1,000 Ways To Die While Weari...

Galing kay SexyDogBuns

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FUCK NOT AGAIN!?!! *dies* This is really getting old... Ahh, don't worry I'll be fine in the morning -_- ..I... Higit pa

The Beginning Of The End
Oh Mr. Sheperd, You'll Regret This...
The First Death
A New Beginning
The Creepy Hobo's Of The West ( Character Introduction Chapter)
New York Episde 1: The Hobo Menaces xD
New Friends Or New Loonatics?
My Friends Really Need A Good Kick In The Ankle ._.
April Fools Day
Frankie, IS, and Mikey Meet......Frankie Gerard and Mikey?
The Fucking Concert! :D
I'm On The Highway To Hell (Pt.1)
I'm On The Highway To Hell (Pt.2)

Ladies and Gentlemen....Introducing.....EDWIN-MIKEY-QUEERMO-ROBERTSON!! :D

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Galing kay SexyDogBuns

~Ameil's POV~

*poke poke* "Yo! Ameil!! Wake up!!" Urrh!! *hisses and climbs farther into the sea of Ameil* Fuck Offffff!! " -_- Ameil.....get your ass up before I have Frank take a dump on your head!" Urhh!!! No!! He can go poop in the toilets of Mordoor!! Just lemme sleep!!! *rolls Ameil out of her bed* PLOP!! Well my plopping was apperantly loud enough to wake up Jenny and Chloe who are now laughing hysterically at the awkward lump of bed sheets sprawled out on the floor. "BAHAHAHA LOOK IT'S MASHED OATMEIL!! ;D" *pokes Ameil in the but* "BUTT BUTT BUTT!!" "HAHA Hold that thought! I''LL GET THE SPOONS!! >:D" O_O jhg FUCKS!! ALL OF YOU!! YOUR FUCKS! FFFFFUUUUUUUCCCCCCCKKKKKSSSSS!! D: *crawls under bed* "HAH! Gone into hybernation I see!? >:D" *Chloe starts talking in a British accent* "Yes, look at the rare Oatmeil plant as it hides it's mushy face from the world!" D: MY FACE IS NOT THAT MUSHY!!! *chucks a pillow at Chloe* "NO BILLIE!!" *hiss* "How dare you touch Billie's sexy bussums of fluff!! YOU ARE NOT WORTHY!!! D:<" ^_^ "Hehe..well anyways.....GUYS!! GET DRESSED!! YOUR COMMING TO WORK WITH US TODAY!! :D" PFFT!! WORK!? WHAT IS THIS W-O-R-K!? I REFUSE!! WOLOLO!! COMPLEETE REFUSAL!! *starts to fall asleep under bed* "OH NO YAH DON'T!" *drags Ameil out* Frank and I don't exactly think it's.....SAFE to leave you three ALONE in an enclosed space full of electronical devices, windows, and other people......your comming to work with us!" -_- Oh come on! You left us here alone before and besides! We can't really do anything THAT bad.... "You guys fucking killed me! and look! *points to Jenny and Chloe who are trying to fit the toaster in the oven* if we leave you three here all day you'll blow up the planet!" -_- True....but still....what are we susposed to do all day while you guys are mfjgau WORKING!? "....Did I mention we worked at the comic book shop? ;D"  *Jenny and Chloe immediatly stop and rush forward* "Comic Books? Did you say COMIC BOOKS? COMIC BOOKS!! CCCCCCOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMIIIIIIIICCCCCCC  BBBBBBBOOOOOOOOOOKKKKKKKSSSSSS!!!" " O_O" Hhah okay I guess were going to work with you then! :D "BATHROOMS MINE!!" "Nope sorry......Frank already took it!"  "....Oh did he now? ;D" *runs over to bathroom and busts through door like a leval 9000 pedophile* "FRANKIE!! :D" "HMM? O_O ...oh...CHLOE!!! :D" "Move your sexy ass over! I gatta PEE!" "Can I watch? ;D" "Just as long as you have your eyes closed! >:D" "Okay! :D" *shuts bathroom door* "YAY TOAST PARTY!! :D FRANKIE PASS THE BUTTER!! :D" "ALL WE HAVE IS JAM MY DEAR!" "THAT'LL DO!" O_O I don't wanna KNOW what there doing in there..... "BAHAH I WANT SOME TOAST!! :D" *runs towards door* NO JENNY!! *holds back* ONE DOES NOT SIMPLY WALK INTO A TOAST PARTY!! YOU HAVE TO ASK THE PERMISSION OF THE GNOMES FIRST!! D:< DUH! "PSH!! FUCK THE GNOMES!! I WANT MY TOAST! >:D" -_- Sigh! *hands Jenny a waffle* "YAY!! :D" *jumps onto IS's bed* "WITH THIS WAFFLE....I CAN TAKE OVER GOTHEM CITY LIKE A MAFIA BOSS!! >:D" "Okay just be home before 10! :D" " I MAKE NO PROMISES! >:D" "Hahah whatever........"

