bad luck // dan howell

By godcurly

84.6K 2.5K 2.1K

[C O M P L E T E D] in which a girl who's bad luck is getting the best of her meets the boy who helped her ge... More

twenty-one: part one.
twenty-one: part two
bonus chapter - the chapstick challenge
bonus chapter - twerking dare
bonus chapter - dirty secrets
8tracks playlist (⌒▽⌒)
character ask.
character answers.
explanations and thanks.


3.2K 75 58
By godcurly

     "Dan, where are we going?!" I yelled as he opened up the door on my side of his car.

"It's a secret!" He yelled back as he shut the door and went around to his side and got in.

"I'm scared." I simply stated.

"What? Do you not trust me?" Dan said, gasping, pretending to be offended.

"We've known each other for what, two days? And now you taking me to secret places. For all I know, you could be taking me to a meth lab." I told Dan and he laughed.

"No, now now. It's not a meth lab, I promise!" Dan said, starting the car.

After we stopped talking for a little bit, I broke the silence.

"Please tell me. I'm not sure if I want to go anywhere with you without knowing where you're taking me," I said laughingly and Dan smiled that signature smile, his dimple becoming prominent in his cheek, "I also hate surprises." I told Dan.

"We'll have to warm up to each other. But this is a surprise and you'll just have to deal with that." He told me, smiling again. He smiled so much, and that's good for me because I love his smile.

The car became silent again. We talked about a lot of things, but we always had so many awkward silences. I looked out the window and we started to slow down. I looked forward and saw that we were parked at the London Eye. My eyes widened and a smile spread across my face. I had never been on the London Eye before, even after living in London for such a long time.

"We're here!" Dan said as he pulled the keys out of the ignition and got out of the car. I got out, too and walked to the front of the car.

"This is so cool." I said in amazement.

"Have you ever been? I haven't." Dan asked, laughing at the end of his sentence.

"No, even after being in London for so long, I just never came here." I told him.

"Too much time on tumblr to go anywhere." Dan said.

"You got that right." I said back as we walked up and paid to go on it. We walked over to the line and stood next to each other.

"You know how when you fell that day, you knew who I was?" Dan asked. My cheeks flushed pink. Great, it's going to get all awkward now because I am a fan of him, it just seems so awkward.

"Yeah, about that. I watch-"

"My videos, I kinda figured." Dan sighed.

"No, jesus christ." I mumbled to myself.

"What?" Dan asked me, I must've mumbled to loud.

"I, I just made things weird." I said, hanging my head. It was true. I just messed things up.

"No, no. It's okay." Dan told me, making my head look back up at him.

"Uh, no, do you notice how weird this is. Me knowing so much about you and you barely knowing anything about me." I said to him.

"Arizona, I think it's okay that you're a fan. That doesn't mean we can't be friends. And it's not weird, it's my fault that so many people know me. It's absolutely okay." He told me. I nodded and looked ahead. We were closer in line to getting on.

After about 3 more minuets, we got inside.

"Oh my god, I finally got on it!" I said, clapping for myself. Dan stepped in and sat down across from me.

"Yeah, this is pretty cool." Dan said.

We finally got up to the top and I looked around, taking in London from up high.

My attention to London didn't last very long when Dan spoke up, "Will you tell me about your dad?" He said is a quick manor. I was taken aback by his question. Before I could say anything, he spoke again, "You don't have to, I'm sorry. I was just. Nevermind." He said, putting his face in his hand. I looked away from Dan and back to London. I scanned some of the buildings and found the familiar bright yellow painted building that stood out from the others around it. Chandler's Bakery.

"Dan," I said and he looked up at me. I motioned for him to come to me. "You see that bright yellow building?" I asked him.

"Yeah, Chandler's?" He said back.

"Yeah," I said and I took a deep breath, "my dad would always take me there on Sunday mornings before my mum woke up. She hated to go there, none of us knew why. I think it was because there was a lady that worked there who always flirted with my dad, but that's just me. We'd always get donuts and hot chocolate, then we'd go sit on the bench right outside of the bakery and eat." Dan looked at me and smiled as I sighed. We started to go down more and the yellow building went out of sight.

"My dad also really liked football. I went to games with him and everything. Me, Dad, and Mum had a blast." I said. Dan didn't interrupt me, he just let me keep talking.

"And I think my most favorite memory of my dad is a tie between when me and him were feeding geese and they chased me onto a picnic table, but he saved me from those kid pecking bastards." I said, and Dan chuckled at my story, "Or it was a few days before he," I looked at Dan and stopped talking, I looked at the ground and took another deep breath, "passed on, but anyways he tried to get me to leave but I just wouldn't go. He pulled me aside and told me, 'The only reason I want you to leave is because I won't be feeling too well these last few days, and I won't get to do certain activities with your mum..' and I figured out he was going to do the dirty with my mum. I got all freaked out and I went and got Sadie and was like Dad is gonna do the dirty and we need to get out of the house."

By the end of my story, we were both laughing and our ride had come to an end. We got off and got into Dan's car.

"You would've liked my dad." I said to Dan as he started driving.

"It seems like I would've. He sounds like he was fun." Dan told me.

"He was. Those were some of my most favorite memories with my dad." I said, sighing, "I can't make anymore with him now that he's gone."

Dan looked at me concerned, probably taken aback by my negative comment, but then looked back at the road.

After a couple turns, we parked. Not at the building where Dan's flat was. We were at a cafe. Me and Dan both got out of the car and went into the building.

The inside was gorgeous, like right off some cover art for an indie band. I smiled at the vibe it was letting off.

"I kinda figured you'd like it. What do you want?" Dan said.

