Tell Me I'm A Screwed Up Mess

By Kryptonite101

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Kara a 17 year old girl is finally re united with the one and only Harry Styles after moving to New York leav... More

Tell Me I'm A Screwed Up Mess
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
CHapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 14

185 1 1
By Kryptonite101

Louis' POV 

I cannot believe it. i am so shocked i have never… i just ….. i can't even put into words how stunned i am! never have i ever met someone so much like myself! she's beating me at my own game and i just bear to think that she, of all people, can be funny, smart ass and pull great pranks. THIS ISNT FAIR! dammit! i'm the only one that can be so childish and get away with it. 

"finished sulking yet Lou?" Harry asked from the opposite side of the table Niall sat next to me waiting eagerly for the food Kara was coking. Which, i won't deny, smells brilliant!

"no i have not!, all i want is a blasted cup of tea!" I said crossing my arms as Kara put down a plate of food in front of me followed by Niall who instantly started eating, before it even hit the table i think. She went back to grab Harry's and her own sitting down next to Harry

"i'm sorry lou bear" she apologised i snorted she just laughed at me. i picked up my fork and began eating the chunks of butter chicken and rice. Niall was groaning in approval beside me. 

"this is so good!" he exclaimed shovelling more food in his mouth. 

"thanks Niall" she smiled lightly.. she wasn't eating she just nudged the chicken with her fork looking down at it disapprovingly. Before looking down at her own lap, Harry was watching her carefully.

"i suggest you eat that before Niallasaurousrex does" i pointed out smirking at Niall 

"HEY" he exclaimed but paused thinking "well actually i'm not even going to argue because i will eat it if you don't" he smiled quickly before eating again 

"i'm not really that hungry" Kara said pushing her plate away from her. I watched as Harry looked at her with eyes of concern 

"you haven't eaten anything all day" Harry said. Kara looked up at him meeting his eyes. 

"i know i just haven't had an apetite today" She replied. Harry grab be her food and brought it back to her. 

"you need to eat" He said firmly. the smirk grew on her face as she crossed her arms 

"and if i don't? what are you going to do ground me?" she said playfully. Niall and i snickered glancing at each other and glancing over at Harry but he waasnt joking at all. Niall and i stopped snickering with an awkward cough. His face was stern and hard. eyes unreadable which was strange since Harry has always had difficulty hiding emotions

"Kara, eat you haven't eaten all day, you need to eat" Harry said almost pleading 

"Harry, seriously i'm not hungry, i'll save it for later" She said standing up and putting it in the microwave. returning to her seat. Harry looked at her slowly turning to his food. all was silent and Harry was frowning while eating. somethings on his mind i can tell. 

"so Kara, excited for the slumba at Nialls" I stated wiggling my eyebrows at her 

"yes actually i am" she smirked at me, probably thankful i broke the silence "Better than being here with you" she said staring into my eyes. i grabbed my chest and put on a painful face 

"ouch that hurt" i said sarcastically 

"it should since you've got no tea" she said putting her elbows in the table and resting her face in her hands. 

"you do know that was a gift from my girlfriend" i said. i wasn't lying it was true! Eleanor bought me a 60 pack of yorkshire tea bags because… well… she just loves me. I watched as her eyes turned unreadable and a smirk grew across her face

"thats proper unlucky innit" she stated leaning back in her chair crossing her arms over her chest sounding ridiculously like someone from new castle. She's so rude! how can she not even care! She really gets on my nerves like REALLY gets on my nerves. jesus…. Today was just not my day. i kept eating being one of the last, as always, since i was talking 

"Harry, come for a walk with me?" Kara blurted out of no where. Harry looked quite stunned not expecting it. but he nodded and they both walked out the door. 

I huffed dumping my dishes in the sink. this was bullshit. No Harry. No tea. Kara loves to get on my nerves doesn't she? well this is not over! oh no, it is very far from over!

