Larry Stylinson -Imagines

By Whatsuphello1

681K 15.7K 10.6K

Self explanatory . Don't expect any sexual content in my works , any of them . Fluff only , with a side of an... More

Let's start off
Drunk Louis , Sober Harry
Punk Harry , Flowerchild Louis
Harry comes back from the army
I'll Wait For You
Kitten Hybrid Louis
Blind Louis
The Dancer And The Singer
Punk Harry , Flowerchild Louis ~Part 2
Kitten Hybrid Louis ~Part 2
Blind Louis ~Part 2
Punk Harry , Flowerchild Louis ~part 3
Blind Louis ~Part 3
Kitten Hybrid Louis ~Part 3
Harry comes back from the army ~Part 2
Drunk Louis , Sober Harry ~Part 2
The Dancer And The Singer ~Part 2
Blind Louis ~Part 4
Jealous Harry
Just The Way You Are
Jealous Louis
Fanboy Louis
Marcel or Harry ?
His Baby
I'll Be Your Reason
Always There For You
Hybrid Louis : Pool Time
Blind Louis : Camping
AMAAF : Prankster
I'll Be Your Reason ~Part 2
A Misunderstanding
Lipstick Kisses Prank : AMAAF
Drunk Harry , Sober Louis
Opposites Are Opposites
Blind Harry
Wrongly Jealous
Just The Way You Are ~Part 2
Wrong Number
Vet Harry
Wrong Number -Part 2
Makeup Artist
Don't Mess With The Wrong Person
Body Painting
My Tutor
Wisdom Teeth (Harry)

Love on Crutches

14K 309 170
By Whatsuphello1

Summary : Louis lost half of his leg , now having to deal with an artificial leg . He's getting weird looks for his slight waddling and using crutches , and he hates it . Then Harry comes along and makes him feel like a normal person .

Enjoy x


Louis neared the grocery store , taking himself a cart . He placed his crutches inside and let himself lean a little on the cart as he pushed it into the store . He smiled nicely at the guard in the entrace and pushed the cart through the isles .

He tried hiding his waddly-walk as much as he could , though the artificial leg wasn't really allowing it .

He started filling his cart , looking down at the list in his hand once in a short while . 

"Mummy , why is he walking like this ?" He heard a child asking their mother , making him bite his lip softly .

"Matthew , do not say it , it's rude ." The mother scolded her child lightly and took him away , giving Louis an apologetic smile . 

When they were far enough Louis sighed half-sadly ; ever since the accident four years ago people have been looking at him like he's an alien . It's just an artificial leg , what's the big deal ? Louis kept asking himself over and over again every time someone made a comment or looked weirdly at him .

He finished getting what he needed and went to pay for everything , he put everything in bags and waddled his way out of the place with his crutches .

He was by foot , and his house is a good ten minutes walk . Why did he think he'll be able to carry it by himself ?

Well now it's too late to ask Lottie or anyone to come help me , he thought to himself , so he just sucked it up and started walking , not making it ten steps before one of the bags slipped out of his hand .

"Hey , let me help you ." A voice startled him , then a tattooed , broad guy kneeled in front of him and collected all the groceries back into the bag before standing up , Louis had to crane his neck up to look at him .

"Thank you ." Louis said quietly and held his hand out to take the bag back , but the guy shook his head , "I'll carry it for you ."

"You don't have to ." Louis said in a small voice and tried reaching for the bag , but the guy shook his head again , "You won't be able to carry it all by yourself , let me help you . I'm Harry by the way ."

Louis sighed and let Harry take the rest of the bags for him . "Thanks . I-I'm Louis ."

"Nice meeting you ." Harry flashed a dimpled smile , "Lead the way ." He gestured , making Louis send him a hearted smile before he started walking .

"I haven't seen you before . Are you new here ?" Harry asked , trying to start a conversation .

"I - I moved here with my family a year ago ." 

