Nothing but dreams ( A Dramio...

By MoonlightRose1992

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She keeps telling herself that she hates him with every fiber in her body. But when she starts to lose her fo... More

Nothing but dreams ( A Dramione Fanfiction)
Revealing the Head Boy
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter 11
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty

Chapter Eighteen

9.1K 277 26
By MoonlightRose1992

~ Chapter Eighteen ~

It was still quiet in the room when Draco opened his eyes. The entire room was still covered in the shadows of darkness.

He let out a small yawn, his eyesight trying to adjust to his surroundings.

He didn’t know why but something didn't feel right. Something felt out of place.

Draco cast a glance on the still sleeping Hermione. She was frowning, even in her sleep she looked worried.

Without waking her up, Draco slipped out of the bed and made his way to the closed curtains.

It had to be morning by now.

He imagined how everything was looking on the other side of the window.

The path to the castle covered with a thin layer of ice.

The trees stripped from their beautiful leaves.

Perhaps a few students were taking a stroll outside, brave enough to face the cold morning of winter.

But Draco didn’t open the curtains to see if his imagination was reality. Instead he stepped away from the window, his eyes falling upon his small desk.

He frowned as he saw that pieces of parchment and a quill were laying in the middle of the desk.

The earlier feeling that had been forming in the pit of his stomach appeared again.

He felt restless with every step he took, his hand was reaching for the parchment that was laying a bit apart.

Black ink was placed neatly onto the parchment, forming words Draco didn’t wish to read.

He swallowed, his eyes were scanning every word carefully ; making sure that he didn’t miss a crucial element.

Who gave me Phanatasiac?

Draco slightly turned his head and caught a glimpse of Hermione ;who was still blissfully unaware of what was happening.

He should have known that she wouldn’t give up that easily.

Turning around, he focused his attention back to the notes. His heart was beating rapidly against his chest as he read everything that Hermione had written down.

The list started with several suggestions about where she thought that the potion had been secretly given to her.

Draco noticed that she had narrowed down the locations to the Great Hall Since that would be the perfect place to blend in with the crowd without causing a scene.

But it seemed that she hadn't really figured out the exact time when someone had given her the potion.

Further on the parchment, Hermione had written down ‘DRINK’ in big letters with a circle around it.

The bottom was reserved for a list with names. The list wasn’t very long but still, Draco knew almost every single person.

Blaise,Pansy, Daphne,Theodore...

All people that belonged to his own select group of friends.

 And then he saw it.

His name crossed out.

Draco felt how his face grew paler. His eyes stared at his own name. All right she ruled him out but somehow she had still thought about him when she'd written down her list of suspects.

Not able to look at the list any longer, he put it back down on the exact same spot he had found it.

His eyes wandered back towards Hermione and he nervously rubbed his temples.  He had to try and compose himself before she would wake up and notice that something was wrong.

After deliberating what he should do with the parchment, throw it away or just leave it there in plain side, he decided to go for the latter.

He couldn’t risk making himself look suspicious.

With a heavy sigh, Draco turned his back to his desk.

No matter what would happen, he had to make sure that Hermione would be distracted from her theories all day.

With a feeling of guilt washing over him, Draco finally started to move again. There was no excuse, no reason to wallow in self-pity... He had put himself in this messy situation and he had to find a way to get himself out of it before she would discover the truth.

Hermione started to open her eyes slowly, her arm was reaching for the space next to her.

Her hand tried to find the person next to her but all she felt was the feeling of cold empty sheets against her skin.

Confused, Hermione sat up; noticing that Draco wasn’t sleeping next to her any more.

She was alone.

Not wanting to stay in a dark, empty room any longer, she threw the sheets off her and climbed out of bed.

 She walked slowly towards the closed curtains, and pushed them open.

Hermione closed her eyes for a moment; enjoying the beams of sunlight that were shining through the glass.

It promised to be a beautiful day.

With a content sigh, she turned around noticing how the sunlight was illuminating the entire bedroom.

It was at that moment that her eyes grew wider, staring directly at the desk in front of her.

There it was, still laying a bit aside on the table.

Her list.

How had she forgotten to put the parchment away?

Had he seen it?

Had he read the words she had written down? How she'd wondered when Phantasiac had taken control of her entire body? How someone had found a way to give it to her, without her knowing it.

And most importantly, had he noticed the little group of names of potential suspects she'd scribbled down?

Her head was spinning.

She had to hide the parchment. Not because she was afraid of Draco’s reaction, of course she wasn’t. But if she wanted to make this work between them, she had to show him that she trusted him.

