Code Lyoko: The Broken Time (...

By DakkokuSuru

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Tells the following story about what happened after Season 3 ( X.A.N.A 's defeat )...Hope you guys enjoyed it... More

Season 1: X.A.N.A Awaken//Episode 1: Start Up (Part 1)
Episode 2 : Start up ( Part 2)
Episode 3 : Project Paradox
Episode 4 : New Allies , New Hope
Episode 5 : The Terror From The Sky
Episode 6 : XANA Halloween Surprise
Episode 7 : Unknown Danger
Episode 8 : The Christmas Miracle
Episode 9: Time Loop
Episode 10: The First Wave
Episode 11: Cold Cut
Episode 12: Paradox Past
Season 2: Broken Reality // Episode 1: Paradox and Consequences
Episode 2: Back on Track
Episode 3: Fracture in Time
Episode 4: Who's Who
Episode 5: Jack and Annie
Episode 6: The Dunbar Brothers
Episode 7: Destiny
Episode 8: Brother Showdown
Episode 9: Winter's Howl
Episode 10: Seize of Camelot
Episode 11: Hard Time
Episode 12: Final Battle (End season 2 )
Season 3 : Legacy // PROLOGUE - Birth Of A Generation
Episode 1: Ghost from the past
Episode 2: Team Lyoko Warriors
Episode 3: Surprise Attack
Episode 4: Fusion of 2 Generation
Episode 5: Rise Of The Descendants
Episode 6: The First Test
Episode 8: Family Reunion
Episode 9: Sweat ,Bits and Bytes
Episode 10: Rises of Evil
Episode 11: Family Business
Episode 12: Return to the past
Episode 13: New Replica, New Trouble
Episode 14: Dokusei no Numa
Episode 15: Pieces of the puzzle
Episode 16: Pride and Love
Episode 17: The Doctor, The Artist and The Gunner
Episode 18: The Great Beast
Episode 19: Back to the future (Final)
Episode 19: Back to the future (Alternative End)

Episode 7: Rebirth of XANA

21 1 0
By DakkokuSuru

Date 8th October, 2030- *yawning* Maya wake up, brush her teeth, comb her hair and ready for school, she sit down at the table with her family and have breakfast

- Maya: Dad, where's Edward?

- Jeremy: he already go first, he said he have some project to do there, maybe a science project?

- Tv News: this is your daily news, brought to you by Kadic News station, here is our host, Tamiya Diop

- Tamiya: lady and gentleman, we have some news for you, Celebrity Singer Olivia Delarobia have just published her new album "Just for moment", the sale is expected to be 10 million copies, in other news, Chairman of Dunbar's Technology Inc, have something to say to us, at the scene now, our ace reporter Amelia Solovieff

- Amelia: here is our special interview with mr William Dunbar

- William: thank you Milly, we have a new gaming product call the Neurone Virtualizer, rather than heading to the game center or buy a scanner which is on sale from 30% to 50%, you can use this single object to enter the game, buying this will also give you 10 diamond loot box for you and you can share your code for your friends for them to get 1 loot box

- Amelia: that a very wonderful news for all gamers, but we also heard that many of them having issue enter the game

- William: yes i am very aware of that matter, my team of technician is trying their best to take care of this problem.

- Amelia: thank you for your time mr Dunbar, back to you Tamiya

- Tamiya: here is our Healthcare news, a very strange disease call Fièvre saignement de nez, which symptoms include a very sudden fever, noisebleeding ,nausea and fainted, in severe case could cause a comas. Citizens are advice to wear facemask when going to populated area. Finally, the weather report, today it going to be... (*turn off TV*)

- Maya: ok, bye, mom and dad, i'm heading to school, love you

- Jeremy/Aelita: love you too

Maya go to school, on her way there she see a car heading in her direction then stop, the car window open up

- Oliver: what's up Maya, wanna ride

- Maya: Oliver? When did you have a car? Did you even have a license?

- Oliver: it a long story, hop in, i'll tell you on the way

*Maya open the door and enter the car* - Oliver: my mom is going on a tour around France, maybe the USA,she may gone for 1 month, so she bought me a car and help me get my driver 's license

- Maya: how long did you own this car, it look new from the outside but in here it kinda old and messy

- Oliver : oh, funny story, i sometimes sleep in here if i don't like sleeping in bed, but seriously, i own this car for a year now, but my driver license just approved 3 day ago

- Maya: you probably fail the test a lot of time , didn't you?

