Super Genius (Origami X Reade...

By Relentlezz41

67K 1.3K 956

Don't call her Tobiichi this white haired chick is a handful. A stalker in a sense, a clingy girl, she gets j... More

Ch 1 - First Day
Ch 2 - Dates
Ch 3 - Cute Duo
Ch 4 - Hot Blood
Ch 5 - Eating
Ch 6 - Spitfire
Ch 7 - Gawking
Ch 9 - Maid
Ch 10 - Downing
Ch 11 - Vacation Winks
Ch 12 - Twin Fling
Ch 13 - Twining
Ch 14 - Lotion
Ch 15 - Rebuttal and Choice
Ch 16 - Echo Bitch
Ch 17 - Twin Sisters (Mini)
Ch 18 - Phantom
Ch 19 - Yuri?
Ch 20 - Draining (Mini)
Ch 21 - Lesbian Experience
Ch 22 - Tea Time
Ch 23 - Girl House
Ch 24 - Isolate
Ch 25 - Evil Ways
Ch 26 - Confess (Finale)

Ch 8 - Choosing

2.1K 57 49
By Relentlezz41

Sorry if this showed on your feed and nothing popped up. Hit publish by accident half way through.

At this point this is where it turns for good or bad. With so much on the line and everyone calm on the outside bit yet mentally are screaming on edge.

Speaking of which this is when the group splits up. Some go on coasters while others chill by the water.

Not so fun fact. As a kid I got injured riding a coaster. Never been fond of them since. Sorry if I'm a boring person.



With her ribbons back in her hair it was time for a twist of things. Shido had everything all planned out. It was time for the three of you to break the barrier of fear and head to the coasters.

"Hey Tohka?"

"Yeah Shido?"

"We're going to head on some rides."

"Is it okay if we stay by the water? I'm not too well on coasters." Yoshino said shyly.

You pat her head. "It's okay. You and Tohka got each other. Don't forget that."

"Yeah Yoshino. We have Yoshinon too. And we got the boat rides, food, and some other stuff."

Food. Naturally that was in there. But at least Tohka was forward about what she wants for lunch.

(Ladies I'm talking to you. Especially with my Ashley. Sometimes it becomes a debate.)

"Thank you Tohka. So nice of you." She smiled. Yoshino cute as ever gave her a hug. Cute little Yoshino. Definition of kawaii.

After that was all cleaned up you headed to change into some normal clothes. Everything seemed to be going well. Tohka and Yoshino seemed to have known what was going on. Maybe not to the full extent but noted family time was a must. But at the end of it all Shido and probably Reine were the only ones that knew all if not most of the details.

For some reason it took her 20 minutes to get dressed but no matter. Full steam ahead to the express lane so short lines to coasters. And on the of the first one it's a fifty foot drop and Kotori is quite nervous. But you realize that she's not worrying or stressed. Her head is being cleared and that's all that matters.

But you couldn't help but think of where hour white haired girlfriend could be. She was very on point as far as scheduling and time. As well as other things you couldn't explain because she just knew but couldn't elaborate. The bento box, locations, and other stuff. Even the locker room. All just bizarre things. But you couldn't help but miss her.

The coasters dropped and Kotori clung to Shido. But it was her favorite person to be around. Cause it was almost impossible to not like Shido. Unless you were jealous of the women living with him or you're the trio. The time thinking Cuz was hogging all the love treatment. You weren't wrong but it wasn't for you to say.

At last you finally got off the big coasters and Kotori was taking five after that.

"Okay give it to me straight. Who had that idea?"

You glare at Shido.


"Noted harem king #5."

"What Cuz?"

"Nothing. Nothing." You smirk.

"Look. Guys, today has been great. You took out your ear pieces and just winged it to have a good time with me. I'm having a good time."

"Look. That's all we care about."

"Really (FN)? You've spent a lot of time with Origami I thought you'd forget?"

"Kotori please. Shido is making me jealous. Mind you that you hooked us up technically."

"Not my fault she sniffs your gym clothes, invited you to her apartment, and wanted you to care for her at the hospital."

"Not wrong."


Suddenly an explosion happened close by. For fear of what could happen or a spirit being nearby people in the park decided to take off running as fast as their body would let them.

You look up at the sky. It was your greatest fear happening before your very eyes. Something you wish you didn't have to choose between. But had no choice.

"Honey. Back off from my target?" Yelled Origami floating 100 feet above.

"Baby? What's going on?"

"I'm killing my target. This equipment is code name White Licarise."

"Acquired taste I imagine. What target? I don't see a spirit. Their hasn't been any spacial quakes."

"Please Love. Out of my way. Ifrite is mine!"


"Kotori! Shido! Look out!"


You ran over towards them and you heard swords making contact. When the smoke clears you see Tohka going another time one on one with Origami.


