Silent Assassin

By HyperPiper247

143K 5.8K 786

She rose her dainty eyebrows in surprise at my answer, her small lips slightly opening in shock. "I never too... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Author's Note
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 19

4.6K 202 57
By HyperPiper247

Warning: long ass chapter ahead.


As I stepped away from the shower, I dried my hair off with a clean towel I had found in a small cabinet inside the bathroom.

I knew Sam might get angry and most likely annoyed that I took a shower in his ridiculously pink bathroom. But I suspect that it would be more because I had seen and discovered his horrendous choices of colors and interior in his apartment.

Despite being tired and slightly angry that Sam is taking his time getting here, I was excited to see what expression he might wear when I laugh at his home. So excited in fact that I saw a hint of a smile at the edge of my lips when I looked up at the mirror.

The smile immediately dropped into a frown when I saw something unbelievably incredible. Incredible and terrifying as I blinked my eyes to see if they were just my imagination or from my lack of sleep.

Instead of it returning to normal, I began to see them much more clearly as the hues of my reflection changed into a grayer shade. But that somehow didn't bother me at the moment as I moved as close as I can to the mirror with the sink digging into my thighs. I gripped the edges of the sink tightly as I stared longer at my eyes, horrified at what I saw.

My eyes were slit.

They widened at the sight I beheld in my reflection. Impossible. So thoroughly and utterly impossible, yet they were there, and even as I blinked my eyes a couple of times and lifted a hand to rub them, they never disappeared.

As if the world was tensing with me, the quiet snore of the little girl on the couch in the living room quieted. The silence somehow caused my head to pound, but I ignored it as I continued to observe the impossible sight before me.

I blinked, causing my sight to return and the grayness to disappear, almost making me sigh in relief, but it was overpowered by my still slit eyes. Their color was still brown, thank god, and the pupils blended well enough to the hue that it was impossible to notice it unless someone stares at them closely and intently.

After staring at them for too long, I finally felt the overwhelming pain of my head. Forgetting my eyes for a moment, I grabbed my forehead with my right hand as I gripped it painfully between my fingernails. The pounding, however, didn't lessen and I dug my fingers further in until I felt something wet and sticky trail from my nails down the sides of my face.

It seems I was tired. My head was demanding for rest, one I knew I desperately needed after what I went through. So, with my hand still on my forehead, I stumbled out from the bathroom and to Sam's room. I first walked my way to his closet and grabbed the closest thing I could.

The sweatpants with matching shirt was tight and short. I wasn't surprised however since I was taller than Sam's scrawny figure. Not that I cared if I looked ridiculous in his clothes, however, as I stumbled my way to the bed and collapsed on the neon green covers.

Without anymore thoughts of how Sam managed to purchase the absurd color and why he thought it would match with the purple walls of the room, I closed my eyes and succumbed to sleep.

It felt like I only closed my eyes for a moment before I was awoken by a sound. I immediately sat up and grabbed for my weapon I always place beside me when I sleep. But when my fingers only grabbed the comforter, I cursed under my breath and quickly slid off.

About to search for the weapons I knew I placed beside me through my headache, the sound returned. It was a sharp shriek of terror that sounded strangely familiar.

Momentarily forgetting about my sharp weapons since I could still inflict pain and death with my bare hands, I stumbled towards the open door, ignoring the fact that I closed it before.

I halted mid step when I saw the sight before me. Sam was cowering behind his couch, occasionally glancing at the top edge before quickly pulling his head back as if whatever he saw would locate his presence. It would have worked if it wasn't for the fact that half of his body was sticking out from the back of the couch. On the opposite side of him was the little girl who stood on top of the coffee table with a blade in both of her hands. Her hands shook from the effort of lifting it up, but they were steadily pointed at Sam's cowering figure.

Seeing my blade in her hands, I clenched my hands as kept in my anger. I didn't appreciate it when someone goes through my things, much less touch them and the urge to make her cower before me grew stronger.

Slowly, I exhaled, just as my Sam had taught me to do when my anger was somehow over the edge and I was not allowed to use it to dismember and kill someone.