"Um, just surprise me." I told him.

"We've got time to kill," Dan said pulling out his phone and checking the time, "it's only 4. So go get is somewhere to sit." He instructed. I nodded and went and found a small table and 2 seats next to the window.

Dan came over with 2 drinks and sat one of them down in front of me. I didn't even hesitate to ask what he got, I just grabbed the cup and took a drink.

"Thirsty?" Dan said with a laugh and I nodded.

"Are you okay?" Dan asked.

"My dad really is gone. I'll never get to see him, you know." I said and Dan just looked down at his cup. We both stayed silent, drinking our tea. When we were both done, Dan grabbed our cups and threw them away and went to his car. Before he went to his side, he grabbed me and pulled me into a hug.

"It's okay." Dan said. I sighed and buried my face into his chest and closed my eyes.

I felt the wind back on my face when Dan pulled away and I suddenly became a little colder. We both got into the car and Dan turned on the music. My mood became a little brighter.

I watched the scenery that we past. Buildings, different subdivisions, other cars. After a little bit, we parked and got out of the car and began the walk to Dan's flat.

"I feel bad about Phil." I told Dan.

"He'll be fine." Dan assured me.

"I will take the couch, I'll be fine with that. It is his bed."

"No, it's fine."

"I want the couch." I insisted.

"You sure?" Dan asked.

"Positive." I said.

We walked a little longer and arrived to Dan's flat building. Once we got on the lift, I turned and looked at Dan. He looked down at me, since I was shorter than him, and smiled, I smiled back.

"Oh, you're so tiny, I hadn't noticed before." Dan said with a short laugh. I rolled my eyes and started laughing, too.

"Yeah, well, I noticed." I told him.

We walked into his flat and Phil was on the sofa eating.

"Hey you guys! I wondered where you went." Phil said. He was happier now that he had gotten some sleep.

"Yeah. We went to the London Eye, Arizona really liked it." Dan said back to Phil while putting his keys on the counter.

"Without me? But-" Phil said making a pouty face.

"I'm sorry, Phil." Dan apologized. He sat down on the other end of the couch, leaving me to sit in the middle. I thought about just going somewhere else in the flat, but Dan called me over.

"Phoenix." Dan said. I raised my head up and looked at him. I was leaning on the wall, messing with the nail polish on my index finger.

Dan smiled at me and patted the seat next to him, gesturing for me to sit by him on the couch. I walked over and slumped down in between Dan and Phil. I looked up at Dan and he looked at me and smiled. He smiled so much.

I pulled out my phone and started to scroll through Tumblr, scrolling quickly past the gifs, posts, and pictures about Dan and Phil, not wanting them to notice they're all over my dash.

"Arizona?" Phil said and I directed my attention away from my phone and to Phil.


"I'm sorry for being all grumpy this morning and last night. I was tired. I'm nice all the other times of the day!" Phil said to me.

"It's okay, I did invade your bed, so it's absolutely fine." I assured him.

"So, we're fine?" He asked.

"We is tight." I said in my most ghetto, American voice. I proceeded to try to make a gang symbol with my hands as Phil started laughing. I turned around and looked at Dan and he was laughing, too. I looked down and noticed my thigh was practically touching Dan's. I looked up at him and he noticed, too, but we stayed right where we were.

Dan, Phil, and I had stayed on the sofa till it was dark, laughing and messing around. Mine and Dan's bodies were close together, just barely touching. I was nervous, but Dan sure didn't seem to mind, so I stayed close to him.

I had taken a shower, using Dan's shower this time, and had put on some sweats and a t-shirt. Dan had fixed the sofa to make it as comfortable as possible. He had hugged me and told me goodnight and went to his room.

So here I am, laying on Dan's sofa, staring out onto the balcony, looking at London from up high again. As I was staring at the different colored lights against the black of the sky, sleep took me over.

"Arizona? Are you okay? What's wrong?" I heard Dan's voice say. I couldn't see him but I felt his arms, he had one hand holding mine, the other on my shoulder. I was crying and before I knew it, I wrapped my arms around Dan and pulled him close to me. He wrapped his arms tight around me, letting me sob hard into his chest as he held me. I couldn't remember exactly why I was crying but it was something about my dad.

"It's okay. It's okay." Dan cooed.

My crying stopped mostly, and Dan was still hugging me. He gave me an assuring squeeze before letting go. He got up and I laid back down. As he started walking away, I grabbed his hand.

"Please don't go." I said to Dan.

"Here come with me, the sofa is too small for the both of us." Dan said, entwining our fingers to guide me through his dark flat, as my eyes hadn't adjusted. I couldn't see his face, only the outline of him, but I looked up to him and I could feel him smiling that reassuring smile down at me.

He led me into his room and let go of my hand. I heard him mess with the covers and arranging pillows.

"Hop in." Dan instructed and I did. I wrapped my side of the covers around me. I felt the bed dip down next to me and Dan wrap the covers around him. He moved closer next to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"You're okay now?" Dan asked.

"Yeah, I guess." I told him. He nodded and pulled me closer while I buried my face in his chest. I had one hand on his chest and I noticed that his shirt was off.

My eyes adjusted to the dark and I could see Dan's features. Dan was snoring lightly, as he fell back asleep immediately, his chest rising and falling. I traced over Dan's collarbones and down his chest, making little patterns. I tried to turn over, but Dan held onto me tightly.

Laying here, entangled with Dan's warm body was so comfortable. Before I knew it, I was being taken over by sleep again.

(yes it was long, *bows*, you're welcome, you're welcome.


(ps, is daniel radcliffe in a gay porn movie? because erm, I found a gif but it may be fake.)

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