"aye whats wrong lad?" Niall said from the couch since he left the table first. 

"Kara is whats wrong" i said through gritted teeth taking back my seat on my couch looking at Niall he was chuckling 

"Never thought someone could beat you at your own game aye lou?" Niall said smirking 

"no ones beaten anyone Niall, the game has only began" i said looking through my newsfeed on Twitter. 

"Well what are you going to do?" Niall asked. truth is i have no idea. i'll have to see where it takes me really, i'm more of an in the moment guy. i don't plan shit out. 

"i have no idea, when the time comes i'll know" i stated still scrolling. A smirk began teasing my lips as i looked up at Niall raising an eyebrow "excited for her to stay at your house?" i asked teasingly wiggling my eyebrows. His face instantly turned red 

"well… it's not that big of a deal" he said shrugging his shoulders 

"are you suuureee" i pushed. he frowned at me 

"what do you want me to say Lou?!" he said in frustration 

"admit you fancy her" i stated 

"but i -"

"don't bullshit, say it" i pushed again 

"I DONT!" he yelled at me "sure she's fit, but for christs sakes lou, it's been less than a week!" he said running his hands over his face in frustration. 

"secrets safe with me bud" i said leaning over and slapping his shoulder 

"stop saying that! there is no secret! i don't fancy Kara!" He argued crossing his arms over his chest. i rolled my eyes looking back at my phone as it started to ring, i excused myself from Niall walking to my room to talk to Eleanor. 

"hey you" i said into the phone smiling as i shut my bedroom door. 

"hello" she chimed back at me, ah just her voice made me smile. We were completely in love. Well i was anyways even though she was older than me. 

"how are you?" i asked her 

"i'm good thanks but, and you?" she replied 

"yeah, i'm okay, i'm missing out on my tea though" i said pouting even though she couldn't see me. I heard her laugh 

"how!? i bought you 60 bags the other day? and i can pretty much hear you pouting" she said as she giggled again. i smiled laying back on my bed putting an arm under my head. 

"well, Kara played a trick on me and they all ended up in the pool" i stated huffing, it only caused her to laugh. 

"got a taste of your own medicine i see" she said cheekily 

"yeah i guess so, but for the first time you aren't the culprit" i said slightly laughing as she did as well  

"so whats the go with you two? are you two going to date or what?" she asked slowly. i sighed. 

"she doesn't know, she needs to think about it" I  answered 

"fair enough" she replied it went silent for a while 

"i miss you" i said into the phone 

"i miss you too boo" she replied. gahh, if only we could be together all the time 

"i have to go, i'll call you soon i love you" she said quickly afterwards 

"i love you too, bye" i said hanging up the phone, i threw my phone down and put that hand under my head. staring at the ceiling. Before i was interrupted 

"aww how cute" a voice met my ears, i propped myself up on my elbows looking at the door way to find Kara leaning against the door frame the usual smirk on my face 

"yeah, thats what it's like to be in a relationship" i teased knowing very well she had never been in one which, i find, very hard to believe. 

"i'm sure it is." she stated walking into my room 

"get out, i might catch cooties or something like that" i said scrunching up my nose. 

"you're already a girl Lou Lou no need to worry" she said sitting on my bed. i frowned, how is she so good at this "but seriously" she began reaching into the brown paper bag "i bought these for you" she said smiling at me as she held up the packet of Yorkshire tea packet of 60. My eyes must've lit up in excitement i sat up next to her and took the tea happily. 

"awww Care Bear! thanks!" i chimed putting them in my lap "but why?" i asked 

"i felt bad n stuff, if anyone had done that to me, i'd be pretty pissed" she said laughing a little. i gave her a huge hug. 

"you do know your not off the hook right, i'll still get you back" i said looking in her eyes smirking. 

"oh i know" she said getting up and walking to the door "and i'll be ready Lou bear" she said winking. i chuckled getting up 

"where are you off to?" i asked walking down the hall with her as she picked up her bag from Harry's room. 