30 Minutes Later...........

~IS's POV~

Well after we FIANLLY left our lovely appartment of exotic cucumbers and shit we started walking down to 'All That And More' Did I say walking? YES WALKING MWHAHAH! Of corse everyone's lazy ass rejected to WALKING but we won't have a car until Doc Brown shifts his ass in gear and comes to 2012. (see what I did there ;D) then we can use our professional hobo skills and 'rent' ourselves a nice vehicle. x3 ( <---- DUCK FACE!! THAT LADIES IS A DUCK FACE!! DON'T DO IT!!) Well anyways..Our friends decided to 'get over the pain of having to walk' by singing the pokemon theme song at the top of their lungs.....Wonderful! -_- "YEAH GATTA CATCH 'EM ALL! GATTA CATCH 'EM ALL! GATTA CATCH ALL THE COMIC BOOKS OH YEAH! UH! XD" "I WANNA READ THE VERY BEST COMIC BOOK! LIKE NO ONE EVER READ! TO CATCH THEM IS MY REAL TEST! TO TRAIN THEM IS MY CAUSE!" LOL YOU GUYS ARE A BUNCH A CREEPS! XD "PFFT! BITCH PLEASE! We all know you spen your Saturday's throwing plastic bags out the window screaming 'NEIGHBOR! I WANT YOU!" >:D" Hey that was private! D: "TROLOLOLOLO!" "WELL THEN! SHALL WE CONTINUE MY DEARS?" "FUCK YEAH WE SHALL! XD""I WILL TRAVEL ACROSS THE LAND! SEARCHING FAR AND WIDE! EACH COMIC BOOK TO UNDERSTAND THE POWER THAT'S INSIDE!" "BAHA! COMIC BOOK! IT'S YOU AND ME! I KNOW YOUR MY DESTINY! XD""COMIC BOOK YOU'RE MY BEST FRIEND IN A WORLD WE MUST DEFEND!" O_O Frank..lets get away from these three before the mental hospital comes along......Frank? "COMIC BOOK! A HEART SO TRUE! A COURAGE WILL PULL US THROUGH! YOU TEACH ME AND I TEACH YOU! COMIC BOOK! XD" .....God Dammit Frank! -_- "BAHA oh come on IS! Don't pretend like it's not normal! ;D" -_- pfft! ...FINE! What the heck! COMIC BOOK! GOTTA CATCH EM ALL GATTA CATCH EM ALL! YEAH! XD" Heh But what just HAD to happen right at the moment when I decided to embrace the weirdness with my friends and sing pokemon? My boss showed up. ^_^ Fucken perfect! "Uh.........IS....Frank? What the HELL is going on here?" Uh oh shit! Hhehe....well.....WERE SINGING POKEMON! :D" " O_O Uh Huh.....well uh.....just don't- .....just try-....*sigh* Just get to work! ^_^" Yes Sir! :D *grabs Frank's hand and runs to work* ".....AWE!! IS IS HOLDING FRANKIE'S HAND!! XD <3" o_o W-What? *looks down at his hand* Oh for fuck sake! D:< " ;D Hey there IS! *Frank get's all creepy and romantic on IS's hand* NYEHH! D: "B-But! D: IS BABY! DON'T RUN! IT'S OKAY, I LOVE YOU TOO! ;D" FUCK YOU! D:< "MWAHAHAH! >:D" "I'll hold your hand Frankie! ;D" "Oh! okay! ;D" *Frank and Chloe make creeper noises and run down an ally together* (heheh you knwo what thir doing ;D ......comparing their shoe size of corse! :3 PFFT!) ".....Hey Oatmeil..I bet you there is still room in that ally ;D" "GET AWAY FROM ME!! D:<" "MWHAHAH! FINE THEN! I'LL JUST BRING IS IN THE ALLY! xD HMPH!" " O_O Well okay.....just don't forget protection ;D" "PFFT! PROTECTION IS FOR THE WEAK! >:D" "BAHAH OKAY! BUT JUST PROMISE NOT TO NAME YOUR BABY SNOOKIE!" "DEAL! XD"

