If I Had (Eminem Fanfic)

By absolute_threshold

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'If I had one wish, I'd like for y'all to take a seat And lend a ear to my mu-sic.' Pristine Douglas lives on... More

Just some insight
Chapter 1- Fuck it, It's all free
Chapter 2- Fuel for the meter
Chapter 3- Havin' Inferiority Complex Fuckin' One's Confidence
Chapter 4- It All Came Down In Just One Hour
Chapter 5- It's Desperation
Chapter 6- Underground Shit, Underground Feud
Chapter 7- The Way I Am
Chapter 9- Standing At Inferno
Chapter 10- YOU did it
Chapter 11- Life's a Bitch... And a Babe
Chapter 12- My Mom
Chapter 15- Live At Da Phat House
Chapter 16- "I Got 99 Problems And She's All 99 of 'Em."
Chapter 17- "Why Are You Showing Me This, Proof?"
Chapter 18- Up In Smoke
Chapter 19- "I poured my heart out to you."
Chapter 20- Homies
Chapter 21- Difficult
Chapter 22- One Shot
Chapter 23- One Opportunity

Chapter 13- Drunk In Love

406 18 2
By absolute_threshold

'Why The Shelter?' I staccatoed, rubbing the back of my neck. The reply came back after a minute, from behind the open bathroom door.

'It just is. Getcho' goddamn ass off that couch and get ready.' Jenna's occupied self called. I was clueless as to what she had been indulged in for the last half n hour. At one point, I thought she was pregnant. When she didn't come out in the first ten minutes, yelling 'I'm gon' fuckin' knock him out!' or something similar, shrugging it off, I put my attention back on South Park.

'Oh my god they killed Kenny again!' I huffed. 'What the fuckin' fuck, man, he died yesterday too!'

Jenna's snickers ricochetted off of me.

'My gals gon' be here anytime now.' I watched her walk out from the corner of my eyes. She was made up, from head to toe. When I still didn't acknowledge her, she yanked the remote from me, switching off the TV.

I shot her a glare, eyebrows corrugated.

'Get up.' She demanded.

I managed the most confusing look I could muster. But she only repeated again, so I obeyed.

She crossed her arms under her half exposed chest and huffed showily. She was wearing a black colored off shoulder dress beginning midway from her chest and ending at her upper thighs. Just the right kind of hooker clothing for showing off her ample bossom and tight ass.

'You're coming with me to the bedroom now.' Jenna decided, giving her chin a final tap with her index.

'Nooo! Don't ask this of me, Jenna. I don't see you that way. You know I love you and all,' Planking back down on the couch, 'but you're my friend.'

'Shutcho' trap. I'm but taking you-'

'You're butt raping me? Noo!'

She landed a smack on my head, making me fall silent. Then with a force I never thought she possessed, she pulled me up and made me consent to her demands.

I was all done according to Jenna by the time we heard three consecutive knocks on the door. The other girls we were going with, I may have only met them once or knew their names but they were actually Jenna's friends. When one black, blonde and red head stepped in, looking like they robbed some prostitute's wardrobe, it'd be correct to say their mouths dropped seeing me.

I was guessing it was the sudden transformation.

'I wouldn't know it's that white chick you hang out with if not for the pale skin color she got,' The black haired one, Natasha remarked, one hand on hips. 'Which is showing too much.' Her eyes trailed up my body.

'But I like how you look now, Pristine.' Red haired Karla smiled. 'Wayyy betterr than when you tried to impersonate Beastie Boys.'

I could only laugh, Karla was in one of my classes in high school, we rarely talked back then, but we were connected in some way through Jenna who went to the same school. We dropped out just before entering our Junior year.

And hence, Karla was amongst the few luckiest people to have witnessed my incredible sense of fashion during my early teens.

I ran my eyes on the lot and caught blondie Reyamee fidgeting. I was still in the dark about her, meaning I didn't know much about her except the fact she didn't open her mouth much and when she did, it was always to suck on some male organ.

'I think we gotta hurry our asses.' Jenna spoke, slipping in her stilettos, while passing me heels much shorter. My nose cringed on their own, but I didn't protest, conscious about where that'd get me.

They all exchanged glances amongst each other, fixing shit. 'We seem like we wanna welcome molestation at the Shelter.' Natasha commented.