"going to stay under the rainbow for a night" she said turning around and looking at me, i looked over her shoulder at Niall who was pouting at her comment. i snickered. 

"i'm sure that will be a lot of fun!" i said smirking and hugging her before she left 

"oh i know, a night full of magic and wonder!!" she said motioning her hands in a weird way making me laugh Niall and Harry 

"bye Hazza, i'll see you tomorrow" she said pecking him quickly on the cheek. i swear she fancied Harry, i'm pretty sure Harry fancied her too, it's got to be. 

Niall and Kara walked out the door, leaving Harry and I alone for the first time in a long time! 

"so everything with you and Kara all good now?" Harry asked, i was quite puzzled by the question, to be honest, it was all just a joke and i would of gotten over it, sure i was pissed off but i would of gotten over it and had a laugh about it later. like now i have a tea in hand and ya know, What Kara did was a pretty good prank! i admit it, the prankster had been pranked. 

"honestly Harry, nothing was wrong in the first place" i said putting my tea on the coffee table and then looking back at harry, stretching my legs on the ouch "we were just being us and well i got angry i'll admit but, i'm laughing about it now. even if i didn't get my tea now, i'd get over it and laugh about it anyways" i said smiling over at him. he smiled 

"good, i couldn't have my two bestest friends fighting all the time and hating each other" he said flicking through tv channels

"oh but i'm still going to get her back, this game has just began" i said glancing over at him. i watched as he smiled 

"i could've guessed that" he stated before we settled down and watched some movies. i couldn't help but wonder what Niall and Kara were up to 

Kara's POV 

okay, after dinner i felt really guilty. Destroying someones tea is such a bad thing to do. i felt horrible. when i asked Harry to come for a walk i wasn't expecting him to be so stunned anyways we walked down to a little corner store which wasn't so little once you walk in. 

"so Kara, did Louis talk to you about-"

"fake dating? yeah" i said glancing at the foods down the aisle looking for Yorkshire tea. this was going to take longer than expected. 

"right, so whats going on then?" he asked. i stopped as he stood in front of me. I sighed 

"i don't know Harry" i tried to move past him but he grabbed my arm and held me in place. 

"Kara, it's a simple yes or no question" he said smiling 

"it's more complicate-"

"because you fancy Lou?" 

"no!" i esclaimed a little to fast. giving it away. Even though i don't fancy Louis, i wouldn't let myself. nope. don't like him. Harry chuckled 

"you know i can read you like a book right, we're best friends Kara, no secrets remember?"he said, doing a little eland dance that we made up when we made promises to not tell anyone the secrets we told each other. i felt my eyes burn with tears. not only because he still remembers but because i am keeping the biggest secret from him. and he has no clue, not one. It wouldn't be that much of a deal if I wasn't keeping my life a secret from him. this wasn't just a secret this was a HUGE secret which i'm trying my hardest to keep as little as possible. 

"you remembered?" i managed to gargle out as my throat caught while speaking. Harry brought me in for a hug as a few tears escaped my eyes in awe 

"of course i did, how could i forget something so special to me?" he said i couldn't believe it i had never understood how much i meant to him. and for him to remember all of this i mustve meant a lot right? or maybe its just normal for best friends to do that? 

"you're so cute haz" i said pinching his cheeks and then continuing to wipe the tears away from my eyes. i continued walked and looking at all the food. for the first time in a while my stomach grumbled. i held a hand to my stomach trying to muffle it. 

"you hungry?" Harry asks observing the food in front of him. and the hand holding my stomach

"no, i'm feeling a bit ill" i lied as i continued to walk before a hand wrapped around my wrist causing slight pain only for my to turn around and meet his great big green eyes again. 

"you're a terrible liar, why won't you eat?" he said looking worried. i sighed looking down and then looking at his face 

"i'm not lying Harry" i said very seriously to convince him. 

