Larry Stylinson -Imagines

By Whatsuphello1

675K 15.7K 10.6K

Self explanatory . Don't expect any sexual content in my works , any of them . Fluff only , with a side of an... More

Let's start off
Drunk Louis , Sober Harry
Punk Harry , Flowerchild Louis
Harry comes back from the army
I'll Wait For You
Kitten Hybrid Louis
Blind Louis
The Dancer And The Singer
Punk Harry , Flowerchild Louis ~Part 2
Kitten Hybrid Louis ~Part 2
Blind Louis ~Part 2
Punk Harry , Flowerchild Louis ~part 3
Blind Louis ~Part 3
Kitten Hybrid Louis ~Part 3
Harry comes back from the army ~Part 2
Drunk Louis , Sober Harry ~Part 2
The Dancer And The Singer ~Part 2
Blind Louis ~Part 4
Jealous Harry
Just The Way You Are
Jealous Louis
Fanboy Louis
Marcel or Harry ?
His Baby
Love on Crutches
I'll Be Your Reason
Always There For You
Hybrid Louis : Pool Time
AMAAF : Prankster
I'll Be Your Reason ~Part 2
A Misunderstanding
Lipstick Kisses Prank : AMAAF
Drunk Harry , Sober Louis
Opposites Are Opposites
Blind Harry
Wrongly Jealous
Just The Way You Are ~Part 2
Wrong Number
Vet Harry
Wrong Number -Part 2
Makeup Artist
Don't Mess With The Wrong Person
Body Painting
My Tutor
Wisdom Teeth (Harry)

Blind Louis : Camping

8.7K 253 126
By Whatsuphello1

Summary : After getting his sight back , Harry takes Louis on a camping to show him the beauty of the world .

Enjoy x


Harry knocked on the door to the Tomlinson-Deakin household , Jay opened the door and grinned , "Hey , come in ."

Harry walked in and hugged her , "How've you been ?"

"Been amazing , you ?" Jay wrapped her arms back around him and patted his back , Harry pulled back , "Been good aswell ."

"Louis is up in his room ." Jay pointed her thumb backwards , Harry nodded and walked up the stairs to Louis' room .

He knocked on the door , then Louis' soft voice called 'come in' from inside . He opened the door and smiled , Louis and Lottie were stuffing clothes into Louis' bag .

"Hey love ." Harry said , Louis turned around and grinned before jumping into Harry's arms , letting out a small squeal of excitement .

"I'm so excited for our camping !" Louis squeezed Harry , Harry smiled widely and squeezed him back , "Me too . Now finish packing so we can go ." They pulled back , Harry pressed a soft kiss to his lips before letting go .

While Louis finished packing Harry sat on the bed petting Olie , smiling softly at Louis . "I love seeing you so happy ."

Louis looked up at him and grinned , "You're the reason I'm happy ."

Harry held his arms open , Louis walked over to him and let Harry pull him down to sit on his lap . He kissed Louis' cheek , "You deserve being happy ."

Louis pressed a lingering kiss to his lips , caressing his cheek . "I love you ."

"I love you more ." Harry cooed and kissed him again , before pinching his bum , "Finish packing , will you ."

Louis squeaked and jumped off his lap , smacking his arm .


"We're here ." Harry parked his car , Louis looked around , "Where are we ?"

Harry got out of the car and went to open Louis' door , helping him out of the car . "This is a meadow . A meadow has green grass and flowers everywhere , it's beautiful . I found this section that had dirt , so we can have campfire there , already got wood waiting for us there . We'll sleep in a tent under the stars , see the sunrise ." While he talked he moved to stand behind him , arms wrapped around his waist .

Louis bit his lower lip with a smile , nodding . Harry kissed his temple , "I'll go get the things from the car , you can look around ."

"I'll help you ." Louis followed him to the car , Harry smiled and opened the trunk , handing Louis the tent to carry while he carries their two bags , food basket and an air mattress .

They walked over to the area Harry found , They put everything down and started putting up the tent . Well more like , Harry putting up the tent and Louis sitting on the grass watching him .

Harry smiled over at Louis , "Care to help ?"

"Nah , looks like you've got it ." Louis shook his head , giggling at Harry's playful pouty lips .

Harry finished putting up the tent , then displayed the air mattress in the tent leaving it to floaten . He went over to Louis , who was now laying on his back looking up at the sky , and crawled up ontop of him .

Louis gasped in surprise , smacking Harry's chest , "You scared me ."

"That was my intention ." Harry laughed , kissing his cheek . Louis tucked Harry's hair behind his ears , "My reading is getting better , you know ?"

"Is it ? I'm so proud of you ." Harry smiled and kissed the tip of his nose , Louis nodded , "It's more flowing , but I still get stuck on long words ."

