Larry Stylinson -Imagines

By Whatsuphello1

675K 15.7K 10.6K

Self explanatory . Don't expect any sexual content in my works , any of them . Fluff only , with a side of an... More

Let's start off
Drunk Louis , Sober Harry
Punk Harry , Flowerchild Louis
Harry comes back from the army
I'll Wait For You
Kitten Hybrid Louis
Blind Louis
The Dancer And The Singer
Punk Harry , Flowerchild Louis ~Part 2
Kitten Hybrid Louis ~Part 2
Blind Louis ~Part 2
Punk Harry , Flowerchild Louis ~part 3
Blind Louis ~Part 3
Kitten Hybrid Louis ~Part 3
Harry comes back from the army ~Part 2
Drunk Louis , Sober Harry ~Part 2
The Dancer And The Singer ~Part 2
Blind Louis ~Part 4
Jealous Harry
Just The Way You Are
Jealous Louis
Fanboy Louis
His Baby
Love on Crutches
I'll Be Your Reason
Always There For You
Hybrid Louis : Pool Time
Blind Louis : Camping
AMAAF : Prankster
I'll Be Your Reason ~Part 2
A Misunderstanding
Lipstick Kisses Prank : AMAAF
Drunk Harry , Sober Louis
Opposites Are Opposites
Blind Harry
Wrongly Jealous
Just The Way You Are ~Part 2
Wrong Number
Vet Harry
Wrong Number -Part 2
Makeup Artist
Don't Mess With The Wrong Person
Body Painting
My Tutor
Wisdom Teeth (Harry)

Marcel or Harry ?

12.8K 293 229
By Whatsuphello1

Summary : Harry is the son of two very rich parents , but he doesn't want anyone knowing . He doesn't want people to be his friends only for his money . So he pulls on the school-nerd character to keep a low profile . Louis is the new kid , and he quite quickly becomes Harry's friend , since he moved away for being bullied for being a nerd . When Harry is sure Louis can be trusted he shows him the real him , and Louis helps him become the real him outside his house .

Enjoy x


"Have a good day ." Jay kissed Louis' cheek , Louis smiled , "You too ." He said before walking out of his house .

It was Louis' first day at the new school , and he was beyond nervous . He had to move away to the other side of England because everyone in the area knew he was gay , and they weren't okay with it . Jay , who learned the hard way about people hating on her boy , after being informed he made it to the hospital due to severe beating , knew they couldn't stay there , so as soon as they possibly could they packed their things and left for good .

Louis was more than nervous , the whole walk to school he played scenarios in his head about how everyone hates him and he'll have to go through everything all over again . Sooner than later he was stood in front of the school doors , taking a deep breath before walking inside .

He was at school before the year started , to get his schedule , know where his classes are and get his locker combo . He quickly found his locker , seeing someone else standing there with their own locker opened .

He slowly approached the guy , he was dressed in skinny jeans , boots and a knitted jumper , his hair stlyed into a gelled quiff with glasses on his face .

He nervously stood next to him and opened his locker , taking out his binder .

"Are you new ?"

Louis jumped softly , peeking at the guy from the corner of his locker door , nodding quietly . The guy smiled and offered his hand , "Marcel ."

Louis shook his hand . "Louis ."

The bell rang , Louis took his hand back closed his locker , "I need to go ."

Marcel nodded and watched as Louis quickly walked away . He sighed , at least I tried .

Louis walked into his first class , quickly picking himself a seat on the second row next to the wall . He tried being as small and unnoticable as he could , not to draw any unnecessary attention .

The first lesson went smoothly , as well as the second . Louis walked into his third lesson , seeing that all the seats are taken , except for one ; right next to Marcel , the guy he met before .

He clutched his notebook closer to his chest and walked towards the seat , sliding down into it without making eye contact with anyone . He placed his notebook on the table and took his backpack off , tucking his hands into his lap .

"Hey ." He heard Marcel saying , he turned his head to look at him briefly before dropping his gaze down . "Hi ."

Marcel was about to ask something but the teacher walked in , making him close his mouth and turn to face her .

When the lesson was over everyone quickly gathered their things and went to their fourth lesson , Louis was quick to walk out and to his fourth lesson .

When it was lunch break , he made it to the cafeteria and was glad it was mostly empty , so he picked himself a table at the corner and took his lunch out .

Soon enough the place started filling up , and he saw Marcel walking in very slowly , looking around a lot .

He's probably looking for his friends , Louis thought to himself , when someone bumped their shoulders into Marcel's and laughed , making Marcel frown and his chest puff a little with anger . Maybe I should call him over ?

