My Favorite Delinquent

By cagedbluebird13

5.5K 28 8

Written by xxThisIsMexx and Dyralia99 (This is the only way we could put the book together! Don't judge us!)... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 1

672 5 0
By cagedbluebird13

My foot twitches anxiously on the gas pedal, where is Fang? God dammit he said this was going to be fast! I glance in the rear view mirror, I don't see any cops....but if they don't hurry they are going to be here, and we are screwed!

I lay my head back in the seat, why couldn't they just let me in their gang? Because I'm a girl that's why!

No, I don't want to be in the gang to be considered cool. I want to be in the gang, because my parents were killed by the opposite gang.

If being the girl driving the getaway car is how I'm able to be part of this gang, then so be it.

I hear sirens blare behind me, I honk the car horn. The three guys tumble out of the electronic store, carrying tons of boxes.

They jump in the convertable, and I screech onto the road. I accelerate once we are out of the parking lot, and the wind whips my black hair all around.

My blue eyes strain to see through my hair, I yell back, "FANG HOLD MY HAIR BACK, I CANT SEE A DAMN THING!"

But it's too late, because I've already crashed the car into a stop sign.


My foster brother yells, jerking me out of my memory.  I glare at him, "What?"

He looks up from his DS, his blue eyes harsh, "We are here!"

I groan, and close my eyes. I really don't belong in this Christian family. They all have blue eyes and blond hair, little ol' me sticks out like a sore thumb.

I have black hair with pink and blue streaks, and piercing blue eyes. I'm around 5'5, and my complexion is pale against this tan family.

My foster mother turns around and smiles, "Alexandria, go on sweety."

I cringe at the sound of my real name. It reminds me of my parents, only they can call me that. No matter how many times I try to explain it to them, they keep on going calling me Alexandria.

My foster dad opens the door, holding my duffel bag. I snatch it from his grasp, "I got it."

He pulls me into an unwanted hug, "You'll be fine. It's just summer camp."

I stomp my dirty converse foot, "Yea, just summer camp...FOR THE WHOLE SUMMER! And did I mention, it's full of delinquents who could very well kill me!"

Mom kisses the top of my head, "Look at the bright side, at least you didn't get arrested."

I mimic her southern belle voice, "At least you didnt get arrested."

Dad gets in the car, "We'll miss you."

Mom looks pointedly at Carter, "Carter, tell Alexandria you'll miss her."

His mouth is formed in a tight scowl, "Bye lard face!"

I stick my tongue out, "Bye monkey turdlet!"

They drive away, dirt spewing up from underneath their tires. I walk through the old wooden fence, and into the main building.

A middle aged woman is sitting at the sign in desk, "Hello darling, name?"

"Alexandria Fisher."

She checks me off, "Okay, your cabin 4, head counceler Samuel."


I walk out, brushing past goth girls, and depressed guys. I follow the trail that reads "cabins" and stumble upon cabin 4.

I sigh, and stare at the log cabin. Welcome to hell. I laugh to myself, and walk up the splintered stairs, and swing open the door.

Three pairs of eyes lock on me. I head to the last bed available, of course it's a bottom bunk. I slide my duffel under the bed, and sit down.

There are three doors, one to the bathroom, one to the exit, and one to, I presume, the councelors room.

I groan when I realize all my roommate are guys. I voice my dissapointment, "Arent there like rules against guys and girls being in the same cabin?"

A boy with brown hair and blue eyes shrugs, "Eh, what ev. Suck it up princess."

I sneer, and a boy with black shaggy hair chuckles, "Be nice to the lady."

A blond hair boy from the top bunk jumps down, "We must be on our best behavior!"

When I hear the door open again, I look up. Dayum. He is yummalicious! He's tall, like 6'1 and tan. My hear melts when I see his gorgeous green eyes, and the sandy hair that grazes his eyelashes. He has a muscular build, and a dashing smile.

I jerk myself out of my daze, ew Axel! He's probably 19, and your 17. Snap out of it, he's your councelor!

He sits on a wooden stool, and says in a deep velvet voice, "Hey, I'm Samuel, but call me Sam. Now, go around and tell me your names."

The boy with brown hair replies, "Johnny."

The black haired boy, "Peter."

And the blond haired boy, "Finn."

Bluntly, I say, "Axel."

Sam chuckles, "Okay, so we were all put in this cabin, because we are all ex-gang members."

My eyes snap up, and I examine all the boys faces again. I don't recognize any of them...

Johnny bursts out laughing, "A chick, in a gang? Oh that's classic!"

I get up, but Finn pushes me back down, "Hey, let's try to make it through the summer without killing each other."

Sam raises an eyebrow at me, "I've got my eye on you Axel."

My jaw tightens, and Sam continues, "So, this place is where you can find a new hobby. Something to replace your bad habits. In this case, a hobby to replace being in a gang."

Peter chuckles, "Can I be a pony?"

I smirk, deciding to join the smart ass train, "Ooh! Can I be a unicorn?"

Peter and I jump up, and crawl around the perimeter of the cabin. We neigh the whole way around, and Sam is looking at us impatiently, "Are you done now?"

Finn jumps down from the top bunk, "I IS A BIRD KACAW!"

Johnny glares at us, "Could you guys shut up?"

I go up to him, and start rubbing against his legs, "Meow."

A sharp whistle cuts through the air, "SIT!"

I sit back on my bunk immediatly, man, Sam knows how to lay down the law. He goes into his room, "Behave. Dinner is in an hour."