"Oh , I guess that's why . How old are you ?"

"Nineteen , about to turn twenty ." Louis said , taking a turn right . "You ?"

"Twenty two ." Harry answered , "May I ask - how did you get to crutches ?"

Louis tensed a little , though he didn't let it show . "I - I was run over , and the doctors couldn't save my leg ."

"Sorry I asked ." Harry said softly when he noticed how tensed he got . "On a happier note , uhm , what are you currently doing ?"

"I kind of still live with my mother , and I work as a cashier at starbucks . Doesn't include a lot of walking , which is good to me ." Louis said . "What about you ?"

"I'm currently working at my friend's tattoo parlor , if it's not obvious ." Harry said with a light chuckle , gesturing to his tattoo-covered arms . "I live on my own , moved out four months ago ."

"Don't tattoos hurt ?" Louis asked , Harry smiled , "They do , but I like the outcome . It's like my tattoos are telling a story , and instead of writing a story you just have a symbol ."

Louis smiled softly ; who knew a tough looking guy could be so soft ? And if this isn't enough , he's the first person in four years that was nice to him because he's a person , not because he pities him for being crippled or thinks he's weird .

They crossed the street and walked down another street , keeping a conversation going . 

"This is the house ." Louis said and nodded his head towards it , Harry nodded , "I'll help you get everything inside ."

"Thank you ." Louis smiled and opened the gate , walking up the pathway with Harry following . He opened the door and walked inside , leaving his crutches in the entrace .

"The kitchen is right here ." He said and led Harry further in , Harry placed all the bags on the island counter .

"Lou , you're back ." Jay walked in and wiped her nose with a tissue paper since she had a cold , raising her eyebrows at Harry . "And who you might be ?"

"This is Harry , he helped me get the groceries here . I thought I could handle this , but it turned out I was wrong ." Louis said , Harry smiled and held his hand out for Jay to shake , "Nice meeting you ."

"Likewise . I'm Jay ." Jay shook his hand , before sniffling and wiping her nose again , "Excuse me , I'm going to make myself some tea . Would you two like some ?"

"No thanks , I need to go to work now ." Harry dismissed , Louis moved to the entrace , "I'll walk you out ."

Harry said goodbye to Jay and followed Louis out , who walked him out to the gate .

"Thank you again for helping me ." Louis smiled shyly at him , Harry smiled back , "It's really no problem . And uh , I want to ask for your phone number , we could stay in touch . Unless uh , unless you don't lean that way ."

Louis smiled wider at him , "I do lean that way ." He said and couldn't help but let out a giggle . He pulled his phone out of his pocket and unlocked it , passing it over to Harry , who smiled and passed him his own phone .

The exchanged numbers , Harry gave him one last dimpled smile before walking away .


Three weeks went by , and the two have been texting each other every day .

Today Harry wanted to go surprise Louis at his workplace , so before his shift he walked into Starbucks , smiling lightly as he saw the line is short , and smiled even wider at Louis' soft , shy voice when he spoke to customers .

Before he knew it it was his turn , Louis still looked down to the computer , "What can I get you ?"

"Vanilla latte with caramel cream and a smile , please ."

Louis's head snapped up , immediately smiling . "Hey , didn't expect to see you here ."

"That's called a surprise ." Harry laughed softly and leaned on the counter , "Wanted to surprise you ."

Louis smiled and blushed softly , "Nice of you to do so , I was bored here anyways ." He said and typed in Harry's order , putting in his employee code so Harry wouldn't have to pay .

Harry handed him the money but Louis shook his head , "It's already payed ." He said , making Harry raise his eyebrows , "Don't tell me you payed ."

"I did , I wouldn't let you pay ."

"Well then I'll have to repay you now . How about a date ?"

Louis blushed deeper , grinning . "I'd love that ."

Harry's name was called , he gave Louis a wink before going to get his drink . The worker who passed him his drink smiled at him , making sure to rub his hand against Harry's as he passed him his drink . "So , you're Harry ?"

