Boss Lady

By madeingreece14

13.1K 443 117

This is an Outlaw Queen story. Robin works as a lawyer for "Miller's Books" but now his boss is dying and he... More

Show Me Some Respect
The Garage Incident
A Date At Gusteau's
Welcome To London
Come Back To Me
You Are Adorable
Come With Me pt.1
Come With Me pt.2
The Gloves Are Off

Coming Home

2.4K 52 6
By madeingreece14

Knock knock

"Daddy? Can I come in?"

"Of course..." cough "...honey! Please,..." cough "come in!".

When the door opened, a girl came into the room. She had long, red hair and beautiful blue eyes. She was wearing a white shirt and a light brown, pencil skirt. She was on her favorite nude high heels and around her neck was hanging an expensive necklace of perles. She headed to the bed where her sick father was laying. She came closer an placed a little kiss on his forehead. She receded and smiled.

"Oh, Zelena..." the old man said and he opened his amazing green eyes. "Thank you..." cough "for everything that you've done for me..." a tear came to her eye. "...but I'm dying... I can feel it..."

She took his hand in hers and she squeezed it tenderly. "Daddy! Please..." now she was crying "please, don't say that... you're a fighter!"

He wiped her tear which was running down her cheek. "Honey, the doctor said that I can't win this fight..." cough.

"Daddy... please..." her voice was broken. "Please , don't leave me..."

"I'll try to stay awake for you. Zelena I want you to know that I always loved you as my child." he said and the tears couldn't stop falling.


His phone buzzed.


From Marian?

Oh God! Not again!

He took his phone in his hand and he started reading the text.

Good morning, darling! How's the weather there? Here is raining again -as usual-. I wanted to tell you that I've missed you so much... I love you so much! I can't wait to see you again at Christmas Holidays. You'll come, won't you? Love you... :* xxx

He ran a hand through his light brown hair and he didn't took his glare from the text. He knew that Marian had missed him and that she loved him but he thought that their relationship was over. When he left London he was about to break up with her but he didn't want to say goodbye in that way so he decided to let her break up with him.

She never gave up on their relationship. She was texting him every single day and when he wasn't giving her an answer she used to cry all night and in the morning was looking like a ghost.

He put his phone back to the bedside table and saw at the alarm clock.


"Fuck!" he get up from the bed so fast that he fell down on the wooden floor and hurt his right wrist. "Damn it!" he whispered and he headed into the bathroom. He took a quick shower, he brushed his teeth and now was back to his bedroom. He opened his closet and he wore a white shirt and a grey suit. He decided to wear his expensive, leather, brown shoes.

After that, he took his phone, then his keys and then his briefcase. Then he opened the door and left his apartment.


"Do not answer it, your sister's calling! Do not answer it, your sister's calling" her phone rang several times before she woke up and press the red button.

She turned around and her right hand came to caress her boyfriend's naked chest next to her. She placed a tenderly kiss to his upper arm. She closed her eyes again.

"Do not answer it, your sister's calling! Do not answer it, your sist-" she grabbed her phone and answered it.

"What the hell do you want, Zelena?" her voice was firm and her other hand came to rub her eyes.

"Regina? I... you need..." her voice broke and now the young lady was crying.

Regina's face was serious now and she ran her hand through he long, raven hair. "Zelena? What's going on? Did anyone hurt you? I'll kill him!".

"No... no... Regina! Listen to me! Dad..."

Regina's eyes widened and she get up from the bed heading to the kitchen. "What happened to him?"

"Regina, the cancer is killing him... he is suffering! I can see it! Please, come home..."

Tears came to Regina's eyes. "Is he dying?"

"Yes, Regina! And he needs you! You have to be here...! You'll never forgive yourself if you don't say him goodbye, before his death. Come home... please!" she couldn't stop crying.

Finally a tear escaped her eyes. "I'll take the first plane... tell him to wait for me!".

"Thank you, Regina! It means a lot..." her voice was broken for a long time now and she felt that she couldn't breath.