At Le Comic Book Shop........

~Ameil's POV~

"Okay so this is where I work guys!" HOLYSHITTHISISAMAZING! :D "THAT'S WHAT I SAID THE FORST TIME I CAME HERE! :D -ahem- anyways.....Frank and I get off work at 6 so.....you guys can just frolic I guess until then....but NO ripping,raping,throwing, or abusing of the comic books! o_O Got it?" Awe! But that spider man series looked so rapeable! ;D "NO!" Hhaha okay! Okay! xD " -_- I'm watching you!" *does that little hand motion that looks like Spok is poking your eyes out with a spork* ^_^ Hmph! Well then! Jennay!! Chloe!! *Jenny comes barrel rolling off a random shelf* 'Yes? >:D" -_- Cool....anyways! IS says we can't leave until 6 and we can't rape any comic books. "Awe! But Spiderman is just so rapeable! D:" THAT'S WHAT I SAID! :D "Haha whatever!""OH MY GAWD! JENNY! HITHER YOUR ASS OVER HERE! THEY AHVE STAR WARS ACTION FIGURES! XD" "hdnszdk FUCKING SWEET! XD"Hhaa okay then it's settled....DISPERSE TEAM! XD

So I spent the next 2 hours or so reading Death Note, making Magneto bitch slap Storm, and fighting Frank over usage of 'Omaba the sexy toilet' -_- I lost. By now I was pretty damn bored because I didn't want to 'Buritto the shelves' with Chloe so all I had to do was sit and watch as costumers got creeped out at the intense glare I gave them every time they bought something. But then he walked in. ~Cliche Movie Moment Activate~ Probably the sexiest guy in EXISTENCE walked into the store. He was really tall and skinny, brown hair, brown eyes, grey skinny jeans, black coat, black beenie, white wide framed glasses, and the most amazing knee-high doc martens ever made. I NEED HIS SHOES!! *nonchauntly walks over to Mr. Georgous and attacks his leg* Well that scared the crap out of him. HEHE GOOD! >:D "Ehh! What the oober fuck!?" *tries to shake Ameil off his leg* BROSEPH YOU SHOES ARE AMAZING! XD LET ME LOVE YOU!! "......WELL THANK YOU! :D" "Hey Ameil what are you doin--OH MY GOD THOSE SHOES ARE ATTRACTIVE! XD" *Chloe latches herself onto Mr. Georgous's other leg* (I probably spelled Georgous's wrong...eh fuck grammar!) "Hahah okay then.....uhm.....can you two get off now? Your pretty damn heavy ^_^" *le gasp* "HJSGM YOUR FACE IS HEAVY! D: YOU BANTHA FODER!! D':" *runs off leg and fake cries in the corner* "Well that's nice..WAIT DID YOU JUST CALL ME BANTHA FODER!? As in..Star Wars Bantha Foder?" "HECK YES I DID BRO! YOU STUPID STAR WARS SHIT! >:D" " :O YOU TAKE THAT BACK YOU FEIN!" "NEVER!!" *dives into a shelf full of video games* " O_O...huh...." *Ameil starts petting Mr. Georgous's leg* Yes my precious! Speak to me! Speak the launage of the hippo beasts! YES!! " Bhaha WHAT THE FUCK!? GET OFF ME CHILD! >:D" BUT YOUR LEG! IT'S SO ATTRACTIVE!" "...I now it is.....now get off!" *nudges Ameil off leg* D: I WILL FIREBEND YOUR BABIES! "NO NOT THE BABIES! THEY ARE SO YOUNG! SO YOUNG!!" YE STHE BABIES! ALL THE ASIAN ONES TO EB EXACT!! MWHAHAHAHAHAHA!! FRIED WONG FONG FOR ALL! >:D" "......LOL!"  Heh...so anyways.what is your name good SIR!? "Uh...well.....uhm...."  *random old lady pops out of nowhere* "His name is Edwin Mikey Queermo Robertson Sweety!" "The forth!" " O_O THE CRAP!? DO I EVEN KNOW YOU!?" *old lady goes up and pokes his face* Nope! But I know you! hehehehehehehehe!!!" " O_O DID THE DOG SEND YOU!?" "Oh Hehhe! You kids and your silly phrases!" *lady walks out of the shop without another word*.....BAHAHAHA BRO YOR NAME IS FANTASTIC! :'D " D: SHUTUP! I hate my name...it's so weird!.....Just call me Mikey." But weird is the best kinds soup! *pets his face* " Nyehh! *bite*" "EHH! SILIVA'S!! THERE EVERYWHERE! EVERYWHERE!! D:" "Mwhahahah! >:D well since you know my name I'm going to have to kill you -_-" .........I'm down with that....just be sure to use the GOOD chainsaws! >:D"  "Hehh well what's your name?" My face was named Ameil."Well that's a nice--OOF!!" *Jenny gets pushed into Mikey and knocks over a million comic books over in the process* "Awe what the hell?" "HAH! YAH MISSED YOU WHORE! >:D" "Pfft! I didn't miss I clearly knocked you into a stranger with attractive shoes!" "Stranger with attractive....OH MY GOD YOUR SHOES ARE SEXY!! :D" *takes Mikey's shoe and runs away* "HEY MY SHOE! D: THAT COST $75!!" "YOU KNOW WHAT ELSE COSTS $75? MY MOM! >:D" (Fuck yeah Regular Show Pun! xD) "YOU JUST CALLED YOUR MOM A WHORE!" "NO! I IMPLIED THAT SHE SELLS HER HOME MADE COOKIES AT WALMART FOR $75! PSH! YAH HOBNOCKER! XD" "WELL THEN!" "Mhmm! Your shoe sure is DELICIOUS!! >:D" " D:" *sigh* Jenny! Stop eating people's shoes!! "B-But IT TASTES LIKE BANANA!! D:" You hate Banana's -_- "...Oh yeah....*throws Mikey's shoe at his face* BAHHA THERE! TAKE YOUR PRECIOUS FOOT RAPE!""...........Thank You!"  Hahha well... Mikey, this is Chloe! "HAY BATCH!" And the chick who stole your shoe is Jenny. AKA....the crazy bitches I have to live with. "..>Well that's nice.....I'm Mikey! :D" "Pfft! No shit! -_-" *RAGE FACE* Just a fair warning though...we are probably the most craziest, nerdiest people you will ever meet.... "Pfft! Oh really!? I'm wearing Star Wars underpants!" o_o Oh god....you said that out loud..... "Hah! What embarrassed? ;D"
No it's just-- "UNDERPANTS!? DID YOU SAY UNDERPANTS!? O_o" "Uh yeah.........." "YAY CHONIES!!! :D" *somehow removes the star wars panties from Mikey's body and puts them on her head* "OMNOMNOM I'M A PRETTY TREE WATCH ME SAWY BITCHES!" "OKAY HOW THE HELL!?" *Sigh* I TRIED to warn you! -_- "NYEHH! JENNY STO STEALING MY CLOTHES!! D:" "BAHAH NO THERE DELICIOUS! >:D" "HEFJ DON'T EAT THEM!!" "BAHAH CHLOE CATCH! >:D" *starts a major awesome game of Chonie Tag* (Chonies=Panties ^_^) "MWHAHAHA YES KEEP THE PANTS AWAY FROM THE MIKEY CHILD! >:D Wait what's this brown spot? O_O MIKEY DID YOU POOP YOUR PANTS!? D:" "N-NO! IT'S PART OF A PLANET!" "MHMM! PLANET URANUS! >:D" "SHUTUP! D:" "LOL MIKEY POOPED HIS PANTS! MIKEY POOPED HIS PANTS! XD" "Hey Chloe what's going on?" "MIKEY POOPED HIS PANTS! :D" "o_O what!?" *Mikey comes ninja jumping from the ceeling and takes his chonies back* "HAH! >:P" "O_O" "oh uh.....uhm......fuck!" "Hhaha Hi I'm Frank! :D" "I'm Mikey :3" "....Nice shoes bro!" " -_- So Iv'e been told!".....Lemme guess.....Ameil, Jenny, and Chloe attacked you and stole your shoes/ pants?" "Uh yeah how did you-"  "It's compleetly normal for us." "Us?" "Yeah, me and IS. Were the ones who houses these three fuckers!" "....Intresting..." "HEY MIKEY YOU WANNA GO GET SOME COFFEE!? :D" "FUCK YES I DO! :D" "Hey no! IS said you guys can't leave until 6 and--" "COFFEE!? DID SOMEONE SAY COFFEE!? :D" *IS comes barrel rolling into view with his car keys in hand* "LETS GO! :D" "whoot whoot! xD" " -_- Fine! But I'm not going....someone's gatta watch over the shop and I don't exactly like the idea of being in a car with you guys while you have caffeine in your system! o_o" "I'll stay here too! I'm not really in the mood for coffee. :/" "PPFT! Suite yourselves! LETS GO IS! :D *hops on IS's back* "TO COFFEE LAND! >:D" 