"If you haven't noticed ." Harry held up his drink , making the worker chuckle . "Do you think I could get your number ?"

Louis tensed , watching as Harry quickly shook his head , "Sorry but no , I'm already seeing someone ." He said , making Louis relax , though his jaw was still tightened .

Before the worker could say anything else Harry went back to Louis , seeing his expression changed . "Everything okay ?"

"Yeah , it's all good ." Louis said , glancing over at the worker who was still eyeing Harry . Harry looked over to where Louis was looking , a smirk spreading on his lips . "Were you jealous ?"

"What ? No ." Louis shook his head , blush on his cheeks . Harry chuckled as he bit his lower lip . "Are you sure ?"

"I wasn't jealous ." Louis said and crossed his arms over his chest . Harry laughed , "You have nothing to be jealous about , it's you I'm taking on a date , isn't it ?" He reached over the counter and poked his stomach softly , Louis giggled and pushed his hand away .

"Come here , I need to tell you something ." Harry waved him to lean closer , Louis put his elbows on the counter and leaned closer , as did Harry . In response Harry kissed the corner of his lips , enough to make it look like they really kissed from the side , where the worker was watching .

"I'll text you the details tonight ." Harry smiled and kissed his blush covered cheek , taking his drink and walking out of the place .



Louis bit his nails nervously as he waited for Harry to pick him up . Jay smiled at him , leaning on his bedroom doorframe . "You shouldn't be nervous , you know ."

"I still am ." Louis sighed , "I know Harry is a good guy and I trust him , though I don't trust myself not to embarrass myself ."

"You've already met a few times ."

"I know , but this time it's a proper date - mum , I never went on a date before . He's my first date ever - I'm so ner-"

He stopped himself when he heard a car pulling next to the house , Jay laughed , "I'll go open the door for him . Want me to bring him up here ?"

Louis was about to answer when there was a knock on the door , Jay rushed out of the room and down the stairs , opening the door with a smile . "Hey , come in ."

Harry smiled at her and stepped inside . "Good evening ."

"Good evening , Louis is upstairs in his room ." Jay said and pointed up the stairs , "His room has his name on the door ."

Harry nodded and excused himself , walking up the stairs .

Louis took a few deep breaths as he heard Harry's footsteps going up the stairs , mentally preparing himself .

He got up from the bed as Harry knocked softly , slowly waddling over and opening it . Harry smiled , "Hey ."

"Hi ." Louis opened the door wider and stepped outside , whining to himself when he realized his crutches are downstairs , and walking down the stairs without them is quite a challenge .

"Is everything okay ?" Harry asked , Louis shook his head , "I'm alright , it's just - walking down the stairs without my crutches is a little tiring ." He said and walked over to the stairs holding onto the railing .

Harry was quick to stand infront of him , "I can carry you down ." He offered , making Louis blush . "No it's okay , just - mind giving me a hand ?"

Harry wrapped one arm around his waist for support , letting Louis hold his other hand . Louis blushed deeper at the close touch , but focused on walking down the stairs without making a fool of himself .

Soon enough they reached the bottom , Harry quickly fetched Louis his crutches . Louis thanked him with a smile , Jay waited near the door .

"Don't bring him back too late , yeah ? Take care of him ." Jay told Harry , Harry smiled and nodded , "Of course . I want you to know that you can trust me with Louis . I know you're protective of him , and so am I ."

Jay melted a little , offering a smile . "I see . Have fun , you two ." She watched as the two walked out of the house .

Louis waved at her a little right before he closed the door , following Harry to his car . "Where are you taking me ?"

"You mentioned liking chinese food , and I like chinese food aswell . So this new chinese place opened and thought we could try it out ." Harry said before opening the passenger's door for Louis , helping him inside .

Louis thanked him softly , letting him close the door and watching as he got in the driver's seat .

