Stronger(Fifth Harmony/You)

By Maclue

85.7K 2.4K 736

You trusted them with your fragile heart which has been broken before.They mend it but they just broke it mor... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Important A/N
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Another Important A/N
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Please Read!
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
About the Departure of Camila
Merry Christmas 🎄
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Another Important A/N
Chapter 33
Something important
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
New book!
Last Important A/N
Chapter 39
Chapter 40 - Final Chapter
My Birthday
I'm back

Chapter 38

759 23 16
By Maclue

The room fell into a deep silence that you could actually hear each individuals intake of breath. I stare into Skylar's eyes and found nothing but genuine truth and longing. Everybody looks at me waiting for my reaction.

I kept my hold on Lily but my emotions are all over the place. My hands tremble as I try to take a firm grip around Lily.

"Y-your lying. " I said but the crack in my voice betrayed what I believe in.

Skylar shook her head softly as she advance toward me and Lily. "I know the truth may seem crazy but I can tell you everything you want to know. "

"Stay back! " I shouted pressing the blade closer to Lily's neck making her wince. Several people aim their guns back at me but one shout of order from Skyler made them reluctantly lower their guns.

"Look I know their is no reason for you trust me but I also know you can't defeat Y/B/N alone. " She said as her eyes glared at the blade around Lily's neck.

I choke back on my spit. "H-how did y-"

"I will tell you want you want to know if you will just lower your weapon and trust me. " She said.

I took a glance around the room and found several men and women who seen war and fought them with no sweat.

Upon seeing me look around the room Skylar immediately order everyone to leave the room but.. some familiar people didn't followed the order.

"We ain't leaving. " Drake said.

"Yeah, if this guy does work for that psycho than I ain't trusting him one bit. " A woman's still unnamed to me said with her British accent agreed with a nod of her head as her blonde hair sway back and forth.

The other woman who I am guessing is Violet because of her  of her striking and intimidating violet eyes stares at me from afar as if she is studying my every move.

Maybe she is

"My brother won't harm-"

"It's fine they can stay. " I said surprising them then I surprise them more by releasing the hold I have on Lily.

I sigh as all their eyes are trained on me. "I feel safer since I know this are your friends Skylar. "

All of them look at me in bewilderment.

I sigh again knowing I have to explain cause if not they may think I have been watching them and stalking their every move. "I hid behind the counter in the kitchen after eating-"

"So it way YOU! " Lily shouted accusingly before stomping her foot childishly. "It took me all morning to cook that for my Skylar. "

I heard Skylar chuckle as she wrap an arm around Lily's waist. "It's fine baby girl. " Lily blush as Skylar planted a soft loving kiss on her cheek.

I gave a soft cough making them return their attention on me. "Look I am sorry to be direct on this but I have limited time here. "

Skylar furrowed her eyebrows. "What do you mean limited time? "

I wave her question off. "I am supposed to be the one who ask questions here not the other way around. "

Skylar let out a sigh before looking straight at my eyes. "I haven't seen you in so long except the photos from mom and dad showed me. " She suck in a deep breath as she continued. "Everyday I wonder was it the right choice I made. "

"What do you mean? " I ask confuse nothing is making any sense.

Skylar gesture for me to take a seat at her king sized bed. "Take a seat because it's gonna be a long story from start to end. "

I gingerly sat on the tip as Lily jump on the bed nearly sending me to the floor.

"Sorry! " She said blushing.

I raise my eyebrows. "It's okay children always makes stupid mistakes. "

Lily glared at me hard. "Grumpy like an old man. "

Just as I was gonna open my mouth for another witty comeback Skylar jump straight at the middle in the bed sending me and Lily to the floor.

I groan when I met the smooth wooden floor. Somewhere in the room I heard Lily groan.

"Why babe? " I heard Lily whine.

"Cause it would stop you two bickering which I would be sure last for hours. " Skylar said.

I heard laughing and when I stood up I saw Drake laughing at me and Lily but one nudge in the stomach from the British woman made him go silent. Lily pouted her lips at Skylar who awe at the sight.

"Come here baby. " With that said Lily immediately went to the open arms of Skylar. Both of them lay there cuddle up lovingly.

Skylar's eyes found mine as I lean back at the wall with my right leg prop up behind it.

