How Dare You Call Me Romeo (H...

By TheBandNerd3760

31.4K 564 24

"Kendall!" I heard Harry call from behind me. No, I didn't want to talk to him. Next thing I knew he was in f... More

How Dare You Call Me Romeo (Harry Styles AU)
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One


858 15 0
By TheBandNerd3760

After the damn running I brought Angeline with me to the steam room. Thank god things like these were free. As I sat there I felt my muscles relaxing. "See, now this feels so much better than running."

"The only reason it feels so nice is because you tended your muscles up by running." she countered.

I stuck my tongue out at her, "Just shut up and enjoy it." I sighed dreamily. "I do have a question for you."

"Hmm?" was her only reply.

"How can you stand running so much? I mean you were never allowed when we were little because of... yeah."

She opened her eyes and looked at me, "That's why I can stand it. Mom and dad sheltered me because of that. I remember us having to stay in my room and play in there. We were only allowed to go out and run around for a small amount of time."

She sighed, "When we came here I forced myself to learn how to manage this with activity such as running. I didn't want to stay in seclusion all my life just because of my 'condition'." she sneered the last part.

I nodded remembering all those years of doing what we could to entertain ourselves in her room. The longest time we spent outside was in the pool where she didn't have to exert herself. As a kid I had never understood why we couldn't go outside, I had just accepted it to stay with my friend.

"It makes sense now that I think about it. I promise I'll keep complaining but I will exercise with you. Maybe." I laughed.

Angeline smiled, "I'm glad you understand."

"Can we go now? I feel like I'm sweating like a pig." I complained.

"This was your idea!" she exclaimed.

"Well, now I'm over it. Let's go!" I hopped up an tried to pry her ass off the bench.

"This is really sad. Maybe I should put you on weights tomorrow." she referred to my inability to pull her up.

"Screw you and let's go."

She stood up still laughing and walked out of the room, grabbing a towel on her way. "I think we still have time to run to the laundry."

I looked at my watch. It was only four, "Sounds like a plan. After than we can grab some food by the quad."

"Works for me." she walked out of the gym toward our room, "What do you want tonight? Don't say pizza we had pizza last night."

"Noodles." was all I said.

"Noodles? That's all you want?" she raised her eyebrows.

"Well there could be stuff on the noodles but I mostly just want noodles."

Angeline shook her head with a face palm, "I will never understand you." she muttered.

Angeline unlocked our room and we each walked to our side of the room to get our dirty clothes.

I heard gagging on Angeline's side, "How long has it been since we've done laundry? My clothes smell worse than death."

I took a whiff of my own clothes and nearly killed myself, "I'm not sure but I have a feeling it has been way too long. We better hurry before they eat us alive."


It took us an hour to get the stank out of all out clothes. I could have swore the place cleared out once we entered. Honestly I was surprised we had that many clothes. Once the laundry was don't we brought the dry clothes back to the dorm and headed to the quad.

"You don't think Harry and Niall will come after you again, do you?" I asked feeling a bit nervous.

Angeline looked around, "I'm not sure. They seemed pretty persistent. I honestly don't want to fight them. All of us could get suspension for that.It is seemed as more acceptable in the wrestling room but out here is a different story. They will probably wait until I'm back in the gym before they try anything." she sighed sounding tired, "Male egos are the worst to deal with."

"Female egos aren't much better. Take you for example. You can't stand to lose. That's something Niall and you have in common."

"Don't even go there Kendall. I told you, I'm over him. Feelings gone, forever." she snapped.

"You never know Angel. Your feelings could change."

"Exactly. They did change. They died after I saw him trying to do that girl on the lawn. Something like that really kills a crush Ken..." she trailed off.

We came up in a Chinese place, "They have noodles. You up for Chinese?"

She just shrugged, "I'll eat whatever."

"Great!" I was going to continue that conversation later but right now I needed food. Grabbing her hand I pulled her inside.

It didn't take long for the lady to seat us. "Explain to me why a boarding school has so many restaurants in it. It honestly makes no sense to me." Angeline said as she handed her meal card to the lady.

I dug my own card out and handed it over, "I'm not sure. Maybe they want us to have a lot of diversity." I offered.

"What you want drink?" she lady asked looking annoyed at our conversation.

I gave her a nice smile, "Mountain Dew please."

She grunted and looked over to Angeline, "Pepsi please."

Writing down our orders she stomped away motioning to us to help ourselves at the buffet.

I went up and grabbed a plate. I was starving. I'm feeling cranky because that running burned off all my food from lunch. See Angeline this is what running does! I hope you're happy. I mentally cursed her.

"Well fancy running into you here." A cold voice said behind me.

Turning around I can face to face with Niall and Harry. Isn't this campus large enough to avoid people?!

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