"Zelena! Stop crying! I'm coming sis!"


Now he was in his car driving to his job. 

His phone rang the time he parked his car.

Marian again.

He took his phone in his hand and pressed the green button.

"What do you want, Marian?" he said with his British accent as he opened the door and grabbed his briefcase from the passenger's seat. He left the car and locked it.

"Robin! Why are you so mean with me? You know I love you!" she complained.

He headed to Starbucks next to his job's building.

"I know and I wish that I could agree with you... but..." he opened the door and he headed to the cash desk to order.

"Robin? How dare you to break up with me by the phone?" she was crying.

"Wait a minute, Marian." he looked to the assistant "I want an espresso... how much it costs?" the assistant replied "three dollars please. Your name?". Robin gave her three dollars and smiled. "Robin". He went to the spot where the barista will hand him his coffee. "Marian? Are you still there?".

"Yes, Robin! I am! And I was about to say that I love you..." her voice broke.

"Marian! That distance killed our relationship. You live in London and I live in New York. There are thousands of miles that keep us apart." he ran his hand through his hair. "Please, don't make it harder! You knew that it would be difficult..."

"I knew... but I thought that our love was very strong..."

"And I thought that you could understand..." he get up as he saw his coffee on the stand.

"I understand... Have a nice day, Robin!" she said bitterly.

"Have a good life, Marian!" he rubed his amazing blue eyes. He hung up the phone. He headed to the stand and grabbed his coffee.

"Bad day, mate?" the barista said to him and he nodded.

"You have no idea!" he shook his head.



A young maid showed up in front of Zelena. "Miss Zelena? What can I do for you"

"Could you please tide my sister's room? She's coming tonight."

"Is Regina coming?! Hm... um... I mean, of course, miss!"


Regina was at the airport of New Jersey. Her boyfriend was there with her. She had her luggage in her hands and they were heading to the waiting room.

"This is my flight..." she said and leant in to kiss him but he took a step back. He looked down and she knew that something was wrong. "Daniel? What happened?"

"Regina... I know that this isn't the right moment to do it, but... I think that this thing between us is over..." he said and now his eyes was unreadable for the first time for those three months that they were shared together.

"What? What do you mean?" she was angry. Oh, so angry that she could the vein on her forehead ready to explode.

"I mean that I wanna break up with you... It's over honey." the young man came closer to her and she took a step back. Now she was watching the floor and she was shaking her head trying to understand. "It's not you... it's m-"

"No! It's me!" she cut him before he could end his sentence. "It's me and my stupid mind. I thought that we could be happy together... Oh God! How idiot am I?"


"No, Daniel! I have to go... this is my flight." she turned her back to him and left him behind her.

After all these procedures she had to do she was sitting on her seat and staring outside from the window. She never cried and she would never do that. 

Forget him.

She tried to keep in her mind during the flight.


Robin had a meeting with the other lawyers of the company. They had a very important thing to discuss.

"Gentlemen, we have to decide what is the best for the company." that man who was sitting on the head-seat of this circle-shaped table. "After Mr. Mills' death, this company will have a new manager and we have to choose if we will continue to work here. If our decision is negative then we have to find a whole new counsel which will replace ours."

"I think that the choice has to be individual. Every single member of this counsel is able to choose if he wants to leave this company or keep working here." Robin said. "I love this job... and I want to support it. I stay. Well, I have a lot of work to do, so who's with me?" he stood.

"I'm with you!" another man said and he stood next to Robin.

"Sorry guys, I'm not..." another said.

"I am!" another said and came closer to him.

"So am I!" he followed the previous one.

"What about you guys?" Robin said with anticipation.

"Sorry mate!"


"Regina?" Zelena screamed as she saw her sister at the New York's airport.

Regina headed to her sister and before she could talk to her, Zelena was hugging her. Zelena was older than Regina and she was much taller than her and with those high heels...

"Ze? How are you?" they receded and green eyes locked with brown.

