Dragon Descendants.

By Cj_Writes04

1.9M 81.9K 10.3K

Highest: #1 in Action! Elena lives in a world where dragons are well-known to man kind and tamed by... More

Character Profiles
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Thirteen.
EXTRA - Happy Valentines
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen - First Battle Day
Chapter Twenty!! - BATTLE DAY 2
Chapter Twenty-One - ASH VS BAILEY (Day 3)
Chapter 22 - ELENA BATTLE! Day 4
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
--Chapter 30--
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter **40**
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Sequel? Notes. - YES!

Chapter 23

35K 1.5K 146
By Cj_Writes04

Fire, yet so dark... it's hot yet cold, where am I? I hear... A baby crying. 

Explosions, screaming.

A woman, a woman and two men.

Both voices play in my mind.

Where am I? Why? Who are you?

"Elena... your not safe here, I'm sorry... but I have to-" a woman speaks to me...

"They are comming!" a man, he bursts througt the door, what door?

"L, we have to ge-" another man?


My eyes spring open, sweat dripping off me, my heart racing.

For the past month the same dream, the same wake-up, I am scared of sleep, I don't want to see that dream again.

The first round of Duel Testing was over, the next round was in two days. I was into the next round.

Please... don't leave me here alone...

"Elena... I'm so sorry... I didnt mean for this happen, Elena your not safe here... Elena..."

"Elena!" I slam on my desk to see the class staring at me,

"The classroom is not a place for sleeping!" Mr Elworth yells, "Eyes open,"

"Yes sir," I hide in shame.

This time the dream was different... I remembered just alittle more.

Who was that? 

A woman's voice that sounds so familiar but not...

What happened, why am I not safe?

I walk down the corridor, why is everything so loud?

Echoing through my mind. Every locker slamming, every work spoken, I hear it all.

I burst through the side exit and walk up to the roof of the building.

I take a huge breath, stay awake.

"Stay awake!" I yell at myself.

"Nice tip." 

I turn around quickly to see Ashton.

I sigh, "Just you,"

"What do you mean just me? I am offended," He adds,

"I mean... I thought you were, never mind. What are you doing up here?" I ask,

"Following you, and what are you doing up here?"

"Trying to stay awak- hey! Followin me?" I question,

"I need to ask you something," He justifies,

"Okay, what is it?" 

he begins to walk closer to me, as I walk back, I soon hit the railing and he is so close,

"What are you doi-"

"I need to know... do you remember when you first arrvied at the school?"

"uh... yeah, wh-"

"Do you remember the schools meeting?" 

"Yes, what does this have to do with anythin-"

"Do you remember why it was cut short?"

"A storm wasnt it?"

"...I see," he steps back,

"You see what? What is going on?" I interogate,

"Nothing." He lies,

"I m sick of this. No one is telling me anything. Why? What is everyone hiding? Tell me,"

"You are going to find out sooner or later... your brother, he's dead." 

I stand frozen for a second,

"No he is not, why would you joke about that?" I say,

"He is."

"No he is not, thanks for the humor, I'm leaving."

"Elena. What did your brother say before he 'left'?" 

"Well... goodbye?" 

"The storm wasn't the reason, your brother was out in the storm looking for you, something happened and he crashed to the ground,"

"I'm not listening to this,"

"How do you not remember?! I picked you up from there, you didn't say a word,"

"...my sister, don't forget that...no matter what. I am never gone,"

I freeze.

What...no, it can't be. I grab on to my necklace where the polished black stone rests, this stone... is from.

No. I don't believe it, I refuse to believe it.

"You may not remember me, but I know more about you then you know about yourself. Your aunt, she has... done something, she has changed you. I don't know how, or why but-"

"Stop! Just stop. I know... something is going on behind the scenes, and I need to find out why and what." 

I walk down the stairs and back into the corridor.

Whoever is pulling the string, I swear they will regret it.