Now calm, I made my way to the girl who shifted her gaze from behind the couch to me. Though her hands shook, her eyes held an unnerving calmness in them that somehow reminded me of my rival during training long ago. A calm anger.

With no slow approach or consideration of calming her, I gripped her hands and pulled the weapon from them as I stared at her with dark eyes. "Touch them again, and I'll cut off your finger one by one."

As if now realizing that she was threading on thin ice, she jumped off the table and quickly stepped as far away from me as she could.

I didn't even want to know how the girl somehow got a hold of my weapons and was able to take them in the first place as I slowly turned around to face Sam's still cowering figure.

Now that I was opposite Sam, I stared unamused when I noticed that his butt was indeed sticking out from the couch and was distinctly shaking.

I sighed, "Sam, stand up."

Sam's head peeked out from the top of the furniture and the fear in his eyes immediately changed into relief when he saw me. Quickly standing up, I gave him an unimpressed look, not because I knew that he could protect himself with a knife I saw peeking from beneath his sleeves, but the fact that it took him long to get here.

"You finally arrived? What a shame, I was actually thinking of making sure you meet Jesus a bit too earlier than planned if you took a few minutes longer."

I knew my threats didn't work on Sam but I still wanted to take out my irritation on him for his tardiness through words rather than actions.

Instead of laughing and shrugging the threat off like usual, he narrowed his eyes at me, "Well if I had my bike then I would have arrived sooner."

"You have other means of transportation than my bike, you know", I pointed out.

He seethed in anger as his ears slowly turned to a reddish hue, making me laugh out loud. I heard a sharp intake off breath behind me, but I didn't turn to acknowledge the girl who I knew was staring at us as we converse.

My laughter only made him more angry as he clenched his hands. He was still in his lab coat with his clothes disheveled as if he had been in a hurry, but I overlooked his attire and focused on a small cut on his cheek.

Before I could ask about it, he started talking, "My bike, Void! Mine!"

"It isn't in your possession, is it? You could only claim an item as yours when you have it, but you don't since it is in my possession instead of yours. That makes the bike mine."

He stared at me before blinking once. With a pout on his face, he tilted his head to the side.

"Whatever", he muttered under his breath and I knew I had won the conversation. Before I could give a victorious grin however, he stared at the girl beside me with a curious look, "Who's she?"

I hesitated for a moment, only now occurring that I didn't know her name and I hadn't bothered to ask for it. It somehow made me guilty, for some unusual reason.

My hesitation was enough for Sam to understand that I didn't know her name. He gave me disbelief look, but I ignored it. It wasn't like I could change the girl's perspective of me if I had asked for her name.

And I cared only for her mutation than whatever absurd and girly name I guessed she had.

Sam's gaze shifted from mine to the girl as he slowly approached her.

"What's your name?", Sam said with a surprisingly gentle voice as he stepped up beside me. The girl immediately snarled at him causing him to freeze as he looked at the girl with wide eyes.

The snarl had been too animalistic for a simple human to make and I knew that the wheels in Sam's head were rolling as he pieced together the reason why I brought her- a girl I barely knew and trusted.

"Okay then. So I'm going to ignore that... uh... unnatural growl for a moment and ask again: what is your name?", Sam raised his hands up to show that he would not harm her.

"As if I would believe that rubbish. I know you're just going to take me back and torture me again", the girl growled out in anger as Sam frowned at her words, not understanding what she meant.


"You didn't think I'd recognize that thing over your right chest? I've stayed for years in that hellhole to recognize that insignia", she snarled out again.

My brows rose at the information she willingly handed out to us. And I didn't even have to threaten her for it. Somehow, the loss of threats made the interrogation dull and uninteresting.

However, I finally noticed the word she had mentioned. Years. She had been tortured and kept in her room for years and I was surprised to see her alive and sane. My irritation for her was then replaced with respect for the courage and determination she had during her time there.

Sam slowly turned his head for his eyes to meet mine, "Void, I think it's time you tell me where the hell you've been."