"i can tell when your lying, you know that right?" Harry said looking down at me with a serious expression letting go of my wrist. i snorted 


"the right side of your mouth twitches slightly and and you play with the hem of whatever top your wearing or with your hands" he said pointing at each spot as he said it 

"i do not!" i exclaimed. he looked at my lips and hands before pushing past me chuckling. To my surprise i was doing what Harry had just said. Damnit, this secret keeping is going to be harder than i thought. 

"here, eat these" he said ripping open a packet of crisps

"i'm not hung-" 

"you are" 

"no harr-"

"eat it"

"Harry i feel-"

"stop bullshitting and eat" 

"I'm i-" 

"Why won't you eat!?" he said clearly agitated, his eyes were pleading and his eyebrows almost touch in the deepest frown. 

"I don't want to!" i exclaimed. it was silent as Harry became consumed by his thoughts. he took a step closer to me. i took a step back slightly frightened, Harry was the scary type when he was angry or agitated 

"i didn't mean it" he said looking at me with those sparkling green orbs "i didn't mean any of it, please eat!" he said basically pleading for me to eat. i looked down at the crisps he shoved in my face and back at him with a questioning look. 

"i don't want them Harry" i said pushing the packet away from my chest."and what do you mean by you didn't mean it?" i asked looking into his eyes as they flashed with guilt. 

"i didn't mean it when i said you had thunder thighs or a big bum" he said a smirk played at his lips "having a big bum isn't even a bad thing actually" he added. i couldn't help but laugh

"honestly Harry, thats not why" i said, but maybe i was lying? i mean, even though he said he was joking, it still believe there is always the slightest bit of truth behind it. 

"don't lie" he said frowning, i looked down at my hands sure enough i was playing with the hem of my jumper. a ran my hand over my face in frustration 

"please, i feel guilty, eat them" i looked up into his pleading eyes. i slowly reached out for the crisps and he began to smile. i took a crisp out and began to eat it his smile grew as he closed the distance between as and gave me a hug. 

"i'm sorry" he whispered in my ear. his breath tickled my neck and i felt the same old sting in my eyes. i shouldn't be crying, well i'm not, but i shouldn't feel as though i'm about to. He let go of me and planted a kiss on my forehead. before linking arms with me

"THERE THEY ARE!" i yelled running to the familiar red packet of tea i always buy. i turned around smiling largely at Harry who was smiling that million dollar smile. 

"you get so excited, it's like you're buying happiness" he said laughing  as i walked to the counter also putting the opened crisps on the counter to pay for. 

"hey. you can't buy happiness, but yorkshire tea is pretty close" i winked at him as i payed the clerk and collected my bags. we walked out and Harry linked arms with me once again 

"anyway, before we were severely side tracked" he began. "it's complicated cause you fancy Lou right?" He said i shoved a hand full of crisps in my mouth and shook my head.Harry laughed at me. "sure sure, don't worry secrets safe with me." he said winking down at me. i finished crunching on my chips. 

"i think we're to much a like" i said after swallowing the mass amount of crisps in my mouth. 

"what do you mean?" Harry asked. i sighed 

"we both have that smarts childlike pranking personality" i explained "we'll only end up getting on each others nerves, we couldn't act all love like" i gestured my fingers when i said 'love like' 

"fair enough" Harry stated as we walked through the front door of his and Louis' flat. Only to find Niall sitting on the couch by himself eating marshmallows. i laughed as i walked into the lounge room grabbing the marshmallow he was about to put in his mouth and eating it 

"HEY!" he exclaimed sitting up, i giggled. "when do you wanna head off?" he asked obviously realising that i had to stay at his flat tonight 

"uh i'll go give this to Louis and i'll grab my stuff" i said, he just nodded plainly as i took another marshmallow disappearing into the hall

I stopped at Louis' door opening it quietly 

"i miss you" i heard him say, he mustve been on the phone to Eleanor 

"i love you too, bye" he said again. i leaned up against the door frame. as he put his phone on the bed and that arm under his head staring at the ceiling. i smirked 

"aww how cute" i said walking into the room. i watched as he propped himself on his elbows looking at me

"yeah, thats what its like to be in a relationship" he teased, i felt a little shame wash over me. I'm pathetic, 17 almost 18 and i haven't had a proper boyfriend. But then again, who would want to be with a mental wreck like myself. i knocked myself out of my thoughts entering the room. 