'Absolutely.' Karla said, while the rest of us just nodded.

'Let's partayy!'

Third Person POV

Immensely bored out of his wits, the young man sitting at the bar made a flick of his finger and then yelled at the bartender to bring another of what he was having.

He was clad in his favorite- ocean blue windcheater, under which he wore a comforting wife beater. For the lower half of his body, raven black jeans did the part. Nut brown boots finished off the look, while his messy mop of thick, curly hair began it. Attracting most of the female attention, he sat detached, not interested. Meanwhile The Shelter was bubbling with noise, loud speakers blaring with music emitting from the playing band's instruments on stage. The crowd's own hubbub was at par with the music, people on the floor danced, grinded, committed sins. But the show had just begun, so Keid knew it would be only a matter of minutes till a fight picked up.

His fourth order of tequila was placed under his lowered head, and he stared into it as if trying to wrest secrets of life from the alcohol drink.

'Finally! Malibu Bay Breeze for all of us.' He heard someone say to his left, his pupils shifted in that direction, and he saw a posse of girls. The one who had ordered, he noticed, was standing next to a girl who wore the same dress as her, only in blooming red. While the other three chicks chattered among themselves, the two girls waited for the drinks to arrive.

The lids of his eyes snapped wide open when he realized who the chick in red was. Her chocolatey brown hair was let loose so they flowed down her bare shoulders. His eyes was stuck on her face that looked almost camouflaged due to the reason she looked so changed: painted ruby lips and mascara outlined eyes, highlighting her common brown eye color. Aside that, her smooth and glowing skin. When he let his eyes travel down, wrong move, he decided as something stirred in him. The womanhood who would've ever imagined she possessed or kept hidden under those oversized tees and pants. Although Keid had never looked at her that way before, it was amazing to look at those breasts on her. Fact she actually had them. And Keid couldn't even take it when she turned around, proving it she also owned an amazing ass. Better than the boobs. Definitely, he thought as he stared.

Finishing the shot in one swig, he got off the stool after paying. Someone else would certainly occupy it by the time he returned, but now he didn't care.

His little friend didn't give a fuck.

And he probably won't return.

But he waited till the girls received their order and she was the first to finish it. One by one, the bitches started to leave and when the brunnette one left, leaving her alone, Keid advanced with his footsteps.

'Pristine?' He drawled her name out, his state of being affected.

Her eyes showed a little bit of surprise, then realization. 'Keid? Man you drunk?' She slurred, smiling. 'What dafuq is this fuckin place? Ya know I hated it fo' some reason since I first visited in high school.'

Just then the guitarist of the band playing did his thing with the electric guitar for fifteen seconds.

'WHAT DAFUQ HE PULLIN'?' She yelled over the screams and music.

Keid bit back a sly smile, talking to her was still like talking to a fuckin' teenage boy.

'It's alternative rock!' He told her at the top of his voice. 'You want hip hop happenin' here, man you gotta come some other time.'

Her head lolled, and she clutched his upper arm to stay steady on her feet. 'I din't wanna come 'nyway they draagged me 'eere!'

Then turning her eyes away from the stage and the people crowding around it, she looked up at him, eyes glinting with drunkeness. 'So you like rock? That why you come 'ere tonight?' Pristine then broke into a smile. A drunk, quite sexy smile.

'I do. Like you've got this passion for rhymes and words and beats... I have for drums and guitars, anythin' that bangs!' Keid smiled back.

'Anything that bangs...' She repeated, making him chuckle.

'Oh yeah, I can't believe I forgot. You look beautiful, almost didn't recognize you.'

The praise made her lower her head and blush, like a Japanese school girl. Quickly snapping out of it, she examined him.

And her hormones kicked in.

'Thanks, you look great.'

In her eyes, Keid detected something which he liked.

Reaching down and close to her ears, making sure his eyes didn't falter, he quietly whispered in a husky tone.

'I think it's time you pay me for the drugs.'

Hushed voices and giggling was heard at the second floor of the 'Whorehouse 313' building. Eventually, Pristine and Keid had found their way to Jenna's apartment complex where she lived. Now Pristine struggled with the replicated keys of the flat, desperate to open the goddamn door.

'Open the goddamn door, Pristine!' Keid's voice came out anguished, his insides bursting with lust.