I opened my mouth and was to reply, preferably with my short, undescriptive explanation when he cut me off.

"And tell me everything from the beginning, alright? Don't leave anything behind or I wont let you change into the clothes I brought for you."

I slightly scowled when he guess what I was about to do, but I wasn't entirely surprised due to the fact that I always visited his lab because he was the only person I could tolerate. Even with his mischievous and sometimes idiotic antics.

I still didn't want to tell him everything because I didn't want to endanger him with the information I would share, but since he had a leverage on me, I had no choice but to cooperate.

And so, I told him what happened, starting from the time I left his lab and stayed in my room and was kidnapped by the High Commander's Protector, to the torture John had inflicted on me for days, to my incredible escape, and to where I found the girl and decided to help her escape.

Sam's eyes widened when he heard that I was captured and tortured before widening even more at the fact that I had helped a mutated child escape from the Torture Chamber. He was muttering under his breath as I talked, but I didn't bother to listen as I sensed the girl behind me calm down to concentrate on my words.

As promised, I didn't leave anything out as I told Sam the impossible strength I felt at my incredible escape, the possibility that my hearing has tuned even higher to be able to hear even the sounds of cars passing by from underground, and my eyes and eyesight.

I knew that the girl was listening, but I didn't care. My only focus was to change out of Sam's tight and short clothes.

When I finished, there was a moment of silence as Sam processed the information I had given him before lifting a shaky hand to push his curly hair back. Of course it did nothing to tidy his untamed hair.

Finally, he said, "I don't know what to say."

I stared at him, trying to find the pity that most people would wear on their faces when they hear of what a person has been through. Seeing none but the deep thinking on his features, almost made me smile.

To prevent myself, however, "How about you say nothing and just give me the clothes you brought?"

Sam's face broke into a grin, an expression I had slowly grown fond of. That feeling was one I would never tell Sam, however, or his confidence would most likely inflate.

Without another word, Sam picked up a bag next to him and tossed it at me. I caught it with ease before making my way to Sam's room, however, a small hand wrapped itself around my wrist and stopped me.

I stiffened and was about to reprimand and threaten the girl once again, but the words died on my tongue when I saw the expression on her face. She was frightened, and I suspected it was because she feared to be alone with Sam.

It was absolutely ridiculous that she would be frightened of the scrawny male in front of me who looked like he would faint at the sight of blood. But somehow, I knew I needed to reassure her that he would not harm her.

Slowly turning around to look at the girl, I crouched down and placed a hand on her shoulder comfortingly. At least, I hope it was comforting.

"Don't be afraid of him. He is a friend and wouldn't dare harm or kidnap you."

Her eyes still held fear, but I squeezed her shoulder in what I hope was gentle, before standing up. I passed by Sam's figure who ignored me to gaze at the girl with a large smile.

I knew, without a doubt, that Sam would dissipate her fear and win her over by the time I finished undressing. So with the intention of making them good acquaintances that would most likely happen in my absence, I took my time in the shower before grudgingly dressing in the clothes Sam brought me.

Though I half expected for them to be casual clothes with some kind of abnormal color combination, I was surprised to see my usual uniform from the Society. Even when I was out for blood on the superiors, it was hard not to appreciate the uniform they provided us with.

As I finished slipping it on, I took one last look at myself in the mirror before turning around to the door. I opened it and slipped through as I slightly tuned into my hearing to listen to the conversation the girl and Sam were having.

It seemed I was right with the girl and Sam. Soft giggles came from the kitchen, one of them male and the other female. Sam said something witty and the girl laughed again, sounding as if she hadn't done so for a long time.

When I entered the kitchen, I stopped to lean on the wall as I gazed at Sam who offered a sandwich to the girl. She accepted the meal and quickly ate, satisfying the hunger she must 've been feeling.

A small smile finally edged its way at my lips as I watched the sight before me. Just when the girl turned her head to notice me, I dropped the smile as she silenced her laughter. She continued eating however though the silence became known when she didn't laugh at another joke made by Sam.

Noticing this, Sam looked up before he shook his head slightly, his grin not fading, "Ah, I understand. You must have been threatening her for her to feel frightened by you, Void."