"I'm devastated... I'm exhausted! I don't know what to do, Regina!" tears came in Zelena's eyes.  Then she closed them and let a sob run down her cheek.

Regina wiped that tear. "I'm here now, everything is gonna be alright. You'll see!" she hugged her again more tightly. "Now, let's go to dad! He needs us!".

He needs us.

He needs us.

We need him.

Those thoughts were in Regina's mind when they left the airport. She has to be brave!


"Robin!" a male voice came to snap him out from his thoughts. He was sitting on the chair behind his desk thinking about the whole new counsel he had to organize.

"What happened John?" he looked at the man in front of him. John was his best friend since forever. They graduated together from the High School in London and they studied law at the Harvard University in Boston. Now they were members of the same counsel and they had a great relationship together. John was a friend of Marian and he knew from the very beginning that their relationship was meant to be over.

"Robin, we have to find new members of the counsel! I read some CVs, but none of them was so good..." he handed to his friend the CVs. "Except from one... his name is Graham Hunt and he studied at Harvard a year after our graduation! You know that Harvard is the best for studies in law..."

"Oh, I know!" Robin gave him a dimple smile. "Call him, text him, email him... I don't know! I just want him here." he stood and headed to his best friend. "John... we can't back down!"

"Tell me that you're not going to sing that song from "Camp Rock 2" with Demi Lovato" he laughed.

"What the hell are you talking about?" he raised an eyebrow and smirked.

"Nothing, I mean... nothing! Forget about it!" he looked at the floor. After that he turned around heading to the door.

"Goodbye little John!" he laughed. "Little John?! Oooh... I like it! It is Little John now! Great!" he laughed out loud.

"Fuck you!" he laughed back and he left Robin's office.


"Regina! You're home!" the woman who opened the door screamed.

"Emma! I'm back!" she hugged her and then they receded. "How are you?" Regina and Emma grew up together. Mary Margaret -Emma's mother- was Regina's French teacher. After Mary Margaret's death, Regina's father had Emma as his child and when she became eighteen years old, she decided to work in his house as the head-maid. She loved her job, but she was teaching French to some kids because she wanted to remember her mother. Her father -David Nolan- was working as Regina's mother bodyguard at first, but now was working as Zelena's bodyguard.

"I'm fine! Regina..." she looked down and smiled.

Regina raised an eyebrow and looked at her. "What is it?"

"Regina, I'm getting married!" the blondie smiled and raised her left hand to saw to her friend the diamond ring.

"Killian? Proposed?" Regina had a wide smile. She hugged her again and Emma giggled. "Emma, I'm so happy for you! I really am!"

They receded and Emma was smirking. "Regina? Do you want to be my maid of honor?"

"What?!" she screamed. "Of course, Emma! Of course! Yes! I'm so excited! Oh My God!" now Regina was jumping around.

"Gina?" her sisters voice came to snap her out of that excitement. "Daddy waits for you!"

"I'm coming!" she shouted. "Emma, I'll be back to tell me everything!" Regina ran upstairs and knocked her father's bedroom door. "Daddy?"

"Regina?" cough "Come in my little princess!" cough.

Regina opened the door and came closer to her father. She hugged him very tight and kissed him in his cheek and then tenderly on his forehead. Tears had filled her eyes and now they were running down her cheeks. "Daddy! I'm sorry that I wasn't here for you! I'm so sorry!" now she was crying.

"Regina? Are you crying?" he cupped her cheek and wiped her tears.

"No?" Her voice was broken.

"Regina, you know is not bad to have a weakness..." cough "you're a human!" cough.

"Daddy! I don't have weaknesses!" she shook her head.

"Tell me about Daniel. Is he alright?" he chose to change the subject.

"He broke up with me... that bloody bastard!" she said and her face now was very angry.

"Regina! Language!" her father said with a firm voice.

"Oops! Sorry, daddy! I didn't want to tell that in front of you..." she said and turned her gaze down.

"It's okay honey!" cough "I know you're upset..." cough. "Regina, I wanted to let you know that the company is going to keep working even without me."

