Words Of A Poet

By ImmortalRamen

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Soo yeah... poems.. More

Poem 1:
Poem 2: positivity about you
Poem 3: A Real Friend
Poem 4: I Thank You
Poem 5: Because Of Stupid Cupid
Poem 6: Words
Poem 7: no poem Graduation Experience Yesterday
Poem 8: The Evil Candy Man
Poem 9: Senpai
Poem 10: Things about me
Part 11: Im Done
Poem 12: i dont know
Poem 13: Friend
Poem 14: My Pet
Poem 15: A Black Cat
Poem 16: My Love
Poem 17: Grorilla Domain
Poem 18: If I Die
Poem 19: mini poems
Poem 20: Alien
Poem 21: would it be ok?
Poem 22: When im with her
Poem 24: Whats the point
Poem 25: Sorry
Poem 26: Used
Poem 27: Living in a hole
Poem 27: Unwanted Love part 1
Poem 28: Unwanted Love part 2
Poem 29: Depression part 1
Poem 30: Depression part 2
Poem 31: no title
Poem 32: can i be with you?
Poem 33: The War
Poem 34: True self
Poem 35: When you're dead
Poem 36: Dino
Poem 37: Taylor
Poem 38: unfinished poems
Poem 39: Cut yourself
Poem 40: Reflection
Poem 41: Good Enough
Poem 42: Enough, again
Poem 43: And another enough
Poem 44: That Feeling
Poem 45: Forever Alone
Poem 46: i don't know
Poem 47: Alone
Poem 48: Who will love me?
Poem 49: Who am I?
Poem 50: Self
Poem 51: I am who I am
Poem 52: Empty
Poem 53: Instead
Poem 54: Please Know
Peom 55:am i dead yet?
Poem 56: better that way
Poem 57: OH IM FINE
Poem 58: Liar
Poem 59: Right back at ya
Poem 60: Shouldn't
Poem 61: Her
Poem 62: Split
Poem 63: Happiness
Poem 64: Twitch
Poem 65: You think you can love me?
Poem 66: Tell me
Poem 67: I know
Poem 68: Did I do something wrong?
Poem 69: My Fault
Poem 70: Back to the wolves
Poem 71: Forgotten
Poem 72: Replaced
Poem 73: Born
Poem 74: The day I was born
Poem 75: Morning coffee
Poem 76: Death
Poem 77: Love is like
Poem 78: I am in Need
Poem 79: Introvert
Poem 80: Thank you poems
Poem 81: Socks
Poem 82: All you
Poem 83: Reflection of you
Poem 84: If I'm so special
Poem 85: Go Ahead
Poem 85: happiness 2
Poem 88: She
Poem 88: Fool
Poem 89: What a horrible friend I was
Poem 90: What are Friends
Poem 91: Lies about Love
Poem 92: Say you love me
Poem 93: Just say you love
Poem 94: Hate
Poem 95: Your Typical Cheesy Love Poem
Poem 96: Take me back to those days
Poem 97: Mother
Poem 98: Waiting
Poem 99: Pain
Poem 100: Darkness
Poem 101: All Alone
Poem 102: Lost
Poem 103: Can't
Poem 105: Sea of Sorrow
Poem 106: Voices
Poem 107: Anxiety Attack
Poem 108: Never fall in love with a poet
Are you truly sorry?
The Butterfly
If I Was Your Frend
The Light Under The Darkness
Over Dramatic Family
They say..
Wonderer and Amumu
Never Love Again
Make You Own Poem
Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep
Mix Mix Mix
Something Horrible I Saw
At The End Of The Tunnel
Did You Forget?
The Demon That Was In Love
Woo Hoo
A Kindred Hunt
Jhin's Four Bullets
The Curse Of Amumu
How Many
Christmas Is Today
Inside A Book
Anxiety Love
Too Close
Struggle Of A Poet
One by one
My Love My Soul My Heart

Poem 104: Soul

82 9 0
By ImmortalRamen

I had been searching for something I couldn't find,

Believe me, I've searched far and wide.

I've searched in the caves, the forest by the sea-side.

Maybe because it was of a very rare kind.

I asked the little birdie yesterday,

Perched on the treetop.

But it just stared at me and flew away, it's wings flop-flop-flop.

And now it is today.

How desperate I am ,

Now to find it.

But there's no trace, not even a bit.

Suddenly, I hear 'WHAM!'

What was that,

I ran here, I ran there.

And then I understood, it came from where.

And what it was at.

It came from within me,

Yes! You've heard it right.

But don't be in a fright.

It's nothing to be scared of, surely it mustn't be.

I had been searching far and wide,

For something that I couldn't find.

I just discovered right there in my mind,

Making me whole.

Yes, it was my soul.

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