Sam removed his gaze to glance down at the girl, "Don't worry, A, that's just Void's way of starting a conversation with new people. Believe it or not, she'd done the same to me but I overlooked her somewhat grumpy exterior to see that she's just a real softy on the inside. She doesn't mean any of what she threatens", He paused for a moment before adding as an afterthought, "most of the time."

He looked up at me and winked as I gave him a blank look.

"So now that we're settled", Sam clasped his hands together, "We can start with work."

I nodded at him, .

Sam looked down at the girl for a few long moments before gently asking, "Is alright with you if we ask you a few questions?"

The girl nibbled on her lower lip as she contemplated the question before slowly nodding.

"Great!", Sam said enthusiastically, "Follow me then."

Sam shuffled his way past me and the girl followed, as I took up the rear. He made his way past his bedroom to the wall at the far end of the hall.

I stared as Sam pressed something on the side and the wall popped inward, before sliding to the side. Beyond it, was a plain metal door. Sam touched the exterior of it before a small sound of approval was heard from within and the metal door slid to the side, just like the wooden wall before.

Sam tilted his head in our direction, and I saw the small proud grin on his face before he walked beyond the portal. The girl turned her head to me for a moment afterward, as if wanting to see my confirmation that it was safe to go inside. I only gave her a hard stare.

I was unaffectionate as usual, but she didn't seem to mind it as she gave me a small smile and went after Sam. Not hesitating like her, I followed them.

There was a sharp turn on the right as I walked right behind the girl, ignoring her occasional glances back as my presence reassured her. Beyond the turn was something similar to the lab Sam had in the Society, only with more gadgets and metal things lying around the floor like he started a project, got bored and discouraged and left it all over the place.

But instead of the room being just plain white, it was a mixture of silver and green. I was surprised that he had taste for his workplace, but I guess he bothered with it enough to pick colors that actually complement each other, rather than the monstrosity outside.

At the wall opposite the entrance was a glass computer with, what I guess, has the same features as the one in the Society. At the sides of the glass were chemicals and contraptions to mix them. At the center however was something different than the one in the Society that drew my attention away from computers and devices littering the lab. There was a tall platform with stairs circling it.

I frowned at platform. It looked simple enough and there where no signs of devices for experiments around it. Sam probably thought that he could invite a band to perform for him.

Knowing Sam, the use for the platform may just be that.

Sam walked around the platform and approached the glass. Not hesitating for even a moment, he stretched out a hand and placed it on the surface before pulling it away. The imprint of his hand lingered on the glass before it turned green and faded.

"Okay. So let's start with this", Sam said before turning around and crossing his arms, "Void here is a mutant."

He paused, "That just gave me an image about monster turtles living in the sewers."

He shuddered before shaking his head, "Anyways, Void is different and from what I've heard from Void who heard from your torturer, you're different as well."

Sam stared at at her as he waited for an answer.

The girl, who I still don't know the name of and much less care, was standing next to me uncomfortably. She was was leaning in to her right and left as she hesitated before finally nodding in confirmation.

Sam continued, "Can I ask what kind of animal's DNA they used?"

"Wolf", she whispered as she looked down to gaze at the floor with a tired look.

I stayed silent, not wanting to speak. Not because I was tired and quiet as I usually was, but because I might open my mouth and say something harsh and stupid to the girl.

"So you were born with the gene as-"

"Born?", the girl cut off Sam and barked out a forced laugh, "No. I was experimented on."

Sam and I shared a look.

"By who?", Sam asked intrigued.

The girl began shivering as her eyes glazed over. It seemed that she was reminiscing the past and from her reaction, it was not good.

"A? Can you tell me who experimented on you?", Sam asked again.

The girl shook her head quickly as she shivered harder.

"Hey", I couldn't help but say and I was surprised when in came out softer then expected.

I was tempted to swallow my affection and return to the emotionless killer that I was, but I couldn't. Not yet at least when the girl needed affection for her traumatizing experience other than threats.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Sam blink and raise in brows in surprise at my gentleness, but I ignored him as I forced my attention to the girl.

