Let's Say || TaeKook

By jeontaelove

184K 6.1K 2K

My first ever Taekook fanfic Date ended: 07/07/17 More

Lets Start
First (1.2)
First (1.3)
First (1.4)
Second (2.2)
Second (2.3)
Blood, Sweat and Tears
Fifth (5.2)
Fifth (5.3)
Seventh (7.2)
Eight (8.2)
Twelve (12.2)
Fourteenth (14.2)
Fourteenth (14.3)
Sixteenth (16.2)
Seventeenth (17.2)
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
A/N 2.0
Twenty Four


2.2K 87 18
By jeontaelove

Jimin's POV

I really hate it when I see Jungkook being this down. It's his first time being like this. Like his world suddenly stop turning. The Jungkook that I know is far from the Jungkook I'm seeing now. 

I'm missing my bubbly Kookie.

Those smile of his. His bunny teeth. Every time he's being clingy. When he whines when I eat his food without telling him.

Oh how I miss everything about him.

He always lock himself inside his room whenever he comes home from school. It's his routine, and I'm starting get annoy with him. I know that he needed some space, but its been 2 weeks already. He's getting into my nerves.

" Hey. "

[ " Nothing new with him? " ]

" Yeah. He still locks himself inside his room. I wanna break his door. " 

[ " Just understand him. You know that he's really hurt about what happen. " ]

" I know that. But I'm his bestfriend. I'm always here for him. Why wont he talk to me? "

[ " He just want to be alone. Let him be. " ]

" But I'm starting to get annoy with him. It's like I'm the only one living in our condo. "

[ " Just give him more time. He'll open up, soon. " ]

" What can I do? He's not talking to me. I just need to wait. "

[ " He'll talk to you, soon. Maybe later, tomorrow or the next day. " ]

" Yeah. "

[ " Dinner later? " ]

" I want to, but there must be someone who'll look after Jungkook. "

[ " It's okay. I'll come over then? " ]

" Its fine. I don't want to bother you. "

[ " And who said that? " ]

" Fine. "

[ " See you later. Love you. " ]

" I love you too, Yoongi. "

[ " Just give him more time. " ]

" Yeah. "

[ " See you later. " ]

I ended the call. 

All I have to do is wait for Jungkook to open up. But how long should I wait? Am not a fan of waiting games.

I sigh.

I went to the kitchen to busy myself. I decided to cook something. I open the fridge and get the ingredients needed to make pasta. I'm craving for pasta. I was chopping the garlic when I heard Jungkook's door creak.

At last, he's coming out.

I continue my work and waited for his appearance. I want him to talk to me. But as what Yoongi said, I will wait for him to open up. I wont ask him.

As he ascend to the kitchen, I can see how depressed Jungkook is.

" Hey. " I called him.

He just look at me and smiled, a smile that looks like you're going to poop.

" How are you? " I asked, I can't shut my mouth. I just really want him to talk to me.

He get himself a glass of water and take a seat on the counter. 

" What are you cooking? " He asked, he didn't mind my question earlier.

To wait indeed.

" I'm cooking pasta. I'm craving for it all of a sudden. Want some? " I look at him.

" I don't feel like eating pasta. " He answered.

I get the pan and turn on the stove. Poured some oil and then continued chopping some ingredients.

" Jimin? " Jungkook called.

I stop what I'm doing and faced him. " Yes? " 

" Do you hate me? " He asked, I furrowed my brow.

" What!? " I exclaimed. " Why the hell will I hate you? Please enlighten me. "

" Because I didn't listen to what you said, about accepting Taehyung as my lover, ex lover I mean. " He replied. 

I can sense bitterness on the way he said the latter's name.

" Don't think that way Kookie. You know I can't hate you. Don't ever think about me, hating you. Okay? " I said as I move beside him and hugged him. " You know you can talk to me about things. I'm always here to listen. "

" Thanks Chim. I know I'm being distant to you this days. I just want to be alone, and give myself some time to think over the things that happened. I'm sorry. I really am. " He hugged me back.

" I understand you Kookie. No need to say sorry. " I hugged him tighter. I missed him. I miss my bestfriend.

" Thanks Chim. " He broke from the hug and look at me in the eyes, he smiled. This time, a smile that he meant. " I want to breathe some air. I'll walk outside and have some coffee. Want some Chim? "

I chuckled, he's slowly going back to his own self.

" Sure. You know what I want. " I winked at him.

" Ewww. Don't do that. " He said with his disgusted look.

I punched his arm. " Go now or I'll kill you. "

" Okay Chim. Don't eat all the pasta you're going to cook. I'll be back right away. " He said as he walk out of our unit.

I'm glad he's being open now. Maybe I'll talk to him later.


Jungkook went out of their unit. He sigh. He knows he needs to do something to distract himself. Not always thinking about Taehyung. He need to free his self. He's been hiding for days now. And he feels like he's caging himself. He need to breath for awhile.

Jungkook turned around as someone tapped his shoulder.

" Hey. " He greeted.

" Hey. How are you? " The latter asked.

Jungkook smiled at him.

" I'm trying to be fine, I guess. " Jungkook replied.

" Where are you heading to? " The latter asked.

" Just gonna take a walk and get myself some coffee. " Jungkook said as he started to walk to the elevator, the latter followed.

" Can I come with you? " The latter asked.

" Sure. You can come with me. How are you Yugyeom? Its been a long time since I've talk to you. " Jungkook said as he pushed the button to the ground floor. 

" I'm doing good. Yeah, its been a long time since you've talked to me. But its fine. I understand. " Yugyeom replied.

They reached the ground floor and walked to the coffee shop.


Hey sweeties, Sorry for not updating been busy these past few days. Blame my schedules

I'll try updating tomorrow

Love you all

~ dee

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