Hermione knew that Draco would accuse her of bringing up the past over and over again.

Taking a firm hold of the parchment, Hermione started to walk out of the room.

This whole list had been an absolutely stupid idea. Speculating wouldn’t help her any further. Besides, she didn’t want to put any form of happiness at risk by a few words she had written down.

She pushed open the door of her own room and immediately walked towards her own little desk.

Hermione frowned.

Maybe she just had to throw the parchment away, that way no one would get hurt.

Her hands gripped both sides, ready to shred it into little pieces, but something was holding her back.

She didn’t want to throw it away, something was telling her that she had to keep a hold on the parchment.

She wanted to know the truth.

Hermione stepped away from her desk and started to move to the trunk that was placed right before her bed.

“I thought I heard something.”

Hermione jumped a little as she heard the voice behind her. She hadn’t heard Draco coming in.

Quickly, she turned around holding the parchment behind her back.

And there he was, standing before her with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. His hair was still wet from the bath he had taken.

“You weren’t there when I woke up, so I decided to come back to my own room.”

Draco smiled, trying to hide the fact that he knew what she was hiding behind her, “I was in the bathroom.”

Hermione nodded.

“I can tell.” She answered, gesturing towards his towel.

He kept smiling as he took a few steps forwards, watching how she took a  few steps backwards until her legs hit the trunk behind her.

“Hermione, what are you doing?”


She watched how he shook his head, clearly not pleased with her answer. “You are looking at me as if I caught you doing something terribly wrong.”

It was then, when she heard him speaking those words that she knew that she had to compose herself. Draco had done nothing wrong and it was only a small piece of parchment.

She was acting ridiculous.

“How do you want me to react when you walk into my room wearing nothing but a towel.”

Draco looked at her for a moment before he finally gave her a reply, “ And here I was thinking that you would be used to my amazing body by now.”

Hermione laughed, and quickly kissed his lips,“Get dressed or we’re going to be late.”

But he simply grinned, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear, “I have a better idea.”

“No, no ,no. You promised me a great day at Hogsmeade. No changing your mind”

“Are you sure?” He teased, placing his lips against her neck and leaving soft kisses on her skin.

“Yes.” She moaned, before pushing him away with her free hand. “It isn’t going to work.”

Draco continued smiling as Hermione directed him out of her room and closing the door behind him.

Without wasting any more time she reached for her trunk and pulled it open, putting the list at the bottom of it.

This would be her secret.

It took her half an hour to take a bath and to dress herself.

Hermione walked down the stairs that led to the courtyard, where students were waiting to go to Hogsmeade.

She moved further into the crowd, looking around to see if Draco was standing there.            


Upon hearing her name, Hermione quickly turned around, seeing how Ginny was waving at her to come.

Feeling a little bit reluctant, her feet started to move towards her group of friends.

“I didn’t know you were going to Hogsmeade?” Ginny questioned while giving her a hug.

“It was a bit of a last minute decision.”

She watched how Ron was staring at her from the corner of his eyes, his hand holding Lavender’s. The blonde-haired girl seemed to be having a good time as she was laughing with something that Parvati had said to her.

“Don’t worry about him. He will come around eventually.”

Hermione nodded before finally looking away, “I know.”

At this point Harry had approached both girls, kissing Ginny on her cheek and giving Hermione a friendly greeting.

He wrapped his scarf a bit tighter around his neck, trying to block out the cold, “Are you coming with us?”

“Oh, not this time...” Hermione paused for a moment, “I am going with....”


Hearing her name for the second time that day, she turned around.

“I see.” Harry commented as he watched how Draco made his way to where they were standing.  He gave her one last smile before he took Ginny by the hand and joining Lavender and Ron.

“Still not fond of me.” Draco said sarcastically.

“Can you blame them?”

He shrugged, “I don’t care if they like me or not.”

Not wanting to discuss the subject of her friends any longer, Hermione took Draco’s arm  “I suggest that we start going.”

The walk to the village was pleasant, but most of all, very entertaining. Draco was telling her stories about how he and Blaise had been trapped in the dungeons during their second year because he wanted to prove that he could steal a potion from Snape’s cabinet without being caught.  Unfortunately Snape wasn’t one to be fooled and he locked the boys up in the cabinet for an whole night.

Hermione laughed loudly as Draco demonstrated how they had  tried to free themselves from their ‘prison’.

They continued their path, walking past Honeydukes. The window of the shop was filled with the most delicious-looking sweets. Shelves were filled with honey-coloured toffees, large barrels with Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans, sugar-spun quills and hundreds of different kinds of chocolates.

