Crush imagines

Door Little_Incognito_Hat

407K 7K 2.5K

Quench your thirst for your crush, by reading this. Also, you might need an oxygen tank while reading the cu... Meer

Library date
Furious pillow fight
Day off
Childish flirting
Mental breakdown
Unexpected stars
Please don't
She's mine
Under my umbrella
Little game
Hold up
Small scenario
Joker pt.1
You who revived me
Reasons why
Ultimate defense: back hug
New book :)
Silent love
Ice Princess
Double date
Challenge me~
Texting 2.0
Letter to you
Roller coaster
Forgive me
Confession pt.1
Summer love
My first
I'm unable to tell you
Seesaw pt.2
Pool Party
Plot twist
You're my Superhero

Unwanted detention

6.2K 119 65
Door Little_Incognito_Hat

This was requested by Horselover61
I hope you like it!
"Oh c'mon Y/N! Just this once! It's really simple, but I need someone to accompany me! W-We open the door, and I get my bag, and we run our lives out of that place!" He insisted, giving you the biggest puppy eyes he could ever pull off. His blonde hair falling over his eyes smoothly.
"No way, it's too dangerous. Besides it is your problem if he confiscated your bag. You just didn't have to play with it while he was teaching." You rolled your eyes, mentally praying that his puppy eyes didn't affect you.
"I only need someone to cover my back! I swear, Y/N, he won't see us sneaking in his office. I know he won't be in his office, but roaming the halls." You glared at him, crossing your arms over your chest, clearly not giving in into the idea of stealing back that bag.
"I-I'll give you anything in exchange."
"Why me? Don't you have your own friends?"
"Do you think my friends, who, may I remind you, are loud, numerous, and tall really can pull off the chance to not get caught sneaking in that place? I need a girl who is more subtle. And, I swear, I'm the one who is going to go get the bag, you stay behind me."
After a moment of contemplating the offer of the free card as an exchange of just accompanying him into his plot, you sigh as you gave in.
"Ok, fine! BUT! The thing in exchange, I'll decide later."
He sighed loudly in relief, clasping your hands with his, as he pulls you closer to his body, before hugging you tightly.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you. Now, meet me in front of his office at the end of classes."

After giving out the plan, you guys separated to go to class. You didn't know if you would regret the choice you just made.


End of classes:

You slammed your locker shut and closed your lock. Sighing, as you straightened your skirt, and dusted your hands, ready to sneak into Mr. Pasere's office. You tried to look calm, walking to the meeting spot. As soon as you arrived there, you realized that the lights were off. Making your eyesight blur. He was leaning onto the opposite wall of Mr. Pasere's door. 

''When we enter that place, we can't open the lights, it will attract attention. We also have to act quickly, no freezing, no laughing, or yelling.'' He whispered, leaning close to your ear. 

''Y-Yes of course.'' You stuttered as you felt his hot breath on your head. 

''Bobby pin.'' He opened his palm for you. You quickly remove one of the pins on your head, before placing it in his hand. He placed it in between his teeth, as he pulled the Bobby pin to straighten it out. He turned to the door's knob, doing some maneuvers, and the door magically opened. You furrowed your eyebrows, opening your mouth about to question him. 

''Shut up and cover my back.'' He hushed while running inside the office. You followed hot on his tail. 

The room was dark, the only light source was the dim sunlight peering from the curtains. His office was tidy, filled with paperwork, and exams. The table was next to the windows, giving out a view of the busy streets. A small couch was placed few feet from his desk. The slightly audible roaring of his computer was audible through the silent room. The air was above hot, making droplets of sweats appear on your face. 

''Hey! I found it'' He half whispered- half yelled. He was at the back of the office, crouched down onto his bag, some shelves were hiding him, making it almost impossible to see him. The only thing that was indicating he was there, was his shadow. 

In an instant, the lights flickered and opened. You yelled as you desperately tried to find a hiding spot. It was too late, you were caught.

''Well, well, never have I ever doubted you, Mrs. Y/L/N, to be a delinquent. Sneaking into my office lights off. I have no idea what you were thinking.''

''I-I can explain, sir. This is a misunderstanding.''

''I'm curious. Write it down on a paper in detention. 1050 words, with no mistake. Detention, tomorrow at the end of class!''

Your heart dropped down levels. You can't get a detention, you were a straight A student, scoring perfect scores, model student, and never had been doing bad acts. You couldn't accept a detention. How would your parents react? Worst, how would your classmates react? 'AND WHY IS C/N NOT HELPING ME!' He's such a jerk, you helped him sneak in here, but he doesn't do anything to get you out of this situation. You were embarrassed and angry. C/N was standing still in his hiding spot, watching you getting scolded, while he was the one who dragged you into this. He should be protecting you from this punishment, instead, all the attention is on you. He's the one at fault! He is the one who should get detention! You could just be cleaning the cafeteria because you didn't steal anything. That's it, he reached your boiling point. 