"It's alright", I placed a hand on her shoulder.

She flinched at my touch before slowly relaxing.

Good. Progress.

"The past is nothing more than a shadow. A shadow that always follow you around. It is a part of you that you can never run away from, but it is also that part of you that shapes you as you are: a strong - minded person who survived. You are a survivor, and you should be proud of that."

That had been a mouthful. I felt the words gurgle at the back of my throat like poison but I somehow manage to voice them out without wincing from the effort.

I sigh silently in relief when the girl stopped shivering in fright and slowly look up at me with wide eyes.

Forgetting about the words I said that I may regret later because she would see me as soft, I gave her as small smile of encouragement.

Tears were in her eyes as she pulled me into a hug.

I felt my eyes widen in surprise as her arms laced around my hips. Because she was small, her head only reached the bottom my chest, but she paid no mind to it as she hugged me tighter.

Finally stiffening when I realized that I was being hugged, I stared at the girl as I widened my eyes even more. It was a long time since I was hugged but I remembered my last one.

The girl's arms around me felt suspiciously like the arms of my mom when she hugged me goodnight with promises of waffles in the morning as my dad winked at me from the door. But her promise didn't come true that night she was killed along with my dad.

I pulled away from the hug as I blinked away the tears that threatened to fall. No. I will not be weak. Never again.

Swallowing harshly, I blinked one more time to ensure that no tear has dropped, before clearing my throat, "Okay, that's enough of that. Let's go back to the topic."

I felt both of their stares as they observed me. Feeling myself return to my emotionless state, I stared them down.

Seeing the promising threats behind my eyes, they dropped their gazes. Thankful for that, I sighed under my breath once again. I didn't want them to know that the hug affected me or they would see me as weak.

And I hated looking frightened. Causing fear is one I am most extraordinary at, not the opposite.

"A, tell us, who tortured you?", Sam asked again with his gentle voice.

"A m-man. A man in a cloak and a mark on his right chest".

I frowned slightly, her description sounding familiar, "Did you see his face?"

She shook his head, "No, he always covers it with a large hood."

"Wait a minute, what mark?", Sam asked confused.

Confused as well, I stared at the girl, wanting to know who was the cause of her mutation. Not because I cared, but I wanted to know if he or she would do it again.

"The mark was on his cloak. It looked like some kind of bird that had its head up."

My blood ran cold. The High Commander. There was no mistaking it and it seemed like my task on knowing more about the matter of mutation would be more difficult with the High commander always heavily protected.

"The High Commander", Sam whispered to himself as if he couldn't believe it.

But I could. I didn't trust the High Commander the first time I saw him as he took the role of the highest ranking man in the Society. It had always seemed suspicious that he appeared for the role right after the former one had disappeared.

"A, is it alright if I take a sample of your blood", Sam slowly asked.

The girls eyes widened as she shook her head feverishly. She once again began to shiver from fear and unconsciously, I reached out my hand and gripped her shoulder once again.

My mouth was closed as I didn't bother to reassure her with my comments and opinions again. The last one had been tiring and I knew I wouldn't talk like that again for at least a few months. Who knew being nice was exhausting?

I squeezed her shoulder tighter and, as if knowing with my touch that I was telling her that she didn't need to be afraid, she relaxed and slowly nodded her head at Sam, who in return grinned at her before taking out a needle.

I saw the girls eyes widened but she remained still as Sam lifted her right arm up and slowly injected the needle in the crook of her elbow. She slightly winched but impressively stayed still until Sam took the needle out. He immediately pressed a ball of cotton on the bleeding wound for a while before taking it out to see that the small wound had already stopped bleeding.

Sam didn't seem surprised as he turned around with the needle in his hand.

Without helping myself, I called out for Sam's attention. "Sam, take a sample of mine as well."

Sam continued walking to a table at the far end of the room and placed the needle in a small square platform. He typed on something before a glass shot out to form a box around the needle before he finally tilted his head in my direction.

