By B000PA

10K 334 71

Namjoon began to move closer to me. It made me blush a little. I gave him a confused look, but he continued t... More

~chapter 1~
~Chapter 2~
~ Chapter 3 ~
~ Chapter 4 ~
~ Chapter 5 ~
~ Chapter 6 ~
~ Chapter 7 ~
Chapter 8
~ Chapter 10 ~
~Chapter 11~
~Chapter 12~
~ Chapter 13 ~
~ Chapter 14 ~
~ Chapter 15 ~
~ Chapter 16 ~
~ Chapter 17 ~
~ Chapter 18 ~
~ Chapter 19 ~
~ Chapter 20 ~
~ Chapter 21 ~
~ Chapter 22 ~
~ Chapter 23 ~
~ Chapter 24 ~
~ Chapter 25 ~
~ Chapter 26 ~
~ Chapter 27 ~

~ Chapter 9 ~

317 11 1
By B000PA

I woke up the next morning to a heavy breath amongst my lips.

When my eyes finally cleared, I could see a familiar face above mine. I pushed Namjoon off of me and quickly got up off the bed. 

"This isn't my room!" I screamed in terror, looking around the unfamiliar surroundings. My un-familiar surroundings. Namjoon's eyes widened, but then began to water as he started to chuckle 

"You're cute when you're snappy." He laughed, whilst I punched his arm. 

"Why am I in your bedroom Namjoon?" I straightened out my expressions, then stared at his eyes. He was next to me on his double-bed and I was up on my feet. I was still in my clothes from yesterday and my shoes were even still on. I didn't really like what I was wearing because it reminded me of the funeral. 

"You sort of fell asleep in my arms after blacking out with that creepy-" 

I stopped him.

"Leon's brother." 

Namjoon looked down in shame and gave me an apologetic look.

"Look, forget about it. I guess you took me to your room and- oh my gosh! Did-uhh-you know-anything happen?"

He gave me a confused look, then crawled over to me. He was still on the bed and I still remained next to the bed...on foot. 

"What do you mean?" Then his eyes widened further. "You mean you don't remember?" He smirked. 

"Don't joke with me Namjoon." I changed my tone and crossed my arms to give a serious effect. 

He cleared his throat.

"Why would you care anyway?" He asked.

"Why would I- are you serious? I want my first time to be special and with...you." I blushed.

"You mean you haven't?" 

"Haven't what?" I asked.

"Aww that means-"

"Oh my Gosh! Is that all you can think about?" I joked. 

"No it just means that I get to share my first time with someone I love." I could see right through him. He was blushing hard.

"Namjoon are you a virgin? Are you blushing?!" I squealed with cuteness, then I jumped onto the bed and hugged him. 

"Shush!" He moaned. 

He then looked at the time on his alarm and it was twenty minutes until I usually made my way to school. He unbuttoned his shirt, while I was in front of him and I could see his abs. It made me blush, but also scared because he was half-naked. 

"Namjoon, what are you doing?" I asked in my own curiosity. 

"I'm changing for college. What are you doing?" He smirked.

"Watching my boyfriend show off his abs." I giggled. 

"You're weird." He simply replied and jumped up from the bed. Then I realised that I had a depressing choice of clothing on. 

"What are you going to wear Kiba?" He asked, looking me up and down. I shrugged, as he opened up his wardrobe. 

"I'll find you something that isn't too me for you." 

"But I like you."

"You don't want to look like me though." He laughed, then pulled something out from the back of his wardrobe. It was an oversized hoodie and when he chucked it over to me, I could smell his scent. I smiled to myself and clutched it to my chest. Then he pulled out some old leggings. 

"These were my aunties if you like?" He chucked those over to me too. As he threw on another t-shirt of his, I tried to wiggle out of my dress, only realising that there's a zip. 

"Hey, can you get this for me?" I asked casually. 

He nodded and walked over to me. He started to slowly unzip my dress. "Do you need to change somewhere else?" He asked, being a gentleman. I shook my head in an instant and pulled down my dress. He turned away quickly and breathed heavily. 

"What's up?" I turned around to face his back. He knew that I was facing him and I knew that he was blushing. 

"N-n-nothing Kiba. It's just, I feel like if I was to see you like that-"

"Shut up Namjoon and turn around." I demanded and in an instant, he turned around. His eyes widened and just as I suspected, his cheeks were red as roses. 

"You look great!" He smiled and stared bellow. I rolled my eyes and turned my back away from him. I took the dress off from around my ankles and slipped on the leggings. Then I turned back around, but my lips were stolen by Namjoon. It was a quick kiss and it was awkward. He didn't seem right. 

"You aright?" I asked and smiled. Then I slipped over the hoodie and once again, my lips were stolen. This time, it was by Mr Passionate Namjoon. This one made me blush. Then all of a sudden, Namjoon swept me off of my feet and threw me on his bed. He began to climb on me and kiss me roughly. 

I returned it and couldn't help, but moan a little. 

"Shush! My mums awake!" 

I laughed at his comment, then he ran his fingers up my thighs, which made me moan even more. With his other fingers, he shut me up. I knew this wasn't right so I pulled out his kiss, but we were still face to face and he was still on top of me. It was an awkward moment, but it didn't bother me. 

That's when it happened...

The door swung open revealing a tall man with his headphones in and his eyes drawn to the both of us.

"Kiba?" The man called.

"You?" I replied in shock. I knew exactly who this was, but what was he doing here? 

"You know him?" Asked Namjoon.

"Oh I know him! That's my distant brother!" I yelled.

"But-but- that's my brother!" Namjoon relied, instantly forcing himself away from me.

And that's it guys! Chapter 10 will be here soon and I mean it! Sorry for the long chapter. Thought I'd play around with things. *face palms* that really doesn't sound right! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed soo....... you know what to do now I guess. Wait for the next chapter? No! VCF!! Love you my little aliens!! Thanks for the reads and votes and support xxxxxx heh ^^ 

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