~Jenny's POV~

Where IS and Frank work is bloody amazing because a) It's a fucking comic book shop and b) It's RIGHT ACROSS THE STREET from the most glorious beaner in the world.. Starbucks! :D IS and I where very merrily skipping to the magical place but then we noticed "HEY! WHERE THE FUCK ARE OATMEIL AND MIOKEY!?" Well...they were WAY behind us walking all cute and cuddely and shit having a nice long conversatin....huh....Uh hey IS... "Yes my beloved!? :D" "Oatmeil and Mikey would make a good couple huh? >:D" "Why yes they-- Oh I know what your doing! ;D" Mwhahahah! xD OH MY GOSH OATMEIL THERE IS A SPIDER ON YOUR FACE!!" "FUCKEN WHERE!? D:" HERE I'LL GET IT! ;D "I don't see a spider?" NO IT'S THERE! IT'S RIGHT...THERE! *runs over and pushes Ameil so her and Mikey kiss* .....got it! ;D

~Ameil's POV~

So after we left the comic book shop IS and Jenny started skipping like idiots towards Starbucks while I just stayed back here with Mr. Sexy *cough* I mean Mikey ;D and had a lovely conversation with him about Marvel vs DC. "Marvel is DEFFINATELY better!" Pfft! Hellz Nah! DC ALL THE WAY UH! "Psh! Who does DC have huh?" "They have Batman, Watchmen, X-Men, ...uh.....hmm.....shit.. "HAH! Exactly! Marvel ahs Spiderman-- Pussy! -_- " -_- The Hulk, Iron Man, Thor, Fantastic Four...." Pfft! Yeah so what if Marvel ahs more superheros! DC is still more kick ass!  "Spiderman could kick Batman's ass!" HAH! Spiderman couldn't WIPE his own ass! ^_^ "....Yeah your right! The ladies do it for him! ;D"  I would rather wipe YOUR poopy ass than Spiderman's! >:D " *le gasp* Hahah Hey!! I old you that was part of the design!" .......... ".............." HhahahaHahhaha! :'D Yes! OH YES! This was it! I was having one of those cliche moments where we had an awkward silence, busted up laughing, then looked at each other all dreamy like...HEHE TIME FOR SOME SMOOCHIN!! >:D Shit. What should I do!? I don't wanna go all oober slut on him and 'make the first move' HEHE IN HIS PANTS! >:D But if I don't act quickly he'll walk away...NO STOP WALKING AWAY! D: ....Shit! -_- But just as I thought my chance was ruined.... "OH MY GOSH OATMEIL YOU AHVE A SPIDER ON YOUR FACE!" What!? o_o FUCKEN WHERE!? "I don't see a spider..."  "I'LL GET IT!" Just then Jenny came zooming over and literally shuved my afce into Mikey's. Jenny what the-- *BOOM! SPONTANIOUS KISSING MOMENT! XD* ...........JENNY I'M GOING TO KILL YOU SO SUPER HARD! I LOEV YOU SO MUCH! BAHAH THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! OH shutup conscience and Kiss this damn boy! >:D At first we were both shitting brick but about 3 seconds later we were fighting over tongue dominance! I WON! MWHAHAHAHAHA!!! >:D "OH GAWD! I SET YOU UP FOR A KISS NOT A PORNOGRAPHY LESSON! D:" Pornography lesson eh? ;D "Oh Mikey! OOH! *kisses harder* He seemed to catch onto what I was doing...eith that or he's just a horny creep..eh either way works! >:D "Oh! Yeah Ameil! UH!!" "OH GOD MY NOT SO INNOCENT EARS! D: RUN IS! RUN AWAY BEFORE MIKEY STARTS POOPING BABIES! D:" "EHH! QUICK JENNY! TO STARBUCKS! WE'LL BE SAFE IN THERE! D:" "OMNOMNOM MIKEY!!" *nasty kissynoises* "NYEHH!! D:" 

~Mikey's POV~

So after IS and Jenny ran for their lives, AMeil and I stayed in our PDA position for about 5 more minutes then we both broke off at the same time to breath. heh and let me tell you we both looked and sounded like a pack of walruses gasping for air. IT WAS GREAT. Haha quite a kiss huh....? "Pfft! You know you want some more! ;D" ....I'm not denying that... "YES!! Uh I mean uh.....hehe :3" Hahha well shall me make this shit official?" "Indeed Mikey of the Queermo Clan! ;D" D: NAY!! WOMAN DON'T USE THAT NAME!! D:< " >:D QUEERMO QUEERMO QUEERMO QUEERMO!!!" NO! SHUTUP SHUTUP! "Mwhahaha---Hey where do you live by the way?" Whhhhyyyy? o_O "Because I'm a stalker! DUH! ;D" Hhehe well right now I'm renting an appartment but if I don't pay my gay ass rent by tomorrow I'll be living on the streets...... ".....Your moving i with us!" Wait what!? "Nope! No arguing! We have an extra bed and shit and OH!! Are appartment is literally the most amazing shit ever! I'm talking plasma tv decked out with Star Wars, LOTR, Harry Potter,, Video Games, Mini-Fridges--" "SOLD! :D You had me at Star Wars! :D "Hahha great! :D But uhm....shouldn't we go check up on Jennya nd IS now/ ....You don't wanna know what kinda stuff they will do when they are alone with axis to throwable chairs! o_o" o_o....LETS GO!

~IS's POV~

Okay Jenny are you ready to taste defeat!? >:D"HAH! BITCH PLEASE! I CAN CONSUME SO MUCH OF THIS SHIT THAT I WILL EXPLODE INTO MILLIONS OF LITTLE CHEEZE-IT'S! XD HAH! Oh well it's on then! >:D Ready!