"Oh! Don't tell that! You create this company from the very start!" her eyes filled with tears once again.

"Yes, but I'm leaving it now..." cough.

"No..." she whispered.

"Yes... and I want someone to manage it for me... someone who I really love so much and I think that he or she deserves this..." cough and after that he smiled.

"I'm sure that Zelena is very ready and she has all those qualifications that I'm sure that..." she said breathless.

"Yes, Zelena is great! I totally trust her!" cough.

"Me too!" she sighed.


Knock knock

"Please, come in!" Robin said and stood behind his desk.

A handsome, tall man came into Robin's office. He closed the door behind him and approached Robin. He had a pair of deep blue eyes and his beautiful face's angles came to complete his handsomeness. Robin smiled to him and gave him his hand. The man took it in his own and shook it gently.

"Good morning, Mr. Hunt. My name is Robin Locksley. Take a sit." Robin said and sat on his chair. The other man sat opposite of him. "I'm so glad that you're here and I have to say that I'm very impressed reading your CV. Congratulations!"

"Thank you, Mr Locksley." Graham said with a cold voice.

Robin cleared his throat. "Well, you have to know that I trust Harvard for law studies because I studied there... But I am talking so much and I think that you have to take this interview to your hands." now Robin smiled a bit more hesitantly.

"My name is Graham Hunt and I studied law at The University of Harvard. I never worked before as a lawyer, but I think that I have all those qualifications for this job. I always believed that "Miller's Books" was a remarkable company. My opinion is that I suit here..." then he finally smiled shyly.

"I don't want to hear anything else! I agree with you... you suit here! I think that you could be a great colleague and a powerful lawyer. You're hired! Congratulations!" Robin stood again behind his office. Then Graham stood too and they shook their hands again.

"Thank you so much Mr. Locksley. I can guarantee you that you won't regret this!" after that Graham headed to the door and left the room closing the door behind him.

Robin sat down to his chair and he breathed with relief having found another member of the company's counsel.


Emma poured some coffee to a mug and sat down to the chair opposite from Regina.

"So?" Emma asked her.

"That was quite a story... it was very romantic..." she smiled and sipped a bit coffee.

"Thank you!" Emma smiled.

" a very disgusting way though." Regina said raising an eyebrow.

"Regina!" Emma giggled.

"Whatever..." she rolled her eyes.

"How's your dad?" Emma chose to change the subject.

"He's dying." Regina said with a very cold voice.

"Regina, I'm so sorry! I really am..." Emmap looked down to her mug.

"Oh, don't be! You're getting married! You have to be happy!" Regina changed the subject too and now she was smiling widely but in a fake way.

"I am happy! Do you want to show you the dress?" Emma said playfully.


Knock knock

"Come in, Little John!" Robin said and his friend came into his office slamming the door behind him.

"Shut up!" he gave him a fake-angry look and Robin couldn't help but chuckle. "How was he?"

"Who?" now Robin was serious.


"Cold... but very gifted. I hired him..." Robin looked down.

"And you regretted this already?" John tried to meet his glance.

"Maybe... I don't know, Little John..." he chuckled but then he was serious again. "I don't know... I always tried to have my colleagues as my friends too. I don' think that Graham could be my friend..." he said with concern.

"Give him a little time..."

"I will... but I can't promise you anything!"


"Regina!" Zelena yelled from upstairs.

"What is it?" Regina shouted too to be heard.

"Come here now!" Zelena's voice broke.

Regina ran upstairs and found her sister stood at their father's bedroom's door. Zelena was cold and she couldn't move. Her eyes were wide and lost. Regina ran beside her and caught her before she passed out. Then she looked into her father's room. There he was... cold... asleep... and dead.


A/N: Hey guys! That was the first part of "Boss Lady" forgive me for the mistakes I may did... English is not my mother language -I'm a Greek by the way-. Let me know if you like it and if you want another part. If something was wrong it would be my pleasure to fix it. Thank you for reading this! Mwah! 💋

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