Master and Servant (RWBY Weis...

By Deagle117

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Weiss was never a good summoner, but she accidentally invokes the aid of a guardian. He comes to protect her... More

Main Character Introduction
Chapter 1: Are you my Master?
Chapter 2: Her Hero
Chapter 4: I Love You
Chapter 5: Her Hero pt. II
Chapter 6: The Tables Turn
Chapter 7: More than a Man
Chapter 8: Do You Remember Love?
Chapter 9: Truth
Chapter 10: End of the Beginning
Chapter 11: Paint it Black
Chapter 12: Extracurricular

Chapter 3: Not a Hero

13.4K 208 226
By Deagle117

(Y/N)'s POV:

No. She's wrong about me. I'm no hero. I thought I had made that clear to everyone when I talked with that old man. I was never a hero. Just a killer who was good at his job. 

Weiss: "(Y/N)? What's wrong?" I glance at her but shift my gaze back out of the window, staring at the horizon.

(Y/N): "It's nothing. We'll be arriving soon." She begins to gather the smaller things that she can carry as attendants and crew members rushed around to ensure our safe arrival. I notice another giant transport that was going in for a landing. It must be the other initiates. We landed and I walked out to take in the scenery. It was quite impressive. Much bigger than I had originally remembered it. I took in a deep breath. Something seems off, I sense . . . the season of fall? It must be my imagination.

I turn around and see Weiss coming out with the flight attendants, carrying her luggage. There was quite a bit of stuff. Honestly, it surprises me every time, even though I had worked for the Schnees for all my life.

(Y/N): "Is there anything else in the bullhead, master?" She seemed annoyed that I called her master.

Weiss: "Okay (Y/N), I don't know why this ever occurred to me, I'm such a dunce, but we should establish some ground rules. Rule one: Don't call me master, just Weiss is fine. Rule two: don't go out of your way to defend me. I can defend myself. Finally rule three . . ." She seemed to be at a loss for words at this one.

(Y/N): "Ma - I mean Weiss, is there a rule three?"

Weiss: "O-of course there is. It's uh . . ." She thinks for a couple seconds, and it seems a light bulb goes on in her head. She is about to say it, but her face begins to turn red.

(Y/N): "Weiss? Is something wrong?" I immediately put my hand on here forehead, checking her temperature. She seemed fine.

Weiss (blushing): "No-nothings wrong. I-I-" She began looking down and fidgeting with her hands.

Weiss (blushing): "N-never change who you are." She says in a soft voice. This puzzles me. Why would I change? I decide not to dive to deep into it.

(Y/N): "Alright Weiss. I accept the terms of our contract." I see her look up and smile

Weiss: "You know you don't have to be so formal with me. You can lighten up a little you dunce."

(Y/N): "Fine fine. Thank god I don't have to keep up that stupid facade anymore." She looks at me surprised.

Weiss: "Where did you learn to talk like that?"

(Y/N): "What are you talking about, I've always been able to talk like this. Didn't you hear my conversation with the old man?"

Weiss: "Whatever, let's just go find the auditorium." I then walk with her as luggage follows. We soon stop as Weiss takes time to take a look at her scroll to find the auditorium. Then a girl in a red hood tumbled into the luggage, enraging Weiss.

Weiss: "What are you doing?!"

Red: "Uh, sorry!"

Weiss: "Sorry?! Do you have any idea of the damage you could have caused?"

Red: "Uuhhh..."

Weiss: "Give me that! This is Dust - mined and purified from the Schnee quarry!"

Red: "Uuuhhhh. . ."

Weiss: "What are you, brain-dead? Dust! Fire, water, lightning, energy!"

Red: "I . . . I know. . ." She begins to cough as dust gets in her face.

Weiss: "Are you even listening to me? Is any of this sinking in? What do you have to say for yourself?!"

Red, who had been receiving more and more Dust to her face, finally sneezes, which erupts into a full-blown explosion of flame, snowflakes, and electricity right onto Weiss. I encase myself in ice to protect myself from the blast.

(Y/N): "Here we go . . ."

Weiss: "Unbelievable! This is exactly the kind of thing I was talking about!"

Red: "I'm really, really sorry!"

Weiss: "Ugh, you complete dolt! What are you even doing here? Aren't you a little young to be attending Beacon?"

Red: "Well, I-I . . ."

Weiss: "This isn't your ordinary combat school. It's not just sparring and practice, you know! We're here to fight monsters, so . . . watch where you're going!"

Red: "Hey, I said I was sorry, princess!"

Black: "It's heiress, actually." Then a girl dressed in black came into the conversation with one of the containers in hand. 

Black: "Weiss Schnee, heiress to the Schnee Dust Company, one of the largest producers of energy propellant in the world."

Weiss: "Finally! Some recognition!"

Black: "The same company infamous for its controversial labor forces and questionable business partners." Weiss gets angry at this statement.

Weiss: "Wha- How dare you- The nerve of... Ugh!" She gets up in her face and takes the bottle from her, walks off as the other helpers gather the luggage and follow. I walk up to the two girls.

(Y/N): "Apologies to both of you for Ms. Schnee's behavior. I'm sure it's just her nervousness of meeting new acquaintances. Please forgive her." I leave and pursuit Weiss.