They reached the place after a fifteen minutes drive filled with laughter and singing . Harry put his hand on Louis' lower back as they walked into the place , the hostess led them to a circular booth in the back of the restaurant and handed them menus , saying a waiter will be there shortly to collect their orders .

Harry opened one menu for them , one arm wrapped around Louis' shoulders while the other pointed out dishes on the menu .

"I feel like having chicken noodles ." Louis said to himself , looking through the menu .

"What about some sushi as first meal ?" Harry asked , Louis bit his lower lip , "Honestly , if I eat sushi before the noodles I might end up not finishing the noodles ." He blushed .

"I can always help you finish it , you know ." Harry offered with a smile , Louis smiled back and nodded , "Okay . Then we'll just pick a sushi type we're good ."

Louis sneakily watched Harry's concentrated face , though Harry could see him from the corner of his eye , making him smile softly before he picked himself a dish .

He put the menu aside and turned to face Louis , "So Louis ."

"So Harry ."

Harry chuckled a little before continuing . "We know each other for a month or so , and I want to know more of you . So I want us to play a little questions game ."

Louis smiled , "Okay . Lead ."

"Alright , so the game is ; one truth one lie , and we have to guess the truth . To make it interesting ." Harry said with a dimpled smile , making Louis grin back , "Okay , you start ."

"Alright , uhm - I have a butterfly tattoo , and I do drugs . Which one is true , which one is a lie ?" Harry asked , his hand slowly taking Louis' small one and holding it .

Louis giggled , "Do you really expect me to believe you do drugs ?" He asked , Harry laughed , "True . I do have a butterfly tattoo , right here ." He patted the middle of his torso . "Your turn ."

"Okay . I - I know how to play the piano , and I can swim ." Louis said , unknowingly playing with Harry's rings .

Harry furrowed his eyebrows as he made a thinking face , pouting his lips . "The swimming is the lie . Is it ?"

"Yeah ." Louis nodded smiling .

"So that means you can play the piano ? Perhaps you could teach me ." Harry smiled , Louis blushed lightly , "If you want to ."

A waiter approached them and took their orders , when he left the two were back to their little game .


After they finished eating and their little game was over , Harry payed (with Louis protesting endlessly) and took Louis out to his car .

"I don't want tonight to end , I'm having way too much fun ." He told Louis , making Louis smile . "Me too . We could - do you want to , uhm - stay at my place a little longer ? Unless - uh , unless you -"

"I'd love to ." Harry grinned , helping him into his car and getting in the driver's seat .

Soon enough they reached back to Louis' place , Harry helped him out of the car , the two still grinning from the small carpool karaoke they pulled .

They walked up the pathway , Louis opened the door quietly and let himself and Harry in , closing the door and locking it behind them .

Jay walked out of the living room , smiling at the two , "Hey , is everything okay ?"

"Everything is great ." Louis smiled , "We'll be up in my room ."

Jay's smile faded a little , "Are you ?"

Louis blushed deeply , and before he could say anything Harry's arm wrapped around his waist as he stepped closer , "I promise you nothing will happen tonight , Jay . We're not going to do anything , except talking and laughing , and maybe we'll cuddle . Nothing more ." He said , making Louis blush deeper and bite his lower lip .

Jay raised her eyebrow a little but sighed , "Okay . You're not staying the night , though ."

"Of course ." Harry said , before helping Louis up the stairs .

Jay watched them , she could see they're already close and that Harry really cares for Louis , but she can't help her protectiveness .

Louis opened his bedroom door and walked in , putting the crutches aside . Harry closed the door after he walked in and saw Louis sitting on the bed , scooting himself up to lean on the headboard before patting the place next to him , "You coming ?"

Harry smiled and joined him , lifting his arm for Louis to rest against his side . He mentally cooed at how shy Louis is , before bringing him closer and rubbing his back .

"I'm having a really great time with you ." Harry said , making Louis smile , "Me too . It's nice ."