"i'm sure it is" i stated 

"get out i might catch cities or something like that" i said scrunching up his nose it's funny how he could still look so adorable. Gah i gotta stop thinking like this! 

"you're already a girl Lou Lou no need to worry" i sayd sitting on his bed. i felt him sit up from his laying position, "but seriously" i added putting my hand in the brown paper bag "i bought these for you" i said smiling at Louis as i handed him the yorkshire tea. His eye lit up like a little kid in a candy shop wear everything is free. 

"awwww care bear! thanks!" he chimed "but why?" he asked looking at the packet and then me. 

"i felt bad n stuff, if anyone had done that to me, i'd be pretty pissed" i said laughing a little. he swung his legs off the bed and gave me a huge hug which i would've returned if my arms weren't stuck in the hug. i felt my heart pick up pace, this isn't fair, i don't want to like Louis! i mentally scolded myself. 

"thanks heaps! but you do know you're not off the hook right, i'll still get you back" he said looking in my eyes a smirk playing at his lips. 

"oh i know" i said casually getting up "and i'll be ready Lou bear" i said winking as i walked out, i heard Louis chuckle and follow out behind me, i stopped into Harry's room to grab my bags 

"where are you off to?" He asked from behind me i turned around to look at him at the end of the hall 

"i'm going to stay under the rainbow for a night" i said i watched as his eyes flicked over my shoulder glancing at Niall who probably wasn't at all Happy with my comment

i'm sure that will be a lot of fun" he told me smirking and giving me a hug

"oh i know, a night full of magic and wonder!" i said motioning my hands in a mystical way. Louis chuckled as i walked over to Niall and Harry

"bye Hazza, i'll see you tomorrow" i pecked him quickly on the cheek but i felt Louis' eyes on me the whole time. i waved at the boys before walking out the door with Niall. 

It was so cold out side i could see my breath! 

"bit chilly" Niall said rubbing his hands together 

"i'll say" i replied shoving my bag onto my shoulder replacing it. 

"lucky My flat isn't too far away" he said as we turned the corner "speak of the devil" He added pointing to his flat. i laughed. that accent, yeah the irish one, it's going to be the death of me. I watched as he whoved his hand deep into his pockets pulling out his keys and opening the door. i walked in to the warm flat rubbing my arms furiously to get rid of the chill "sorry about the mess" he apologised politely. I took th emanate to look around. it wasn't that bad, i mean there were clothes here and there. a pizza box on the table and a few dishes, but other than that, it wasn't bad at all. 

"no it's fine" i smiled at him as he was frantically picking things up "Niall calm down" i said walking over to him and putting a hand on his shoulder. "your flat is fine as long as its warm, has tea and i'm not alone" i said he smiled in relief 

"praise lord" he said before showing my where to put my things, in his room which was probably the cleanest part of the house besides the fact he hadn't made his bed. but that doesn't matter. whats the pint in making it if you're only going to mess it up when you sleep in it again? right? i put down my things and we both walked into the lounge room i sat on the opposite side of the couch to him leaning my back against the arm of the chair Niall did the same facing me

"you have a nice place, nicely set up" i said looking around 

"well thanks" he said flashing a smile at me. "oh by the way, i hope you don't mind sleeping on the couch" he said looking at me, i smirked at him 

"only if you'll sleep here too" i said my smirk widening. his face flushed the slightest shade of red before a smiled appeared on his lips. 

