Cartier (Jaden Smith Fanfic)


215K 4.2K 612

Danielle Summers moved to New York from California when she was ten, leaving her best friend Jaden Smith behi... More

Prologue: 9 Years Ago
Chapter 1: Remember
Chapter 2: Strangers
Chapter 3: That Girl
Chapter 4: Better
Chapter 5: Birthday Surprises
Chapter 6: The Fans
Chapter 7: How Far
Chapter 8: Lion and the Lamb
Chapter 9: Meeting the Family
Chapter 10: Ruined
Chapter 11: Friends and More
Chapter 12: Chresanto
Chapter 13: Operation #Janielle
Chapter 14: Enough
Chapter 15: Forgive Me?
Chapter 16: Countdown
Chapter 17: Scavenger Hunt
Chapter 18: One Year Since
Chapter 19: Promises
Chapter 20: What She Deserves
Chapter 21: Exciting Moments
Chapter 22: Tour Part 1
Chapter 23: Tour Part 2
Chapter 24: Tour Part 3
Chapter 25: New York Troubles
Chapter 26: Confrentational Dinner
Chapter 27: Back Home
Chapter 28: M.I.A
Chapter 29: Just In Time
Chapter 30: Honey, I'm Home
Chapter 31: Dance
Chapter 32: Preperation
Chapter 33: Battlefield
Chapter 34: Both Of Us
Chapter 35: Halloween Frights
Chapter 36: Road to Recovery
Chapter 37: Welcome Home
Chapter 38: Family Matters
Chapter 39: Runaway
Chapter 40: Double Date + One
Chapter 42: Deceived
Chapter 43: Getting Ready
Chapter 44: Proposal
Chapter 45: Forever
Sequel- Love & War (Attempt #2)

Chapter 41: Republic Records

2.8K 68 8

I woke up the next morning with the sun shining from the window above the bed, and Jaden sleeping; resting his head on my bare chest. I noticed his body slowly moving up and down-- the motion of his steady breathing-- and I couldn't help but smile to myself. I ran my fingers through his hair pulling out the tangles I frequently came across.

He groggily groaned, turning and flipping over to the pillow on the other side if the bed. I laughed to myself before snatching the blankets off of my body and made my way to the bathroom. I stepped in the shower under the hot steaming water and washed my body and hair before getting back out and wrapping a towel around my body and hair. When I walked back into Jaden's room, he was still laying in the bed with his face buried in the pillows.

"Jaadeen," I called out to him. He didn't respond. I walked into the closet and put in a pair of his boxers and a MSFTS extended tee before going back in the room and sitting on the bed where Jaden laid. "Babe, it's past 10... Get up."

"No.." He groaned.

"Come on... You said you had something planned for us today? What time?"

"Not until later... Can I have another hour?" He mumbled.

"Okay." I finally gave in. "I'll wake you at 12." I stood from the bed as Jaden moved around in the bed making himself more comfortable. I walked downstairs into the kitchen where Sky was already sitting at the breakfast table eating eggs.

"Goodmorning." I greeted happily. "You and Teo stayed out late. Where'd ya'll go?"

"Everywhere. We went to Central Park, and the Empire State Building, and that thing.. umm.. What's that statue thing called? The lady with the fire?" She made a funny face, trying to think of the name that was right on the tip of her tongue.

"You mean the Statue of Liberty?"

"Yeah that!!" We both laughed and she continued eating her breakfast. "So what did you and Jaden do yesterday?"

"We hung out with Tori and her boyfriend."

"Tori has a boyfriend?!" She said very surprised.

"No, not yet. I think they'll end up together though. They're so cute."

"Oh young love." She sighed. "So cute. I remember when I was 12... I lived in Canada and I dated this guy named Luke, and oh my gosh he was so cute."

"Cuter than me?" I looked up towards the door and saw Mateo standing in the doorway. He stepped down into the kitchen

"Way cuter than you." Sky teased. He sarcastically gasped and stormed out of the kitchen as if he were angry. "If that's the best his acting has to offer, he's going to need to find another profession."


Jaden's POV

When 12 o'clock finally rolled around, I woke up and got myself cleaned and dressed. I wore a black hoodie under a white MSFTS button up, a black MSFTS blazer, and of course black drop crotch pants. Afterwards I took the time to sit at the desk in my room, and began to sketch something that'd I'd been thinking of lately. I've always dreamed of this, and I'm finally going to make it happen.

When I was done with the sketch and I made sure all the requirements were added, I made my way downstairs. Sky, Teo, and Danielle were all sitting in the living room watching TV and laughing.

