell I'm getting sleepy and he could tell too. I don't even know what time it is.

"Well, um, I'm sorry? I don't really know how to respond." He chuckles nervously.

"You don't need to. I just wanted to tell you." I smile and open my eyes, meeting his beautiful ice blue eyes. He stares up at me with an innocent face, wide eyes, pink cheeks. "Have I ever told you how handsome you are?"

He smiles and he rests his cheek against my chest. "Shut up." I smile and he lifts himself back up and he kisses me, a soft passionate kiss.


We all get back to the apartment around twelve or one in the morning. I was pretty beat and so was Theo. Mia was full of life and she was examining the apartment, wide eyed.

"So I sleep in the guestroom?" She asks as I finish moving her bags for her.

"Yup. Or would you rather sleep on the couch?" Theo smiles, leaning against me.

She grins and shakes her head. "No. But if I'm sleeping here....then that means that you two sleep together?" She raises her right eyebrow, looking from me to Theo.

I don't even have to look at him to know how badly he's blushing. "S-shut up. Go to sleep." He scoffs, standing straight again. He crossed his arms over his chest and he puckered his lips.

"Aww! So adorable!" She squeals and makes her way to her 'new' room. Lou follows after her, tail wagging happily.

"No, Lou, come back. She's going to bed." Theo says as if Lou understands.

"Oh it's fine. I mean, if you don't mind?" Mia says, blocking Lou from entering the room, making him whine. Theo shakes his head and she smiles. "Thank you big brother. Goodnight! Love you!" She says, closing the door after Lou goes inside.

I smile down at him. "Night big brother." He hits my chest and I laugh. "Come on, babe. I'm beat." I say, following him as we head to the room. I'm already sprawled across the bed before he has time to close the door.

"Callie!" He whines, trying to pull me off. "Get up! I'm sleepy!" He whines again. I laugh and get up. He pulls the covers back and he puts his glasses on the nightstand. He starts to undress and I do the same, kicking off my shoes.

I crawl under the covers before he does and he rolls his eyes. He turns off the light and he crawls in beside me. But before he can settle down, I pull him onto my lap.

"Calum what are you doing?" He giggles, flattening his palms on my chest.

"I'm holding you. Is that a problem?" I smile, putting my hand on the back of his neck and bringing his face closer to mine.

"Mia's sleeping in the other room, Calum. If she hears us...." He shifts on me, not getting off but getting closer. He pushes me down by my shoulders and my eyes go wide.

"Damn, Theo." I breath out, loving dominant Theo. He laces my fingers with his and he slams my hands down by my head. I can't help the soft moan that comes out and I grind myself into him.

"You like?" He smiles, kissing my neck. I bite down hard on my lip and I lean my head back.

"It's my thing but yeah baby, I love it. Keep going." I moan out as he bites down gently. I wasn't used to being dominated like this but when he does it, it drives me crazy.

"Mmhmm. You like when I'm rough like this? Want me to be like this more often?" He sucks on my neck till I'm breathless and he licks gently over one of the hickeys.

"Yes baby! Fuck yes." I moan out, bucking underneath him. His fingers run through my hair and before I know it, he yanks hard, making me moan loudly.

"Shhhh. We have to keep it down, okay love?" He whispers onto my lips, his fingers now coaxing my scalp where he yanked.

"Sorry. Sorry." I chuckle, leaning my head up to kiss him. As soon as our lips touch, he quickly pulls away.

"Not yet. Saving that for later." He mumbles, moving down to my jaw. He leaves a trail down from my jaw to my collarbone. I close my eyes and I tilt my head back.

He sucked and nibbled on my collarbone and pulled my hair till I was a moaning mess. I know he told me to keep it down but the things he was doing and the way he was moving his hips in circles slowly on me, I couldn't hold back. He holds my hands above my head with one hand and his other travels down my stomach.

*** It Gets Very Sexual Past This Point So If You Don't Like Then Skip***

He grips my sides and then he moves his hand again, his hand exploring every part of me. I bite down on my lip hard, my hips thrusting up slightly to get some friction going. "I want to touch you baby. Let me touch you." I whisper, opening my eyes.

My eyes adjusted a little and I could see him look up. "Yeah?" I let out a 'Mmhmm' in response and he release my hands. My hands immediately go to his ass, grabbing him and holding him down on me.

He moans, jerking forward a little. One hand grips his ass and I bring my other up to pull his face towards mine. I kiss him roughly and hungrily and he gives in and kisses me back the same way.

"Calum?" He breaths out, his forehead pressed up against mine.

"Yeah baby?" I ask, both of my hands gripping his hips tightly.

"I want you in me." He mumbles, pulling away from me.

