Chapter 17

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"i'm bored already!" i complained 

"why don't we get Liv over and we can chill for a bit n stuff" Zayn said nodding 

"we're supposed to go to my mums house for dinner remember?" i said. they all looked at me confused. "did i not tell your?….." i trailed off they all shook their heads "well…" i trailed off again. "my mum wants to meet you all so we're going to her house for dinner! yaaay!" i said throwing my hands in the air. 

"well there goes that great idea" Niall said slapping Zayn on the shoulder he nodded 

"hey, dinner with my mum isn't that bad" i said frowning "right Haz!?" i said looking at him 

"uh yeah sure" he said obviously not sounding very convincing. Elbowed him in the ribs. he laughed slightly "i just pay attention to the food." he said 

"i'll get ready now" Niall said leaping up making us all laugh. god he just loved his food. 

"i'm actually kinda nervous" Zayn said 

"don't worry Kara's mum is pretty cool" Harry said smiling at the other boys. i looked over at Harry in approval. 

"hello mum" I said creating her with a hug 

"hello love" she said smiling cheerfully at me and the boys 

"hey mumma Kar" Harry said waltzing in like it was his own home. greeting my mum with a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek. The rest of the boys shuffled in quickly and awkwardly. 

"you've already met Louis" i said pointing to him as he walked over shaking her hand. 

"indeed i have, sorry if i was slightly sour toward you. i've been a little stressed out" Mum said politely

"no no, it's fine" Louis said shaking other hand. quite gayly might i add 

"these are the other boys Zayn, Niall and Liam" i said pointing to each of them. they all came over greeting my mum politely and we all walked to the dinner table 

mum sat at the head of the table me on her right Harry on her left. i was seated next to Louis, Harry was sitting next to Niall Who was opposite to Lou who was sitting next to Liam who sat across from Zayn sitting next to Niall. Mum had already set out the food. 

"help yourselves guys" she said happily sitting down. 

"Niall might need a bigger plate" Harry stated to mum. Niall looked over and blushed as he smothered all his food with gravy. i leaned over to mum 

"where's Austin" i whispered in her ear. 

"he's not here, he's at home" she said

"where's your dad?" Louis whispered in my ear sending the same chills down my spine like he always did 

"he's working away" i said looking at him. he just nodded. Mum made some dinner chats she seemed to get a long with everyone. 

"i'm going to get a drink anyone want one?" i asked. everyone nodded i grunted but laughed afterwards "Harry come help me" i stated getting up as he followed me into the kitchen. 

I started pouring multiple cups of lemonade 

"you should ask now" he said i looked up at him confused "you know about the tour" he said 

"oh yeah, maybe" i said, i was nervous. i didn't want mum to say no. "you bring it up with me Haz" i said in a whisper. He nodded and we discussed what we were going to say.

After about 10 minutes we walked out. Handing everyone their drinks. 

"took ya long enough" my mum giggled. i rolled my eyes taking a sip of lemonade. 

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