"You know there is still space in the bed right? " Skylar said.

I shook my head. "Can you please stop delaying the truth. "

Skylar sigh before pushing herself in a sitting position in the bed. Lily followed still hugging her waist.

"Where do you wanna start? " Skylar ask with a faraway look on her eyes.

This is it

I close my eyes and start to think of the questions I want answered but one of them is pushing me to ask then the others.

"How come I never knew I had a...sister? "

"Our parents" The way Skylar said parents is filled with so much venom that it made me flinch. "Needed a heir to their damn business. "

Heir? Business?? A sister??? Nothing is making sense

I try to rack every memory I have of my...sister but found absolutely none.

"Why can't I remember having a sister? "

Skylar sigh but it sounded broken. "You and you're brother were only babies when our parents started to train me and teach me..." I waited for her to continue but the silence is the only thing I got.

"Train you for what? " Instead of answering my question she ask me one.

"Do you know what our parents do for a living Y/N? "

Simple question, Right?

I open my mouth to answer but no words came out. All I could was my parents telling me that they were gonna go on a business trip but never in my whole life I heard or ask what their job was.

Skylar gave me a broken smile. "They are assassins Y/N. "

I felt all the air in my body leave me.

Assassins? Freakin assassins?!

I tried to breath in air but the whole room was spinning in my view making me more panic then I already was.

How many people did they kill for quick cash?...All those things they gave me and brother were all earned by killing and murdering other people...

I felt myself slide down the wall as an overwhelming guilt eat up my insides.

I've been living with killers.

"Shh, its all gonna be OK Y/N. " I felt hands wrap themselves around my waist before grabbing me into a hug. For a moment I return the hug as a tear escape my closed eyes. I breathe in a breath as a comforting scent invaded my nose. Vanilla and mint. I felt my heart and breathing return to their normal rate. I open my eyes and the first thing I saw is tattoos. I immediately push the person away and aim my hidden blade at her.

"Stay back. " I spat. As my mind still process the information I received from her.

"Put your knife down. " For the first time since the kitchen fiasco Violet spoke and she does not sound friendly.

I kept my shaky hand up and aim the blade at Skylar ignoring the warning.

Killers. They are killers. My parents are born killers for all I know.

"Put your weapons away. " Skylar ordered but her three friends ignore her orders and kept their guns aim at me.

Maybe if I'm lucky they will get a quick and clean shot at my head

"Put your guns down NOW! " Skylar shouted. They reluctantly aim their guns away from me except for Violet.

"Violet gun down NOW! " Skylar basically growled out. Violet stared at me with her penetrating eyes for a few more moments until I shiver from head to toe. Satisfied she lowered her weapon with a small smirk.

"Y/N. " I turn my attention back to Skylar who approach me slowly with her hands spread wide apart showing no weapons or any means of harm. "No one wants to hurt you. We are all family here. "


I shook my head. "Maybe you guys are but I am not part of it. "

Skylar took another step. "You are my brother. "

I let out a bitter laugh. "Brother? Freakin brother?! I don't even remember having a sister!"

Skylar took a deep breath before looking at me straight in the eyes. "I didn't want to leave you or your brother Y/N but our parents needed a heir and I am the oldest between you and your brother. "

I took deep breaths trying to calm myself but it isn't working since small droplets of tears are leaking from my eyes.

So many lies I've been told. I've been chasing the truth and now...I don't know how to take it. The girls lied and played me. My parents and brother lied to me. Y/B/N lied to me for god knows how long. All this people I used to trust betrayed me in some way.

I shook my head a little before focusing my attention back on Skylar. "Where did they take you all these years? "

"Well our wonderful parents took me and left me..." She pause before shaking her head. "At their most trusted ally named Lazlo. " This time a smile made its way to her lips. "He took me under his wing and train me everything I needed to know to become the most dangerous assassin the world has ever seen. He was the closest thing I had to a parent..." Her voice trailed off as she look at the ground.

"What happened to him? " I ask as my curiosity peak.

Her body went rigid after I ask. She wouldn't look at anyone except for the ground.

"Babe. " Lily stood up and gently hug Skylar from behind. "None of it is your fault Sky. None of it. What-" I could hear Lily whispering but I couldn't catch a wisp of it. Skylar nodded but her body is still tense as her gaze remain at the floor.