He waited for Marcel to look his way , and when he did and their eyes locked , Louis waved his hand softly , gesturing him to come over .

Marcel walked over to him , "Hey , uhm . Need anything ?"

"Just - ... saw you have no one to have lunch with . Thought you'd want to sit with me , since , uh ... since I don't have anyone to have lunch with either ." Louis said awkwardly , mentally slapping himself for stuttering .

Marcel smiled softly and sat infont of him . "Nice of you . Very thoughtful ."

Louis offered him half a smile , "Didn't want you to be alone ."

Marcel smiled slightly wider as he took his lunch out , before trying to make a conversation . "How's today ? As a first day , I mean ."

"It's okay so far ." Louis said as he took a bite of his sandwitch .

Marcel nodded , "Good . Uhm , may I ask why did you move ? I mean , it's a month and a bit into the year already ." He looked up at Louis , frowning when he saw how tensed Louis is .

"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable . Shouldn't have asked ." He apologized quickly , but Louis shook his head , "No , it's - it's okay . You don't know , so .. it's okay ."

"You don't have to tell me ."

"I , uh ... I was bullied , really badly ."

"Oh . I'm sorry ."

"Yeah . It didn't end very well , so my mum , sisters and step dad all packed up and left as soon as we could ."

"At least you're far away from the bullies ."

"Yeah . I really hope there aren't bullies here ."

"There aren't , people just ignore you if you're different ."

"I guess it's better , isn't it ?"

"Yeah ... kind of ."

They went silent as they kept eating , Louis looked up at Marcel and cleared his throat quietly . "Can I ask something ?"

Marcel looked up and nodded , "Go ahead ."

"Are you ... are you considered 'the nerd' of the school ?" Louis asked , blush covering his cheeks .

Marcel nodded , "Yeah , because of the way I dress and the straight A's . I don't care though ."

Louis nodded aswell , "Yeah . I understand ."

Soon enough lunch time was over and the two went back to their classes , before meeting again on the last lesson , History .

The teacher walked into the classroom , greeting the students . "For the next couple of weeks I want you guys to do a project in pairs - that I picked myself - about a topic I'm going to give you ."

The class whined a little but the teacher quickly shushed them and started reading out the pairs .

"Marcel Styles and Louis Tomlinson ."

The two turned their heads to each other , smiling a little .

At least it's someone I know , Louis said to himself . 

The lesson kept going , and at the end the pairs went to the teacher to get their chosen topic .

Louis and Marcel approached the teacher , she looked at her list . "Industrial Revolution ."

The two nodded and walked out of the classroom , Marcel sighed , "One of the most boring topics ."

"I find it kind of interesting , to be honest ." Louis said , Marcel half smiled , "Well then , guess you'll have to motivate me ."

Louis smiled too , looking down . "When do you want to start ?"

"Whenever you'd like ."

"Can we start tomorrow ? I - I'm kind of busy today ." Louis said , blush spreading on his cheeks .

"Okay , fine by me . Can we - can we do it at your place ?" Marcel asked , Louis nodded , "Okay . Tomorrow at five p.m ?"

"Great ." Marcel nodded with a smile as he and Louis walked out of the school , he waved goodbye and walked in the other direction Louis went in .

Soon enough Marcel got to his house , pressing the code to the gates . The door at the side of the gate opened and he walked in , walking up the pathway to the front door .

He pressed another code to open the door , walking in . "I'm home !"

"In the kitchen !" His mother called , Harry took his shoes and backpack off in the entrace and ruffled his gelled hair , walking into the kitchen , "Hey ."

"Hello dear , how was school ?" Anne asked and smiled as Marcel kissed her cheek . She didn't like how Marcel , or Harry for her , pretended to be someone else , but figured he'll grow out of it .

"It was really good , actually ." Harry said and walked to the fridge , taking out apple juice and drinking straight out of the carton .

"Mind telling me why ?"

"Met someone . He's new , and really cute ."

"You think you'll tell him about your secret life ?"

"Mm , not anytime soon , to be honest . I want to know I can really trust him ."

"Harry , I really think you should stop with the pretending ."

"But mum , I really don't want to have friends only because of the money and wealth . I want someone to be my friend even if I'm the weird nerd , you know ?"

"I know and I fully understand . I just wish you'll realize that the real you is the one that matters ."



The day after , at five p.m sharp , Marcel parked his car outside the Tomlinson's household . He took a deep breath before getting out of his car and locking it , going up to the door .

He knocked on it , before the door opened and Louis smiled at him . "Hey . Come in ."

