I'm In Love With A Plus Sized...

By ChrissyStyles2496

157K 6.8K 506

Jacob is one of those typical guys who never had a thing for girls who weighed more than a hundred and thirty... More

I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.2
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.3
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.4
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.5
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.6
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.7
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.8
Big Surprise!
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.9
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.10
Another BIG surprise
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.11
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.12
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.13
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.14
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.15
I'm In Love With A Plus Size Girl Ch.16
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.17
Let's Spread Some Positivity ❤
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.19
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.20
New Idea!
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.21
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.22
Writer's block 😭
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.23
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.24
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.25
Why write a plus size book?
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.26
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.27
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.28
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.29
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.30
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.31
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.32
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.33
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.34
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.35
I'm In Love With A Plus Size Girl Ch.36
How long should this book last???
I'm In Love With A Plus Size Girl Ch.37
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.38
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.39
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.40
What's going on with the updates?
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.41
Surgery 😱💔😭😔
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.43
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.44
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.45
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.46
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.47
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.48
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.49
I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.50
Bad but not so bad news

I'm In Love With A Plus Sized Girl Ch.18

3.1K 133 8
By ChrissyStyles2496

{Sophia's House}

Jennifer:Okay,so what should I wear? Your gold and black bathing suit? Or your two piece that's all black?

Sophia:Jennifer,you won't be able to fit them.I'm bigger than you

Jennifer:I fitted your red silky dress,didn't I?


Jennifer:Then I can fit your bathing suits,now tell me which one should I wear,girl

Sophia:*sighs and giggles* The black and gold one

Jennifer:Uh-huh,you're just trying to wear the two piece for Jacob

Sophia:*laughs* I don't dress to impress men.I dress to impress myself

Jennifer:Whatever you say,Sophia

Sophia:Sometimes I dress up to check out my reflection every time I walk pass the store's windows,too

Jennifer:Ohhh noo! You're one of them!

Sophia:Don't act like you don't do that when you think you look good

Jennifer:I actually don't

Sophia:*sarcasm* Yea,sure and I don't pluck my mustache every day

Jennifer:You grow a mustache? I barely grow anything on my face

Sophia:Then you've been blessed.Must be nice *smiles*

Jennifer:Yea,I guess so.But I'm going to get ready now.*picks up bathing suit* And you should be doing that,too.

Sophia:I am,I'm waiting on you to leave,so I can change

Jennifer:You're going to change out here?

Sophia:Yea,why not? It is my bedroom

Jennifer:Yea,that's true.That's how you know that we're different people because even if I have my own room,I would still change in the bathroom

Sophia:Really? I can't do that,I would love to be bare in my house

Jennifer:Umm..I live here,too

Sophia:Yea,but you're barely home,so I be having some fun while you're gone

Jennifer:*sighs* Please tell me that you didn't sit on our furniture


Jennifer:Oh my gosh! Sophia,that's disgusting!

Sophia:*laughs* I didn't even say that I did

Jennifer:But you smiled,so that means you did

Sophia:I had a towel to sit on

Jennifer:*crossed her arms* What color was it?

Sophia:Dark red,why?

Jennifer:Oh,okay I'm just making sure that you wasn't going to say baby blue

Sophia:Nah,I used that one when I take a shower

Jennifer: Sophia,c'mon now, don't say that

Sophia:*laughs* Okay,I use my black towel *smiles*

Jennifer:*shakes her head* I don't know if I should believe you or not

Sophia:I'm telling the truth

Jennifer:I hope so,Sophia *walks away*

Sophia:I may have used your bathroom a few times,too

Jennifer:*stops* Please say you were using my make-up

Sophia:You really don't wanna know but yea,that too

Jennifer:*groans* Really?

Sophia:It be those chicken Enchiladas making me doing that

Jennifer:What's wrong with your bathroom?

Sophia:Nothing now,it's just that on one weekend when you went on your vacation my toilet been clogged.So,I used yours during that week

Jennifer:Is it safe in there now?

Sophia:Yea,it smells fresh in there now.I haven't been using it ever since that plummer fixed it

Jennifer:You didn't screw him,did you?

Sophia:No! No way!


Sophia:I'm telling the truth

Jennifer:*sarcasm* I'm sure you are *leaves*

{Malik's house}

Jennifer:Jazz music playing,strawberry champagne in inside a silver bucked filled with ice next to a tray filled with chocolate strawberries.I have to say,Malik I'm impressed

Malik:Anything for my baby and her home girl

Jennifer:*blushes a little*

Sophia:Hold up,you two are a thing now?

Malik:No,but will be soon because I'm really digging her

Jennifer:*looks at Malik* Really? Or are you just digging my ass?


Jennifer:Oh,shut up! You know what I mean by that


Jennifer:I'm sorry for her behavior,Jacob.Sophia isn't fully on the feminine side just yet

Jacob:*raised his eyebrow* Just yet?

Jennifer: I'm trying to make her become girly--

Sophia:Which is never going to happen

Jennifer: Why not?

Sophia:Because I'm too deep into what I am now.I'm not going to become girly and that's final.

Jennifer:*sighs and crossed her arms*


Malik:What about both?


Malik:Yea,half girly and half non girly

Sophia:Is that even possible?