"i'd love to but i've got a date with my bed" he added chuckling to himself 

"touché" i said nodding my head in his direction. he laughed. i decided to take out my phone and scroll through my mentions since i've been getting a lot lately. i spotted one from Louis 

' Thanks Kara_Jones:) for the replacement tea once again! can't believe you did that to me, i was an emotional wreck! hope you're having fun with Niall ;)' 

i smiled to myself as i tweeted back 

'no problem Louis, oh i'm having the greatest time! he's introduced me to some pixies, fairies and unicorns! we're all sitting on mushrooms having tea. hopefully he'll teach mt the irish jig later on ;)' 

i hit the tweet button, and looked up at Niall the house was deathly silent. 

"so who was that" i seen a smirk on Nialls face which seems unusual since i had never seen him smirk before 

"it was Louis, he tweeted me" i said looking at his face and studying his blue eyes. but suddenly his eyebrows began to jump up and down. i rolled my eyes, he moved himself over on the couch nudging my legs with his elbow. 

"you and Lou aye" he said winking now 

"nothings going on Niall" i said looking him dead in the eyes 

"just because nothings going on doesn't mean you don't fancy him" he said looking back at me. my cheeks heated up i could feel it. Nialls eyes widened i watched as he studied my cheeks "YOU DO!" He exclaimed smiling widely 

"NO!" o exclaimed back at him "he has a girlfriend!" i exclaimed again. he just laughed at me 

"that doesn't mean anything, just because someone is in a relationship doesn't stop you from fancying them" He stated before getting up and looking through his cabinet of movies. 

"del i don't" i mumbled as i stood up he glanced over at me and smirked. "Do you have a blanket and pillow i can use?" i asked. 

"sure, theres a spare blanket at the end of my bed and just take one of the pillows from my bed" He said still looking for a movie to watch. 

I walked into his room and took this as my chance to get changed. i grabbed my trackies and a plain black long sleeve shirt. i grabbed the blanket and pillow and walked back into the lounge room. i sat on the couch and wrapped myself in the blanket sitting cross legged on the couch. 

"what're we watching?" i asked as Niall walked back to the couch sitting down pointing the remote at the tv 

"nightmare on elm street" 

"no" i said bluntly crossing my arms 

"but why not!?" he whined 

"because i hate scary movies, i can't watch them!" i exclaimed 

"well we're watching it" he said firmly pressing play the movie began but i refused to look at the screen. i took out my phone taking a photo of myself pulling sad/funny face and sent it to Harry in a text 

'Harry, Niall is making me watch scary movies :(' i hit send and waited for a reply, i layer down my feet in Nialls lap and facing the back of the couch. my phone chimed indicating a new message. i looked at my phone tapping the 'message (1)' 

'Aww Kar, i would come over and cuddle you. but i'm having a little trouble of my own. - Hazza 

Pluss you could always cuddle with Niall ;) - Lou Bear' 

the text was followed by a photo of Louis laying on Harry's back licking his face. i laughed at it and replied 

'hahahahahaha, poor Hazz! and i'm pretty sure cuddling with Niall would be really awkward!' i hit send sighing 

"is it over yet?" i asked irritated. 

"no!, it's only just began!" Niall exclaimed he seemed just as annoyed as I. i groaned. and then i smirked. 

"I'll go sleep in your bed then" i said going to get up, still refusing to look at the tv 

"no, you have to sleep on the couch remember" he said raising an eyebrow at me 

"yeah well i'm bored and i can't watch this" i said standing up with the blanket over me head to shielding my eyes 

"ugh fine we'll watch something else!" he said annoyed as he turned it off. i smiled triumphantly as he was took out the dvd putting it back in the cover and i the cupboard as i layer back down on the couch. "well we can't watch any disney movies, i don't own any" he said looking through the cupboard quite aggressively shoving dvd's out of the way. i huffed heavily walking over to the cabinet Next to Niall. i shoved my head against his fat one to see. 

