Chapter 21

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Louis POV

i finally arrived at El's place. really REALLY nervous. i wasn't good with things like this going to someones house to make up etc But, It was Eleanor and i loved her and i really want this relationship to work. i gulped and got out of the car. You can do this Lou, you can do this. 

 walked to he front door knocking on it. No answer. thats odd. i knocked again. no answer. but theres two cars in the drive way? I tried opening the door, El always forgot to lock it but to my surprise it was locked 

"shit" i mumbled to myself. I sighed running a hand through my hair. Maybe she's in her room eating ice cream or something? listening to music? thats what girls do when they're upset right? 

I made my way to her bedroom window where her blinds were closed. i tapped on the window and watched as she split the blinds with her fingers only to reveal two surprised eyes. she let go of them making the shut. there was a shuffle of feet and El came back to the window opening the blinds and window. i heaved myself up to get in the room 

"Lou" she breathed as i stood up in front of her. my legs felt like jelly. just her voice could do that to me. and her face? still beautiful. Even with bed hair and pj's on i smiled 

"hey" i said 

"what are you doing here?" she asked. I shrugged 

"to get you back" i said nearing her. she didn't move away. i looked in here eyes and stroked one of her arms. she felt hot. i frowned "you feeling okay?" i asked 

"fine why?" she said quickly. 

"you feel a bit hot" i said putting a hand to her forehead. 

"i just had a shower" she said looking at her feet. Now's your chance Lou, lets do this Poo! HA! rhymes…. anyways. i stroked her chin and made her look up at me. her eyes were watery and full of regret. i smiled and pulled her close with my free hand. until our foreheads touched just like Kara. i know, i turn into a jerk going through breakups…. i should really apologise after I make up with El. She regretted it, i could tell from her eyes 

"i miss you" i whispered. eyeing her lips. 

"i miss you too" she whispered back. i smiled as i leant down and she leaned in to meet me half way. our lips met but something didn't feel right. they didn't have the same.. taste as i remembered. i frowned and pulled away. they felt swollen. i studied her lips 

"Lou whats wrong?" she frowned also. i ran a finger over her lips. they look as if she's been snogging someone… she must of! theres nothing that can make your lips this swollen than a proper snog. i frowned deeper taking a step back clenching my jaw. i looked around the room frantically. looking for feet under curtains. a hand from under the bed anywhere! 

"Lou, what are you doing!" she exclaimed chasing after me as i looked around the room. 

"where is he" i muttered under my breath… it could be a she but i doubt it. Bathroom is the last option 

"Lou don't go in there!" she half yelled. i looked back at her. she was crying and she had a full face of regret and shame. and as much as it broke my heart to see her cry. i turned the knob "PLEASE, Lou, please don't go in there and let me talk to you!" the pleaded. i opened the door and sure enough there was a lad leaning his back against the basin chewing his nails looking at me quite shocked. i laughed looking between them both. 

What was so great about him anyways?! Is it because he has Blonde Hair? brown eyes? a better tan? better jaw line? better body!? i only knew this due to the lack of shirt. I stuck out my hand to the lad as i ignored the pain in my chest and the sting in my eyes. 

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