"Why? I don't need your blood to examine you, I could still determine what happened to your hearing and eyes by taking a look-", Sam rambled on, but I didn't need it right now.

I still needed to know why I was captured in the first place and I needed to know it quickly before John finds me. He had threatened me about some tests in which I had no idea of but I didn't want to take any chances. I had to get away before they could track me to Sam, if they haven't already.

"Just do it Sam."

taking the hint, he shut his mouth and approached me with another needle in his hand. Slowly, he pressed it in the crook of my elbow before taking it out, satisfied with the amount that he took.

"Now I'll be taking my leave. Call me for any updates", I said before turning around.

Before I could take a step however, a hand gripped my wrist. The small size of the hand was enough to let me know that it was the girl.

"Please don't leave me", she whispered shakily as if frightened that she would be taken by the monsters that took her if she ever let me out of her sight.

"Sam will keep you safe here until I figure a way out of this mess", she opened her mouth but I cut her off, knowing what she would ask me. "Alone."

She bit her lips for a moment before she grudgingly nodded and let my hand go. I gave her a long stare before walking out of the lab. Stepping out of the door to the hall with the familiar monstrosity of blended colors, I sighed, feeling tired.

It seemed my sleep hadn't been enough, but at the moment, I had to forget about my fatigue and focus on my task. At the first day I had been captured, the High Commander had asked me a series of questions concerning Allen's death. I had heard the small edge in his voice as he asked me those questions as if this Allen was a person that had the potential to destroy him. And a man with that much effect on the feared High Commander may have the answers I was looking for.

And if he wouldn't answer my questions, then I'd guarantee his death just of the heck of it.

A small dark smile slowly formed on my lips at the thought. I was loving this plan already.

Before I could take another step to Sam's room to fetch my things, I heard fast approaching footsteps behind me. I stiffened, expecting to see the girl who forgot about my order to run after me, but was surprised to see Sam.

"We need to talk."

I raised an eyebrow at him, "I have to meet up with someone."

He immediately cringed, knowing exactly what would happen at the supposed meet - up. "Whatever, I do not need to know the details of what you have in mind, but I still have to ask you something."

I gave him a pointed look as I awaited the question.

"Why the hell are you leaving a fugitive in my house and in my care? She wouldn't hesitate to steal my stuff or slit my throat out when I turn my back to her", he whispered furiously.

I gave him an unimpressed look. He was seriously wasting my time and I didn't want to stay longer than necessary, but I knew I had to give an answer or he wouldn't let me leave.

"As if she could steal these outrageous and horrifying things, Sam. These disaster of designs could very well make her mad if she stares at it for long much less survive stealing it. And kill you? Really?"

He pursed his lips but I knew he was offended with my comment on his apartment. "But she could get me killed, Void. You smuggled her out from a place with very high security-"

I scoffed under my breath, but he ignored me.

"-and people would come looking for her and you're just gonna leave her with me?"

I narrowed my eyes at him, "I know, Sam. Why do you think I even decided to go in the first place when I knew that I could protect you myself? I have to find out what is going on, Sam. And the person I am going to meet with could have the answers."

He stayed silent, causing me to continue, "You will be safe as long as you stay in here until I return, hopefully with the answers."

There was a moment of silence as Sam contemplated the things I said. Finally he nodded.

"Stay here until I return and call me for any updates", my face darkened, "or if something happens."

I didn't wait for his reply or comment as I retrieved the things I needed, as well as both of my arm- length blades and left the apartment.


Hey guys! Sorry for the late update, my mom had an accident a few days ago while we where walking to the bus station since I had to enroll for school. Long story short: she fell and twisted her elbow.

I swear I feel like my family is a magnet for all thing dangerous... but I was wondering why no accident happened to me. Not that I'm suicidal and want to die or anything, but I just want to skip school. And the best excuse to skip it would be... drum roll please... near death situations!

God I want it.

Anyways, I hope this long ass chapter makes up for the days I missed on updating.

And, BTW, to all those frequent commenters out there, thank you so much for the comments! I really appreciate them and I tend to get encourage to write more often.

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