You scurried out of the room, frustratingly wiping the tears flowing out of your eyes. You ran out of the school building, not minding if your bag was still in your locker. You had to go home, and somehow explain to your parents what happened, or lie to them. 


C/N's point of view:

My bag was intact. The objects inside it were still in there. I'm so happy, now my plan will work. 

''Hey! I found it'' I whispered at her, turning back my head to check the bag. As soon as I stood up, the lights flashed. I stood there frozen, and I heard Y/N's yell and some shuffle sounds. She got caught. I was luckily hiding behind some shelves, or else I would've been in a bad position. 

I listened to her imploring to the teacher that she wasn't in fault. Somehow, deep inside, it broke my heart when I heard her sniffling. She was crying. I didn't know if I should've gone out and covered her. Thinking twice, I was worse than her! I stole a bag! I would surely get suspended from classes. So, I stayed still, making sure my breath doesn't hitch. I heard her footsteps running out of the office. I didn't know what to feel. 


The next day, back to your POV

For the whole day, you ignored his presence. He tried deliberately to talk to you or just get your attention. You didn't give in, giving him the coldest shoulder. He poked your shoulder, called out your name in the hallways, stopped you in your tracks, but the only thing you could do was to ignore him. 

You have detention because of him. He could've at least get out of his hiding place. You would've felt glad that you guys were both sharing the detention. No, instead he decided to be selfish and watched you burn in hell, called detention. 



I've never felt so unwanted in my whole life. Yet, she was the one who made me feel unwelcome. The whole day, I tried to talk to her or even make her laugh. She did not react and walked away. I knew she was pissed about the detention, and because I dragged her into this mess. 

And if I want my plan to work, I need to talk to her. The only way is to get stuck in detention with her. There would be no way out. Now, the only real problem is, how to get detention. I'm normally a master at it, but now I blanked. Let's start with the basic.

I walked into the class, my eyes lingering to her desk, finding her there laying her head on her desk, her brown wavy hair falling onto her face. My heart skipped a beat.

''Dude, where were you? You missed this intense fight at recess! You missed all the fun, but... Because I'm such a great friend, I filmed it for you!''

''Oh cut it, I was in the washroom.'' I let out, tired of watching people fight, and other's seem to get excited with that. I mean what's wrong with kids these days, enjoying bare fists fights. I walked to my seat, slumping on it. 

The bell rang, as the class started.

''Kids, open up to page 186. Today we're talking about the French and Indian war.'' 

The whole class sighed, as they flipped through the book. I did the same until an idea clicked. I lay my arm resting on the desk, as I soon take off for a nap. I couldn't sleep, I was eager to get a detention that sleeping was not on my priorities. I just closed my eyes for about 15 minutes. 

It felt as if there was an earthquake. The teacher had slammed a dictionary onto my desk. I did my best to act as if I just woke up. I flinched a little. It wasn't hard to act since I had to get used to the lightning. 

''As I was saying, I am handing out your latest exam. Surprisingly enough, Mister C/N, here, who was napping, got a full score.'' The teacher announced to the class, before turning back to me and whispered, ''I'll let you off this time because you made an effort in the exam, but next time, you'll be off to detention.'' All I could do was keeping a smile on my face, awkwardly laughing. 

The class went on, boring things happened. Yet, the day was going on too fast, and I didn't get a detention! 

''Mi sacapuntas es rojo! '' I yelled during the lesson. Students were laughing, some were giving me weird stares. The teacher's head snapped back to me, sending me a glare.

''Sorry, I was studying for my Spanish oral! I have to practice my vocal cord, and tongue to you know, roll the ''R''. Arrrrriba!'' I cross my arms over my chest as I succeeded to piss her off, and bonus points for making the class laugh. I looked over to the teacher's expression once again, and surprisingly, her angry look turned to a happy face.

''So, this young man here, chose Spanish class? Oh-ho when I used to be your age, I used to sing, and even rap in Spanish. I was such a fluent speaker. Oh, I'm so happy you remind me of my old days...'' She unintentionally smiles and looked up to the ceiling, looking as if she was dreaming. ''But, still, please keep quiet while I teach. If you ever have difficulties rolling the ''R'', meet me at the end of classes, I have a great exercise for that!''

My smile faltered away. All I was asking for, is detention for disturbing the class! The bell rang, announcing the end of the period. Lunch time now! I dragged my feet out of the classroom, desperate for a detention. I normally get them without even trying! Shouldn't it be easy? 

''Dude, that was hilarious! AHAHAH like we don't even have an oral for Spanish!'' My friend swung his arm over my shoulders, pulling me to the cafeteria, followed by my group of friends. 

I hurried to our usual seats and waited for the food to arrive. My friends and I take turns to buy lunch, today's not my day. I can just chill and wait for my meal. 

''Bro, can I ask you why you yelled that in class?'' One of my friends asked. 

''I have personal issues to take care of.'' I shortly answered.