A little bit further there was Tomes and Scrolls, one of Hermione’s favourite bookshops.

“Do you want to go to Madam Puddifoot?” Draco asked, cringing slightly as the words left his mouth.

Trying to hold back her laughter, Hermione shook her head. “Don’t worry I prefer The Three Broomsticks.”

“Ah, The Three Broomsticks. I don’t mind going there at all.”

Hermione playfully hit his arm as she noticed the mischief in his eyes. “We are not going for Madam Rosmerta.”


“Of course not.”

Draco grinned, putting his arm around her shoulder, “Rosmerta has nothing on you.”

“How very charming of you.” Hermione commented while rolling her eyes at him.

But Draco wasn’t listening any more. He was staring at something that was laying in the window before him.

Hermione frowned as she saw how Daco’s face had grown paler. She lifted her head, reading the sign that was dangling above her.

Dervish & Banges.

She felt a shiver run through her spine as she recalled what a crucial part the shop played in the Second Wizard war.

“Draco?” She mumbled, wanting nothing more than to go away. But Draco didn’t move.

“That is my father’s walking stick.”


Draco sighed, pointing at the black stick in front of him, the head of the snake facing them. It almost seemed as if the emerald stone eyes were following their movements.

“Why is it here?”

“Since father has been send away to Azkaban, everyone has turned their back at our family. I suppose that mother brought his walking stick here in the hopes that it would be worth something.”

“Do you miss him?”

It didn’t take Draco long to answer her question, “No.”

Hermione nodded, knowing that she didn’t need to ask any more. Gently she tugged at his arm, guiding him away from the window.

Throwing one last look behind her, she saw a black-haired girl disappearing behind the corner of the shop.

Frowning, she turned her head away again; her hand grabbing Draco’s .

Without speaking another word ,they made their way to The Three Broomsticks; wanting to enjoy the warmth and welcoming feeling of the pub.

They were sitting opposite of each other, two butter beers placed in front of them.

“Did I hurt you?” Draco suddenly asked after a long moment of silence.


“Did I hurt you with my remarks during our first years at Hogwarts?”

“Where is this coming from?” Hermione asked slightly confused.

“Just answer the question.”

“Yes.” Hermione simply said, “You did hurt me when you first called me a Mudblood but along the way I stopped caring. Of course I hated how you treated me but I knew that there were more important things.”

Draco nodded.

“Why do you want to know if you hurt me?”

He let out a heavy sigh before he answered the question, “I have done terrible things, Hermione.”



Hermione was starting to get frustrated by the way the day seemed to be going. She didn’t want the feeling of absolute bliss, the one she had felt before they had found Lucius’ walking stick, to go away.

“Now listen to me Draco Malfoy.  You are nothing like your father, do you understand me? “

When Draco still didn’t say anything, Hermione cleared her throat before she spoke once again,“Quite frankly, I am starting to like the Draco I know.”

She saw how the corner of his lip moved upwards, a smile starting to grace his features.


Hermione grinned,“Yes.”

“It seems that I still have some work ahead of me to make that word go away.”

“I suppose you do.”

During the rest of their time at The Three Broomsticks, they simply enjoyed each other’s company; talking and laughing.

They were in their own little world.

When it was time to go, Hermione couldn’t help but feel that someone had been watching them the entire time.

But like that day at the lake, she didn’t see anyone looking remotely suspicious.

But deep down she knew that someone was there.

Following them.

By the time the evening had approached, Draco had finally regained his happy mood. His head resting in Hermione’s lap as she was reading in her Transfiguration book.

“Are you going to patrol tonight?”

“Yes. Professor McGonagall is expecting a report by Tuesday so I’ll have to go.”

“Let a Prefect do it. There are plenty of them walking around.”

“The last time I let a Prefect do it, he thought it would be a good time to test a Puking Pastille. I am not taking that risk again.” Hermione said before closing her book.

Reluctantly Draco started to move, allowing Hermione to get up.

“I will be back in a few hours.”

“All right then.” He stood up, placing his hands on her cheeks. “But before you do, let me give you something to make sure that you will miss me.”

He grinned wickedly before he lowered his head, his lips gracing hers as he deepened the kiss.

His right hand slowly moving to her waist, pulling her closer to him. Hermione let out a small moan as her hands started to have a mind of their own.

She wanted more.

When he finally let go, Hermione felt flustered. With her hands still twisted in his hair, she breathed, “I should go.”

Draco nodded before taking a step aside.

Hermione quickly walked past him, knowing that it wouldn’t be a brilliant idea if she stayed any longer. She needed to fulfil her duty as Head Girl without any distractions.

