You Found Me//Matthew Espinos...

By natalia_78200

1.1M 13K 5.3K

Just a bunch of crazy teenagers living the dream. ~~~~~~~ All Rights Reserved to @ natalia_78200 More

You Found Me~ Matthew Espinosa~
Chapter 2
chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Not a update
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
No update
Chapter 25
Chapter 25?
Chapter 26?
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 22

19K 224 83
By natalia_78200

{Natalie's pov}

When I wake up I smell food. I wonder who is cooking? I bet it's not Cameron because he can't cook if his life depended on it!

I get out of my bed and I almost step on Matthew! I forgot he sleep in here last night! I hope Shawn doesn't know if he does he will be very mad I think?

I walk into my bathroom. I have my own bathroom by the way. I turn on my music and take a quick shower. the first song that comes on is 'Distance' by Jack and Jack. It's one of my favorite songs because I just the message in the song.

When I get done I put on my sweat pants and my Cameron Dallas hoody! Cameron got it for me for my birthday I was the only person who had the hoody! Yet anyways. What now sucks to suck!

I walk out of the bathroom and Matthew is still asleep. I don't wake him up I just walk down stairs and I see Jack and Jack making breakfast for all of us.

"Hey guys! Need any help?" I ask. "Umm can you go wake up all of the guy? They said they wanted to see if we could see Nash today... and maybe get the biscuits out of the oven?" asked Jack Johnson.

"Yeah sure I hope you guys know it will take me about 30 minutes to get all of the up" I laughed. "Yeah we know" they laughed.

I walked upstairs first to wake up Hayes. "Hey Hayes wake up! there is food downstairs" I said shaking him awake.

"No 10 more minutes?" he said. "Okay if there is no more food left its your fault" I said the walked out. I woke up my brother and he raced down stairs. Next is Matthew. Great.


"What the fu-" I cut him off before he could finish what he was saying. "Matthew watch your mouth! there are little kids down stairs" I said. He laughed and got up and went into my bathroom.

I walked down stairs to wake the rear of the guys up.

"WAKE UP GUYS AND GET YOU LAZY BUTTS UP AND GO SAY THANK YOU TO JACK AND JACK!! HURRY I AM GOING TO EAT ALL OF THE FOOD IF YOU GUYS DON'T GET UP!!!" I yelled for the second time today. Crap. I am going to lose my voice if I keep yelling. Great!

They all get up but one person doesn't move. I walk over to that one person and laid down beside him.

"Hey Shawn you want to get up?" I asked him. "No go away! I hate people in my face in the morning!" he said then made a puppy dog face.

"Oh okay I guess you don't like it if someone did this?" I asked then kissed him. I pulled away after the kiss. He shot up and pulled me into a hug. "I thought you didn't like people in your face in the morning?" I asked. "Well if its you kissing me that's fine" he smirked.

We walked in the kitchen hand and hand. "Oh so you guys are dating?" Taylor said. "Uhh yeah but that is the only thing that Luke said that was true" I said. Matthew stood up and walked in to my backyard. "I will be right back" I said to Shawn.

I walked into my backyard and Matthew's back was facing me.

"Natalie if that's you I don't want to talk to you right now" he said. "Matt you said you wanted to talk last night" I said. "Yeah but I got my answer so go inside I don't want to talk to anyone right now" he said. "Oh okay" with that I left.

I wonder why Matthew was mad at me? I guess it because he found out that Shawn and I are dating. I guess he doesn't like Shawn and me? Oh well that's his problem. You think he would support us but I guess not. What a good friend he is!

I called Madi and Alyssa ask them if they could come over so we could go see if we can see Nash. I go knock on the guest bedroom door and see if Hayes wants to come. He said yes and he said he need to get dressed.

I walk down stairs and ask the guys if they want to come to. "Hey guys Alyssa, Madi, Hayes, and I are going see if we can see Nash want to come?" I asked. "Yeah let all of us get dressed and we will met y'all there!" said Cameron. "I have one more spot in my car" I said. "PICK ME PICK ME!" Yelled Taylor. "Okay come on Caniff let's get in my car!" I said.

We walk to my car and Taylor asked this really awkward question. "So Natalie do you like Shawn or Matt?" He asked. "Uhh I like both of them but I guess Shawn more because he is my boyfriend and I didn't want to say yes to Matthew because I thought if we ever broke up it would ruin our friendship I guess it is now because I am dating Shawn I just don't know what to do anymore" I said and wiped a tear away from my eyes. "Aww Natalie I didn't mean to make you cry I'm sorry" he said giving me a hug. "No it fine let me call Hayes and tell him to hurry up!" I said. I call Hayes and he comes out the door.

When I am about to pull out of my drive way I see a taxi. "NATALIE STOP THE CAR NOW!!" Hayes yelled. "Okay?" I said. Hayes jumps out of the car and hug some random blonde chick I wonder who she is?


I am so sorry guys that I haven't updated in like FOREVER I have been extremely busy!! thanks so much for the 19.8k read!!! SO CLOSE TO 20k!!!! VOTE and comment!! It would have been longer but Wattpad deleted it so sorry!!!



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