"Hey baby." I said hopping on the couch beside Danielle. I placed my hand on her cheek, turning her head towards me to bring her into a lingering passionate kiss.

"Mmm. What was that for?" She said slowly pulling away.

"Just because I love you." She looked at me with her beautiful hazel eyes, telling me she loved me too. "Now go get dressed, you can't wear that to where we are going."

"Oh, where are we going?" She asked excitedly.

"It's a surprise. No go get dressed; casually formal." I kissed her one more time before she hopped off the couch and ran upstairs.

"So where are you going?" Mateo asked me once we heard Danielle shut a door upstairs.

"Not important. But what is important is that you two do me a big favor." I scooted closer to the cuddling couple and handed Sky the piece of paper I'd sketches on. "Make sure this gets made before we go back home tomorrow."

"Jaden, is this--"

"Sshhh!!" I interrupted Sky. "Don't tell anyone. Just make sure it gets done."


"I don't know... Jared?" As I finished my sentence I heard Danielle taking her first steps downstairs, and I quickly snatched the paper from Sky and stuffed it between the couch cushions. "Danielle can't find out about this." I whispered.

"I'm ready." Dani stood at the foot of the stairs in a beautiful black dress and black shoes, with her curly hair flowing a few inches past her shoulders. It amazes me how beautiful she looks, and how she still takes my breathe away, even after so long.

"You look beautiful." I stood and walked to her, wrapping my arms firmly around her waist as she wrapped hers around my neck.

"Thanks Jaden, I figured if we'd look better if we were matching. Now let's go!" She took my hand and pulled me towards the door.

"Wait, I have to get my keys." I said as an excuse-- they were already in my pocket. "I'll meet you in the car."

"Okay." She walked out of the door, and I walked back into the living room where Teo and Sky were still on the couch.

"I need that made by tomorrow, it's super important."

"We got you bro." Mateo assured me. "You can count on us."

"Yeah," Sky agreed. "And Danielle is going to love it."

"I hope so... See you guys later." They told me goodbye, and I made my way back towards the door and outside where Dani was waiting for me in the car. "You're going to be so surprised." I said as I entered the car and began driving out of the driveway and on the road.

"I hope I like it." She said excitedly. She hadn't stopped smiling since she went upstairs to change from her pajamas into her dress, which tells me she's already having a fun.

"You'll love it." I assured her "But it'll probably take awhile to get there so you might want to take a nap." She took the hand that wasn't steering the wheel, and entwined our fingers together.

"Okay, I love you." She spoke softly, closing her eyes and settling into a comfortable position in the seat.

"I love you too, beautiful." I brought her hand to my mouth and gently kissed the top, making her smile sweetly before drifting off to sleep.


Danielle's POV

When I woke up from my short nap, we were parked in a parking lot, surrounded by expensive cars.

"Jaden, where are we?" I asked sleepily wiping my eyes.

"Minetta Tavern." He said simply, not looking up from his phone.

"What? Why? This is like a four star restaurant."

"We have a business meeting, it's a signing." He said in the same tone, putting his phone in his pocket. "Come on." He opened his door and stepped out of the car, coming around to my side to open my door.

I stepped out of the car and rubbed the wrinkles out of my dress. "Jaden, who are we meeting? I mean, do I look okay enough? D-do I need to re-apply my makeup?" I began getting nervous and started to stutter, my words began mixing as my speech sped up. "D-did I-I-I do enough to my hair? Wh-what if I-I say something wrong? Jaden this isn't a good idea... Maybe I should just--" Jaden crashed his lips into mine, stopping me mid sentence. He placed his hands on both sides of my face, deepening the kiss. After what felt like forever, he finally pulled away, leaving me still up in the clouds.

"Dani," He began softly. I opened my eyes to see his only inches away from mine, staring straight into them. "You look so beautiful. You're smart, elegant, and so beautiful. You'll do great."

"You think so?" I asked, the last bit of my nerves going away.

"I know so. Now come on, they're waiting." He bent his arm across his chest and I wrapped my arm around his bicep as we walked into the fancy restaurant.

As we walked in, the host immediately smiled widely at us. "Mr. Smith and Ms. Summers, how are you tonight?"

"We are just fine, is our party waiting?"

"Yes sir, follow me this way." The man grabbed two menus and began walking towards the dining area. There were a lot of people here. Many people were obviously here for business, others were here on dates-- where candles were lit on the tables. We ascended some stairs at the back of the restaurant and approached a round table where two men were already waiting. The host placed the menus on the table and left us with a polite goodbye.