The day quickly finishes, I begin to walk outside the building, but stop.

I can't go back. To my aunt. I don't know why.

"Elena? You are still here, I thought you would be first out the door," Ashton walks up behind me as I stare outside the door, my feet inches from leaving.

"Are you leaving?" He asks,

"I can't" I blurt.

"Can't? Why not?"

"I don't know. My feet, refuse to move." I explain. My legs tremble, and I don't know why.

Was it the vision?

"Are you okay..?" He then asks,

"I'm... fine. Just... a little..." I begin to feel light headed, "Tired..." I fall and then nothing. 

"You are not safe here-"

I wake up as fast as I can.

"Woah, woah," I look up to see Ashton, I am being carried by him.

"What are you doing?" I ask,

"Well you fainted, so I carried you."

"oh...Where?" I ask,

"Your aunt's plac-"

"No." I say, 


"Take me anywhere but there... I don't trust her anymore," I say as I am still carried in his arms,

"Good," He adds.

"Good?" I question,

"I was actually going to stop at my dorm before we moved to your house, so we will just stop there,"

We arrive to the front of the boys dorms.

"Is it... okay for me to go in there?" I ask,

"sure. probably. maybe." He slowly becomes less certain,

"Don't worry, I have a plan." He says.

"Which is...?" 

"Sneak in," He says.

He puts me down and we both sneak into the building,

"If we get caught-"

"We won't, calm down." 

Then we hear someone in the hall, 


"What now genius?" I ask,

"Um..." He is clueless!

"In here," I say as I drag him into a closet.

"Well this is cosy," I say as I am squished into a closet with him,

"Elena... this is a bad idea..." He mutters, 

"Shhh" I cover his mouth as two students walk past. Thank God.

I lower my hand and look in front of me.

His green eyes.

His face is too close.

I feel the heat coming from his body, I see every small detail on his face.

"Um..." I say, "Let's get out of here," I say as I open the door breaking the staring we are doing at each other.

We reach his room. 

"I'm going to go out for a bit, the door will be locked, the place is yours. and..."


"Try not to be seen, people may get the idea that we are... you know. So don't answer the door, i'll be back in 5." He says before he leaves.

So this is this place. I look around to see one bed in the bed room that is visiable through the door he has left open, he also has a desk, and a couch for the central area. 

It isn't bad for a dorm room.

I take a shower and he comes back,

"Elena?" He calls,

"In the shower," I say, "Do you have any clothes? I can just wear my uniform again, I just-"

"Here," He throws in a white long sleeve shirt, and some old track suits, "They are a bit old, but they are smaller," 

"Thanks," I say as I get changed and then walk out,

"I'll take a shower, you can take the bed, I'll be on the couch, so, um... I'll just, shower," He walks into the bathroom and I sit on the bed, I lay down... a mintues turns into Hours.

It was now around 1am, not a wink of sleep. I sit up and sit on the floor leaning against the bed.

"Elena..." That womans voice.

I close my eyes,

"Elena!" A man's voice,

I cover my ears,

"It's not safe!" Again with the woman,

Shut up! Shut up!

"Elena?" I look up, teary eyes.

"Ash, uh, sorry, couldn't sleep," I say sitting up,

"Is that it? Cause it looks like it is more then that," He adds as he begins to sit up,

"Um, it's nothing really, just going insane," I add as he walk over and sits beside me,

"You know. When I couldn't sleep, my older sister use to sing to me. Well I can't sing, so I'll just do this,"

He pulls me towars his chest where I lean against him as he pats my head.


"Shhh, we have school tomorrow," he says. 

"Ash..." Before I know it I am fast asleep.

"Elena... you are safe."


Thanks for reading another chapter.

This will be the last chapter till I finish some of my assignments.

Vote, Comment, and follow please!!!!!!!

Thank you so much all of you contiunous readers and voters.

Lots of Love

<3 <3 <3 

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