Lily sigh before looking at me with a smile. "Y/N, could you please give us a moment? "

I look at Lily then back at Skylar.

Time is at the most essence. My family needs me but then again Skylar is part of the family.

I reluctantly nodded a little concern at Skylar's changed of behavior.

Lily gave me a huge smile before turning her attention to her and Skylar's friends.

"Show Y/N the pool. We will just catch up with you in a few minutes. "

The pool?

"Why the pool? " I ask.

"Cause its a good place for a story time. " Lily said smirking.


Awkward. That's the only word I could describe at this moment. I am currently sitting at a pool chair that most people use for tanning while the three friends of Skylar and Lily are sitting right in front of me in their own chairs. That is only half the awkwardness. The other half of it is how they stare at me without facial expressions like robots. I would have said zombies but they actually show emotions like emitting an angry growl or hunger. But these people in front of me shows none and that is what creepy is.

Its only been a minute

"Uhhh, hows it going? " I awkwardly said trying to break the tension in the air.

Silence. They continued to stare at me. I really want to run far away from these people.

"What are your names? " I ask trying to make conversation.

More silence greeted me.


"So is anybody a Lakers fan? " I ask desperately wanting this awkward tension to disappear.

"I love the Lakers! Even though Kobe is retired I support the team 100%" Drake said smiling.

"Drake! We are not suppose to talk to him! " A British accent scolded him.

"And why can't any of you talk to me? " I ask confuse.

Do I have bad breath or something?

I cringe at my thoughts.

God I hope not

"We don't want you here. " Violet said bluntly.

Well that hurt

I clear my throat before avoiding all their gazes.

I heard someone clearing their throat but I ignore it.

"What my friend is trying to say it that we...just don't trust you with everything that is going on. " The woman with the British accent said.

I return my gaze to her and gave her a small smile which she smiled in return.

"I understand. " I said truthfully. I can't blame them for caring about their boss or friend. I would have done the same.

"No, I really don't want you here. " Violet said standing up.

"Violet. " This time Drake scolded her. "Stop with this attitude. "

"Why should I?! Skylar risk everything for this bastard and now he comes here demanding questions-"

"That's enough. " All of our heads turn around and found Skylar and Lily there standing and making there way to us.

Violet shook her head at Lily. "Enough? Fucking Enough?! No! We risk our lives for this..this" Frustrated she shook her head wildly. "Ungrateful bastard! "

"That's enough. " Skylar's voice boomed out around the pool. "Go to your room and stay there until I tell you otherwise. "

Violet eyes went wide. "No! I won't leave you with this. " She pointed at me.

I raise my eyebrows at her. "If all of you are really assassins then you could kill me in an instant. I have no training or barely even exercise at the gym whatsoever. "

Everyone went silent after that.

Well this just gets weirder and weirder

"She can stay. " I said making everyone turn to me surprise.

"Are you sure? "

"Yeah. " I said nodding my head.

Violet walk with her head down back to her chair while Skylar grab a chair for her and Lily.

"Can we start with the truth now? " I ask getting more impatient with each passing second.

I wasted enough time

Skylar nodded. "OK, after a few years of training with Lazlo I went to England to do my first mission and assassinate a man named Arnold Longhan. I knew what I had to do. It was actually plain and simple. Go to England and do the job. But.." She pause for a moment before shaking her head. "I did not expect to fall in love with her. "

Silence entered the group as they waited for me to process the information. Yeah, I already figured it out by the itsy bitsy pieces I gathered but hearing it out loud and being told about it right in front of your face makes it more realer.

"I already know about it. " I exclaimed. "But she did all of this because you fall out of love at her? "

I just can't believe anybody would do all the trouble Y/B/N did because of this. Yeah, it hurts having a heart broken but I just can't believe it. There's must be another reason.

Skylar shook her head. "No she didn't do it because I fell out of love at her. "

I breathe out a sigh of relief. At least she ain't that crazy

"I reach England and immediately study my target. Every move he made. Every people he talk. I was there everywhere he went. I was his shadow waiting to take him into a permanent world of darkness. " Skylar's eyes darken for a moment but it was gone the next time my eyes blinked. "It was at a party where my client wanted me to take him out. I had everything planned out. The silencer on my pistol. The time of his death. Everything was planned out except for...Y/B/N. " She took a deep breath before continuing. "She was the most beautiful woman at the party. " She close her eyes as if she is reminiscing the memory in front of her. "The way her lips curves into a smile. Her laugh always sends tingles into my body that never fails to flutter my heart. Then her body-" Skylar didn't get to finish her sentence as a hard thump echoed around the pool.