'' The rolling ''R'' issue? I can help you with that.'' 

I laughed and shook my head. 

''Nah, it's fine.''  

''What disturbed me the most was the fact that your backpack is blue, not red. Yet, you yelled that it is red.'' 

The food arrived, cutting our A and B type of conversation. 

''Sorry to interrupt your discussion, but food doesn't wait for bae. Eat up!'' My best friend yelled, clapping his hands. I soon dug in. Chicken wings, with hot sauce on the menu, accompanied by a crusty un-edible chocolate lava cake. The chocolate filling was all over the plate, making it a mess. The fact that a fork can't get through the chocolate cake was quite disturbing. 

''Are you going to eat it?'' I asked my friends, pointing at the cake. They simultaneously shook their heads, showing grossed out expressions.

''Then, give them to me, all of them,'' I order and soon ended up with 7 and a half cake on my plate.  I grabbed the plastic plate and slammed it to the ground. It ended everywhere; on the tables, on the walls, and on the benches.

I smiled happily, looking at the mess in front of me. I hurried out of the bench, but my foot tripped over the bench's leg, and I fell face first, next to the chocolate cake mess. The pain shooting its way throughout all my body. I grunt in pain, as I heard the supervisors and my friend rushing to my aid. 

''Are you alright? This is an unfortunate accident... Go to the infirmary, you'll get a new shirt.'' One of the supervisors told me. I left the scene, angry and pissed off that my getting-detention plan didn't work out. The time was running out, and I had to get a detention no matter what. 

I kicked the lockers out of anger while walking to the restroom. The wall and lockers were acting as punching bags to me. I couldn't feel the physical pain, all I wanted was to steam off some rough emotions. 

''What are you doing young man? You're violating the school's material!'' A teacher appeared out of nowhere. 

''I don't think I look like I care.'' I let out coldly. The thought of not seeing Y/N for a day longer could seriously rip my heart so badly. I needed to see her, so my plan could work. 

''Watch what you are saying!'' She clenched her jaw.

''I won't because we live in a free country.'' 

''Detention. NOW!'' Never would I ever think that the word 'detention' could make me so happy. A smile lit up my face. I turned around and ran to my locker grabbing my books for the last class. I was eager to go to detention. I seriously went through so much today, just to get a detention, yet, I just had to be moody to get it. That simple. 

END OF POV--> back to yours



You walked to the place where detention was held. You entered it, soon greeted by no one. 'I guess I'm the only delinquent this week.' You thought as you picked a seat. You opened up a notebook and started writing your 1050 words paper for Mr. Pasere. 

15 minutes passed, yet only 5 sentences were written on my paper. You mentally cursed C/N for making you go through this alone. 

Suddenly, a blonde haired boy appeared in the class. It was C/N. 

''Hey!'' He shot you a grin, rubbing his neck. You rolled your eyes and focused back on your sheet. 

''Ok, listen. I'm sorry for not covering you, yesterday, but I had my own reasons. I would've got suspended from classes if I revealed myself. Especially that I was stealing something from a teacher!'' You glared at him, crossing your arms over your chest, listening to his speech. ''A-And I-I was a coward.''

''Yes, you were.'' He grimaced at the first sentence you told him today. Normally, he would be more than happy to listen to you, but now that your first words you told him were to admit he was a coward, his pride was hurt. 

''I did everything to get a detention, just to see you and apologize. I didn't yell Spanish sentences for anything, I was trying to get in trouble.''

Listening to his speech, made your heart flutter a little bit. You didn't want to admit that you felt happy to see him here with you. 

''Why was that bag so important, you had to steal it back?'' You asked confused by that question since yesterday. 

'' I-I... It contained... Ok, I wanted to ask you out on a date. The bag had all the materials, I wanted to make it really big, with big posters and all. B-But... I'm so sorry, instead of dragging you out on a date, I dragged you to detention classroom. I understand if you don't ever want to talk to me ever again. I-I should lea-''

You stood up and grabbed his arm, stopping him from his tracks. 

''I-I didn't know that you liked me.'' 

''Well, now you know.'' He, now, fully faced you, giving you all his attention.

''I should've known sooner. Like that we wouldn't be here...'' You whispered, staring into his deep blue eyes. He let out a small gasp.

''What do you mean?''

''I fell in love with you since the fist time I laid my eyes on you; your blonde hair, your mesmerizing blue eyes, and your charming smile. They all got me swooning'' You smiled cheekily, soon forgetting the fact that you were in detention.

Hearing those words from your lips, deepened his smile, showing his cute dimples. He pulled you by your waist, closer to his body.

''So, now, do I have the right to kiss you in front of everyone, to take you out on dates, to get jealous, and to love you?'' 

Normally, if you've heard that sentence from someone else, you would've cringed so hard. Coming from him, instead, melted your heart. You nodded quickly, showing no sign of hesitation. 

You loved him, you were his partner in crime. 

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