And we were off! We both had bought ourselves about 34 1/2 YES HALF of those little one shot coffee's at Le Starbucks and we were having a coffee drinking contest. It's fun...you should try it sometime! Right now I was down to my last cup...last I say? ;D YES LAST! MWHAHAHA JENNY WILL NEVER CATCH UP NOW --OH WHAT THE FUCK!? "DDDOOOOONNNNNNEEEE! XD" o_o H-How the HELL did you manage to drink all that coffee in less than 25 seconds? "Same way you did batch! MAGIC!! XD" -_- PPPFFFFFFFTTTTT! I CALL A REMATCH! >:D THIS TIME WITH NORMAL CUP SIZES! >:D "OH YOUR SO ON!!" "NOOO!! Haha NO! You two have had enough coffee for the rest of the week already!" "Oh come on Oatmeil! All that was only equivalent to about 2 1/2 normal sizes!" "Holy shit you said equivalent! YOU SAID A SMART PEOPLE WORD!! :D" "....Yeah...I did.....THIS CALLS FOR MORE COFFEE! XD" *high fives IS* "NO!!" *sigh* "Jenny if you pick up ONE more SINGLE cup...I'll tak your Star Wars DVD's away for a month!" " D:< YOU WOULDN'T DARE! I'LL BBQ YOUR ASSHOLE IN YOUR SLEEP BATCH! >:D BAHAHA YES! OH YES! FRIED OATMEIL FOR ALL THE ASIANS! XD" "See.....WAY to much coffee! -_-" "Don't blame the coffee! :D" *sigh* "...Oh yeah! btw IS..mikey's moving in OKAY BYE! :D" *runs back to comic book shop with le Mikey*......Well Okay! :D FINALLY A NEW MAN IN THE HOUSE WHOOT WHOOT! XD" "heh finally a new fuck buddy for Oatmeail! >:D" .....Eeh mental image of actual oatmaeil doing nasty things to Mikey D: ".....EEWW! LOL!! BAHAH! EWW!! :S I'M HAVING A BI-POLAR MOMENT....LETS GO BACK TO THE COMIC BOOK SHOP! XD" Okay! :D *checks time* It's time to go anyways...  "OH YEAH! UH! BACK TO MY MAGICAL BEAN BAG BED!! WOLOLOLO!! XD" *lady across the room gives Jenny a dirty look* "HHD PFFT! DON'T LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT! I WILL SCOOP OUT YE EYES WITH MY LADEL OF JUSTICE! XD" "Nyehh! Your so weird!!" "YOUR MOM IS A TWO-BIT BASTARD! WOLOLOLO ATTACK GUMMY BEARS ATTACK!!  *chucks a empty cup at lady* HAH-HA!! I KNEW YOU WERE UNDERCOVER! I KNEW IT!! DID VOLDEMORT SEND YOU!? I TOLD HIM HE COULDN'T HAVE MY JELLY BEANS BUT DID HE LISTEN!? NNNOOOOO!!!" "uh....uh....JUST STAY AWAY FROM ME!! D:" Hhaha kay Jenny...stop harassing the por woman and lets go home... *pulls Jenny out of Starbucks* "I WILL AVENGE YOU FLUFFY! YOU WILL BE AVENGED!! XD" *SLAM*

Back At The Comic Book Shop........