- Oliver: yeah, it only took, let see 1...2....11 times for me to pass, but dont worry, i not a bad driver, honest (*police siren*)

- Maya: you were saying?

Oliver pull over, he pull the window down for the officer to ask him

- Office: could you show me your driver's license, please

- Oliver: here you are mame (*give the license*)

- Officer: here is the problem,(*excited*) my daughter are a huge fan of you, could you sign me a autograph

- Oliver:( *sign the autograph on the speeding ticket the officer about to give*) here you go, have a good day officer

- Officer: you too Oliver, next time, try to slow down

- Oliver: i'm sure i will (*wink*)

- Maya:(sarcasticly) sure you are

They reach the school, Odd have hire 4 security guard and a parking space for Oliver, the security are waiting for him in front of the school's ground, he park his car, they open the door for him then just stand there and guard the car. Oliver go to the locker area while Maya searching for Edward at campus, she found him sitting on a bench with a laptop, she come closer and see him writing some kind of code so she ask

- Maya: Ed, what are you doing?

- Edward: (*surprise*), oh Maya, didn't see you there. I'm making a defense protocol for Sector 5 since it is now vulnerable to any attack

- Maya: oh, how long have you been working on this

- Edward: 5 days straight already, today i add in 1 final touch to complete it (*hit enter*)

Edward about to send the program to the supercomputer via Split sender( a method of transferring data by split into multiple file and send it) but then he receive an email, he open it up, a tiny spark on the laptop zap him making him almost drop the laptop on the floor, then it automatically turn off. Edward is about to restart the laptop but his friends show up

- Emma: hello you two, Ed, you never get your eye out of the screen aren't you?

- Edward:( *stand up*) well, i suppose to... (*dizzy*)

- Emma: Edward? Are you ok?

Edward body temperature raise to 37 degree, his noise is slowly bleeding

- Maya: oh my god, your noise is bleeding

Edward hearing echoes "Ed... Ed... Ed... " then pass out, he fall to the ground, Oliver quickly tell the nurse but she couldn't do anything so she have to call ambulance, they take him to the hospital, the doctors call Jeremy to inform him that Edward is in the emergency room, hearing a shocking news, Jeremy quickly rushes to the hospital while the supercomputer warning constantly. Aelita have to call the team to the Lab, she use the spectre program to create clones of the team, the spectres spawn near the school and run to the team and deliver the message from Aelita. They sneak out of the school and go to the lab.

- Aelita: alright team, we are having an attack on Sector 5, hurry. / Scanning, virtualization

They spawn at Sector 5, they see a wreckage leaving behind, the securities gate are destroyed, multiple shields are broken.

- Eric: this place look like a tornado went through

- Aelita: the sensor detected Nero and Clara presence at level 3, you have to stop them from reaching the elevator at level 5.

- Emma: alright then, move!!!

They run and run until they see them.

- Nero: take care of these nuisances, i'll go for the Core

- Clara: my pleasure

- Maya: hey stop!

(*slash*), (Maya pushed back), - Clara: you not going anywhere

Meanwhile at the hospital, Doctors are using emergency treatment to Edward, they give him icepack to cool down and give him injection. The fever is stopped for a moment but the bleeding continue, they put him to a room with a nurse to take care of him. Jeremy made it to the hospital, he asked the doctor where is his son, he reply to room 205-B, Jeremy go and see Edward.

- Jeremy : son? Are you alright?

- Edward: *moaning* ... (his hand won't stop shaking as he trying to signal his father)

Jeremy notice and look at the backpack being hanged at the edge of the bed, he open it and take out Edward's laptop. He open it and see a program waiting to be sent. He hit send.

At the same time, at Sector 5, Clara are holding the Lyoko Warrior at bay, they can't pass. Eric use Ulrich's sword with Oliver attack, they charge at Clara, Oliver's Tornado breakdance with Eric Rapid Slash damage Clara but then she use her shield and reflect all the damage back at the 2. They instantly devirtualized. Maya and Yumeko combined attacked, Maya use Rose Storm with Yumeko's spell- Trigger Bomb, the rose petals fly to Clara position and exploded, it stunned her, Emma take the chance to attack, she throw XANA's sword at Clara, the sword went through Clara and devirtualize her. They rush to the elevator and see Nero have boarded it to ride to the Core. Aelita quickly react by sending the vehicle

- Maya: what are they vehicle?

- Aelita: something left over from our time, now use them to catch him

They hop on the Overboard and Overwing, they fly to the Core. They see Nero are about to destroy the core until the program transfer completed and create a shield to block Nero's attack

- (*phone ringing *) Aelita: Hello?