"OW! " Skylar held the back of her head in pain. "What was that for babe? "

Lily look back at Skylar with cross arms and hard as steel eyes. "Your supposed to tell Y/N how all this shit started not your damn dirty thoughts. "

Skylar look at her with puppy eyes. "I am sorry babe. "

Lily tried to stayed angry but it falter as she peck Skylar's lips.

"Your forgiven. " Lily said smiling widely at her girlfriend which made Skylar smiled wider.

"For an assassin your both Softy's. " I spoke what's on my mind.

"There far from it Y/L/N. " I was surprise to find Violet talking to me with a smirk on her face.

"Violet don't. " Both Skylar and Lily warned.

Violet ignore both of them and continued to talk to me with a smirk and mischievous eyes. "There was this one time when both of them accepted a contract to kill a man's whole family for half a million and they didn't even blink before accepting it. I believe they were the McCollins. "

I felt everything stop when I heard the family name. I could remember myself sitting in a chair few months ago with a plate of cereal ready to be devoured by my growling stomach when the TV turn to the news channel.


I could remember how I immediately lost my appetite at the pictures of the Mr. and Ms. McCollins. Their bodies were filled with stabbed wounds going up and down. I could remember the walls painted with red streaks of blood. There lifeless eyes and bodies is the thing that will always haunt me to this very day.

"I-I..think I am gonna-" I jump away from the chair and puke all over the grass they had near the backyard pool.

I could hear shouting from behind me but all I could focus is these words.

My family is filled with murderers
I puke more at the thought. I grip the soft wet grass tightly as my body dry heave. I could feel the need to cry but I force my tears back.

"Breathe in and out, just breathe in and out. " I heard a familiar voice said but all I could focus is the grass beneath me. "C'mon Y/N you need to breathe in and out. " The voice repeated.

I listen to the voice and force myself to breathe in and out then breathe in and out until I could feel the color return to my face. I rolled away from my puke and lay in a clean color grass. I could hear more shouting then a loud slap echoed but I just stare at the stars letting myself to process the new information.

Everything is fuck up in my life

"You alright Y/N? " I heard the same voice from earlier ask me.

I took a deep breath before turning my attention to the owner of the voice.

Blue eyes and brown hair.


I let out a surprise squeak and jump from where I lay earlier since Eden was so close to my face. I let out a surprise shout when I heard a deep chuckle from behind me.

"You really are a scaredy cat. " Jake said after laughing at my scared state.

I held my chest at took a couple of deep breaths.

"Great Jake good job. "

"Hey! Its not my fault he is easily spook. "

"What are you guys doing here? " I ask breaking their small argument.

"Well once you shot us with sleeping darts we woke up after a few minutes and made our way here since we heard loud shouting then we found you basically dying of fear. " Jake explained.

I nodded my head.

"Are you OK? " Eden ask concern.

I nodded my head again.

"What made you so pale anyway? " This time Jake asked.

I shook my head. "I don't wanna talk about it. "

Eden open her mouth to question my behavior before more shouting erupted behind us. There from afar stood a piss Skylar and a livid Violet while the rest of their friends tried to stop them from fighting.

"What did you do man? " Jake ask with raise eyebrows.

"What makes you think I did anything. " I ask a little offended.

"Well they rarely fight or have an argument Y/N since Skylar took Violet under her wing. " Eden said staring at the scene in front of her.

"What do you mean by that? " I ask confuse.

Eden sigh in pain. "Violet is a street kid Y/N. We ran into her in one of our missions in Paris. Skylar felt pity and sadness since she knew the feeling of being abandoned so she took her under her wing and be a older sister to Violet."

"How old is Violet? "

"16. " Eden answered.

I sigh knowing what I have to do. No matter what happened I can't let them fight

I quickly approach the two livid women and stop what was gonna be world war III. I quickly inserted myself in between them just as Violet shove Skylar.

"Stop this now! " I shouted halting their arguments.