Marcel smiled back and walked in , Louis closed the door behind him when Jay walked out of the kitchen , drying her hands . She smiled at Marcel , "Hello ."

"Hello , Mrs. Tomlinson ." Marcel smiled and offered his hand to shake , Jay shook his hand , "It's actually Mrs. Deakin but you're all good . And please call me Jay , I'm not old enough for Mrs. Deakin ."

Marcel nodded , Louis took his arm in his small hands , "We have a project to do so we'll be up in my room ."

"Alright , I'll prepare some snacks , come down to get them when you want some ." Jay said , Louis nodded and took Marcel to his room .

Louis closed the door behind them , and Marcel sat on one of the chairs near the desk . Louis sat on the other chair and reached for his laptop , "I already searched some sources for information about the indusrtial revolution , so we won't use just wikipedia ."

Marcel nodded , "Good , uhm . Should we just - read everything and save all the information so we can edit it ? Or literally write it in our own words ."

Louis bit his lip in concentration . "Editing it sounds better than writing it all over again ."

Marcel nodded , "I can show you how I usually do it ."

Louis nodded and turned the laptop to face Marcel , watching as his large hands covered most of the laptop .


It was nine p.m , and they already had half of the project done . They could've finished it in one day , but for the past hour or so they were caught up in talking and laughing .

Jay opened the door quietly , smiling at them . "So this is how you two are doing the project ?"

Louis turned to face her , "No no , we did half of it already , I swear !" He blushed a little .

"I believe you , don't worry ." Jay laughed , "I didn't want to disturb you earlier , but there's dinner if you two are hungry ."

"No thank you , I uh - I really should get home ." Marcel said and gathered his things into his backpack , Louis led him to the door and said goodbye .

"He's really nice , this Marcel guy ." Jay said as she walked behind Louis to the kitchen , Louis nodded . "Yeah , but - maybe he isn't gay , or bi or I don't know . I just met him yesterday ."

"Take your time , I'm sure you'll figure it out eventually ." Jay patted his shoulder with a smile .


A week later they handed in their History project , much to the teacher's surprise . They kept meeting up at Louis' place quite a lot , and Louis always wondered why Marcel had never invited him to his place .

He thought maybe his parents aren't nice people and he doesn't want Louis to know ? Or maybe his house is not very good looking so he's ashamed of it ? Maybe he doesn't have parents and lives with an adoptive family and he doesn't want Louis to know ?

From Marcel - Harry - 's side , he really liked Louis . But he told himself it's too early to judge , and he still doesn't trust him fully .

Before they knew it , it's almost been two months . It was nearing Louis' birthday , and Jay informed Marcel about surprising Louis on the morning of the 24th .

So Marcel woke up extra early on the 24th of December , getting dressed quickly and driving to Louis' place , with the present he got him .

He parked outside his house and quickly ran up to the door , knocking softly . One of Louis' sisters , Daisy , opened the door with a smile , letting Marcel in .

Jay smiled at Marcel , "We're going up to his room , grab some balloons ." She said , Marcel took as many balloons as he could - which was a lot - and followed Louis' family up to his room .

They quietly opened the bedroom door , Marcel almost cooed at the sight of tiny Louis bundled up in the fluffy sheets , his face stuffed into the pillow under his head .

Jay kneeled next to him and rubbed his shoulder , "Lou ? Wake up Boobear ."

Marcel bit back a soft chuckle at Louis' pet name , Louis shifted a little and whined , "I want to sleep ."

"You need to wake up though ." Jay shook his shoulder , when Phoebe jumped on him , "It's your birthdaayyyy !"

Everyone threw the balloons at him , calling happy birthday . Louis smiled sleepily and sat up , his eyes widening when he saw Marcel .

Marcel smiled back , "Happy birthday ."

Louis grinned back at him , Jay kissed his cheek , "We'll go start making breakfast , join us when it's ready ." She said , Louis nodded and let his sisters kiss his cheeks one by one before Dan , his step fater , ruffled his hair softly with a smile and walked out of the room , leaving Louis and Marcel .

Marcel scooted to sit on the edge of the bed next to Louis , who was sitting with the covers all around him .

"Did my mum call you to come here ?" Louis asked , Marcel nodded , "Yeah , it was really nice of her ."

"I'm really hoping my sisters or she didn't embarrass me ." Louis said , a nervous giggle escaping his lips . "They tend to do so , and I'm sorry if they did ."

"Don't worry , they were all okay , Boobear ." Marcel said in a teasing voice , a wide smirk on his lips . Louis' eyes widened as he groaned , letting his top half fall face first down on the bed , "She didn't ."