"Shido, (FN) get out of here now. The three of us can hold her off." She winked.

"Let's go Yoshinon."


"Shido grab Kotori and let's go."

"Brother......... Cuz....." Kotori's heart sank. Shido lifted her up bridal style over to a parkbench. "Guys....... I'm sorry if I've been a pain to you two."

"Shut up."

"What he said."

"But I'm just getting in your way. I've been taking these drugs to make sure I don't turn into a spirit." Tears fell. "And I don't want to hurt anyone."

Origami flew past. "Away from Ifrite. She's mine."

A thought popped into your head. This was going to be one of the most suicidal, stupid, and by far insane thing you ever attempted. But it was a must and for the best.

"Shido what happens when you seal a spirit's powers? Do you get them yourself?"


"Kotori please forgive me."

"For what?"

"I know you like Shido more but I'm going to seal you."

"You what....."


You make contact with her lips. In doing so feel a rush and an aura of fire flashes around your body. Then disappears. Origami is watching this whole time.

"No........ honey what are you?"

"I'm Ifrite now. You want to kill me don't you Origami?"

"But why? Why did you do this?" She was losing focus.

"I didn't use this power. I got it now. I thought you wouldn't hurt innocent people. Look at you baby. You're blowing up a park."

"But I survived to kill the spirit who burned my parents."

"Listen to me. Revenge solves nothing. Do you hear me?"

"What am I supposed to do?" A silver tear rushed down her face.


Tohka swarmed behind her and slashed the back of her artillery. Flew off afterwards as Origami came in for a landing. You two were twenty feet apart and just starred each other down.

"Origami....... What are you waiting for?"

She shook her head. "What does that mean?"

"Put an end to me."


"If I'm Ifrite now isn't that what you want to do."

Shido, Kotori, Tohka, and unfortunately Yoshino gasped as they heard you say such a harsh and cruel statement. Origami couldn't even believe you dare say such a thing.

"But you..... You didn't......"

"Origami." You took a step forward. "How long have you plotted revenge in your life?" You slowly started walking towards her.

"I....... I'm not sure."

"And what happens after you kill the slayer of your parents? You know mine are dead as well?"

More tears fell. "I don't know what to do."

You got close enough to snatch her hand. Yanking on it to bring her close into a hug. She gasped and her face was fading into a pink.

"I don't want you living angry like the last few years. You deserve to be happy Origami. Let's end this madness. Let's go home together."

"Honey I, GAH!" Origami fell into your arms. A moment ago she was ready to kill. Now it seemed she passed out.

"Shhhhh. I gotcha. Hey Shido, Tohka. Thanks for the help."

Tohka and Yoshino went back into their regular human blend appearance as girls with jetpacks and sexy armored suits came flying in to join the party. You looked around to see your girlfriend laying exhausted in your arms.

"You. I'm commander of the AST. What is going on here?"

"Battles over with I'm guessing. She's doing okay here. Very tired and has had enough but she did good."

"You're the boyfriend aren't you?" Asked the Commander.

"Yes I am. As you can tell it takes work."

"I hate to break up this moment but we have to take her back to our boss. She's going to have a hearing."

"Not arguing. But I have a few requests."

"I cannot promise anything I hope you know that."

"Fair. But can I ask?"

"Fire away."

"She did her job and no casualties. Just thousands in damages. Doubt she'll be awake momentarily. I just want to ask to be gentle with her."

"We will go over everything and she will have a hearing. Ruling I cannot decide."

"That's fair."

"Best be off. And you saw nothing."

"Saw what?" You winked.

"Good. Alright ladies we're off." And she picked by Origami bridal style as she was carried off by her workforce.

You watched them until the exhaust from their jetpack suits were out of site.

You know Origami I truly do care about you. When I said I love you I meant it. But now your boyfriend might be your enemy. Or worse. Maybe even your nightmare. Might not even hear from you for a couple days. But I'll miss you.

Shido walked right behind you and pit a hand on your shoulder.

"How you holding up?"

"Just okay Shido."

"What you did was brave. And no one's hurt."

"That's a good feeling. Bittersweet as you can imagine."

"Yeah. But hey. Everything seems fine now. And it'll be sunset in an hour so. You ready to head back? With everyone?"

You give a smile. "Yeah man. Let's go."


Technically this would be the end of Season 1 but I got something a little for everyone. I got an idea about how to go about this and I think it will work. As far as the other spirits are concerned well...... Let's just say if you think Tohka is the jealous type let's see how Origami does.

So is Kotori okay? Did you become a spirit just by a kiss? And what will happen to Origami before and after her hearing? So much to ask and no answers.

As always I hope all enjoyed, vote for more, comment freely, and have an awesome day cause you guys are the best. Love you all.


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