"It's a progress , and you're a quick learner so you'll do amazing ." Harry rubbed their noses together , "Now come on and help me get the campfire ready ."

They got up from the grass , Harry gestured to the large pile of wood on the dirt . "We can shape it into a large indian style fire , or we can have a small fire and add wood each time ."

"I think adding wood is better , that way it'll keep us warm for longer and we wouldn't waste all of the wood at once ."

"My smart little Boobear ." Harry cooed and kissed his lips quickly before he arranged a small pile of wood separated , and while he put it on fire Louis got the bean bag Harry brought from his apartment , it was old and he wanted to get rid of it and figured he could take it to their camping before dumping it . He put a soft blanket and two pillows on it a few feet away from the fire before flopping on it .

The sun started to set , it was getting darker . Harry successfully lit the fire , waiting for it to catch on before turning to Louis to see he's already comfortably sitting on the bean bag , covered in a blanket .

"Couldn't you wait for me to get our dinner ?" Harry laughed , Louis shook his head , "It looked too comfy to wait any longer ." He giggled .

Harry went to the food basket and pulled out two large water bottles , hot dogs on a stick , ketchup and mustard for later aswell , potatos to put in the fire , snacks and candy .

He handed Louis a hot dog on a stick and took one for himself , keeping the basket close as he flopped down next to Louis .

"Cook my hot dog for me ." Louis handed Harry the stick as Harry cooked his own , Harry took the two sticks in one hand , his other hand holding Louis' . "Are you having a good time so far ?"

Louis nodded with a smile , "I have a great time whenever I'm with you ."

Harry cooed and kissed him , moving his fringe from his forehead . "Are the eye droplets helping you ?"

"Yeah , a lot actually . I don't need my glasses that much anymore . I still use them when I watch TV or go on the computer , which is quite rare ." Louis said , scooting closer to lean on his shoulder .

Harry leaned his head on Louis' , "How's Olie reacting to you being able to see ?"

"I still let him lead me around , but I think he knows I can see him ." Louis said , "He likes playing fetch , it keeps him busy ."

"Olive likes playing fetch too ." Harry smiled and twisted the hot dogs a little , "Though his favourite game it tug-o-war , he's really competitive ."

"We should take them to the park again , it's been a while ." Louis said , taking his hot dog from Harry .

"Yeah , Olive can use some quality time with Olie outdoors ." Harry nodded and took a bite of his hot dog . Louis blew a little on his food , watching as Harry reached into the basket and pulled four potatos wrapped in alluminium wrapping and threw them into the fire .

"Have you had potatos cooked like this before ?" Harry asked , Louis shook his head , making Harry smile and peck his cheek , "You'll love it ."

They finished eating their hot dogs , Harry got up to add a few more wood pieces to the fire , while Louis was laying back on the bean bag looking up at the sky , admiring the stars .

Harry smiled at him and let himself fall ontop of him , pressing a kiss to his lips . Louis jumped and placed a hand over his beating heart , "You really need to stop scaring me like that ."

"But it's fun ." Harry laughed , "I love annoying you , it's fun ."

"You're so mean sometimes ." Louis pushed him off , Harry rolled to lie on his side next to him and wrapped his arms around him to keep him close . Louis smiled to himself and snuggled closer , wrapping Harry's arms tighter around himself .

Harry pressed his lips to his cheek a few times , making Louis smiled at the affection as he watched the fire , examining the colours . He shied away and giggled quietly as Harry kissed his neck , Harry cooed softly and kissed around his neck a few more times , smiling at his giggles .

"Haz , your stubble tickles ." Louis giggled ; Harry didn't have a full stubble , but the tiny hairs on his chin and under his nose made it tickle .

Harry kissed his cheek , "I love your giggle so much ." He pulled him closer to sit on his lap , kissing his cheek once again . Louis leaned into him , "I like that you make me laugh ." He smiled and played with Harry's hand , twisting his rings .

Harry held Louis into his chest , one hand he let Louis play with , his other hand tucked under his shirt on his back as he moved his fingers around softly . Louis melted into his touch , sighing contently .

They kept a small talk going , with Harry constantly making Louis smile , blush and giggle . He just finished telling Louis a story from his childhood , Louis threw his head back laughing and cupped his mouth with his hand .

"Don't cover your mouth like that ." Harry took his hand off his mouth , Louis shied away and covered his face with both hands , still slightly giggling from the story .

"I love your smile , show me your smile ." Harry took a hold of his wrists and pulled his hands away , holding his wrists with one hand while the other tickled him gently .

Louis squeaked and kicked a little , falling into a giggling fit as he tried worming his way out of Harry's lap . He let out a shriek when Harry's fingers got onto a weak spot on his ribs , making him accidentally knee Harry in the chest .

"Haz ! I'm so sorry , I'm so sorry ." He apologized , but couldn't help but still giggle . He leaned down and kissed the same spot he kneed , making Harry laugh , "That didn't hurt , Lou ."