Marcel laughed and rubbed his back , "Cheer up , Boobear ."

"Stop with it , let's forget she ever called me that ." Louis said into the mattress , and Marcel was sure he was pouting . He poked Louis' side , "Boobear ."

"Stop ." Louis giggled and shifted away , "It's embarrassing ."

"It's funny ." Marcel poked him again , smiling as he giggled again . "Didn't know you're ticklish ."

"You shouldn't have known that either ." Louis sat up , Marcel grinned at his blushing face and reached to poke his side again but Louis slapped his hand away , "No ."

Marcel laughed and scooted closer , both his hands reaching for Louis' sides . Louis squeaked as Marcel started tickling him , it was soft but he couldn't take it for long .

"Stop !" He managed to say through mad giggles , he squirmed all over and pushed at Marcel's hands and chest . Marcel laughed and went on for a little more before stopping , his hands going to rub Louis' back as Louis leaned tiredly on his chest .

"You're so mean to me ." Louis let out a breath , Marcel laughed , "Sorry , you're just too cute when you laugh ."

Louis pulled back with an angry pout , Marcel scrunched his nose and reached his index fingers out to push Louis' cheeks up into a smile . Louis giggled a little and blushed , making Marcel smile at him .

After taking one more look at Louis' beautiful face , Marcel asked , "Can I tell you something ?"

"Yeah , of course ." Louis nodded . Marcel scooted closer , his hands now holding Louis' much smaller ones . "I really like you .  Like like you ."

Louis' eyebrows raised in surprise , his jaw hung open . "A-are you serious ?"

Marcel nodded , offering a soft smile . "I wasn't really sure if I should tell you because I didn't know where you lean . But then your mum told me that we'd make a great couple , so I - I assumd you were gay or bi . And I thought I should tell you , because I want to know if you feel the same . It's okay if you don't ."

Louis gave his hands a soft squeeze . "I - I do feel the same . But I really don't want to get hurt ."

"I'll never hurt you , Lou ." Marcel shook his head , "Do you trust me ?"

Louis nodded , making Marcel smile slightly wider . "Would you let me take you out ?"

"Yes ." Louis smiled back , Marcel kissed his cheek , "Let's go down for breakfast now ."


It was New Years Eve , and after Marcel took Louis to a nice restaurant they went on a walk at the park .

Marcel looked down at Louis , who's lips were shaking a little . "Are you cold ?"

"Well it is winter now , and it's the middle of the night ." Louis said sassily , Marcel chuckled and stopped walking , bringing Louis into his chest . Louis pressed his cold nose to Marcel's shirt , sighing softly at how warm he is .

Marcel rubbed one hand up and down Louis' back , his other hand holding the back of Louis' head . "Is it better ?"

"Mhm ." Louis hummed , wrapping his arms shyly around Marcel's middle under his coat . Marcel smiled and pressed his nose to Louis' beanie , kissing his temple .

It was one minute to midnight , Marcel pulled Louis' face out of his chest and cupped his cheek with one hand , his other arm wrapped around him . He rubbed their noses together , smiling as he made Louis giggle .

They heard the countdown from afar , Marcel looked at Louis for permission , smiling as Louis nodded . He leaned down and pressed their lips together softly , bringing Louis closer .

They pulled back slowly , their foreheads pressed together .

"It was my first kiss ." Louis said in a whisper , making Marcel smile . "I'm honoured to be your first ."



School started again , Louis and Marcel walked into school hand in hand . They opened their lockers and took out what they needed , Marcel constantly making Louis smile and laugh .

Everyone in the halls were looking at them as they passed ; they weren't homophobes , but they were very surprised and shocked .

Before lunch Louis went to his locker , where he's supposed to meet Marcel .

He just closed the locker when two girls approached him . "Louis ?"

"Uh , yeah ?" He raised his eyebrows .

"We don't want to disrespect you or Marcel , but .. -"

"Why are you dating him ? He's a nerd , you can do much better ."

Louis raised his eyebrows . "How can you say that ? You don't even know him ."

"Yes whatever , but -"

"No don't say whatever . Marcel is an amazing person , he's generous and nice and funny . You have no right talking about him like this ." Louis cut the girl off . "Everyone at this school is ignorant when it comes to him , because he's the nicest and most amazing person I've met in my life ."

One of the girls was about to say something but her friend just rolled her eyes and dragged her away . Louis sighed and shook his head , turning to close his locker . He saw someone from the corner of his eye , turning his head to see Marcel .