-Time skip-

I am eventually able to find my way to the auditorium and find Weiss standing in the middle of the crowd, but everyone seemed to have formed a 5 foot radius around her. I make my way to her.

(Y/N): "Weiss you really shouldn't run off like that." She turns surprised, but quickly relaxes back to her normal demeanor.

Weiss: "It's not my fault those two are ignorant to me."

(Y/N): "They aren't ignorant, they simply stated facts to an obviously spoiled princess." She is surprised at my remark.

Weiss: "How dare you! You obviously forget who's the master." She raises up her hand, showing her command seals in an attempt to establish dominance.

(Y/N): "And you obviously forget that the world doesn't revolve around you and your name. Do you really want to reform the Schnee family or did I become a servant to a faker?"

This seems to hit her, lowering her hand.

(Y/N): "Yes you may be more than proficient in terms of skill, but if I don't like your motives, I will-" She then cuts me off by hugging me.

Weiss: "Please don't leave." She seems to be on the verge of tears. However, her act of hugging me seemed to gain the attention of those around us.

(Y/N): "Weiss, let go. There are people looking."

Weiss: "I don't care. I . . . I don't want you to leave." I look around and need to stop this fast.

(Y/N): "Alright. I'll stay." She then gets off and smiles at me.

Weiss: "Alright then." But then a red hood bumps into Weiss . . . again.

Weiss: "You!"

Red: "Oh, God, it's happening again!"

Weiss: "You're lucky we weren't blown off the side of the cliff!"

Yellow: "Oh, my God, you really exploded . . ."

Red: "It was an accident. It was an accident!" Weiss then hands over a pamphlet to red.

Red: "What's this?"

Weiss: "The is not responsible for any injuries or damages sustained while operating a Schnee Dust Company product. Although not mandatory, the Schnee Family highly encourages their customers to read and familiarize themselves with this easy to follow guide to Dust applications and practices in the field."

Red: "Uuhhh...?"

Weiss: "You really wanna start making things up to me?"

Red: "Absolutely?"

Weiss: "Read this, and don't ever speak to me again."

(Y/N): "I thought I just talked about this." I mumble under my breath.

Yellow: "Look, uh, it sounds like you two just got off on the wrong foot. Why don't you start over and try to be friends, okay?"

Red: "Yeah! Great idea, sis! Hello, Weiss! I'm Ruby! Wanna hang out? We can go shopping for school supplies!"

Weiss: "Yeah! And we can paint our nails and try on clothes and talk about cute boys, like tall, blond, and scraggly over there!" She points over at a guy that matched her description perfectly.

Ruby "Wow, really?!"

Weiss: "No."

However Ozpin began to walk onto the stage, commanding everyone's attention.

(Y/N): "Well it has been a while since I've seen him." I think back and remember seeing him as a 10 year old boy. I was still 18 at the time.

Ozpin: "I'll... keep this brief. You have traveled here today in search of knowledge, to hone your craft and acquire new skills, and when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look amongst you, and all I see is wasted energy, in need of purpose, direction. You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step." He walks off and then Glynda Goodwitch takes her place. I remember her as well. I had met her when she was maybe 6 or 7.

Goodwitch: "You will gather in the ballroom tonight; tomorrow, your initiation begins. Be ready. You are dismissed-" She then looks over at me. I just wave, but this strikes a nerve with her. She then raises her . . . "riding crop?" She launches several chairs and a table at me. I leap up and summon my sword to freeze them all in midair, proceeding to shatter them.

(Y/N): "Well I expected a hello, but this is a welcome surprise. It's good to see you too." I say as I land on top of another table. I see that she already has other objects levitating around her, ready to send my way.

Weiss: "Why are you two fighting?" I look and see Weiss could potentially be collateral damage.

(Y/N): "You know this is a little dangerous with all these kids here."

Goodwitch: "How dare you show your face around here again!"

(Y/N): "I thought I was free to go anywhere."

Goodwitch: "After the atrocity that you had committed the last time you were here?"

Weiss: "(Y/N)? What is she talking about?"

Goodwitch: "Is this your master (Y/N)? Why don't you tell her what you did, what happened to the last headmaster."

Weiss: "The last headmaster? But official reports said he died on a mission, protecting his students." Goodwitch then turns to Weiss. It's too late I can't stop this.

Weiss' POV:

Goodwitch: "That servant you summoned should be dead."

Weiss: "Yes I already know. He was a hero of the Schnees who was betrayed by the ones he fought to protect." Professor Goodwitch then starts to laugh at this statement.

Weiss: "What's so funny?!"

Goodwitch: "Hero?! That's laughable. He's not a hero. He was the one that caused his death. He killed the previous headmaster." I felt my eyes widen at this fact. No way. There was no way my (Y/N) was a murderer. 

Weiss: "(Y/N). Tell me. Tell me that this isn't true." I had hoped that he would just respond with his usual nonchalant attitude, but time seemed to stop as he turned to me, showing a very different emotion from his heroic self. It was a different somber face with a forced smile.

(Y/N): "Sorry Weiss. I'm not a hero."

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