- Jeremy: Did the program work?

- Aelita: it work and just in time too.

- Emma: look like your plan fail

- Nero: no, this is not over yet

- (Secret frequency) Tyrone: don't worry, i can break that shield in 20 minute, 5 if you use Belpois's daughter DNA

Nero smile, he faded away, the team think he have escape, then , Emma heard a stream of wind blowing , she block with the sword, *crack*, she got knock back as the sword are spinning midair , Nero jump and take the sword, he slice 3 time to see it finesse

- Nero: you hold on your hand the most powerful weapon of all and you can't unlock it full potential

He turn the handle of the sword, the eye glow red and red spark coming out of the sword

- Nero: let me show you, Ha!!!

He spin and create a electrical shockwave, Maya conjure an energy shield up to protect her friends, it pass through the shield, Emma, Yumeko and Maya are paralyzed, the electric twisted and handcuff Emma and Yumeko. Nero grab Maya to put her near the HUD at the Core, he let the computer scan her hand, the Core shield decayed. Nero place his hand on the HUD and begin downloading data

- Nero: alright Tyrone, do your job

- Tyrone: excellent work

Emma and Yumeko break loose , she throw the yoyo blade at Nero, he push Maya to block the attack, Maya is devirtualize

- Emma: oh no what have i done

- Nero: here is your sword back

Nero control the sword and slice through the girls, they are devirtualized, with no one on Lyoko, Nero wait for Tyrone to download all the data then destroy the Core. He punch straight through the 3 layer. The Core explode and the supercomputer crash. The monitor monitor is blue and the CPU are fried. Tyrone combined the 3 code then run with the program Nero and Clara give to him, he see the screen are buzzing, a blurry symbol begim popping up. That when he realized what he have done. The program complete as XANA are revived, it quickly transfer itself to Tyrone's Cortex. Franz Hopper busted in Tyrone's private lab with securities but they are too late. Franz can't come up with any evidence to accuse Tyrone working with Nero and Clara so they have to let him go

- Tyrone: ha ha ha, you are too late Franz, my plan have completed , also send to Dunbar this message "I QUIT"

- Franz: securities , take him to the main door!

They lead Tyrone out of the company, Franz go to meet William

- Franz: so, XANA is back again, and this time it have some allies, not to mention of 1 them is my former colleague

- William: hmm, look like the kids aren't strong enough yet, i need to make a phone call... *ringing*... hello, Monty,...

Franz leave the room for William to call. Meanwhile at the hospital,Edward have fall into a comas, but inside Edward's mind, he wake up in his bedroom, he get dress then open the door then encounter Maya

- Edward:*startle*, Maya, what are you doing here? I thought you were at the lab fighting Nero and Clara

- Maya: Lab? Nero? Clara? What are you talking about?

- Edward: you know, fighting 2 evil descendants to save the world

- Maya: have you been drinking energy drink again Ed, you know that not good for you

- Edward: no!!! This is serious, have yoh forgotten everything in that journal

- Maya: what journal?

Edward take Maya to Jeremy lab in the basement, he access it with no problem, but when he come in to search for the journal he didn't find them anywhere.

- Maya: Edward, you know dad will get mad if we get into his lab

- Edward where is it? They are suppose to be in the cabinet under the desk

- Maya: come on, let get out.

Edward is stuck in a world inside of his head, the world is created by Nero to keep Edward in a comas, it is similar to the real world but every evidence of XANA existence have been erase.

At the real world, Aelita call Jeremy

- Aelita: we have failed, XANA have been reborn, the supercomputer have been destroy, it can't be used no longer.

- Jeremy: oh no.

- Aelita: is Edward alright

- Jeremy: unfortunately he is in a comas, doctors tried their best but can't do anything else

The team along with Aelita, Franz Hopper and Lindana Hopper come to the hospital to visit Edward

- Maya: get well soon Edward

Franz then tell them who is the culprit behind XANA's revival.

- Franz: XANA have been brought back by Tyrone, the world is in danger once again

- Jeremy: you're right, with technology evolve so fast, the world is more and more connected with each other

- Aelita: but you a plan, don't you?

- Franz: i put a tracking bug on Tyrone's lab coat when he didn't notice, i may track his whereabout. In the mean time, all of you should stop using Facebook or any social network, and don't overuse your smart phone.

- Jeremy: i and Aelita will develop a new XANA's activities detector. And kids...stay at school. I will contact if we need your help

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