He smiled at him , "Hey -"

Marcel cut him off with a kiss , Louis raised his eyebrows and was about to ask what is it about when Marcel said , "I heard what you said ."

"O-oh ." Louis blushed a little . "Well , I meant it . I hate how everyone treats you differently ."

Marcel kissed him again , this time longer . "I need to talk to you after school . Wait for me here when school ends , okay ?"

Louis nodded , a little confused . "Okay ."


Louis was leaning on his locker , looking down at his phone as he waited for Marcel . He was still confused as to why Marcel needed to talk to him , but figured he'll know later .

He was busy watching a video on Instagram , when two large hands were placed on his waist , fingers digging in a little . Louis jumped and let out a giggle at the ticklish feeling , pushing the hands away before hearing Marcel laughing . "Sorry , you were an easy target ."

Louis pushed at his chest , "You're mean ." He still smiled , Marcel kissed his cheek , "Let's go ." He took Louis' small hand in his larger one and led him out of the school .

They were walking down the street in silence , Louis looked up at Marcel and tugged on his hand softly . "Marcy ?"

Marcel smiled at the pet name , turning to look at him . "Yeah ?"

"What is it that you wanted to talk to me about ?"

Marcel squeezed his hand softly . "It's something really important that I've been keeping from you , because I want to be cautious with who I'm telling this to ."

"You're scaring me ."

"No no , it's nothing bad I promise . I mean , you might get mad at me for not telling you earlier , but I didn't want anyone knowing . No one at school knows , and for a reason ."

Louis bit his lower lip as Marcel led him into the small park and sat him on one of the benches , sitting next to him .

Marcel's hand never left Louis' hand as he started talking .

"I'll start , and hopefully you'll understand as much as you can ." Marcel said , biting his lower lip . "For starters , my name isn't Marcel . I'm Harry Edward Styles , Marcel is a made up character so no one would know who I am . My parents are very rich , therefore I'm rich aswell . My mother owns a few jewelry shops , and my father is a very successful court judge . When I was younger , I had friends because I was rich . The so-called friends used me to be at my house , enjoy a free pool and games . I never had a true friend , not even one . Then we moved away , and I decided I don't want anyone knowing I'm rich , I don't want to be used again . So I pulled on the school nerd , knowing only the true ones will be my friends . But luck wasn't on my side , and no one became my friend . For me , it's better than being used . That's why I didn't want you coming to my place this whole time , because then you'll see how rich I am , and I didn't trust you at first . But I trust you , and I was so scared to tell you earlier ."

Marcel , Harry , looked over to Louis , who looked shocked , his breath caught in his throat .

"I know it's a lot to take in , but - I don't want to hide anymore . Not from you ."

"So you're saying , you're actually Harry and - and you're the complete opposite of Marcel ?" Louis asked , Harry nodded , "Yeah ."

"I need to think ." Louis said got up from the bench , walking towards the park gates . Harry chased him and took a hold of his arm , turning him to face him . "Do you hate me ?"

Louis shook his head , "No , no Mar- Harry . I don't hate you , I just need some time to think ."

Harry nodded , "Okay . I understand ."

Louis nodded , and he hated how sad Marcel-Harry looked . He stood on his tip toes and stretched up to kiss his cheek . "I'll call you later today , okay ?"

Harry bit his lower lip and nodded , Louis gave his arm a squeeze before walking away .


It was eight p.m , Harry was laying in bed with his phone next to him . He told his mum about telling Louis the truth , she was proud of him and told him everything will be okay .

He was distracted by a TV show , when his phone went off . He jumped and muted the TV , picking his phone up to see Louis' name .

"Hey , Lou ."

"Hey Ma - Harry . Uhm , do you have time to talk ?"

"Yes , yes of course ."

"Good . Uhm , I've been thinking for the past few hours . I don't hate you , not at all . I'm just a little disappointed you didn't tell me earlier , though I understand why you didn't . I just - can you show me the real you ?"

"Yes , uhm - I have an idea . It's Saturday tomorrow , so .. what do you say about coming over to my place ? Bring a swimsuit aswell ."

"Uh , I - Okay ."

"Okay good , I'll come to pick you up in thirty minutes ."

"Okay , see you then ."

"See you then ."


Harry parked outside Louis' place , this time dressed at himself , his hair not gelled but styled up in a soft way , and he didn't have glasses .

He took a deep breath before getting out of the car , going up the pathway and knocking on the front door . Jay opened the door a few seconds later , her eyebrows raised . "Can I help you ?"

Harry chuckled softly , "It's me , Jay ."