"Just nice ?" Harry faked being offended , making Louis giggle , "Yeah , just nice ." He teased .

"Tell me I'm awesome . Come on , I know you want to ." Harry brought his fingers to his side and tickled him gently , making Louis break into giggles and push at his hand . He laughed and stopped , bringing Louis to rest against him .

"You can be so mean sometimes ." Louis whined but put his arm over his torso , making Harry laugh again , "I know , I'm mean for living ."

"Can't say I'm surprised ." Louis looked up at him and poked his dimple , Harry took his hand and engulfed it with his larger one , resting it on his chest . "I really like you ."

Louis blushed , looking up at Harry through his eyelashes . "Do you ?"

"I really do . I like talking to you , I like laughing with you and making you laugh , I like being with you ."

Louis grinned , making his eyes crinkle and squint . "I really like you too . You make me feel normal ."

"You are normal ." Harry said , not understanding .

"I meant that you treat me normally , not like a crippled person who gets pity from people ." Louis said , his head falling down on Harry's chest . Harry lifted his head up by his chin , "Just because you have an artificial leg doesn't mean I should treat you differently ."

Louis bit his lower lip and nodded , watching as Harry scooted down and gripped the calves of his leg and his articifial leg . "Look at it like this ; one foot less for me to tickle ." He brought his fingers to his foot , Louis let out a laugh and accidentally kicked him in the chin .

"Harry ! I'm so sorry , oh my god ." Louis covered his mouth and scooted closer to Harry , pressing the back of his fingers against his chin , where he kicked him . Harry laughed , "It's okay , it didn't hurt ."

"Are you sure ?" Louis rubbed his small hand on his chest , Harry nodded , "I'm sure , don't worry about it ."

"I'm sorry ." Louis pouted a little , Harry smiled softly and ran his thumb on Louis' bottom lip , "Don't pout ." He leaned down and pecked his nose quickly , making Louis crack a smile with blush rising up to his cheeks .

Harry smiled down at him , and he couldn't help but let his gaze wander down to his lips . Louis saw his eyes moving from his lips to his eyes back and forth , making him blush deeper - he wanted to kiss him , know how it feels to kiss someone you like .

Harry took a few more seconds to see if Louis backs away before leaning in , pressing his lips to Louis' gently . He brought the smaller boy closer , moving his lips against his . Louis followed , and as much as he tried not to , he smiled against Harry's lips , making him smile aswell .

They pulled back , Harry pressed another quick peck to Louis' lips , making Louis giggle in surprise .

They went back to cuddling , talking and laughing quietly . Before Harry knew it Louis was half asleep , he smiled and kissed his cheek , "I'll go home now , okay ? I'll see you tomorrow ."

Louis didn't response , now being fully asleep . Harry slowly unattached them and got out of bed , walking out of the room and closing the door behind him quietly .

He walked down the stairs to the front , when he heard someone saying his name quietly . He turned his head to see Jay waving him towards the kitchen . He walked in , "Is everything okay ?"

"Yes , I just want to talk to you a little ." Jay nodded , gesturing to the island chair in front of her . Harry took a seat , "I'm listening ."

"Okay , Harry , you seem like a great guy , you and Louis are getting along very well and he really likes you . You're the first person in the past few years outside of our small family to be nice to him and actually want to be around him . I'm not trying to pity him or anything , I'm just saying that he never had anyone to rely on socially . You're his first friend in years , his first boyfriend for that matter . Do not let him or me down , okay ?"

"Of course not ." Harry said softly , "I know it's a big deal for him , and you aswell . But Louis is just - he's amazing , I have so much fun being around him . I'm already comfortable with him , and I hope he's comfortable with me . I want him to trust me , I want the honour of being trusted by him ."

Jay listened quietly , enjoying every word coming out of his mouth . "And I'm guessing he hadn't told you about his - his atrificial leg , had he ?"

