Dragon Ball Z fan fic ( Book...

By perrylovesyou

40.1K 574 218

Book one of the three book series Kikyo is a teenager girl who doesn't know who she really is until she fi... More

Sorry for the inconvenience
Chapter 1: " Your special you just don't know it yet! "
Chapter 2: Let's fly outta here
Chapter 3: Getting to know the family
(Extra) Sleepover Sleepover
Chapter 4: Learning about my parents
Chapter 5: Full moon
Chapter 6: Father Oh Father
Hey Guysss Imm soo sorryy
Chapter 7: the green eye power (Part One)
(Extra) Innocent
Good news!!!! DBZ2!!!
Wattys 2015
9.51k reads!!!!!
Almost 1k votes

(Extra) Flower for your mother and father

371 4 0
By perrylovesyou

"Tell me how this happened?" The investigator asked.

I shrugged.

"You don't know how you killed them?" He asked.

"I told you I didn't kill them. I found them." I answered.

"Usually when a parent tells their daughter that they're adopted they feel outraged and want to show them how they feel." He explained. "Did you want to show them how you felt?"

"I didn't kill them. I found them." I told him once again.

He sighed softly. "There has been many cases where the child killed the parents. Just a confession will bring this case to justice and you're looking at 10 years of jail and maybe off by 8 with probation for good behavior." He explained.

"Sir?" I questioned.

He rasied his eyebrows waiting for a response.

"Please go fuck yourself."

I placed a rose on their gravestone. Mom and Dad wanted to save up more money by being buried together. They always figured they'll grow old and die together. But in my mind set I thought they'll never die. Obviously, I was wrong.

"Why one rose?" Trunks asked as he walked beside me with flowers in his hand.

"My mom and dad aren't really a flower type of people." I wiped the tears that were forming up in my eyes. "When they'll go to funerals they would have one rose with them."

Trunks nodded slowly. He took one flower and laid next to my rose. He turned around with a smirk on his face.

"Pretty flowers for the pretty lady!" He handed them to me.

I gasped lightly. "Wow, so pretty. Thank you." I commented.

My heart began to fluttered as butterflies arises from my stomach. I smelt the flowers and slightly smiled.

He called me pretty!!

Trunks took the flowers away from me and place them on the ground. He grabbed both of my hands and held them to his chest. "Don't worry... we will get them back."

"What do you mean get them back? Get who back?" I asked.

"Your parents,Kikyo. There is more things beyond you that we can wish for." He answered.

I chuckled lightly as I bit my lip. I started shaking my head denying the information he was telling me. "They're dead. They can't be wished for."

"There are these things called the Dragon Balls and they can grant any wish that you want."

I yanked my hands away from his grip and punched him as hard as I could. He showed no effect to it at all but my hand was aching in pain.

"I can believe that I am from another planet by the information that you showed me and because of my tail. But this nonsense you are telling me, I won't believe. Because wishes are for children." I explained to him.

"I'm telling-" he stopped mid sentence.

I waited for him to finished. The only thing I heard was the birds singing and the wind blowing. I admit that Trunks does look nice. He was dressed in a black tuxedo that matched with the nice boy fibe he was giving out.His light blue eyes looked defeat which any girl ,including me, would fall for instantly. I might have fangirled a little inside, but it quickly vanished.

"Trunks, you came at my mom and dad's grave and just disrespected them. I want you to leave." I pointed behind me.

"But-""LEAVE!" I demanded.

He sighed softly as he put his hands in his pocket. He walked away and immediately I regreted him telling to leave. I heard his footstep decrease until I heard nomore.

"So sad... Don't you think?" A stranger asked.

I glared at the man who dropped a single petal on the grave. He wiped his hands on his strange type of clothing.

"Kikyo,right?" He asked.

I nodded.

He grinned at me. "You look just like your mother."

"I'm adopted... I don't look nothing like her."

"Ahh, so they told you when I could have sworn I told them-" his voice drift off.

I ran my fingers through my hair as I sighed with disbelief. Apparently, there are things I don't know about my parents. I don't even know this man, but they sure as hell did. How many more secrets did they hide?

"Lemme see your wrist." He demand as he grabbed my hand. I wasn't sure if It was me but I could have sworn his eyes were brown and not green. He held his free hand up and began muttered something.

"Kikyo!!" Bulla yelled.

The man stopped and his eyes went back to normal. He let my hand go and winked at me. "See you another time,Kikyo."

With a blink of a eye, he was gone like he was dream of some sort. I ran my fingers through my hair as I searched for the man twirling around in circles but found nothing.

"I'm right here!!!" Bulla yelled waving her arms in the air.

My eyes locked on hers. I waved back and ran towards her.

Maybe it was a dream?

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