Chapter 2

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Hello again :) no one commented to give me feed back SOOOOO i waited for a 20+ reads before i uploaded again! hopefully none of you were tooo disappointed! i will be uploading a lot over the weekend so yeah! :D 


"i've missed you so much, you have no idea" i croaked through sobs. as I still clung onto Harry in a hug. 

"i've missed you too! i wish we would have stayed in touch better.." he said.

We both tore away from our tight embrace, i was still sobbing, crying and shaking. wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "well, i think it's about time you met the boys" he said walking me through the flat. 

boys? what boys? i wanted to ask but i was still crying and shaking. my collar rubbed against the tears trickling down my neck, irritating it and making it itchy. Harry and i walked into the lounge room to find four other boys looking straight in our direction. thats eight eyes, EIGHT! looking at Harry and I... well no so much harry. 

"damnit Harry!" a boy with black hair said.

"No, Zayn she's my-"

"hey hun, stop crying okay? we don't like to see our fans cry, do you want an autograph from each of us?" the boy said smiling down at me and cutting Harry off. i watched as the other boys surrounded me. i started to feel claustrophobic. i was going to hyperventilate soon. i could feel it. and i couldn't do that in front of Harry, let alone 4 other boys!

"guys, seriously-" 

"we could sing you a song to" a blonde boy said to me, cutting harry off again. 

"i could say anything-"

"yes, Niall! Good Idea!"

" ALL THE CARROTS IN THE FRIDGE HAVE BEEN ON INAPPROPRIATE PLACES OF MY BODY!" Harry screamed. the boy who opened the door to me splattered the water he was drinking everywhere 

"Harry! thats disgusting!" they boy said as all the others backed away in disgust.

"now that you's are finally listening, she's not a fan. she's my best friend. and i think you should introduce yourselves properly. and what made you's think i'd bring a fan home to where we live, HONESTLY!" he huffed and sat down on a kitchen chair. i felt alone standing there, without harry's arm around me. i was frozen, eyes wide and probably blood shot.

all the boys "oohed" in realisation and stood in front of me

"i'm Liam" the brown, slightly curly haired one said.

"he's Zayn" he said pointing to the black haired boy with an amazing smile i might add

"i'm Niall" the blonde headed boy said in his to die for irish accent!  

"and i'm louis" they last one said, the one who dressed like me said he walked closer to me "and uhm.. i'm actually Harry's best-friend" he winked and jumped in Harrys lap "isn't that right boo" he said pinching harry's cheeks. Harry grinned and rolled his eyes at me. it made me laugh. 

"ahh, i smile! a pretty one at that" i heard Zayn say... i think

i watched as they all looked at me..

what? what are they looking at!? DAMNIT!? oh right i should probably introduce my self.

after about a minute of staring i finally began to speak.

"oh uhh.. right my name... right.. it's uhm" i stuttered trying to put my words out there. but it wasn't working.. damnit 

"she's Kara" i heard Harry say. saved by the bell

"yeah.." i ended up getting out"

after a few awkward silences and a  few awkward coughs we decided to move into the lounge room 

i watched as Louis ran from the kitchen and jumped on a lounge laying down having one to himself. i sat between the chair arm and Harry, Liam sat next to Harry followed by Zayn and Niall sat on the floor eating something like left overs?

"so," Louis began," why do you dress like me?" he questioned 

" i could ask you the same thing" i said not so confidently. he looked over and raised an eye brow 

"well, you did get that idea from me right?" i said looking over at me..

" I never knew that you even existed until now..." i said shyly "i like to be different, so i came up with this while i was in New York" i said quietly afterwards 

i heard a few gasps, and a choke as Niall choked on some left overs while gasping.

" You do know you're in the presence of a famous boy band?" louis told me. i laughed 

"yeah sure" i said as i watched them all look at each other in amazement. Harry did the same

"So you've never seen us on TV?" Zayn said looking at me, i shook my head.

"heard of us on the radio?" Liam asked, i shook my head once again 

"Kara, you're so out of the loop! where have you been!?" Harry said nudging me a little

i've been a complete mess, a wreck even. i'm depressed all i look for is love that wont leave. even if it's just a friend. even just one. i've been in my room, locked away where no one will find me. listening to the very few songs on my ipod. i don't watch tv or listen to the radio because i'm to busy thinking of things i can do to make myself, prettier, smarter, funnier and just more likeable in general. 

Is the truth i should of said 

"i didn't watch much tv because of school n stuff, pluss i walk everywhere and yeah, i had no radio to listen to.." i said and trialled off at the end 

"what abut your friends, i'm sure they would if said something!" louis said still on the couch looking over at us. 

what friends?

"oh, nah, my friends and i didn't talk about music that much" i said and laughed awkwardly. darting my eyes to each of the boys faces and to the floor every now and then. They all looked at eachother and nodded and stood up infront of the tv  leaving me alone. all five of them looked at me and whispered to each other 

"so you really don't believe louis when he said we are a boy band?" harry said to me. i shook my head. i still don't theres no way!

i watched as Liam counted them in '1..2...3...4..'

"Baby you light up my world like no body else, the way that you flip your hair gets me over whelmed, but when you smile at the ground it 'aint hard to tell you don't know -oh oh!- you don't know you're beautiful- oh oh! -thats what makes you beautiful" 

Harry sung the last 5 words i sat there gob smacked. did that really just come out of his mouth?

Harry stood there smiling sheepishly.

so this is real. My best friend is part of a famous boy band. 


so there we have it! hope you's are enjoying it :) because i'm enjoying writing it! hehe 

so leave me feed back. and stuff!

no this hasn't been proof read or whatever but if it is necessary to you let me know of my errors or how i can improve :) 

bye! xo 

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