Jay took three more seconds to process before her eyes widened , "Marcel ! Oh my god , I'm sorry , I didn't recognize you , you look so - so different . Come in ."

Harry walked in , "Yeah , I guess I have some explaining to do ."

They went to the kitchen , where Jay made Harry some tea and Harry told her his story shortly .

"So your actual name is Harry ?" Jay asked , Harry nodded , "Yeah ."

"Wow , this is .. -"

"This is a lot to take in , I know . I told Louis just today , and now - now I want to show him the real me . Well , most of the time I was the real me , but I want him to see me as Harry , not Marcel ."

Jay nodded . "He's up in his room , he told me he's going to stay the night at your place ."

Harry nodded and excused himself , going up the stairs to Louis' room . He knocked softly on the door , Louis called from inside . "Come in ."

He opened the door and stepped inside , Louis had his back to him as he filled a bag with clothings and necessities .

"Hey Lou ." Harry said , Louis slowly turned around , his eyes widened at how well Harry was dressed . His shoulders and chest looked so much broader , and his hair looked so soft .

Harry walked closer , "Are you ready to go ?"

"A-almost ." Louis said shyly . This new Harry was making him shy , it's like meeting a new person , and he looked so good that Louis couldn't help but be shy and blushy .

He turned back to his bag and finished packing , taking his phone and charger aswell . "I'm ready now ."

Harry took Louis' bag and hung it on his shoulder , taking his hand . They walked down the stairs and said goodbye to Jay , Harry led Louis to his Range Rover . He chuckled softly and helped him up , putting his bag at his feet and closing the door .

He got into the driver's seat and started the car , turning his head to Louis . He smiled softly , "Am I making you shy ?"

"N-no . It's just - uhm , I'm still getting used to you being Harry ."

Harry pulled out of the parking spot , a soft smile permanent on his lips . "Loosen up , It's me ." He said and turned to look at him for a second before looking back at the road . He reached his hand out , poking around Louis' side and stomach , "Loosen up already ."

Louis giggled and pushed his hand away , "Stop it ."

Harry smiled and kept going with this little game some more , enjoying the sound of Louis' giggles . He then pulled his hand back , "Are you still shy ?"

"Are you still mean ?"

Harry laughed and turned left , driving down the street before slowing down . "This is my house ." He said and turned to face the gate , opening the window to use his chip to open the gate . The gate slowly opened and he drove inside , parking his car in the front .

He got out and went to help Louis , taking his bag for him . He took his hand and they walked up the steps , Harry pressed the code to the door and opened it when it buzzed .

Louis looked around in awe , Harry put his hand on his lower back , "Come on , I'll give you a little tour ."

"Aren't your parents home ?" Louis asked , Harry shook his head , "They're away on vacation for their anniversary ."

Louis nodded and let Harry show him around his house , after their tour Harry led Louis to his room , opening the door . "Did you bring a swimsuit ?" He asked , Louis nodded . 

"Good , the pool is heated so let's get dressed and go downstairs ." Harry said , he opened the door to the attached bathroom in his room . "You can get dressed in here , i'll get dressed in the walk-in closet ." He pointed to the other door , Louis nodded .

After the two got dressed , thy put in their shirts to keep themslves warm .

Harry took Louis' hand and led him down , they walked down the stairs to the front and turned , going down another staircase . Harry opened the glass doors to the pool , he took two towels from the cabinet in the entrace and put them on a chair .

He grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled it off , Louis stared at him ; he never imagined Marcel-Harry having this body . His arms , shoulders , biceps , chest . Even tattoos .

Harry chuckled and put his shirt on the chair , "Take your shirt off ." He said before starting to walk down the steps into the water until it reached his knees , he turned around to see if Louis is following him but frowned when he saw him sitting on a chair , his arms around himself .

He quickly walked over to him and kneeled in front of him , his large hands on his knees . "Lou ?"

"Mm ?"

"Why aren't you getting in the pool with me ?"

"Don't want to ."

Harry bit his lower lip , his hand going up to cup his cheek , "I know it's not the reason . Is it what I think it is ? Because Lou , I don't want you to be insecure about your body . You're beautiful ."

"Promise you won't laugh at me ?" Louis asked ; he hated the small tummy he had , he tried getting rid of it but it never did .

"I will never ever laugh at you ." Harry shook his head , kissing his cheek . Louis nodded , "Okay ."

Harry got up , pulling Louis with him . Louis shyly turned his back to him and slowly pulled his shirt off , looking down to see if he can suck his tummy in , though he couldn't .