The two men at the table both stood, greeting Jaden with firm handshakes and me with a kiss on the top of my hand. "Jaden, you didn't tell us your girlfriend was so beautiful." One man commented after we were all settled in our seats. He was a white man with a long face, brown eyes and brown hair, and an obvious receding hairline.

"Well I'm very lucky to have her." Jaden responded causing me to blush. "Danielle this is Monte Lipman, he's the Chairman and CEO of Universal Republic Records." The man smiled proudly at his title as Jaden introduced him. "And is his brother Avery Lipman, the President and COO of the label." Avery was noticeably much younger than his brother, Monte. He had a shorter shaped head, with a little grey mixed in with his brown hair.

"So Danielle, Jaden tells us you sing." Avery commented.

"Yes sir, I do. I major in it at our school, Allen Dale."

"And do you dance too?" Monte asked. I nodded my head yes. "Don't tell us you act as well." He said taking a sip of his wine.


"Yes, she does." Jaden interrupted. He looked at me mentally telling me that it was okay so I let it go. Jaden knows what he's doing right?

"Triple threat." Avery said with a smile, him and his brother obviously impressed. "And how old are you again?"

"20, I'll be 21 in a couple of weeks actually."

"Perfect. Well if you're ready to sign the papers, we'd love to have you as a part of our label." Avery said with a smile. Monte brought out a briefcase from under the table, and set it on top. He opened it and brought out a stack of papers and a pen that he handed to me.

"Wait, I thought this signing was for Jaden." I said confused.

"No, we told Mr. Smith we'd be signing you to our label. I thought we had an understanding." Monte clarified.

"We did sir," Jaden intervened. "I just wanted it to be a surprise for Danielle."

"Oh well, surprise." Monte said plainly.

"Let me explain this to you Danielle," Avery began, "A couple of days ago Jaden played us a CD you and he collaborated on. We love your voice, and we think you're perfect for our label. You're a beautiful young girl with an amazing voice, and we think the young crowd would love you."

"I-I-I just..." I became speechless as everything set in in my mind. I couldn't believe this was happening.

"If you sign with us, we can guarantee you full exposure once your first record is ready. You will have full creative control, and since we operate under a branch of Universal Records we partner with a lot of other labels around the nation-- around the world." He explained.

"That's right," Monte continued. "Jaden also tells us that you're a big fan of Christina Milian and the Young Money crew? Well, if you sign with us we can get you in the studio writing and recording with any one of them within the next week."

"Wow," I said amazed, just beginning to gain my words. "I'm still kind of at a loss for words... You guys are really trying to sell yourselves."

"Well we believe in us, and we believe in you." Avery said. "You are going to be big Danielle, it just depends on who you're big with, and when you become big. So, will you sign with us?"

I looked at Jaden for an answer. He just smiled at me. "What do you think?"

"I think that this would be good for you. They're a great label, babe, and they take care of their artists. They're a family, and that's the best thing you can have. Plus they're located here in New York, which means you can come home more." Jaden said supportively.

"Why aren't you signing with them too?"

"I have my own vision for my career, they just aren't for me-- no label is. But for now, I think you'd be good here. I believe in you, and they believe in you. I think you should do it."

"We can give you a couple of days to decide..." Avery offered.

"No," I said confidently. "I'll do it. I'll sign with you." The two brothers smiled widely, and Jaden looked at me proudly.

"Alright," Monte said happily. "Let's celebrate!"


Jaden's POV

Once Danielle and I got home after our business meeting, she immediately pulled me upstairs to our room and pushed me on the bed. She climbed up on top of me and crashed her lips into mine hungrily. Our heated kiss quickly turned into a even more heated make out session and her hands roamed my chest and my hands roamed... Well, all over her body.

"Jaden I love you so much." She said breathlessly, finally pulling away.

"I love you too but, where is all this coming from?"

"You! I mean, they signed me! I'm an official recording artist on an official label! All because of you!" She kissed me fiercely again, ripping my button up apart and throwing it across the room. She kissed down my jawline and down my neck, sporadically placing open mouthed kisses. A moan escaped my mouth as she found my sweet spot, and I grabbed her ass even tighter. She began undoing my belt while still leaving many hickies on my neck. When she finally got it undone, she pulled off my pants leaving me in my Calvin Klein boxer briefs and a huge bulge.

She quickly slipped out of her own clothes, stripping down to her black lace thong and matching bra. Just the sight of her nearly sent me over the edge. She climbed back on top of me and kissed me again-- from my lips to my neck and down my stomach.

"Tonight's all about you, baby." She said against my skin. My breath hitched in my throat as she neared my V-line, and continued with taking my boxers off. I moaned deeply in pleasure as she continued... Well, pleasuring me.

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