I freeze. He what? Did he just say what I think....? Should I? I mean, God knows how badly I want to but I'm not sure......

"Please?" He begs, kissing my neck. I bite my lip and think about it for another minute.

"I have something else we can do. I don't want to go full out tonight because I don't want you to hold back but I have something else you'd love." I say, moving my hands down to his ass.

"Mmmm. What is it baby?" He asks, his voice going a little high pitched when I move his boxers down. He grips my shoulders a little harder. He moves his lips to my ear, breathing faster as lick and bite on his neck.

"How about I just finger you?" I smirk, sliding his boxers all the way off. It was a little chilly to be doing this, naked of course, but he'd forget as soon as I start.

I'll be honest, I've never fingered a guy but I've sure as hell done it with a girl. I'm not saying it would be the same but maybe it'd be a good thing since I have a little experience.

"I'm not gonna do it raw so you need to do something for me." I say, moving my right hand up to caress his face. I can tell he's flushed already by the way he's breathing.

"Anything." He breaths out, face still buried in the nape of my neck. I pull his head up to where he's facing me and I look at him deeply.

I can see him by the moonlight coming in from the window and by the way my eyes have adjusted to the darkness. His cheeks are darker and his pupils are dilated.

I move my hand to his mouth, put two fingers on his lips. He gets the hint and he opens his mouth, closing his eyes in the process. His mouth takes in my fingers, sucking while his tongue swirls around to make them more wet. I moan, feeling all the blood rush down to my member in an instant. I push my fingers in deeper, making him moan.

When I think they're ready, I pull them back out. He opens his eyes and I realise that he's panting. "Are you ready?" I ask, moving my now wet fingers down to his ass.

He bucks on top of me, hands gripping my shoulders as he braces for it. I smile and slide the first finger in, causing him to moan loudly. I cover his mouth, laughing. He nods his head when he's calm and I start finger fucking him. He jerks forward a little, clenching around my finger. My lips attach to his neck and I start giving him love bites on his neck and shoulder to ease him through the pain.

I push myself up off of the bed, arching my back to try and get some relief against him. He knows what I want and he moves one hand down and he slides his hand on the inside of my boxers.

I moan out when his hand comes in contact with my member and he starts stroking me at the pace I'm going. I decided it's time and I slide the second finger in. I'm glad I knew what was coming because I covered his mouth again beforehand and he let out an even louder moan than last.

I let him get adjusted and when he nods his head that he's ready, I start moving my fingers in and out. He tosses his head back, his fingernails digging into my shoulder. I moan as he starts stroking me faster.

"Fuck! Faster Calum! Please!" He moans from under my hand, pushing himself back on my fingers. I do as he says and I go faster, watching his face the whole time. The way his face would crinkle in pain but he was moaning loudly as I pleasured him. I imagined it wasn't my fingers that was fucking him and that sent me off of the edge, moaning and thrusting into his hand.

I switch sides, moving to the other side of his neck to give him more hickeys. He seemed to relax as I started, getting more pleasure than pain.

I see that now he's handling that finely so I decided to put another one in. When I do it, he grips my shoulder tighter and he lets out another loud moan. He clenches around my fingers and I leave them in there for a minute, not moving them. When he adjust to them, I start slower.

"More. I can handle it. Oh fuck! More, baby, please!" He moans out, his hair falling in his face. I can tell he's sweating and that his mouth is still hung open. I can tell that all the pain is gone and it's just full on ecstasy now. I slam my fingers deeper in as he moans louder.

Hearing his moans and watching him being pleasured so finely, I start getting close, thrusting into his hand at the pace I'm going.

He realises that I'm close and he pulls his hand away. "Fuck, Theo! This is not the time to tease." I growl, removing my hand from over his mouth.

"No. Wait for me." He replies breathlessly, still moving himself on my fingers. I get what he means and I speed up. I hit his prostate and he moans out loudly, tossing his head back again. He releases my shoulder and he props himself up by flattening his palm on the headboard.

I slam my fingers deeper inside him, speeding up my pace. He doesn't seem as if he's in pain but the view I have of him is pure sex.

I keep purposely hitting his bundle of nerves and he reaches his point. We both moan and ease each other throughout our orgasms, slowly and carefully. He relieved himself on my stomach and I did the same to him. I wasn't too worried about the cold since my body was hot and sticky.

"We made such a mess Calum." He chuckles, finally kissing me deeply. I let out one last soft moan and kiss him back.

"We'll worry about that in a minute baby. I would say showering together to get it done faster but I think that's pushing it too much." I chuckle, caressing his face with my good hand.

"Why not? Let do it." He giggles, climbing off of me. I widen my eyes and then smirk. Hell yeah!


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