Harry put his hands on his waist and turned him around , pecking his lips , "You have nothing to be ashamed of , you're beautiful ."

"I just - really dislike the tummy I have ." Louis said in embarrassment , Harry tsked and pulled him closer , "You know I have a thing for tummies ?"

"You're just saying that to make me feel better ." Louis shook his head , but Harry just smiled , "I'm serious . On the first chance I get I'm going to kiss your tummy and give it some raspberries ."

"You're weird ." Louis giggled with deep red blush on his cheeks , Harry laughed and kissed his forehead , "Let's get in the pool ." He threw Louis over his shoulder , making him yelp . "No ! Put me down !"

"Not yet !" Harry laughed again and walked to the steps , he got into the pool until it reached his knees and put Louis down next to him , Louis smackd his chest , "Wasn't funny ."

"Oh it was ." Harry grinned and wrapped his arms around his waist , picking him up and going further into the pool . Louis wrapped his arms around his shoulders , "Mar - Harry ?"

"Yeah ?"

"Do you ever think about showing the kids at school the real you ?"

"No , I don't think I want to ."

"Because , you know ... it'll be fun , showing them what they missed ." Louis said , running his fingers through Harry's soft hair . He liked it better without gell .

"Mm ... maybe . I mean , it's our last year anyways ." Harry made a thinking face . "But I don't want them to start being nice to me because of how I look , I want them to be nice to me because they truly are ."

"You'll meet a lot more people who want your money , you just have to show them they can't get it that easily ." Louis shook his head , "I personally think you should be yourself , show them that they missed on a great person and now it's too late to try being friends with you . Because honestly I don't want to share you if you look that good ."

Harry laughed and pressed their lips together , bringing Louis' legs to wrap around his waist .

"Mm , Harry ?" Louis pulled back , Harry hummed back .

"You know how I never told you the story about why we moved away , because I was embarrassed ?" Louis asked , Harry raised his eyebrow , "Yeah ."

"Well , since you told me your story , I think it's time I tell you mine ." Louis said quietly . Harry nodded and moved to sit on the steps of the pool with Louis sitting on his thighs facing him .

"Okay , so uh . It starts when I was in kindergarten . I was slightly different and didn't have much friends . Then when I grew up I came out as gay at thirteen . That's when everyone started hating on me even more . My family was very accepting , but at school and outside - it was pretty much hell . The first year , year eight , I was laughed at and no one talked to me . Then it started getting worse ; I was bullied verbally , and once in a few weeks I would find my locker vandalized with wiritings of words like 'die' 'faggot' and more . The teachers did nothing , though , and I never told my mum , didn't want her to worry ."

Harry saw Louis getting a little quieter , so he rubbed his back ,"You don't have to tell me ."

"No , I want to ." Louis took a deep breath before continuing . "Then kids older than me would bully me . Sometimes shoving me into the lockers when I walked by , or take my bag and toss it all around before roughly throwing it at me . Then - then they started beating me . It was punches and kicks here and there , but - but a year ago I ended up in the hospital , b-because I was ganged on . Th-they kicked me so many times and punched me , I - I broke three ribs , dislocated my shoulder , cracked my cheekbone a little , my knee needs therapy till this day . It took me five months to recover enough to do things on my own , then my mum and step father started looking for a new house , on the other side of the country ."

Harry listened sadly as Louis talked and wiped a tear from his cheek .

"I still have a little scar here ." Louis pointed to his right side , showing a thin white line . "It's from the surgery , and every time I look at it , it's like a reminder of what happened . I never thought I'd ever end up in the hospital , but I did - and I hated every moment of it ."

Harry shushed him when his voice cracked at the end , he brought him into his chest and kissed his shoulder and neck softly . "You're safe now , no one is ever going to hurt you again . I've got you ."

Louis let his tears stream down , feeling so comforted and safe in Harry's arms . Harry rubbed his back and rocked him a little , pressing warm kisses to his neck and shoulder .

Louis sniffled a little and wiped his cheeks before pulling back from Harry's shoulder , Harry kissed his lips softly , "My strong Boobear ."

Louis giggled through tears , "Don't call me that ."

"But it's cute ." Harry smiled and kissed a stray tear away , Louis shook his head , "It's embarrassing ." He said and splashed water on his face .

Harry's mouth gaped , "This is war ." He let go of Louis and started splashing on him , Louis laughed and splashed back .

They got tired , Louis moved to sit on the edge of the pool with his legs in the water , Harry smiled and swam over to him , wrapped his arms around his hips and pressed his face to his stomach .