"It felt like it did ." Louis pouted a little , Harry kissed him and smiled mischievously , "Now where was that spot again ?"

"No !" Louis squeaked and pushed Harry's hands away from his body , giggling at his goofy expression . Harry laughed and kissed him again , "That shriek was too precious ."

"I never let out a sound like that ." Louis giggled at himself .

"We can try again ." Harry reached his hands out , Louis pushed him away , "No !" He whined , making Harry laugh and bring him into his chest .

Louis pouted softly and cuddled into him , nuzzling into his neck . "You're lucky I love you , or else I would've slapped you ."

Harry smiled and lifted his head up , pressing their lips together . "I love you too , Boo ." He smiled into the kiss , making Louis smile aswell .

They stayed cuddled some more before Harry had to take the potatos out of the fire before they'll burn , he used two wood logs to pull them out and let them cool a little before they could eat it .

After eating Louis busied himself with playing with Harry's hair , Harry lied his head down on his torso comfortably with his arms wrapped around Louis' small body .

He kissed his wrist that was near him , kissing up his arm . Louis smiled , biting his lip not to giggle . Soon Harry reached his shoulder , kissing up to his neck , his cheek , then his lips .

Louis wrapped his arms around his neck , gasping breathly when Harry's hands went down to his bum and squeezed softly . 

"Want to get in the tent ?" Harry asked inbetween kisses , Louis nodded , "Y-Yeah . Do we have - a c-condom ?"

Harry nodded , making Louis laugh into his mouth . 

"What's funny ?" Harry smiled , laughing along with him . Louis giggled , blush spreading on his cheeks . "You really brought condoms to camping ? You're well prepared , are you ?"

"Always am ." Harry winked before moving the blanket off them , wrapping Louis' legs around his waist and lifting him up swiftly .

"H-Haz , wait - wait ." Louis pulled back from their kiss , "We need to put more wood in the fire to it won't be out ."

Harry nodded and slowly placed Louis down , "I'll do it , you get the condoms . They're in my bag ."

Louis nodded , Harry stole a kiss before letting go . He hurriedly put a few wood pieces in the fire and kicked away the bean bag , blanket and pillows so it won't catch on fire .

He crawled into the tent , smiling at Louis who was laying on his back leaning on his elbows , holding the condom between his fingers with a soft smile .


"The sun is about to rise ." Harry said raspily to Louis , who smiled , "I want to see it , but I'm too lazy to move ."

They spooned in the tent on the air mattress , Harry smiled back at Louis and kissed his bare shoulder , "Let's get dressed and go out before we miss it ."

He dressed himself back in his boxers , a pair of joggers and his shoes , before helping Louis into his boxers and sweatpants aswell , tying his shoes for him .

They got out of the tent , keeping themselves warm with the blanket around them and cuddled close on the bean bag . They were both silent , enjoying each other's presence .

Louis smiled softly to himself at Harry's warmth , feeling his large hands on his stomach . Harry pressed his face to the side of Louis' neck under his ear , breathing him in .

Louis' mesmerised eyes watched the sunrise unfolding , the colours melting together . Harry smiled at his expression , "Beautiful , isn't it ?

Louis nodded speechlessly , Harry pressed a warm kiss to his neck and leaned his chin on his shoulder . He looked at Louis once again , frowning when he saw a tear sliding down his cheek .

He was quick to wipe it away , "Love , what's wrong ?"

Louis let out a small teary giggle , "I-I'm just really happy ."

Harry's frown changed into a smile , he kissed his cheek lovingly , "I'm happy that you're happy ."

Louis turned a little in his lap to sit sideways , he wrapped his arms around his neck and pressed their lips together . "Thank you ."

"Don't thank me ." Harry shook his head , but Louis wasn't having any of it .

"I'm serious . I can't not thank you for everything you've done , thank you so so much . Thank you . Thank you ."

Harry silenced him with another kiss , pulling back to rub their noses together . "Marry me ."

Louis' breath caught in his throat , eyes widening . Harry smiled softly , "It's been almost two years that we've been dating , and I'm more than ready to take us a step forward ." He reached his hand into his backpack while he talked , pulling a small box out .

Louis covered his mouth with tears streaming down his cheeks as Harry opened the box , "Louis , will you marry me ?"

Louis grinned and nodded , choking out a small 'yes' . Harry grinned back and pulled the ring out of the box , sliding it onto Louis' small finger before Louis grabbed his cheeks and pressed their lips together .

Harry wrapped him in a tight embrace as they kissed passionately , he pulled back and wiped his cheeks , "If you don't stop crying I'll tickle you again ."

Louis laughed and rubbed his eyes , pulling his hand back to look down at the ring . Harry took his hand and kissed his ring , "Mine forever ."


Hope you liked it x


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