Chapter 13

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Louis' Pov 

I watched Harry watch Kara walk away inside. as he met my eyes and began to speak i wiggled my eye brows at him taking a sip of my tea at the same time. he rolled his eyes smirking at the same time

"Lou" he began

"mm" i mumbled with a mouth full of tea swallowing it

"have you told her yet?" he asked. i sighed heavily. I haven't found the right time to tell her I mean… i don't know how to approach her about it or how she'll react. every time i go to talk to her about it something pops up. i can never be alone with her without someone interrupting. I'm a real stress head when it comes to these things honestly. 

"no not yet" i looked up into Harry's eyes 

"well are you going to? or not?" he asked eating another marshmallow 

"well hell yeah i'm going to tell her" i exclaimed " I have to, it'll make it easier and well, i don't want to go around hurting people enow do i?" i said gazing into nothing. 

By now you're probably wondering what we are discussing. well we had a meeting after the meet and greet with the two girls, management noticed Kara was getting noticed by a lot of people. they wanted her to become a deeper meaning to the group not just 'a friend' meaning one of us had to date her. Firstly it was going to be Niall but being the little shy guy he was he declined then turning the attention to Harry. Since Harry's always been known as 'the flirt' of the group he was managements next option. He also said no because it was his best friend, and he'd find it awkward because they're like brother and sister. I think it's complete bullshit. i think Harry slightly fancies her. anyways Zayn didn't want to and Liam was happily taken leaving me. Even though i was also happily taken i was the last option leaving me with no choice. I had spoken to Eleanor about it she didn't mind, she says 'it's be fun keeping it a secret, being on edge all the time' i quote. This is what i loved so much about her. the fact she was so care free and didn't mind anything like this. she is truly amazing. Anyways, i've already began this 'mission' management had put me on but i really hated lying to Kara… even though i had known her for less than a week, i see her as a close friend, i'd never want to hurt a friend especially lying about feelings, it's just wrong. so me being the bloody genius i am, made a plan. i tell Kara all about it, and we'll fake date. no real feelings just fake. and everything will turn our fine 

"well it needs to be soon! because i really think she kinda fancies you" Harry said with a crooked smile. my eyes widened. What!? how on earth bout.. no way!? it's to early. i've noticed she likes to flirt back. but there's no way in hell she could already slightly fancy me. 

"bullshit!" i exclaimed smiling in disbelief but Harry looked at me in all seriousness and nodded slowly. jesus christ, i'm digging myself holes. i run a hand over my face. 

"i'll have to talk to her tomorrow… somehow" i said glancing up at Harry 

"you know, you could've just taken her up to your room and explained everything" Harry pointed out. i slapped myself in the face. how could i be so stupid! 

"dammit" i muttered beating myself up for not thinking of this earlier "well i'll talk to her tomorrow" i said yawning straight afterwards. the fire had died down so only the beads were left glowing red. 

"i'm off to bed then lad" i said getting up and stretching my arms up and outwards. 

"me too, i'm knackered" Harry said voice huskier than usual obviously because he was tired. we walked down the hall and mumbled 'goodnights'

I opened the door to my room slumping on my bed sighing heavily. i took off my shirt leaving myself in only my long pyjama pants. i grabbed my phone to check it and squinted as the sudden light of my phone hurt my eyes. i had a text from Eleanor.  

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