"He just mentioned he was run over and the doctors couldn't save his leg ."

Jay nodded , and Harry could see she's sad only thinking about it .

"It's true . It's a very traumatic memory for him , and sometimes he gets triggered ."

"What triggers him ?"

"Car screeching and loud booming . I don't want to tell you anything about the accident unless he tells you himself , but it's another story for another day ."

Harry bit his lower lip and nodded , "I know , I understand . I'll wait as long as needed , even if he never tells me ."

"You're sweet . Keep it up , don't let us down ." Jay patted his arm , Harry nodded , "Of course ."

"It's late , you should go back to your place . Is Louis asleep ?" Jay asked and got up from her seat , Harry nodded and got up aswell , "He is ."

"Alright , have a good night ." She walked him to the door , Harry said goodnight and left .



It's been three months since Louis and Harry's first date , and they became official two weeks after that first date . They were in heaven with each other , enjoying every moment .

For the past week Louis had been debating with himself whether he's ready to tell Harry the story about his leg , not knowing how he would react . But he figured out that if Harry really cares about him he'll be there for him . If not , then ... he didn't think about it .

He was now at Harry's place , he was sitting in the living room while Harry showered after being at the gym .

Harry walked out of the bathroom shirtless with sweatpants on , He dried his hair with the towel before hanging in on his door . He walked to the living room , seeing Louis deep in thoughts . "Are you okay ?"

Louis looked over to him and nodded , "Yeah . Can you - come sit with me ."

Harry sat in front of him , "What is it ?"

"I trust you , you know that ?" Louis started , Harry nodded . "So I - I want to tell you about my leg ."

Harry was speechless for a few seconds before nodding , "Okay ."

Louis got comfortable in front of Harry , Harry brought Louis' legs to rest on his thighs with his hands resting on his thighs .

"I came out to my family when I was fifteen . My father didn't take it very well . My mum was very accepting , but my dad was the complete opposite . He was screaming at how could I do this to the family , and that I'm not his son anymore . He got extremely angry that he started hitting me . My mum was yelling at him to stop , so he locked her in the storage to keep her out of the way . My sisters weren't home that day , so it was just us . I t-tried running away , I stormed out of the house and tried getting away , at least to somewhere public so I can get help from people ." Louis' voice cracked at the end , and Harry could see tears gathering in his eyes .

"Lou you don't have to tell me if you're not ready ." Harry said softly , cupping his cheeks . Louis shook his head , "No , I w-want to ." He took a deep breath before continuing .

"H-He chased me with his car . I was so t-terrified , I started having a panic attack , and I couldn't breath . Then out of nowhere he - he slammed into me , making my knee twist really badly , and I lost consciousness from the pain very quickly . I woke up in the hospital with my mum next to me , she was crying and I told her I can't feel my leg . She tried telling me to go back to sleep but I was too curious why I could feel one leg and not the other . I looked down and saw that my leg is missing from above my knee down , I started freaking out and had another attack ."

Harry shushed him and brought him into his chest , holding him tightly as he cried . He rubbed his back and kissed his head , bringing him closer to sit on his lap . He rocked him and waited for him to calm down , kissing him silently .

When Louis calmed down he pulled back a little and wiped his cheeks , sniffling . Harry pecked his lips softly , "You're so strong , angel . So so strong ."

Louis leaned on his chest , letting himself be engulfed . 

"Lou ?"

"Hm ?"

"I want you to know that you can be whoever you want to be around me . I want you to be comfortable around me , be yourself . Don't let anyone hold you back , because you're beautiful ." Harry kissed his cheek . "I love you ."

Louis looked up at him in surprise . "Wh-what ?"

"I love you ." Harry smiled , bringing Louis closer to lie against his chest . 

Louis wrapped his arms around Harry's torso , his face hidden in his neck . "I love you too ."

Harry grinned and brought him even closer , his arms tightening their grip around him .


Hope you liked it x


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