Another Kind - Yuri Plisetsky

By DiabolikGirl57

63K 2.3K 1.4K

You're a normal sixteen year old girl. He is also sixteen. He... Yuri Plisetsky, he is one mysterious boy, bu... More

First Time
Day Continues...
Shiny Ray - Part 1
Shiny Ray - Part 2
The Forgotten Ones
Face to Face
Stay Close To Me
Relationship Progress??
Feelings - Short Chapter
Bad girl - Change of Plans
The Begining Of A Love Story
Overworked & Past
Bad boy or ?
First Date & Gay Couple Spotted?!?
Through Fire And Water For Your Love
Me & You - Part 1
Me & You - Part 2
Time Skip - Old Friends?
How Long Will I Love You?
No Pain No Game
Replacements & Heartbreaks
!! Special Chapter !!
Part Of Me
Spring Day
!! Special Chapter - 2 !!
Who Are You?
Root B
"Give Yourself To Me"
What Have I Done?
Orange Haired Dude
Who did it?
It Takes Two People, Not One
Unconditional Love / End
Thank You

Your Name

424 19 2
By DiabolikGirl57

Hii guys;)
I want you all to ask me questions about this book, anything, I'll answer them and seriously, it could be anything (of course about the book)
Don't hesitate at all, I love answering and reading comments. Since I finished my exams and everything I will post more often and I hope you guys are enjoying it so far.

All the Love - Author - chan


Several days after - Yurio's POV

This was the first day at work for Aoi. I'm the leader at the floor she's working at. I'm the main leader's guard dog. Former ice skater to a guard dog, haha.. look what life can do with you if you aren't paying any attention, it can turn you into things you never thought you'll ever become. In my case, I'm happy I can at least have something to eat. Are people out there that don't even have that so I'm grateful.

"You're late again idiot" I complained while taking a seat next to him. It's not like I don't have a car but since he always comes and picks me up I let everything on his hands. If we get there late the boss will scold him, not me anyway.

"We're not going to be there in time, did you really had to oversleep again?" I moaned, looking at him ready to kill him.

"Calm down Me serious, let me do the work" he said, sure about what he's going to do next.. something that kind of worried me a little.

"So.. put your seat belt on" he demanded but I already had it on.

"I-I have it on"

"O-Oh.. then if you have it on, get ready"

"For what exactly?" I don't feel good about this..

Suddenly the car went all out, so fast I thought I saw death pass me.

"U-USUI YOU I-IDIOT STOP THIS F-FUCKING CAR RIGHT N-NOW!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, only to see him laughing and having fun. Is this guy an insane idiot or?

"Don't worry princess, we'll be there in a sec"


"Don't scold me about the new nickname but seriously, it is funny if you start to think about it logically" logically yeah..

After minutes of complaining about my new nickname and him driving like a crazy manic, we get there safe. Well I think I was going to puke as fast as I opened the car door.

"Y-Yuri?" I hear someone say my name.

"Aoi? Shouldn't you be inside by now? It's getting late and the boss will scold us besides, it's your first day so for you to get scolded now it's kind of... bad"

"We still have ten minutes" she says while going on ahead. So we still have time..

"Now you look like an total idiot...seriously, can't you just be more precise about things?" He said, making me annoyed again. What does he know anyway? He never had an relationship so why is he the one to talk in the first place?

"It is not your problem, playboy" finally came with a good nickname for him. Sweet sweet revenge.

"Yeah" *laughs awkwardly*

"You're not that good at this game so you better cut it off, understood?" His deep voice made want to go a few steps back. It is known that the most cheerful and crazy people are the most scary ones as well. And when I say scary, I mean Usui, the second guard dog.

As we both enter we go straight to our offices.

"I-I'm Aoi..."

"Y-You had a car crash.."

"Ahh!" My head started to hurt so bad I fell onto my knees and started screaming. What the hell?

"Mr Plisetsky?!" Two girls come running inside and helped me stand but I couldn't even stand on my own feet. I felt dizzy and numb. I couldn't get my words right, I couldn't get them right at all. I felt like collapsing any time.

"Make it stop!"


My head started going places.. blurry memories started on showing up, the only problem was, it was that they were blurry...

"Yo what happened?!" I heard Usui from the elevator, sprinting towards me. He kneeled down next to me but my ears kept on repeating one thing. One single thing..

"Ao..." I struggled and struggled, it like someone tried on closing my mouth every time I spoke.

"AOI!!" Her name...

"Where is s-she?" I asked, standing up, of course being helped.

"She went to the bathroom"

"Would you all mind.. leaving me alone with her?" Everyone turned looking at me and then agreed. H-Her name..


I sat myself down and waited for her.

I know I had a car crash, I have been told but..

"What does the car crash have to do with her? Why did I ask for her? Why am I waiting for her? Why did I hang out with her? Why do I feel so calm and comfortable around her?

That night...

"Why was she crying?"

Someone suddenly decides to make an appearance, well then.

"Hmm.. w-where is everyone?" Finally I get to have a chitchat with her.

"So you're back.." I said coldly, staring at her, without blinking once.

"Mr Plisetsky..? Is something wrong? Why is no one here? Where did everyone go?"

"Ahh too many questions! And from where Mr Plisetsky? There is no one here anyway!

"W-What do you m-"

Would you shut up and listen to me?" I became possessive. I shoved her against the wall, is she a idiot or what?


"Your name"

"M-My n-name?"

"Yes.. your name, A-Aoi right?"


"Don't need to approve, I already know who you are"

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