~Jenny's POV~

AND SO I CRY SOMETIMES WHEN I'M LYING IN BED JUST TO GET IT ALL OUT, WHAT'S IN MY HEAD HEYAYAYAYA WHAT'S GOING ON!? I SAY HEYAYAYYAYAYYAYAHEYAYAYYAYA!! XD BAHAHA OH YES PEOPLE ON THE STREET! YOU GIVE THOSE WEIRD LOOKS! OH A FLIP OFF EH? HAH! LEVAL UP! XD UH!! "people like you should be locked UP! D:" THAT'S WHAT THEY ALL TELL ME! BUT DO I'S LISTEN!? NO! I CAN'T LEAVES THE PRECIOUS!! NO! MWHAHAHAHAHAH!!! *crashes through the door to All That And Beyond and gets a irritated glance shot at me from Jack* JACKIEPOO! :D GURL I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU IN LIKE 40 MINUTES! WHAT'S GOING ON GURL!? ;D *sigh* "IS!! Can you please controll your friends before I call the mental hospital to do it for you!" "As intertaining as that would be.....yes boss...I'll controll her......do you ahve any duck tape? o_O" D: NAY!! DUCK TAPE IS MADE FROM DUCKS!! EVIL! EEEVVVVIIIIILLLL!!! WWOLOLOLOLOLO!--Hey where's Frank and Chloe? "I don't know Mikey and I have been looking for their asses for 10 minutes! -_-" Just then we heard some very loud creepy moaning comming from the back room. .....FOUND THEM! :D "UH! FRANKIE! YEAH! OH!!" " o_o I don't want to KNOW what there doing back there....." Psh! Come on Oatmeil you already know what their doing.....THEIR WATCHING A WHALE DOCUMENTARY DUH! XD "Yeah sure.....and are they WATCHING the whales give birth or are they PRACTICING it!? o_O" What do you think? ;D " o_o CHLOE! FRANK!! PUT YOUR PANTS ON WERE GOING HOME!" "Wha--Awe....but I'm exploring her Milky Way with my rocket ship! ;D" "Pfft! yeah bro he's about to discover a new planet! ;D" " o_o GET YOUR DAMN PANTS ON! ....besides! Mikey's moving in with us and you ahven't properly creeped him out yet! ;D" "hey wait a minute--" "OH YEAH!! :D" *Frankie runs out of room with his shirt and chloe's pants on* "So Mikey... *creeps up on him* Do you like space? ;D" "NYEHH! SORY BRO BUT I'M WITH AMEIL! D:" "Awe...pfft! Meil ruining my fun! -_-" "You can go 'have more fun' with Chloe later....but now we gatta go!" "OKAY! :D" "GOD DAMMIT FRANK! YOU STOLE MY PANTS! >:D" Bahha what!? OH MIA GWAD!! FRANK FITS IN GIRLS SKINNY JEANS! XD BAHAHA WHAT A POTATO! XD" "Pft! You know your checking out my ass in these pants! ;D" .....I will now! ;D "hehh--OH YEAH! IS did you tell Mikey about your uh...issue?" "Oh shit! No! hahaha! :D" ".....Huh....." "What 'issue'?" OOH! CAN I TELL HIM! :D "knock yourself out!" Hah okay I plan on it...anyways....well Mikey dearest..every night at 10 pm IS dies....then he wakes up the next morning perfectly fine. "....Bullshit!" I SEE NO BULL BOY! >:D "Pfft! yeah right! IS does NOT die every night you lying piece of ham! >:D" Oh really? ;D Hey Oatmeil.can you ahnd me that alarm clock? ;D "....Shit! o_o" *IS tries to hide under a cart* Mhmm...just turn this here...and..uhuh..THERE! :D 10:30 pm *THUD* BAHAHA!! See! IS is dead! Kick him yourself if you don't believe me...it's fun! >:D ".......*kicks IS repeatively* Hhehe this is fun xD but HOLYSHITYOURRIGHT!! D:" Yupp now watch this....uhuh...yah..just turn time back to 7....25 okay there! :D *IS shoots up and hits his head on the shlef* "Awe mother fffff-" BAHAHAHAH!! :'D Do you believe me now? "..........BAHAHHAA BRO THAT'S PROBABLY THE MOST AMAZING THING ANYONE HAS EVER SHOWN ME! :D How long have you been goign through this cyle?" "Well a couple years ago I pissed off this demon bitch and he gave me this LOVELY ass curse -_-"  "COOL! :D" "Huh! It's not cool when 'dying' gives your friends permission to shuve a wet toaster down your pants! D:<" *scowls and looks around the room* "....BAHAHA H I REMEMBER THAT! :'D GOOD TIMES! GOOD TIMES! XD" ".....Bitch! -_-" Hhehe well anyways....LAST ONE HOME HAS TO BUY DINNER! >:D *Jenny ninbja flies out the door and runs like a flopy noodle down the stree* "AHH! BITCH GOT A HEAD START! LETS GO GANG! XD"And with that, they all tried to squeeze their fat asses out the door at the ame time and fell down....BAHAHA! ~Ahem~ Well just t give you a heads up....Mikey lost because we were asses and didn't tell him where we lived! ;D He had to buy us Chinease food! HMPH!! .............TAKE THAT OATMEIL!! I TOLD YOU THAT EXTRA BED WOULD COME IN HANDY!! >:D Well....goodnight and fare shits to all yah! xD

(A/N: MWHAHA! THERE TAKE THAT ABBY AND SARA! >:D I gave you two your 'alone time' like promised! x] Well to all you readers who are like "0_0" ...don't be jealous! ;D)

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