"d'ya mind?" he asked annoyed i smirked. and looked at him, i seen him blushing the close proximity can go that to some people 

"why, not at all niall" i stated returning my attention back to the cabinet then i layer my eyes on it. Step Brothers! this is the one! i put my hand in the cabinet and took it out smiling at Niall. he just rolled his eyes and sat on the couch 

"love ya Niall" i said while putting the dvd in the dvd player. He was silent and i walked back to the couch sitting incasing myself in the blanket once again resting my feet in Nialls lap. 

the movie had finished and everything was silent i looked up at Niall he was asleep on the couch i sighed and rolled over looking at my phone it was a message from Harry 'call me' it read i called him 

"hello? Kara? Where are you?" he said his husky voice met my ears through the phone 

"hey has, i'm at Nialls remember?" i said waiting for his reply 

"oh yeah, i'm coming over right now" he said and hung up the phone i raised an eyebrow and stood up and with in seconds the door flung open and in barged Harry. He looked angry, horrifyingly angry. Those big bright loveable green eyes were gone while black angry ones took there place. 

"Harry… whats wrong?" i asked taking a step towards him. he lunged forward grabbing my wrist. i yelped in pain he lifted up both my sleeves revealing the scars i had hidden from him. 

"what the fuck is this!?" he said angrily almost in disgust he frowned so deeply he was fuming. My jaw nearly smashed through the earth when he swore at me, i had never heard Harry swear. i looked down at my arms then at Niall still asleep? how? Harry had been yelling so loudly i'm surprised it didn't wake the dead.

"i…i… Harry.. I just" i stuttered trying to think of words to explain 

"What the fuck do you think you're fucking doing to yourself?" He cursed at me. my eyes stung with tears as they left me eyes crashing to the ground like rain. Harry told me more colourful words and repeated what my dad had said to me. before turning his back on me 

"NO HARRY DONT LEAVE" i tried to scream, but nothing was coming out. i couldn't yell, there was no sound "HARRY DONT LEAVE ME! I NEED YOU!" i yelled but still no sound. i tried to scream i tried to run. but suddenly Nialls arms enclosed around me tightly holding me back. i was struggling frantically trying to run after Harry and make everything right. i was crying so hard i felt like my head was doing to explode. i need Harry he can't leave me. I finally break loose and i run after Harry screaming for him not to leave me but the front door continues to get further away from me no matter how fast i run. i can hear the sound of music. no singing. i look around frantically looking for the source but i see nothing. i keep running for the door. but suddenly all the walls have disappeared and i'm falling into a great black pit of nothingness. i watch as razor blades and Mirrors fall all around me. i can see all five boys watching me fall, not one of them reaching a hand to help me. not even giving it a though. as i fall i turn around so now if i was to hit the ground i'd belly flop. The bases and broken glass continue to fall. i can hear them hit the ground but i can't see it. i begging to see a little white light. as if it was the end of a tunnel. and suddenly i hit the floor. 

I sit up straight. i'm sweating and i feel like i'm going to vomit. my head is pounding and my heart feels like it's going to jump out of my chest at any moment. i'm a little dazed and confused at first but then i take in my surroundings. Nialls room? i don't even remember falling asleep. but i know for sure i was on the couch. i took the sleeve of my shirt and wiped my face and forehead which had been soaked with sweat. i couldn't believe how real everything felt. my eyes stung with tears

"are you okay?" a groggy sleepy irish accent covered voice said. i looked over to him blue eyes shining with worry even though it was almost pitch black. How am i going to explain this. i didn't speak. i just cried, and cried, and cried and you know what else? you guess fit cried. i was blubbering mess! i couldn't control it. it wasn't just from the dream it was everything that was built up. and i took it all out on Niall. great 'slumba' as Louis would call it eh? But Niall was so caring for me. he held me tight and slowly rocked back and forth rubbing my back soothingly and whispering comforting words in my ear. Sooner rather than later i was out cold, dead to the world. in a dreamless sleep.

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