Malik:Yea,it's possible.You can have your girly time for three days and then you can have your non girly three days

Jennifer:And you can be your holy woman on Sunday

Sophia:*laughs* I see you got some jokes.I got you on that one

Jennifer:*laughs* I'll be waiting,too

Sophia:But I guess I'll try both


Sophia:And I'll make sure that Jennifer be her geeky self

Jennifer:I know you ain't talking. You're a huge geek for The Walking Dead

Sophia:At least I'm not a geek for Star Wars

Jennifer:It's better than video games

Sophia:I'm sorry,I'm gonna have to disagree to that

Jacob:Me too

Malik:Me three

Jennifer:You like video games,too?

Malik:Yea,I'm a huge gamer

Jacob & Sophia:Me too

Malik:I got bunch of games inside of my house if y'all down to play some of them

do cob & Sophia:Yes!


Sophia:Why no?

Jennifer:Because if the three of you play video games,I'll have nothing to do *pouts*

Malik:Awww,then do you wanna stay out here with me while I let these two play on my PS4?

Jennifer:You'll do that for me?

Malik:Just for my baby

Sophia:Awe,how sweet!

Jennifer:*blushes* I know right

Malik:Do you guys need any help to set the system up?

Jacob:Nope *gets out of jacuzzi* I know how to set it up

Malik:Are you sure? I don't want anything happening to it

Sophia:Bruh,we gots this *gets out of jacuzzi* trust me


Jennifer:She's been using PlayStation systems all her life

Sophia:We'll take care of your baby

Jennifer:But I'm right here

Sophia:Haha,very funny but I was talking about his PS4 *looks at Jacob* you ready to go?

Jacob:I'm so ready

Malik:Make sure that you dry up first because I don't want my stuff wet

Jacob:You sure about that,bro

Sophia:*elbows him* Nasty

Jacob:*laughs I thought you was a church woman?

Sophia:I am but I still know what you meant by that *grabs two towels* besides,Jennifer isn't going to let him get any

Jennifer:Exactly,I just met the dude

Jacob:One night stand

Sophia:Oh Lord! I'm going in *gives Jacob a towel* you two have fun *leaves*

Malik:We will

Jacob:But not too much fun.But if you decide to then use some--

Malik:I'm not going to bang her in my jacuzzi,bruh

Jacob:Good,but I'm just saying

Sophia:Jacob! Leave those two alone and get in here,so I can beat you in Mortal Kombat

Jacob: Coming! *leaves*


Malik:*smiles and shakes his head* Kids

Jennifer:Big ones,too *sighs* that's what happens when you mention games in front of gamers

Malik:Yea,I've been there before


Malik:*nods* When I was seventeen years old and was told that there was a GameStop right across from our street.I left to go to that store and didn't come back until like four or five hours later.

Jennifer:Wow,you was in there that long?.

Malik:Yep and I enjoyed every second,minute,and hour of it.

Jennifer:I bet that your mom was worried about you.

Malik:Very worried,and I got grounded for a month.I couldn't go anywhere,even though we just moved there.So,I didn't care at all.

Jennifer:So,what did you do while you was grounded?.

Malik:Ehhh,sat in my room all day,help my dad fix the lawnmower,clean the gutters,help my mom with her garden,walked the neighbor's dog.And then sometimes they'll drive me around the neighborhood to pick up garbage off the ground.


Malik:I know right,but it was worth it.And I learned a lesson,too.

Jennifer:I bet.

Malik:So,did you do anything that got you in trouble in your teen years?.

Jennifer:*sighs* Yep.

Malik:What did you do?.

Jennifer:I got caught with a boy in the house when I was fifteen.

Malik:You let a boy in your house? While your parents weren't home?.

Jennifer:No! He came over uninvited.I didn't want him to come over.

Malik:Why did he go to your house?.

Jennifer:He wanted to take my virginity.

Malik:What the heck!?

Jennifer:I know,right? *heavily sighs* I was so mad at him and ended up putting my hands on him.And before I could push him out of the house,my parents came home.

Malik:Dang! They didn't see you hitting him?.

Jennifer:They claimed that they didn't.But it's whatever,I was kinda happy that I was grounded because he couldn't come over anymore.

Malik:How long did they had you grounded?.

Jennifer:Two weeks

Malik:That's not too bad

Jennifer:Yea,I didn't had any friends around that time.

Malik:What about Sophia?

Jennifer:That happened before I met her.

Malik:Oh,well if I knew you around that time,I would have been your friend.

Jennifer:*smiles* Really?

Malik:*nods* Why not? You're very beautiful,you're fun to be around with.I would actually be more than friends with you.

Jennifer:*blushes* You must really like me.

Malik:I really do.I love talking to you and enjoying this amazing alone time with you.

Jennifer:Awwwe,you're just saying that.

Malik:No,I'm being honest. I never liked a female this much until now.

Jennifer:Are you serious?

Malik:Yes and I'll show you if you let me.*moves closer* I'll treat you like a Queen and show you what it feels like to no longer have your heart broken.

Jennifer:But I'm crazy though

Malik:And that's what makes me want you more.I love me a crazy women.Just give it a chance.

Jennifer:*smiles* I'll think about it *gets out of the jacuzzi* just give me a good few minutes and I'll be right back with my answer *grabs her towel and runs into Malik's house*

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