Draco didn’t protest, clearly taken aback by the strength that the kiss had held.

She heard how the portrait of the founders closed behind her, revealing darkness around her as the last bit of light disappeared.

Hermione started to make her rounds, using the opportunity to clear her head.

Even though they'd agreed to take things slowly, she had to admit that they were still moving pretty fast.

And she had to admit that she was scared.

Scared about the way things were going.

Scared about the fact that she couldn’t trust herself around him.

But most of all, scared because she was starting to feel something more.

Scared to love him.

And Hermione didn’t even know how he felt about everything since he wasn’t the one who shared his feelings so easily.

She turned left.

Another deserted hallway stretched before her.

Hermione had tried to talk to him about them, but somehow he always found a way to change the subject or he simply ignored her questions.

Maybe she just needed to turn around and go back to him. Force him to listen to her, hoping that he would finally give her the answers she needed.

If it hadn't been for that potion...

Hermione frowned, remembering the list that she had tucked away in her trunk.

Tonight she would take another look at it.

She came to an halt, rubbing her temples as she took a deep breath. This wasn’t helping. How was she suppose to do her work correctly when she kept thinking about her own problems.

She had to go back.

End of discussion.

Hermione was already halfway through the hall, when she noticed a little light flickering in one of the classrooms.

Without any sign of hesitation, Hermione pushed the door of the classroom further open.

“Is someone in here?”

“I was wondering when you would finally notice the light.” A girl’s voice spoke.

Pansy was sitting on the front desk, her arms crossed against her chest and a smug smile gracing her lips.

On her right, a little candle was floating in mid-air.

Pansy ignored the fact that Hermione didn’t say anything, “Too busy thinking about Draco?”

“That is none of your business.”

“I saw you two in Hogsmeade, both acting very friendly. Quite frankly it made me sick.” Pansy huffed.

“So it was you who was following us?”

“Did you notice?”

“Don’t sound so proud.” Hermione said, trying to control her frustrations towards the black-haired girl. “Your behaviour isn’t normal.”

“I told you that Draco is mine.”

“Oh Merlin, not this again. You have to get it in your head that Draco doesn’t want you.”

“Neither does he want you.” Pansy replied, her smile never leaving her lips.

Hermione rolled her eyes “ I know what you are trying to do and it isn’t working.” She spun on her heels and headed back towards the door only to be pulled back by Pansy.

“Draco isn’t all that innocent. Have you never wondered why he suddenly showed an interest in you?”

“Like I said before, that is none of your business.”

She was already on her way out of the classroom, when the next words that Pansy spoke brought her to a halt.

“Was it before or after you were under the influence of Phantasiac?”

Her eyes grew wider, and she could feel the blood leaving her cheeks. “How....”

“How do I know about the potion? Are you really that naïve? Did you really think that his feelings are real?”


“He used you for his own pleasure. And afterwards he simply laughed behind your back.”

“Stop talking.”

“Can’t handle the truth?” Pansy laughed. “Everything was planned from the very beginning. Blaise would cause a distraction and I would simply pour a drop of the potion in your drink. It was that easy.”

“The swamp.” Hermione whispered.

“Well done.”

Hermione shook her head. This couldn’t be true, Pansy would say anything to get under her skin. “It doesn’t make sense. Draco was outside the Great Hall along with me and professor McGonagall.”

“For a bright witch you are acting pretty dumb. Of course Draco was outside, he couldn’t risk making himself suspicious.”

“You are lying.”

“We wanted to teach you a lesson. You had to learn to be respectful towards your superiors. Draco doesn't love's all just a game.”

Deep down Hermione knew that all the pieces fitted. The swamp was the perfect distraction since there was complete chaos that day.

That night her dreams started.

Besides, Pansy hated her enough to give her Phantasiac; hoping that she would go completely mad.

But Draco?

After everything that he had said to her during the night that she'd confessed everything... He had sounded sincere.

Hermione shook her head.

Thoughts kept swirling through her mind. But he never wanted to talk about his feelings, he even ignored her when she started getting serious.

It couldn’t be.

“Still don’t believe me?” Pansy grinned, walking past Hermione. “ Why don’t you ask Draco yourself?”

Pansy didn’t wait for an answer or a remark. She knew that the damage was done.

“Sweet dreams, Hermione Granger.”

 This story is almost coming to an end. Two more chapters before I will say goodbye to Nothing But Dreams.

Thank you to everyone who is reading this story and being patient with me.

And a special thanks to my beta WisteriaMoon, who managed to beta this chapter even though she isn't feeling very well. Make sure to check out her stories...they are really good!

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