He slams the door closed, and I get up, "Im taking a shower."

I grab a bottle of shampoo, and a towel. I open the bathroom door, and close the door.

No lock? What kind of cabin is this? I push the towel rack up against the door, I guess that will do.

Quickly, I take a hot shower, slightly scared some perv is gonna open the door and try to sneak a peak.

I wrap the towel around my wet body, and reach for my clothes. Crap! I didn't bring clothes in here.

Angrily, I shove the towel rack out of the way. As soon as I exit, Finn runs in, "FINALLY I HAVE TO TAKE A POO!"

I laugh, and all the remaining guys are staring at me. Luckily, Sam isn't present, or else I would've blushed.

I decide to start over with these gentlemen, after all I have to spend all summer with them. "Peter, could you please get my bag for me?"

He raises an eyebrow, "Whats the catch."

Johnny whacks him in the head, "Just get the princess her bag!"

Peter grumbles under his breath, and hands me my bag. Swiftly, I kiss him on the cheek, "Thanks."

He stands there, shocked. His eyes flick to the shower, "What happened in there?"

I simply shrug, and knock on the bathroom door, "Fin? Are you done?"


I giggle, and sit down on my bed. Dang, it's cold. Sam exits the room, and I freeze.

His eyes fall on me, "Why are you in a towel?"

I gulp, "Finn is taking a crap..."

He pauses, confused, and then he shakes it off, "Change in my room."

I jump up, grab my bag and run in his room. I close the door, and smile. Finally, I get to change!

His room is simple, a twin bed with a blue comforter, and a wooden dresser.

I put on my pajamas, and braid my hair. I exit the room, and slide my duffel back in it's place.

Finn walks out of the bathroom, "Stay out of there for a few's toxic!"

I roll my eyes, and Sam claps his hands, "All right. Dinner time."

Even at dinner we all have to sit together, we aren't even alloud to talk to the other cabins.

The only sound coming from our table is the sound of forks scratching on plates.

I push the spaghetti around on my plate, not particularly hungry. Finn eyes my food, and I push my plate towards him, "SCORE!"

I lay my head down on the plastic table. I just want to go to bed. Today has been a long day, and I hate it here.

I'm trying really hard to be friends with these guys, so hard. I don't want to be enemies with my roommates.

We head back to the cabin, and I climb under the sheets, "Good night boys."

Finn's head comes from above, hanging upside down, "What? Already?"

I push his face away, "Yea, and I can't sleep with you looking at me."

They all, of course, start staring at me, and Sam interjects, "Guys, stop staring at Axel."

I smile slightly at Sam, and turn on my side so I'm facing the wall. Maybe summer camp won't be so bad after all.


"Meow. Meow." I groan into my pillow, what the hell is that?

I sit up, ready to scream at someone, but everyone is asleep.

I slam my face back in my pillow, and again I hear the meow.

Angrily, I get up, and open the door. I walk down the wooden stairs, struggling to see through the dark.

When I reach the back, I see a black kitten meowing at the window. I smile, and get down on my knees, and hold out my hand, "Come here kitty."

He meows, and steps closer to me. His wide blue eyes examine me, and he meows again.

I pick him up, and coo quietly to him. I hear Sam snap from behind me, "What are you doing?"

I jump, and turn around. Sam is just wearing his boxers, and no doubt a blush creeps on my face, "I heard the kitten and-"

He shakes his head, "Inside."

I stand up, "What about the kitty?"

He shrugs, "Keep it."

I beam, "Really?"

A smirk tugs at his lips, "Really."

I start to squeel, but he covers my mouth. I look into his deep green eyes, lost in their beauty.

Why does he have to be so handsome? He clears his throat, and removes his hand.

In a blink of an eye he is walking away from me, and I follow him. Without saying a word, or casting me a glance, he disapears into his room.

I frown to myself, good night to you too.


"EVERYBODY UP!" Sam yells.

I groan, and roll out of bed, literally. Epically, I face plant into the floor. Johnny starts laughing, but when he gets up, he smacks his head on the bunk above him.

I start laughing, and he is cursing under his breath. Finn is still laughing at me, "Your a fail."

I sit up, "Your dads condom was a fail!"

Peter and Johnny yell, "BURN!"

My kitty crawls in my lap, and Finn gasps, "KITTY!"

He flips over the top of the bunk, and lands on the floor with a splat.

Despite the hard fall, he springs back up and grabs the kitty, "Can I name him?"

"No he's my-" I look at his big blue eyes and say, "Fine."

He holds the kitty up, "Moo."

My jaw drops, "What?"

"Moo. His name is Moo."

He hands me Moo, and starts digging through his suitcase...he is weird.

Peter jumps down from his bunk, "I call dibs on the bathroom."

I jump up, and push him out of the way, "Hell no! Ladies first!"

Peter groans, "Thats not fair! You can't play that card."

I smirk evilly, "Watch me."

When I close the bathroom door, I slam it shut. I hear Peter's voice through the door, "The bitch is back."

I call back, "I heard that!"

"Aw shit."

I hear bustling outside the door, and Peter yelps, "What the hell man?"

Finn's voice says, "Way to go dude! Now she is gonna be in the bathroom forever!"

Johnny says, "Yea, smooth move Peter. You upset the princess."

I smirk to myself, and make sure to do my morning routine very slowly.

Authors note: hehehe u likey? I hope u did!!!! (ps this one was written by loveandhappines/xxThisIsmexx

Yea I have two acounts cuz I am awesome!!!! Xp

<3 Emma

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