'I am fuckin' tryin' man!' Pristine retorted, as she bent over to put the key in the hole. 'Can't fuckin' focus in this shit and my ass is hurtin'. Feels like it's clipped.'

Keid glanced at her ass and groped it. 'Your ass is now safe in my hands.'

'Let go of my ass man, you can wait two minutes till you fuck me, goddarn.' Pristine growled.

The lock opened and so did the door. The pair didn't wait till they were fully in, and both pulled the other's neck, crashing their mouth against each other's. Pristine though managed to kick off her heels but he had to pull away to remove his boots.

With one leap, she wrapped her legs around his hips and he caught her ass. By one kick of his strong, long leg the door shut. All the while they didn't pull apart, and grunted sexily when one of them got rough on the other. Pristine felt by the time they will seperate, their lips will be swollen and bloody. But that wasn't the case, fortunately, as they broke apart and breathed, their chests heaving against each other, a pair of icy blue eyes levelling with a pair of brown ones.

Taking him by surprise, she kissed him again before unwrapping her legs and falling down on her feet on the floor. Her dress was pushed up from the bottom, and yet incredible amount of cleavage was in the open. She forced him to take off the jacket before he pulled something, literally. Lust swarmed over her heart as she saw him in the wife beater, portraying his lean muscled body.

'Oh my god,' She let out as he pushed her up against the wall. (A/N: there's always a wall)

Now Keid's personal amusement began as he massaged her breasts, making her erupt in moans and then closing her mouth with a kiss. She whimpered, and he opened one eye just to see her flushed face and tightly shut eyes. Closing it shut, he broke off and cocked his head at the same time one of his hands departed to heave her ass up, hinting at her to circumscribe her legs around his waist so he could now nibble at her neck and collar bones. Taking the hand out from under her, and pinning her to the wall with his waist, his hands went back to doing what they now loved doing.

Pristine let him do whatever he wanted, her arms draped around his neck and clinging to him. His lips found their way back to her mouth, and after a quick wrestling match between the tongues -the winner undetermined- the kiss ended. They breathed in silence, staring at one another hungrily.

'Let's go to the bedroom.' She managed, eyes drooping. Keid would have followed anyway, but she dragged him to the said room, dismissing the dangers she could face for using the room in the way she would.

Now it was her turn. Pristine shoved him on the bed, and he landed on his back. Climbing on top of him, she pulled his wife beater making him sit and smirk at her with amusement in his eyes.

Blocking his thin lips with hers as her hand disappeared into the forest of hair on his head, she deepened the smooch. Pulling him closer roughly by the hair, she continued the kiss till she deemed it fit that anymore would suffocate them both to death.

Keid pulled at her dress; her modesty bothering him. Her arms went behind her to unzip the dress but she struggled with it.

'Goddamn fuck! Shit won't fuckin' come off!' She cussed in vein. Keid swivelled her by the hips and unzipped the dress, and she quickly got out of it. Now standing in just a skimpy black bra and panties, Pristine rubbed the cheek of her butt. sighing, 'I hate that dress.'

'I love it.' Keid smirked. 'It showed me things I never would have seen in fuckin' sweats or jumpers.'

Her response was amusing; she smiled at him coyly and advanced, yet stopped dead in her tracks, as if shot from behind.

'What happened?' He asked, confused.

'You gotta condom?' She asked. 'I am not touching you without a condom.'

'No, I don't, sorry.' Keid admitted, his face red.

'Don't say sorry! A fuckin' sorry won't do. We have to find one. Now.' She commanded, her eyes already darting everywhere. Getting off the bed, she rushed to the bedside table and pulled open the bottom drawer.

And found one.

For Devin, gurl? She mused.

Pristine threw it in his direction and he caught it. Then climbing the bed, she snuggled next to him, and he pulled back to look into her eyes. 'I always wanted to ask you this. Uhh.. are you a-'

'This would be my second time, so fuck no.' She replied awkwardly.
'Let us now learn the beauty of human bonding.'
His sexy laugh churned her insides and her nakedness upped his manhood.

A/N: *Kenicca (Ken Kaniff female version) self* Holy mama. *eyes Pristine*
We be all night, looove, looo ve!

*normal Author person* : I didnt write porn. Can I get some applause?
nahh kidding. i am just a pussy when it comes to writing such scenes. Pussy as in a loser.
vote &  comment. thanks, G.

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