Why me, why f****** me!(narut...

By KittyCat1853

55.1K 1.6K 244

Kiko Nekozowa is a 12 year old girl with a horrible past but try's to go through the world with a smile. But... More

Why me why f****** me!(naruto love story)
Are you kidding me! It happens here to!
Meeting team 7, horny as a rabbit
Chapter 3: good god Kakashi is a perverted child molester
oh fun a drunk
Meeting Mo-Mo!
Not helping the 'Im not a perv' thing :/
Just for today *not a chapter
Strange new feelings?
Mo Mo is a @$$!
Nana nana............. BATMAN!..........all about the timing :3
You can skip this if you want *not a chapter*
failure, dreams, and home
you have been clamed!
top secret
Not a chapter............Again sorry!
a run in with the sand panda!
im so awesome! and gaara is every where!
note!!!!! not chapter
stupid ducky! trix are for kids!
What do you think?
Just a little change?
thank you all!!! :3
Sorry... Not a chapter
what do you think? (not a chapter)
Yay im back! (Not chapter)
Repalcements ;) and winnie the poo!
Not a chapterrrrrrrrr
Evil Plans? Yes, Please! :)
*not a chapter*
Plans, blushing, and sexual Gaara?!?!

awkward turtle

847 35 2
By KittyCat1853

*around 6am*

Im soooooooooooo tiered! I don't wanna do the exams anymore........ Im too lazy! I thought walking to where the exams would be held and meet up with my team. After a few minutes walking i final reached Sasuke and Naruto and I remembered that Sakura runs slightly later then the others. "Good morning you guys!" i said running the rest of the way to the two boys. "hey." " HELLO KIKO-CHAN" where the two different replies i heard and i think you can tell who said what. After another few minutes of waiting the pink violent pony showed up....... Is it just me of do i keep coming up with different nicknames for her but still they are all so similar to each other.....Just me? ok then. After that i realized all three of them where staring at me with different expressions on there faces. Sasuke looked amused which scared me a little. Naruto looked on the verge of laughing his little blond ass off. Then Sakura a.k.a pinky, pig, billboard brow, pink violent pony, and many more just looked plane pissed. "Said it out loud didn't I?" i asked even though i think i already knew the answer. "yep." said Sakura said i think smoke was actually coming out of her ears and her face became bright red with anger. "your face could freeze like that and the Sasuke would never love you." i said and with that short sentence her mind completely forgot that she was angry and when straight to trying have Sasuke holder because she was upset. "thats one way to get off the hook." i whispered quietly to myself. "hey i have a great idea how about we head to the exam room and not be late" i said walking to the doors entrance without them. "Yea! Im gonna kick some ass! Believe It!" i heard Naruto yell and then he ran to catch up with me. Im so dead when Kakashi finds out that team 7 is picking up my so called adult only language.


*in the hall filled with people trying to get into the "exam room" *

"Go home and play with your dolls." i heard someone yell and then a brown haired girl was thrown onto the floor. i went over to here at demon like speed and helped her up before his team could even get close to her. " are u ok?" i asked once she was on her feet. " yea im ok" she said dusting the imaginary dirt off of herself. Wait nope thats real dirt. My bad. Sasuke trys to act cool, Lee does insted, Neji trys to act cool too, Naruto pouts...... again. Blah, blah blah, blah. Then we started to walk to the real exam room when we where stoped by Lee. " Hey you! With the bad attitude!" Lee shouted from the railing. " Fight me!" he shouted after a slight dramatic pause. Of course Naruto had to be an idiot and pick a fight whith him only to get beaten into a wall in less then a second. Poor Naruto. Lee then tried to blow kisses at a petrified Pinkie. It was pretty funny... Ok really funny. "Sasuke, i wouldent fight him." i said to him tring to help him not damage his ass and pride. "Its fine. Just trust me I will finish him up soon and then we can leave." he said staring straight at Lee. " fine but dont complain when you get your ass kicked. " i said shaking my head at him and siting down because we might be hear for a while.

After a few minutes of fighting..... Ok lets be serious it was just a few minutes of Sasuke geting his ass kicked. I so called it. I saw Lee was about to take out some special attack but was stoped by a............. turtle? Hole crap it is like the definition of awkward turtle. So thats what i did. I stood up and did and awkward turtle. Got a few wiered looks. Welp. Not that big a difference.

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