"You started this. " Violet said pointing a finger at me.

"Don't point a finger at my brother Violet. " Skylar growled.

Just as I was gonna shout another stop I saw a flicker of emotion flash through her eyes.

Is this really all this fight about?

I felt myself laughing loudly as I figure out what this nonsense is about.

"Can I talk to Violet for a second? " I didn't even wait for any reply as I grab Violet's wrist and drag her away from their hearing distance.

"Stop being jealous. " I immediately got down right to business.

Violet's eyes went wide at my words. "I-I am not jealous. "

"Seriously there is no need for your jealousy. "

Violet shook her head as a lone tear drip over her beautiful eyes. "I don't want to be another forgotten child. Your her brother she doesn't need me anymore. "

I bite my lip. I don't have time for this. As much as I want to help I wasted enough time

I quickly wipe her tear making her flinch in surprise.

"I can promise you one thing Violet. I will be gone after Skylar tells me everything she knows. " With that promise I turn away from Violet and made my way back to the waiting group.

I took my seat back at my chair.

"Are you OK know? " Skylar ask as I lean back in the chair.

I am far from OK very far from it

I nod my head absentmindedly.

Skylar sigh. "We are not do not take contracts to kill innocent people anymore Y/N. I need you to know that. "

That's a little better

I nod my head more relieve at that.

Eden and Jake joined us around the pool while Violet stayed afar leaning against a wall staring at us.

"Finally! Where were you two? " Drake ask as he gave them both a hug.

"Well Y/N here. " Eden said with a playful glare. "Knock us out with a sleeping dart after he got the information on Skylar's bedroom. " Everybody started laughing except Skylar.

"Why were you looking for my room specifically? " Skylar ask skeptically.

Well fuck

Before I could say anything a loud explosion erupted around us. The ground shook as another explosion hit the mansion. Just as I was gonna hide under the table for cover from the corner of my eye I saw part of the roof hanging by a thread over Violet who looks scared and loss.

Why do I always have to play the part of the hero

I immediately run as fast as my legs took me to Violet. I felt my heart stop as the roof broke apart and started to fall onto Violet.


Without waiting I took a chance and leap onto Violet knocking her away as the broken part of the roof fills the place Violet stood earlier.

"W-what-" Before Violet could say any words I drag her back to the group who hides unto a long table near the Blue swimming pool.

Just as me and Violet entered the table a body collided with both of us. Vanilla and mint. This time I didn't push the body away but awkwardly hug back. I look at Violet who seems to be enjoying the hug.

"I am so glad you two are OK. " Skylar said as she release is from the comforting hug.

"Me too. " Violet took a deep breath before looking at me with a smile. "I was goner if it wasn't for Y/N saving me. ".

Skylar looks at me smiling widely before hugging me tight.

"I really thought you were working with Y/B/N. " I heard her whisper so low that I know it wasn't meant to be heard.

I broke the hug and gave her a smile. "We are family right? And a family protects one another. "

I could see a tear slip out of her eye as she nodded with a smile. "Yes we are. "

We stayed under the table for a few more minutes until the explosions stopped. I could see that everyone is hiding their feelings well.


"Y/N, where are you? " I heard a voice sang outside.

I felt my bones and blood turn to Ice as my body froze.

Its not real Y/N

"Y/N! My darling! My babe! Where are you?! " The voice shouted outside.

I felt my fingers tangling with my hair tugging it as if in hopes the voice will disappear.

"Y/N, whose that? " Violet ask as she cock her gun with everybody else.

"You hear it too. " I whisper. Everybody looks at me concern.

"Yeah, why wouldn't we? " Lily said in confusion.

"Because she's dead. " I whisper as my hands shook.

Before anybody could say anything I got out under the table and came face to face with a ghost.


She leans at the only part of the mansion wall which is not crumbling down to pieces. She looks healthy as she swings a double barrel shotgun with ease. No signs of death.

"W-what? " I could barely get out a sentence.

Chrissy grins at me. "Y/B/N sends her regards for a job well done. "

Just as I open my mouth Chrissy aim the gun at my chest and shot me. The power of the shotgun sent me straight to the water of the pool. My body felt powerless as I slowly approach the bottom of the pool. I could hear shouting then a gunfire but all my mind focuses on is one thought.

Chrissy is alive

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