Louis smiled and ran his fingers through his hair , pushing it back and scratching his scalp softly . He flinched back when he felt Harry pressing his lips to his stomach , holding the sides of his head to push him away . "What are you doing ?"

"Kissing your tummy ." Harry said as if it's nothing .

Louis blushed , "Well then , don't ."

"But I already told you I'm going to kiss it , didn't I ?" Harry raised an eyebrow , Louis looked down shyly . Harry pouted , "Please ? Just a few more kisses ."

"But -... "

"Pwease ?"

"Harry this is weird ." Louis shook his head , Harry tsked , "I'm one hundred percent weird , I don't care ." He pressed his lips again to Louis' stomach , Louis giggled quietly at the feeling , "I wouldn't be surprised if you're an alien ."

Harry laughed and looked up at him , "Maybe I am . Maybe I'm an alien from a planet named Bargilia ."

Louis laughed and covered his mouth , Harry lifted himself up on his arms by the sides of the pool and pressed his lips to Louis' . Louis cupped Harry's cheeks , yelping when he was pulled into the pool .

Harry smiled and wrapped his arms around him to bring him closer . "I love you ."

Louis stared at him in shock , Harry kissed his cheek , "I don't expect you to say it back if you're not ready . I just want you to know how I feel ."

Louis took a deep breath and nodded , Harry kissed his cheek again . "Let's go shower and I'll make us something to eat ."


Louis was laying in Harry's bed , going through his phone a little as he waited for Harry to finish locking up the house . He looked at the side table , seeing the pair of glasses Harry uses for his Marcel character . He sat up a little and took the glasses , sliding them on his nose .

He opened the front camera and saw how he looked , laughing a little . Harry walked into the room , smiling at Louis . "You look good in glasses ."

"Just wanted to try them on ." Louis took them off and put them back on the beside table , Harry slid under the covers next to him and turned the lights off , leaving the bed lamps on .

Louis put his phone aside and turned to face Harry ; It's their first time sleeping in the same bed together .

"I'm just warning you , I'm a cuddler ." Harry said with a smile , "I really need to hold something when I sleep ."

"I don't think I'll mind ." Louis said , making Harry smile wider . He brought him into his chest and kissed his forehead , "Good night ."


Monday morning Harry came to pick Louis up . Louis said goodbye to Jay , Dan and his sisters before walking out of the house and to Harry's car .

He raised his eyebrows in surprise when he saw Harry dressed as himself . Harry smiled and kissed his lips . "Good morning ."

"Morning . I - I thought -"

"I know , and I thought about what you told me . Maybe I should show everyone what they missed on , as narcissist as it is ." Harry said , Louis smiled and wrapped his arms around his middle in a hug .

Harry smiled and kissed his head , "Let's go now ." He helped Louis into the passeger's seat before getting in the driver's , pulling out of the parking spot .

He parked in the school's parking lot , nervously getting out of the car . Louis took his hand , "You'll be okay ."

"Don't let go of my hand ." Harry said , Louis smiled and kissed his lips quickly , "I won't . Now be yourself , the buff , tough looking Harry who doesn't give a dang about what people say about him ."

Harry smiled  and took a breath , bringing up his confidence . He opened the school doors and let Louis in first , making sure to be the one leading their way down the hall . He could see everyone staring , but he ignored it all .

He felt Louis squeezing his hand , making him turn his head and smile at him . Louis smiled back and they turned right , going to their lockers .

After getting what they needed for the first two hours and stayed at the lockers , Louis was leaning on them on his back with Harry standing in front of him , his hands on his waist .

"Feels so good being myself ." Harry said so only Louis could hear , making Louis smile . "I'm glad you are ."

"Thank you for helping me with this ." Harry smiled , Louis put his hands on Harry's biceps , "You're welcome . You don't deserve any less ."

Harry kissed his lips quickly , he knew Louis wasn't a big fan of publis display of affection but he couldn't keep himself off him .

"Hazza ?" Louis bit his lower lip nervously , Harry took a small step closer . "Is everything okay ?"

"Yeah , I just - ... wanted to say thank you too , for being there for me when no one else was ." Louis said with a soft smile , "I love you too ."

Harry grinned and brought him into a chest , embracing him in a tight hug . Louis giggled a little and let himself get squished to death , before playfully slapping his shoulders , "I can't breathe !"

Harry laughed and pulled back kissing his cheek a few rapid times playfully , before the bell rang . He groaned , Louis poked his dimple , "Let's get to class ."



Soooo that's it . One of the longest I've written so far .

Hope you liked it x


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